Selling conventional and nuclear ICBMs.
Pwnica will soon leave Earth and we will have no need for these, so we are auctioning them off.
I reserve the right not to accept bids from nations that are 1. too young, 2. can't afford it. Also, if I don't want to accept your bid for any other reason, I won't, period.
The whole enchilada, consisting of 25 conventional ICBMs and 5 cnuclear ICBMs.(Bid: 1 billion, The Gun Brothers)
AUCTION ENDS: Tue Oct 14 4:18 am
So, place bids for any package.
They were all bought off of WeekendLazyness, so if you need specs, ask him. I can't find the topic :oops:
Why have three nuclears threads just suddenly appeared :shock:
We just tested our first 25-megaton nuclear missile :roll:
Err... 8)
(ooc- You start a nuclear war I'll um... well... nuke you :wink: )
13-10-2003, 09:26
If I recall, WeekendLazyness sells those ICBMs for $15 million a piece?
Conventional, nuclear ICBMs here! Selling ICBMs! Get your ready 'n armed ICBMs here!
If I recall, WeekendLazyness sells those ICBMs for $15 million a piece?
Yeah, he did. Didn't know it was godmoding at the time, though, so I'm not sure what to do with them.
ooc - I've got 100 of those already :wink: plus I've got my own homemade nukes now :D
I don't really care what they sell for, even if it's 1 million each package. I don't need 'em anymore, I *can* use them and I don't have an obscene amount (as opposed to Vanguard Knights :wink:) so why not make a few bucks off of them.
'cos I'm selling 25-megaton ones for 200 million 8)
I'd buy some, but I'm selling ICBMs myself, because, uh, I don't need any. :lol:
Strap them to an asteroid. Fire them off in sets===sustained acceleration.
I'd rather sell them...but I see that it isn't working. So, I'll resort to blackmail! If no one buys them, I'll detonate them on some random country, and then fly off into the ether with my spaceship fleet! :twisted:
I'll offer $1,000,000,000 USD for all of them.
13-10-2003, 11:16
Strap them to an asteroid. Fire them off in sets===sustained acceleration.
Are you nuts? What if they explode?
Why would you build a conventional ICBM? 1 billion seems abit much considering the hardware needed for a good ICBM is decades old. Do your warheads have MIRV (Multiple Independantly-targeted Re-entry vehicles) capability?
13-10-2003, 11:38
They were all bought off of WeekendLazyness, so if you need specs, ask him. I can't find the topic :oops:
If I recall, WeekendLazyness sells those ICBMs for $15 million a piece?
Yeah, he did. Didn't know it was godmoding at the time, though, so I'm not sure what to do with them.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Strap them to an asteroid. Fire them off in sets===sustained acceleration.
Are you nuts? What if they explode?
if your nukes are that unstable then you shouldn't be selling them.
Use the warheads in reactors,providing power to the city within the asteroid(after you build it of course)
i'll take 1*money wired*
1. Read the damn first post.
2. You're too young to have an ICBM.
Misunderstanding, didn't see his post.
13-10-2003, 13:17
I was telling it to United Rohan.