Declairation of War
I am the Leader of the Replublic of Cykotic. There are those of you who might think that although this is a new nation, we don't have the ability to defend ourselves. I say this: We will challenge anyone who dares try to attack this great nation. We have the ability to defend ourselves and we shall do just this. Take this as a warning to anyone who dares to come for us. I challenge anyone to try.
:evil: Through Technology, Comes Power! :evil:
Five Civilized Nations
10-10-2003, 14:32
Umm... Okay...
Because of the inadequate AA weaponry the nation of Cykotic possess, the Five Civilized Nations easily carpet bombs it... Casualties, Cykotic is gone...
Just kidding... :D
I suggest you be less belligerent or you'll have anti-n00bs on you very soon...
10-10-2003, 14:53
You are far too young a nation to be warmongering. Your nation is too weak economically and too small demographically when compared to the majority of other players. You can not buy and maintain sufficient weaponry nor do you have the manpower to attack your enemies with.
Simply put, you can not do pretty much everything (without a good reason) while you are this young a nation, wait a month.
Population: 5,000,000
Civil Rights: Average
Economy: Reasonable
GDP per Capita: $7,500
GDP: $37,500,000,000
National Budget: $6,898,425,000
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 1.84%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 10%
Military Budget: $689,842,500
Calculated by
The Imperial Navy
10-10-2003, 14:58
We offer Cykotic the hand of friendship and diplomatic relations. You shall get our protection where needed, and an ally to teach you the ways of NS.
-President Daniel Marshall of the Imperial Navy.
The Crecent Moon
10-10-2003, 15:05
You are foolish and arogant. While you have only 5 million, some nations have over 2 billion people. Even if you were drastically more technologaicaly advanced and have better weapons, they could just overrun you. Their armies outnumber your country by hundreds of times. You sir, are one of the most foolish leaders on the planet.
Al Kazid, Crecent Moon Matriarch
how can we be sure that we will not be threatend by you?
You are foolish and arogant. While you have only 5 million, some nations have over 2 billion people. Even if you were drastically more technologaicaly advanced and have better weapons, they could just overrun you. Their armies outnumber your country by hundreds of times. You sir, are one of the most foolish leaders on the planet.
Al Kazid, Crecent Moon Matriarch
The SDP Empire would have to agree with the words of Al Kazid. You are very foolish and pissing people off is not going to help you at all...
The Imperial Navy
10-10-2003, 15:09
how can we be sure that we will not be threatend by you?
Become allies with us, and we will show you how to become a good RP'er.
We only wished to see who the powerful nations were. To this end, The Republic of Cykotic Withdraws it declairation and apologises to any nations that may have been offended by our arrogance.
Ness ziona
10-10-2003, 15:12
We only wished to see who the powerful nations were. To this end, The Republic of Cykotic Withdraws it declairation and apologises to any nations that may have been offended by our arrogance.
Worry not, noone's offended.
---A-R-N-Z--- (
10-10-2003, 15:13
The power (I'm assuming you mean military strength) of a nation is directly related to when it was founded and how good it's economy is.