NationStates Jolt Archive

Shangia takes its soda brands world wide.

06-10-2003, 01:43
Shangia's top soda pop manufacturer, Shangola, today announced plans to expand operations world wide.
Top economists rate Shangola the second top soda company in the San Gabriel Valley and company spokemen say the company intends to take advantage of the ratings to expand into markets in other nations.
"We are currently open to any nation that wants investment. In return for access to their markets, we promise jobs and financial cash flow." said Shangola CEO Edith Murkat.
In a related development, company and Whittier officials agreed to a contract providing Shangola exclusive rights to market its brand of soda in Whittier while all other brands would be banned. But Whittier expects to benifit financially, as Shangola has agreed to use profits from the investment to build new schools and upgrade local infrastructure around its new soda plants.