I declare war on The Dictatorship of Summaner
The Macabees
03-10-2003, 14:18
what a geat cause and an even better role play
I think I’ll tag this masterpiece:
Ok… now that we’ve seen it, shall we do what we see? I think declaring war with evil faces is a great way of removing n00bs.
Read the FAQ mate and learn or I will declare war for a much better reason then this.
The Macabees
03-10-2003, 14:34
Yea yea yea I stole the image.
I must admit, :twisted: is an excellent reason to go to war.
So you'll be fighting for the reason of :twisted: , awesome.
Of course, a better reason might be :shock: .
The Macabees
03-10-2003, 14:43
:arrow: I declare war
-joke of course-
People of Attica! The Nation of The Macabees has declared war on us for :arrow: ! Therefore, starting immediately, day and night raids on the towns of :cry: and :P will be occuring. Our reason for war shall be :) .
Of course, a better reason might be :shock: .or :x .
03-10-2003, 15:56
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: i declare war on everyone in this thread! bwaahahahahaha!
*sends elite unit to deal with Haribika-Sana*
03-10-2003, 16:13
better yet, arm him with the almighty
better yet, arm him with the almighty
http://www.hernco.com/kidtoys/capgun.jpgOH MY GOD!!! IT'S SO POWERFUL!!!
GOD MODE!!! You do not have the technology to make that cap gun… they cost 99999999999USD and you can’t afford it cause I know more then you. :P