NationStates Jolt Archive


18-10-2003, 06:16
Unclebob's computer has been invaded by an evil computer virus.
And now it has been quarantined from the net. :cry:
The virus actively searches the net for any computer that is connected,
it causes almost a hundred windows to pop up with links to porn sites.
Norton Antivirus does nothing to it.
Tried to eliminate but it keeps opening windows even when I am not connected to the net.
Does any one know alot about these things?
I thought you got viruses from downloading stuff. This thing actually hunts down its targets instead of waiting for them to download it.
Does anyone here know how I can get rid of it?
I called Norton and they're not taking any more calls cause they said they got so many on this new virus and their anti viral software does not work against it. It seems like the virus is burying itself into the antiviral software. Or something. I just know Norton has not been to find it despite many scans.
18-10-2003, 06:17
IT is possible this is a deliberate and malicious cyber attack.
18-10-2003, 06:18
And that, my friend, is why Norton sucks.
18-10-2003, 06:30
And that, my friend, is why Norton sucks.
But what can I do about it?
Spookistan and Jakalah
18-10-2003, 06:32
My usual response to a virus is to format my hard drive, but I understand that that may not be a feasable option for some people.
18-10-2003, 06:50
My usual response to a virus is to format my hard drive, but I understand that that may not be a feasable option for some people.
How do I format my harddrive? And why would it not be feasable?
18-10-2003, 07:17
Shouldnt you put this in the Techinical?
The Resi Corporation
18-10-2003, 07:25
Go to DOS. Type "Format C:". Press enter.
Blam! No more virus! And no more anything on your hard disk, for that matter.

I recommend getting a firewall. Some viruses can circumvent them, but many simply fail to get through.