firecracker boms and good bombs 4 sale
The Republic of Whinchendin is nowe celling boms made of M-80's and plastic barrels. Thay r rilly powerful and can caus much mor damj than our dirt boms.
here r sum pics
here is the barrel
and a m-80
it kan do a lot of damaje as demonstrated here. Now there are fish in the hole. It goes downe 500 feet:
One barrel of 500 M-80's is $1,000. thae r good weapons if u r poor.
our other option is a blu-82. It cuts down trees like an artillery shell kills a man.
cost for 1 is 30,000
19-10-2003, 23:35
hahahahahahahahahaha, a shame i'm not poor :lol:
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
OOC: Whinchendeon, we have asked you before to use spellcheck on your posts. Now, while your product is of little use, it is still your right to sell it. Just please do it with proper grammar and spelling. If you need help coming up with good ideas for products to sell, ask someone OOC. Perhaps you could sell bombs like these:
Or these:
Or, if you want to go for a really high explosive yield, these:
I am one of the few who is being patient with you, and if you do not want to be ignored by the Nationstates community IC and OOC, you should take some advice.
Ok, Ill try to be better about it. i'll stop trying to think of chep weapons and try some more complex ones.
i added the blu-82 daisy cutter
OOC: Excellent. Below, in quote, I have typed up a version of your store with correct spelling and grammar. Just quote this post, and take out the editing marks, and this part, if you want to use it.
The Republic of Whinchendeon is now selling bombs made of M-80's and plastic barrels. They are really powerful and can cause much more damage than our dirt bombs.
Here are some pics:
Here is the barrel:
And a m-80:
It can do a lot of damage as demonstrated here. Now there are fish in the hole.
One barrel of 500 M-80's is $1,000. They are good weapons if you are poor.
Our other option is a BLU-82. It cuts down trees like an artillery shell kills a man.
The cost for one is $30,000.
ill take 100, *$100,000 wired*