Nazism banned in Arribastan
08-10-2003, 01:57
Any persons found possesing any nazi-related materials within Arribastan borders is to be put under a full 24-hour watch. They will be the subject of a full-scale investigation. If found guilty of nazism, they will be sentenced to death by firing squad. tourists are subject to investigation in Arribastan, unless from an allied country, where they will be released to that country
08-10-2003, 02:05
What counts as Nazi-ism?
Anything the KKK or Nazi party stands for.
08-10-2003, 02:08
So.. you are against Nationalism?
Do you mean any one view of Nazi Governmental Style or a full-fledged Nazi War Machine style of Government.
not the nationalisim, but the things the nazis and KKK are known for.
08-10-2003, 02:12
not the nationalisim, but the things the nazis and KKK are known for.
The Nazi party WAS known for Nationalism.
08-10-2003, 02:13
we support your ban on nazism. however, we disapprove of such a harsh penalty.
-Foreign Minister of Philopolis
Selphie Tilmitt
not the nationalisim, but the things the nazis and KKK are known for.
The Nazi party WAS known for Nationalism.
Quite True.
Yes, a harsh penelty seems odd for thats what the Nazi's pretty much did for anyone who they found out that they were Jew's, but quite worse occasionally.
08-10-2003, 02:34
The Commonwealth pleasenly requests that you change this policy before we are forced to make you accept diversity by force.
-Chancellor James Lynch, Commonwealth of Seversky.