Seeking Planet to buy...
We are seeking a small, inexpensive planet, preferably within two or three day's travel to earth. We are able to pay 500 billion now, and up to 5 trillion in a loan over the next few months.
Also, we would prefer this planet not to be contested space, as we do not have any form of militray yet, except for ground armies. We also pormise that anyweapons made on this planet will not be used against the seller.
We ARE willing to buy part of a planet.
18-10-2003, 18:06
you can have a planet we have within the andromada galaxy, it takes 5 secs via a worm hole cconnection allready establioshed, once used for military training, it is no longer needed as we have a bigger planet not too far from this one, we will accept anything
we are willing to but it for $1 trillion, on the spot.
18-10-2003, 18:08
we are willing to but it for $1 trillion, on the spot.
we accept, its all yours :)
you don't have a trillion god modder
The Mindset
18-10-2003, 18:11
Ssakura, here is $1.5 trillion from recent mining exploits. No repayment, all I ask is that you read over the ESUS constitution and consider joining us. Click here (
I object to that. We have recieved donations from the many members of our region, and are just barely able to afford this transaction.
*Wires 1 trillion to petsburg*, and begin to coorinate the transfer of troops and population
We are very willing to join in the ESUS, and we don't need their gratious donation.
The Mindset
18-10-2003, 18:14
Consider it a donation in good faith.
You can't have spaceships yet, godmodder
The Mindset
18-10-2003, 18:36
You can't have spaceships yet, godmodder
I'm afraid he can, if he has begun as a space nation. It just means that he doesn't have any large military assets, only small ships with weak defences.
YOu can use the planet LV-1201 for free, we only want 5% of the profits
hey anyone got a planet for me?I got plenty of rare wool only found in my region and I got alot of money!
You can use the planet LV-1210 if ya want DOO
thanks here some thankyou money for letting me make a base and mine here!*wires money*
it's main resorces is:
iron,Titainium, Urainium and Phrik.
it's Biological resorces is:
Wood,Water and the rare Kia plant (it's a plant that's similar to the Rose but it makes a contact poison to defend itself[/i]
18-10-2003, 20:10
I could use a hefty planet. I'll offer about 10 tril on the spot, plus a good deal of my Earth military. To put the icing on the cake, I can export massive quantities of steel and concrete to your nation. This is for a pretty respectable and habital planet. Offers?
Edit: Preferably something along the lines of a frozen planet.