NationStates Jolt Archive

Police Brutality

13-10-2003, 03:52
**Fuego Rey's secretive information minister, Chris By-The-Throat, has called a press conference in his private home near New Sodom, a sprawling Louisiana style estate covered in carefully landscaped rolling hills. He appears in his civillian attire, and seems quite exhausted, dark circles appearing under his eyes, to the room full of distinguished press officials.**

CBTT: Welcome, ladies and gentleman of the international press. I have something very unfortunate to report today, and the very first thing I must do is apologize to the Commonwealth of Revalia.

**The information minister sighs, and points to a photograph from a street corner camera, something that has been a part of Fuego Rey's police force for ages.**

CBTT: At 4:32 PM last night, Revalian citizen Joseph Mandrake was picked up by police for soliciting an underaged prostitute by two members of the Project 11 Police Force, Michael Bair and Preston Klinkov. **A photograph of Joseph Mandrake is shown, as well as the photos and badges of the two officers** Mandrake was apparently very intoxicated, and resisted arrest, but the officers managed to contain him.

**The street cam scene cuts to a still of a seven year old girl, her two front teeth missing.**

CBTT: It was then that Officer Klinkov discovered the girl Mandrake was soliciting, who was a niece of his; we will withhold her name for sensetivity reasons. Officer Klinkov flew into a rage. **The scene shows Klinkov drawing his knife and very neatly gutting Mandrake.** He killed Mandrake and then, when Bair attempted to restrain him, he killed Bair as well. **The scene of the quick but brutal knife fight between Klinkov and Bair is shown.**

CBTT: Again, it is most unfortunate that this event occured within Fuego Rey's borders. We have sent Mandrake's body back for burial, along with footage of his death. Mandrake is being held, with his sentence pending. I'll hold for questions now.

PRESS: Did you have rights to detain citizens of the Commonwealth of Revalia?

CBTT: Yes, that was agreed during the first round of talks-we were to detain, but not to punish.

PRESS2: What do you expect from Klinkov's trial.

CBTT: The same thing as I expect from all our courts-swift, sure justice. One more question.

PRESS3: What is being done with the girl?

CBTT: She is recieving counseling and we expect her to be placed in a surrogate home as soon as humanly possible.

**CBTT turns and walks out.**
13-10-2003, 07:07
14-10-2003, 08:40
And another bump.