Lunatic Retard Robots
05-10-2003, 23:37
This storefront should cater in some way to your every need. We have all manner of things here.
Our product categories:
Land Vehicles
Software/Computer Systems
The Bluesmobile!!!!
It's got a cop motor, a four hundred and forty cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks, it was a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas.
Note: The cigarette lighter is fully operational.
Cost: 5,000 USD
The Wigan Pier Class Ore Barge
The Wigan Pier class is a highly capable ship, able to undertake long missions far away from home port. It can carry up to 300,000 tons of ore, and carries a crew of three. (pilot, copilot, engineer)
Cost: 2,000,000,000
The Roger Williams class mining explorer craft
The Roger Williams class was developed to meet the more stringent requirements of LRR nomadic fleets. It can operate for as long as the crew's patience holds out, collecting resources from even the most tightly packed or most spread out of all resource fields. (ahem ahem ahem.) The Roger Williams class can carry 4,500 tons of ore internally, and another 5,000 tons when a somtaaw ore cannister is attached. It carries a crew of 3. (Pilot, engineer, miner)The ship uses a set of robotic arms to harvest large chunks of minerals, which are stored in their raw form and are refined into usable form at a carrier, cruiser, spcially equipped destroyer, specially equipped frigate, or ore processor ship. The ore barge also serves the aforementioned purpose.
Cost:1,500,000,000 USD
The Ignus Dei class Mining Frigate
The Ignus Dei is a highly customizable ship, not used by LRR but nontheless a capable platform. It can hold two 200,000 ton ore cannisters in the space in front and in back of the two upper and lower arms of the ship. The arms house full ore refineries, and the ship can have its entire load done before it gets back to base. The massive ore capacity of this ship leaves little room for the required qualities of LRR ships, though, which are high armor protection, high firepower, and high speed. The small, unimressive engines on this frigate are used to power LRR corvettes, which are about 20 times smaller than the Ignus.
Cost: 3,000,000,000 USD
The Mr. Magoo A.I.
The Mr. Magoo AI is one of the best ship computer systems out there. (the more capable Purple Haze AI, developed specially for the giant Michael Strogoff and Emancipator class ships is not for sale yet.) Mr. Magoo also contains one of the most revolutionary systems ever-a neural base network. Mr. Magoo is basically a human brain merged with all the capabilities of the best supercomputers. We used a recreation of assassinated Forigen Minister Lief Erickson's brain to provide the neural grounding for the system. This all means that the AI has a sense of right and wrong. It will always take the best interests of the crew into account, and is not meant to be the direct master of the ship's systems. The job of piloting, engineering, and other such tasks are left to the biological crew, and Mr. Magoo acts as an advisor. For example, the AI points the ship's weapons in the right direction, but the firing command must be given by the human gunner.
Price: Telegram LRR
The Empire series, by Isaac Asimov
The Caves Of Steel
The Naked Sun
Robots Of Dawn
Robots and Empire
The Foundation Series, by Isaac Asimov
Prelude To Foundation
Foundation And Empire
Second Foundation
Foundation's Edge
Foreward The Foundation
A 2.5" by 3" wall poster of this
Funny, eh?
Cost: 5.00 USD
When Bush Comes to Shove- The Capitol Steps
Shoe-Bomb, Don't Go Faking You're Smart, Enron-ron-ron, Tom Ridge Bedtime Stories #1, Taliban, Pack the Knife, Greenspan, Dr. Tommy Tuck, Everybody Must Get Cloned, Tony with the Light Brown Hair, Jacques Chiraq, Who'll Drop a Bomb During Ram-A-Dan-a-Dan, Osama Come Out Tomorrow, Tom Ridge Bedtime Story #2, Old Man Wizard, Con-Did-It, You Don't Mess Around With Jim, Cher the Power, India Oh India, Argentina, Mooooooo, Tom Ridge Bedtime Story #3, Glory, Paranoia, Lirty Dies: Schmenron and Obama Sin Laden
Cost: 10.00 USD
This Poster!
Cost: 5.00 USD
This Poster![/orange]
Cost: 5.00 USD
[color=orange]Bill Gates in Top Gun!
Cost: 5.00 USD
Boris Yeltsin in MiG Pilot!
Cost: 5.00 USD
Pope John Paul II in Godfodder!
Cost: 5.00 USD
More to come! (OCC: Dinner time.)
Low-Cost Naval Vessels!
Cost: 100.00 USD
The Quad-Beam Ion Cannon Frigate
The QB is an excellent craft for use in large-fleet skirmishes. It packs four ion cannons into one ship, making for an insane amount of firepower. This, however, is at the expense of speed and manouverability. The shght of these ships in formation, all firing, can make even the most experienced captains loose their nerve.
Cost: 10,000,000,000 USD
Low-Cost Flagships!
The Kadeshi mothership is a highly capable and redundant design. It should be part of any new fleet. LRR will build YOU a kadeshi mothership for the low low low low price of:
150,000,000,000 USD
These are great for your poilce forces to use. They can slice somebody's arm straight off! (They can give a nasty burn when on low power.)
Cost: 2,000 USD
The Blastech D-44!!!
A excellent personal weapon. It has good range, and a 40-shot energy clip.
Cost: 1,000 USD
The Slide Guitar!
Cost: 500 USD
Crazy-looking Electric Guitar!
Cost: 350 USD
Our product categories:
Land Vehicles
Software/Computer Systems
The Bluesmobile!!!!
It's got a cop motor, a four hundred and forty cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks, it was a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas.
Note: The cigarette lighter is fully operational.
Cost: 5,000 USD
The Wigan Pier Class Ore Barge
The Wigan Pier class is a highly capable ship, able to undertake long missions far away from home port. It can carry up to 300,000 tons of ore, and carries a crew of three. (pilot, copilot, engineer)
Cost: 2,000,000,000
The Roger Williams class mining explorer craft
The Roger Williams class was developed to meet the more stringent requirements of LRR nomadic fleets. It can operate for as long as the crew's patience holds out, collecting resources from even the most tightly packed or most spread out of all resource fields. (ahem ahem ahem.) The Roger Williams class can carry 4,500 tons of ore internally, and another 5,000 tons when a somtaaw ore cannister is attached. It carries a crew of 3. (Pilot, engineer, miner)The ship uses a set of robotic arms to harvest large chunks of minerals, which are stored in their raw form and are refined into usable form at a carrier, cruiser, spcially equipped destroyer, specially equipped frigate, or ore processor ship. The ore barge also serves the aforementioned purpose.
Cost:1,500,000,000 USD
The Ignus Dei class Mining Frigate
The Ignus Dei is a highly customizable ship, not used by LRR but nontheless a capable platform. It can hold two 200,000 ton ore cannisters in the space in front and in back of the two upper and lower arms of the ship. The arms house full ore refineries, and the ship can have its entire load done before it gets back to base. The massive ore capacity of this ship leaves little room for the required qualities of LRR ships, though, which are high armor protection, high firepower, and high speed. The small, unimressive engines on this frigate are used to power LRR corvettes, which are about 20 times smaller than the Ignus.
Cost: 3,000,000,000 USD
The Mr. Magoo A.I.
The Mr. Magoo AI is one of the best ship computer systems out there. (the more capable Purple Haze AI, developed specially for the giant Michael Strogoff and Emancipator class ships is not for sale yet.) Mr. Magoo also contains one of the most revolutionary systems ever-a neural base network. Mr. Magoo is basically a human brain merged with all the capabilities of the best supercomputers. We used a recreation of assassinated Forigen Minister Lief Erickson's brain to provide the neural grounding for the system. This all means that the AI has a sense of right and wrong. It will always take the best interests of the crew into account, and is not meant to be the direct master of the ship's systems. The job of piloting, engineering, and other such tasks are left to the biological crew, and Mr. Magoo acts as an advisor. For example, the AI points the ship's weapons in the right direction, but the firing command must be given by the human gunner.
Price: Telegram LRR
The Empire series, by Isaac Asimov
The Caves Of Steel
The Naked Sun
Robots Of Dawn
Robots and Empire
The Foundation Series, by Isaac Asimov
Prelude To Foundation
Foundation And Empire
Second Foundation
Foundation's Edge
Foreward The Foundation
A 2.5" by 3" wall poster of this
Funny, eh?
Cost: 5.00 USD
When Bush Comes to Shove- The Capitol Steps
Shoe-Bomb, Don't Go Faking You're Smart, Enron-ron-ron, Tom Ridge Bedtime Stories #1, Taliban, Pack the Knife, Greenspan, Dr. Tommy Tuck, Everybody Must Get Cloned, Tony with the Light Brown Hair, Jacques Chiraq, Who'll Drop a Bomb During Ram-A-Dan-a-Dan, Osama Come Out Tomorrow, Tom Ridge Bedtime Story #2, Old Man Wizard, Con-Did-It, You Don't Mess Around With Jim, Cher the Power, India Oh India, Argentina, Mooooooo, Tom Ridge Bedtime Story #3, Glory, Paranoia, Lirty Dies: Schmenron and Obama Sin Laden
Cost: 10.00 USD
This Poster!
Cost: 5.00 USD
This Poster![/orange]
Cost: 5.00 USD
[color=orange]Bill Gates in Top Gun!
Cost: 5.00 USD
Boris Yeltsin in MiG Pilot!
Cost: 5.00 USD
Pope John Paul II in Godfodder!
Cost: 5.00 USD
More to come! (OCC: Dinner time.)
Low-Cost Naval Vessels!
Cost: 100.00 USD
The Quad-Beam Ion Cannon Frigate
The QB is an excellent craft for use in large-fleet skirmishes. It packs four ion cannons into one ship, making for an insane amount of firepower. This, however, is at the expense of speed and manouverability. The shght of these ships in formation, all firing, can make even the most experienced captains loose their nerve.
Cost: 10,000,000,000 USD
Low-Cost Flagships!
The Kadeshi mothership is a highly capable and redundant design. It should be part of any new fleet. LRR will build YOU a kadeshi mothership for the low low low low price of:
150,000,000,000 USD
These are great for your poilce forces to use. They can slice somebody's arm straight off! (They can give a nasty burn when on low power.)
Cost: 2,000 USD
The Blastech D-44!!!
A excellent personal weapon. It has good range, and a 40-shot energy clip.
Cost: 1,000 USD
The Slide Guitar!
Cost: 500 USD
Crazy-looking Electric Guitar!
Cost: 350 USD