Coalition of Universal Rights
20-10-2003, 16:02
From: The Incorporated States of Mushroomius
Department: Foreign Affairs
We, the body politick of the nation you have come to know as the Incorporated States of Mushroomius, are here today to make an offering to our worldly kin. For too long, the world has rested, letting regions that follow the doctrines of Nazism, Racism and Supremacism.
It is times like these, venerated leaders, most honorable nations; it is times like these that try human souls. Shall we stand, watching idly, while at the very moment I bring forth to you this proposal, Elves are marched into death camps? Shall we stand, watching idly, while millions of Jews, Gentiles, Blacks, Hispanics or other racial groups are treated in the same manner? Shall we stand, watching idly, as sentient beings of any kind are marched into the same camps?
My answer is no. I cannot stand and watch idly. No, it is my perogative as an advocate of human rights to maintain the balance of power. Regions such as Nazi Deutschland Axis, Vanguard, and the Aryan Alliance region are growing. And in response to this, to maintain that "balance of power," we endeavor to create an alliance whose doctrine is radically different.
United shall we be, not through our similarities, but through our differences. Uniformity shall be replaced by diversity in this alliance. Our doctrine and most venerable constitution is as such: (Those that are marked "Doctrines" are laws that apply to all nations joining, those that are marked "Articles" are policies that governments must follow)
Doctrine I: All races, during the existence of our humble alliance, shall be given those rights that they are unquestionably endowed with, those of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Doctrine II: All races shall not be exempt from any law or edict. Nor shall any race be the sole recipient of any law or edict.
Doctrine III: All races shall have, as an unalienable right, the right to a free choice of religion.
Doctrine IV: No gender shall be exempt from any law or edict. Nor shall any gender be the sole recipient of any law or edict.
Article I: All nations must cede at least 5% of their annual income towards foreign aid.
Article II: All nations, in a time of crises, must vote for or against the options presented by the counsel.
Article III: All nations, during a time of war, must donate 15% of their military to the offensive.
Article IV: All nations, in order to better the lives here on Earth, must permit unguarded and open access to their scientific facilities to fellow members for non-military purposes.
Article V: All nations, to form a stronger alliance, must donate an additional 5% of their annual income towards the alliance treasury.
Article VI: All nations shall not declare war on any member nation without just cause, and without the leading counsil's consent.
Article VII: All nations must adhere to the Articles and Doctrines above, and must pledge their Lives, their Fortunes, and their Sacred Honors to the proliferation of human rights.
Counsel Members:
-The Incorporated States of Mushroomius (Founder)
-The Kingdom of Five Civilized Nations (Pending)
-The Empire of Crimmond (Pending)
-The Kingdom of Crookfur (Pending)
-The Armed Republic of Nadaskor
-The Rogue Nation of Arribastan
-The People's Republic of Plenzonia
-The Kingdom of Olympus Coliseum
-The Democratic States of Feline
-The Community of Gurthark
-The United Socialist States of Fulovit
-The People's Republic of Euroslavia
National Supporters:
-The Dominion of Kotterdam
-The United States of Western Asia
-The Republic of Kain Irenicus
20-10-2003, 16:12
OOC: Druze, the only n00b here is you.
The Dominion of Kotterdam, while wishing to remain independant, would like to maintain friendly relations with this alliance. It is a noble cause, but not one we intend to join. The Dominion has always stood for equality ever since its inception, and applauds the efforts of these right-minded nations.
ooc:Hmmm... better foward this to the other NJA guys, the UDA could be an ally to us.
20-10-2003, 22:58
We would be more than happy to remain on amicable terms with Kotterdam.
20-10-2003, 23:10
the nation of Arribastan agrees to join. As long as there are no special forums to go to. just TG me if we are in trouble or something.
21-10-2003, 03:53
No funny forums... yet.
We might make one... but posting there will be no requirement and we'll telegram you for anything that comes up.
Thank you for joining, your addition to the alliance means more diversity, which, (is obviously) our highest tenet.
Welcome aboard, Arribastan.
21-10-2003, 11:57
Following your recent stance over the Druze situation the Kingdom of Crookfur would like to petition for memebership.
21-10-2003, 22:47
Following your recent stance over the Druze situation the Kingdom of Crookfur would like to petition for memebership.
The alliance would be honored to have you as a member.
We offer to Crookfur a leadership position. Be it known to you, we have not yet decided the heirarchial structure of the alliance, so leadership positions have not yet been defined.
21-10-2003, 22:51
We apreiciate your offer of a leadership postion and are willing to serve in whatever manner is required.
22-10-2003, 00:39
We apreiciate your offer of a leadership postion and are willing to serve in whatever manner is required.
Glad to have you aboard, venerable Crookfur.
22-10-2003, 04:30
ha... funny... a bump!
22-10-2003, 04:42
The people of Plenzonia have long debated founding such an alliance themselves. The Politikburo has been alarmed by the growth of these hate mongering swine and has voted unanimously with overwhelming support of the populous to support such an alliance in any way possible.
22-10-2003, 04:49
Would you be interested in joining?
22-10-2003, 04:51
We would certainly be interested. Our foriegn minister appologizes for for the lack of clarity earlier. He has had a...long day of filing papers.
22-10-2003, 04:52
We would certainly be interested. Our foriegn minister appologizes for for the lack of clarity earlier. He has had a...long day of filing papers.
Our foreign minister occasionally has those days as well. So, you desire to be a full member?
22-10-2003, 04:56
We would certainly be interested. Our foriegn minister appologizes for for the lack of clarity earlier. He has had a...long day of filing papers.
Our foreign minister occasionally has those days as well. So, you desire to be a full member?
Yes, we desire full membership
The kingdom of Olympus Coliseum would like to join this alliance
22-10-2003, 04:58
We are pleased to see such avid participation in the defense of natural rights. To both Plenzonia and Olympus Coliseum, welcome aboard.
The Resi Corporation
22-10-2003, 05:07
We desire to join such an alliance, but we must abstain from Article IV for business reasons. You see, if every member of this alliance has our technology, then we have nothing unique to sell in our stores. Such a thing would be a catastrophie for the Resi Corporation.
I'm sure you understand.
22-10-2003, 06:46
We desire to join such an alliance, but we must abstain from Article IV for business reasons. You see, if every member of this alliance has our technology, then we have nothing unique to sell in our stores. Such a thing would be a catastrophie for the Resi Corporation.
I'm sure you understand.
I understand, however, I would like to note that Article IV applies only to research not directly focused on the military. If this makes any difference, the Coalition will be here, accepting new members.
Still, we are glad to see a nation as weathered as yourself a supporter of our noble alliance.
The Resi Corporation
22-10-2003, 06:57
We understand about Article IV only applying to non-military devices, but if we were to comply with this it would mean giving away our advances in nanotech, which unfortunately we cannot do.
22-10-2003, 07:00
We understand about Article IV only applying to non-military devices, but if we were to comply with this it would mean giving away our advances in nanotech, which unfortunately we cannot do.
Perfectly understandable. I would be honored to have the venerable Resi Corporation join the alliance, however I would have to make an exception concerning that law, which would result in a most undesireable political quagmire, which, quite frankly, I wish not to have to deal with.
Still, your support for the alliance is appreciated.
22-10-2003, 13:18
Just to anounce that as of Now The Kingdom of Crookfur has declared war on The Druze, our first strikes are currently underway so now might be the time to bring in soem other forces.
22-10-2003, 13:42
Just to anounce that as of Now The Kingdom of Crookfur has declared war on The Druze, our first strikes are currently underway so now might be the time to bring in soem other forces.
As part of the terms of the Coalition, the eight current members are to donate 15% of their military to the offensive. Mushroomius will begin attacking with our own fleets soon.
Hm… I can’t agree to this; I need that 10% annual income to keep my military working correctly. I currently disagree with:
All articles (1-7) on the grounds that they ask too much to be worth while the investment. The idea of being ruled by a counsel is completely against Iuthia’s wishes and as such we will not be joining this alliance. We support the Doctrines but that is as far as I am willing to go.
Lord General deGritz, leader of Iuthia
For more information about Iuthia and her history… (
Click here to see Iuthia’s Space Program (OOC note, this is now complete) (
OOC: Isn’t Kain Irenicus a guy and not a nation?
22-10-2003, 13:56
OOC: Kain Irenicus is a nation...
The articles are a bit demanding, we will not dispute that. But, this alliance will function with unmatched efficiency due to them.
22-10-2003, 23:10
Gurthark would be interested in joning such an alliance.
As a warning, our military is very small. We are a peace-loving people, and maintain the minimum military necessary to secure our own borders. However, we will happily donate the requested portion of our military in exchange for a promise of protection should we be attacked. We do not engage in military adventurism, so the chance of this happening is small.
Please note that, although my title is "United Nations Ambassador," I am in charge of all non-regional diplomacy and control our nation's armed forces.
Miranda Googleplex
United Nations Ambassador
Community of Gurthark
The United socialist States of Fulovit would like to join the Alliance, we have long fought for these rights, often against controlling races in the countries which we separated from.
"Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past." -1984
We would like to petition for membership.
23-10-2003, 03:38
We would like to petition for membership.
The Coalition of Universal Rights is more than happy to admit the Democratic States of Feline as a full member.
We are certain the addition of your nation will have a profound effect on the spread of diversity throughout the world.
Welcome, Feline.
23-10-2003, 04:22
The nation of Euroslavia wishes to join this alliance.
23-10-2003, 14:06
Gurthark would be interested in joning such an alliance.
As a warning, our military is very small. We are a peace-loving people, and maintain the minimum military necessary to secure our own borders. However, we will happily donate the requested portion of our military in exchange for a promise of protection should we be attacked. We do not engage in military adventurism, so the chance of this happening is small.
Please note that, although my title is "United Nations Ambassador," I am in charge of all non-regional diplomacy and control our nation's armed forces.
Miranda Googleplex
United Nations Ambassador
Community of Gurthark
The Coalition is proud to have the Community of Gurthark as a member.
The Coalition does not stand for military "adventurism", as you put it, but we do militarily enforce human rights throughout the world. That does mean potential military action against certain nations (most notably, The Druze invasion fairly recently), and this is when all diplomacy has failed.
I am reminded of a saying, "All it takes for evil to exist is for good men to do nothing," by Winston Churchill. The Coalition exists to prevent wrongs in history from happening again, because another saying is, "He who does not remember history is doomed to repeat it."
The Coalition is proud to have the Community of Gurthark as a member.
The Coalition does not stand for military "adventurism", as you put it, but we do militarily enforce human rights throughout the world. That does mean potential military action against certain nations (most notably, The Druze invasion fairly recently), and this is when all diplomacy has failed.
I am reminded of a saying, "All it takes for evil to exist is for good men to do nothing," by Winston Churchill. The Coalition exists to prevent wrongs in history from happening again, because another saying is, "He who does not remember history is doomed to repeat it."
This is satisfactory to us. The Community of Gurthark hereby formally applies for membership in the Coalition of Universal Rights.
Miranda Googleplex
United Nations Ambassador
Community of Gurthark
24-10-2003, 06:04
The United socialist States of Fulovit would like to join the Alliance, we have long fought for these rights, often against controlling races in the countries which we separated from.
"Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past." -1984
We are truly ecstatic to see such world participation in the welfare of our fellow beings. We welcome you into the Coalition, and hope that you may serve it well, as it will you.
24-10-2003, 15:45
The nation of Euroslavia wishes to join this alliance.
The Coalition has recognized you as a full member. We welcome you, and your addition will add greatly to this great alliance.
24-10-2003, 15:58
Attn: Coalition of Universal Rights
Re: Gurthark's compliance with articles of coalition
Article I: All nations must cede at least 5% of their annual income towards foreign aid.
Gurthark already exceeds this requirement. Currently, 8% of our budget is devoted to foreign aid.
Article II: All nations, in a time of crises, must vote for or against the options presented by the counsel.
We stand prepared to do so.
Article III: All nations, during a time of war, must donate 15% of their military to the offensive.
Our army currently stands 500,000 strong. I have designated 75,000 troops, who now stand at the ready to serve the coalition in time of need. As stated, we will apply for the coalition's protection in the unlikely event that we are attacked within our own borders.
Article IV: All nations, in order to better the lives here on Earth, must permit unguarded and open access to their scientific facilities to fellow members for non-military purposes.
Gurthark's educational system is among the best in the world, and we are proud of the ingenuity of our scientific researchers. I have spoken to our Scientist General, Gronk van der Hoek, and he has asked me to forward his eager anticipation of increased international scientific cooperation.
Article V: All nations, to form a stronger alliance, must donate an additional 5% of their annual income towards the alliance treasury.
Our current annual budget [OOC: from GDP calculator] stands at 12.5 trillion Bersnaps [USD 1.25 trillion]. We hereby donate 625 billion Bersnaps [USD 62.5 billion] annually to coalition coffers.
Article VI: All nations shall not declare war on any member nation without just cause, and without the leading counsil's consent.
Gurthark agrees to this provision.
Article VII: All nations must adhere to the Articles and Doctrines above, and must pledge their Lives, their Fortunes, and their Sacred Honors to the proliferation of human rights.
We do.
Miranda Googleplex
United Nations Ambassador
Community of Gurthark
27-10-2003, 05:19
Then, into the alliance Gurthark is welcomed. Welcome.
27-10-2003, 16:56
01-11-2003, 02:31
01-11-2003, 05:05
bump, we need some more members!
01-11-2003, 05:20
OOC: Kain Irenicus is a nation...No. Kain is a single person. He has no nation. The guy wanted to seperate Kain from his main nation and created a character, there is only a population of one.
01-11-2003, 05:24
OOC: Kain Irenicus is a nation...No. Kain is a single person. He has no nation. The guy wanted to seperate Kain from his main nation and created a character, there is only a population of one.
OOC: Oh. How odd. Perhaps it would be wise of me to update the supporter standings.
01-11-2003, 23:31
The Free Land of the Stonies fully support your alliance's policy.
We apply to the Constitution of the alliance.
Just telegram us when you will decide to declare war to stop one of the numerous genocides going on in this bloody world, the Stonies will be glad to contribute with our military (rather weak) and humanitarian means.
02-11-2003, 08:10
The Free Land of the Stonies fully support your alliance's policy.
We apply to the Constitution of the alliance.
Just telegram us when you will decide to declare war to stop one of the numerous genocides going on in this bloody world, the Stonies will be glad to contribute with our military (rather weak) and humanitarian means.We are not primarily a military alliance. If we imposed our will with force on every crackpot dictator, we would be as guilty as they. We prefer diplomacy above all else.