Zefyrz-Galdania Come to Agreement; Zefyers Recognized!
08-10-2003, 20:39
Galdania has heald secret meetings with the Zefyeren government, and has come to an agreement. Outlined here are the specifics of the treaty:
-Galdania will recognize the soveriegnty of Zefyrz as an independant nation, and will respect it's rights to govern itself.
-Galdania will recieve all exiles from Zefyrz, including the 37% of the populace that is to be deported due to their ethnicities.
-Zefyrz will not execute, imprison, or single out any persons in any way because of their race, pigmentation, nationality, religion, or political views.
-Zefyrz will hold democratic elections, and voting will be granted to all adults (those 19 years of age and older).
-Zefyrz will surrender the southern half of the nation, comprising 46% of it's current territory, to Galdania, so that the 37% of it's population they are prepared to deport will not be moved from their current places of residence.
-Galdania will not have any military presence within Northern Zefyrz, or the Republic of Zefyrz, but will govern Southern Zefyrz, the Province of Zefyrz, as a province of Galdania, which it is.
That is all. Zefyrz has been defeated, in that their goals of genocide against millions of people were halted by the rightious force of Galdania.
08-10-2003, 20:43
Zefyrz has won it's total independance! We shall no longer be the Disputed Territories of Zefyrz, but the Republic of Zefyrz!
08-10-2003, 23:04
We cebrate the Independence of The Republic of Zefyrz: an ambassador to the new Republic will be appointed, and commercial-military-social-cultural relations will be started as soon as possible.
The Grunge-French Republic aknowledges the Republic of Zefyrz as the real and only legitim government: We will watch carefully the developen of this new nation and will help the Zefyrz, but if Communism is suddenly instaured in this new Republic, we will consider, nothwithstanding our possition towards Galdania in that moment, as a frontal agression to the principles of The Grunge-French Republic, and intervention to overthrow the non-wanted communism in Zefyrz will be considered.
08-10-2003, 23:05
The 1st AoE2 Armada is leaving Zefyrian waters, the 5th Armada will stay there as long as we need it.
09-10-2003, 01:39
We cebrate the Independence of The Republic of Zefyrz: an ambassador to the new Republic will be appointed, and commercial-military-social-cultural relations will be started as soon as possible.
The Grunge-French Republic aknowledges the Republic of Zefyrz as the real and only legitim government: We will watch carefully the developen of this new nation and will help the Zefyrz, but if Communism is suddenly instaured in this new Republic, we will consider, nothwithstanding our possition towards Galdania in that moment, as a frontal agression to the principles of The Grunge-French Republic, and intervention to overthrow the non-wanted communism in Zefyrz will be considered.
If the People of Zefyrz ever wish for communism, then it will happen. We cannot deny the people their right.
-Bolozof Velasgo
OOC: Zefyrz is already socialist. They just don't like Galdanians.
Well, at least the Galdania's learned their lesson about interfering with my fisherman
09-10-2003, 02:08
Well, at least the Galdania's learned their lesson about interfering with my fisherman
If we wanted, we could wipe out all life on Volstik in eighteen minutes. But we choose to take the diplomatic approach, despite Volstik's crimes.
Well, at least the Galdania's learned their lesson about interfering with my fisherman
If we wanted, we could wipe out all life on Volstik in eighteen minutes. But we choose to take the diplomatic approach, despite Volstik's crimes.
And then Grunge-France would wipe you out in about 6 minutes. And I'd just dump a few loads of the GII's Midnight fever on your cities.
(This is like China and Taiwan, one is a big hulking communist dinosaur and the other is a smaller, but better equipped nation with backing from one of the wealthiest nations on earth)
We of Naori wish to know what this is all about. Why has this Zefyerz become independant? Where is this situation taking place?
09-10-2003, 21:15
We of Naori wish to know what this is all about. Why has this Zefyerz become independant? Where is this situation taking place?
It's a long story...But it's taking place on the imaginary continent of Eurova.
09-10-2003, 23:10
As many of you know, Grunge-France has no army.
In our conflict with Melkor, Grunge-France decided to create the permanent AoE2 Army with soldiers from Non-RP nations in the region and Grunge-France.
(Nations that RP are not part of this AoE2 Army, like Gradenk, Neo-Wu or Volstik).
Grunge-France has no army, but the Grunge-French President, Alphonsé Gallé, happensto be the Supreme Commander of 50 million soldiers located all over AoE2 Region from more than 20 nations, one of the biggest permanent forces with a sole leadership in the whole NS, with the BEST navy in NS and with a tremendous wealth... AoE2 Army has the OBLIGATION to fulfill the needs of any nation located in our region no matter if they are not part of AoE2 Army and have independent armies, in other words, if Volstik attacks you Galdania, we might not help him (we would, but let´s say we won´t) but if you counter-attack, AoE2 will crush you like a fly.
Stay away from Zefyrz and from Volstik if you want to have a long live, Galdania.
09-10-2003, 23:24
Zefyrz is having democratic elections. The favourite to win is Eugene Kronprinz.