NationStates Jolt Archive

Anyone have infantary weapons?

09-10-2003, 20:18
i need some cheap infantary weapons and infantary uniforms for 100,000 soldiers so i can begin to wage some wars.
09-10-2003, 20:20
well if you wage war now your gonna get your ass kicked i can tell ya that........
09-10-2003, 20:20
09-10-2003, 20:21
I have improved AKs for sale...I'll go find the thread.
Found it. (
Of the council of clan
09-10-2003, 20:22
Bah, screw the AK's. I'd go with the Colt M16A2 with the M4 Upper Reciever.
09-10-2003, 20:24
Bah, screw the AK's. I'd go with the Colt M16A2 with the M4 Upper Reciever.The M16A2 isn't as reliable or cheap. The M4's barrel is too short for the bullets to fragment(?). My AFE-1 has the reliability of an AK with the ergonomics of an M16A2.