NationStates Jolt Archive

Only the Beginning

12-10-2003, 15:50
::Valian Broadcasting Corporation::
::News Bulletin::

A pretty young woman, with the VBC logo behind her looks seriously at the camera before speaking in a sombre tone.

“We apologise for the interruption to normal programming. It has been reported in the past hour that Chancellor Adrian Fox, Trade Secretary Juliet Harvan and several aides have been taken hostage. The Chancellor and Secretary were rumoured to be discussing a controversial proposal to increase the involvement of Vanguard Industries, the multinational corporation, in the day to day running of the State. At approximately two o’clock this afternoon, Valian time, several smartly dressed persons entered the Bureau of Trade offices, where the discussions were taking place. Shots were exchanged between security officers and the terrorists, several members of the security forces are confirmed dead.”

The news presenter turns her head towards another camera and a shot at the side of the screen shows a picture of the Chancellor, Secretary of trade and Chief Executive of Vanguard Industries standing together at a political rally. “The hostage takers are thought to be ultra-leftwing elements, resistant to the idea of increasing private involvement in public services. This latest effort to disrupt the Chancellors economic development plan is thought to be related to the group that recently attacked and severely injured the CEO of Vanguard Industries. “

“We can now go live to the Bureau of Trade offices, our correspondent Martin Riness is there now. Martin, what’s the situation?”

A middle-aged man, with a windswept look stands in front of a large steel and glass building. Several security officers and officials are running back and forth behind him and the sound of sirens carries across the square in front of the offices. “Yes Diane, well ‘absolute chaos’ would definitely apply to this situation. Security Officials are refusing to comment but the situation looks grim. The Secretary's office is on the eighty second floor, and any rescue attempt would be perilous indeed. The hostage takers have made only one demand. Vanguard Industries must be re-nationalised, immediately.”

“But surely Martin, that’s not feasible?”

“No Diane, but then the actions of these individuals does suggest they are willing to go to extreme measures to get what they want.”

“Thank you Martin. We will of course keep you up to date on developments as they happen.”

::Several Hours later::
::Office of the Secretary of Trade::

“I can’t do that.” For the third time in as many hours Chancellor Adrian Fox was trying to explain to his hostage takers that he couldn’t simply order the re-nationalisation of an enormous private corporation. The fact that with the powers he held he probably could, was left unmentioned.

“You will do what we tell you to do, or the consequences will be most unpleasant.” The young woman holding a knife to his throat was quite insistent. Fortunately another older woman, at least she sounded older, moved forwards and pulled the knife away from his throat.

“Now, now. Lets not be hasty…Chancellor. Let’s wait a little while longer.”

“And why should we do that?” Adrian had had about enough of these people, relics from before the Council was established and young impressionable students who should have been studying, not hostage taking.

The young trade Secretary made a disapproving noise, “You won’t leave this building alive you know? The security forces are probably moving on our position now.”

The older woman chuckled, “Why would you think that? You do know who controls the security forces…don’t you?”

“Secretary of the Interior…that sonofabitch!” She turned towards Adrian, “That lying, narrow minded….”

“Calm down Juliet, that won’t help now.” Turning towards the group leader he gave her his most malevolent gaze, “You are going to kill us…even if I was to agree, give you everything you want. Who else?”

“Secs. Defence, Citizens…enough.”

“I see. I’ll be lenient and give you one last chance to lay down your arms.”

“And why would we do that, I think we’ve almost waited long enough…lets start with her.” The woman pointed towards the Trade Secretary. The Chancellor meanwhile simply smiled and spoke aloud…seemingly to no one in particular.

“Now if you please, Ser Nakovitch.”

Everyone present in the large, open and airy office looked at him with a mixture of confusion and shock. That was until the doors to the office suddenly flew open and several…robots moved into the office. Moving faster than any of the terrorists, they began methodically eliminating the hostage takers.

Within a few seconds it was all over. The robots soldiers simply stopped once they were through and moved towards the Chancellor and Trade Secretary, taking up flanking positions. The Trade Secretary looked at him, really looked at him and then smiled, albeit a bit shakily.

“You knew, you sly bastard. How?”

“It became apparent after the Computer Network contract with the Resi Corporation. Interior and Defence felt their territory was being encroached upon, Citizens…that’s not really a surprise but understandable. When I asked you to place the order for the robotic units from Resi you knew something wasn’t quite right, didn’t you.”

“I had suspicions, going around Defence like that…I didn’t realise they were on the Council though. Was I ever a suspect?”

“Everyone was a suspect, except for Foreign Affairs. Eventually we felt you could be trusted to place the order for the R-bots.”

Ser Nakovitch, the Chancellors head of security, walked into the office smiling grimly. “The conspirators have been dealt with. This will be difficult to explain, the remaining Council members should convene.”

“Of course.” Adrian turned to examine the R-bot on hi left…a truly fascinating piece of technology. “I think we might need more of these…Juliet, could you handle that please?”

“Yes Ser. I’ll get right on it…what do we do now?”

“Clean up that mess,” he wav in the general direction of the bodies of the terrorists. “This is going to get worse before it gets better.”

“You believe there are others who feel this strongly about our policies?” The Trade Secretary was surprised that some felt so vehement about integrating business with government, she was a true convert to the idea.

“We know there are. Yes, we’ll definitely be needing more of these.” Patting the R-bot on its shoulder the Chancellor began walking towards the exit, stopping to look at the body of the young student who’d held the knife to his throat. After a few seconds he stepped over her body, the R-bots in tow, and headed towards the elevator. He had a very busy few days ahead of him, and this was only the beginning.