NationStates Jolt Archive

Secret RP-R&D/Invite only

01-10-2003, 19:31
OOC: This is OOC knowledge to ALL nations except those invited.

IC:The following takes place at a secret Military complex located on the planet Siesana. Emperor Uganda awaits the arrival of his close friend, Emperor Roland. As he waites, a Sambizie ISSCV lands on the small platform, within the complex. The complex is heavely guarded and fortified by Sambizie marines and Elarian military. Upon the Dropship landing, several containers were off-loaded and brought into the complex.

Mwto'ar orders his men to notify him when Emperor Roland arrives. With that he heads into the complex. Mwto'ar and his escorts stand in a rather small room, and put on steril clothing. A "hiss" is heard, then a voice.."Decontamination Completed, You are cleared to enter"...

The men step through a series of doors, before arriving in the main research lab. Mwto'ar looks at one of his escorts, (General Thomas) and states, "General...go and see if you can find the good doctor". "Yes Sir", the General responds.

A short while later, an aging woman approaches with the General. "Emperor, I am honored to finally meet you", she states. "Likewise", Mwto'ar states. "Is everything going as planned?"..he adds. "Yes Sir, here is the research file and the specimens have already arrived. We will be continuing soon. If you would like, we continue our meeting when Emperor Roland arrives" she states. "That would be fine...I will have the General come and get you when the Emperor arrives" Mwto'ar states.

Mwto'ar and his escorts go to a small conferance room and sit down. Mwto'ar opens the file handed to him by the doctor and begins reading....
01-10-2003, 19:42

page 1:

Species Research: Case# 200-987--ShaRa
Authorization: 000-8769 Office of the Emperor
Research Director: Cathrine Zwalanda Ph.D.
-Bio/Genetic Engineering
Security Access: Unrestricted

Subject #1:
Description: ShaRa limb fragment
Tested: Blood, DNA, Skin, musclel etc...
[Insert Medical knowledge here]
02-10-2003, 00:48
In the distance an Elarian Shuttle is seen entering the atmosphere. Inside sits Emperor Roland Meridius with 2 Imperial Guards.

The Pilot opens a transmission to the base.

"This is Elarian Shuttle Alpha , clearance code beta gamma 232748 zed."

When the clearance code is accepted the shuttle silently lands. White mists come from the shuttles door as it opens , Emperor Roland steps out in a platinum colored suit of Elarian Armor with a royal blue hooded cloak , on the Emperor's head sits a thin platinum crown.

Emperor Roland pulls a vial of glowing blue liquid out from his cloak , then smiles and puts it back as he walks to the entrance and waits for someone to lead him in. His two Imperial Guards following him closely.
03-10-2003, 06:50
As the doctor enters the room, she she sees Emperor Roland and Emperor Mwto'ar sitting at the conferance table. There are several gaurds in the room also. She nods at Roland as she hands him a duplicate folder, of the the one she gave Mwto'ar earlier.

"Thank you for coming gentelmen. The folder I gave you contains the plimanary data and research results that wer taken of the ShaRa specimen. These test were performed aboard one of our vessels...these are the latest results and this should bring you up to speed on the project."

"As you can see, some very interesting results have ocurred. During our carbon dating and DNA test, we have identified an isolated stran within the DNA pattern. Our testing of this stran, suggest that this pattern is directly related to the development of ShaRa skin...or if you wish...armour."

"Before these test, we knew that the ShaRa had a...well...a shell, for better lack of terms. We have now discovered that this shell is completly organic in nature. You see, as we grow flesh, the ShaRa grow a shell. We are certain that this DNA pattern acts as a "hardener" of the ShaRa flesh. We have also noted that this patten remains active throughout the ShaRa lifespan, the ShaRa grow older, the shell becomes harder."

"We believe that we are at a critical juncture with this developement. We have successfully "cloned" this DNA pattern and have developed a "raw" inoculation of this pattern. We injected a small lab animal several days ago. The area of the injection became slightly "calasted" or "harder" within a few hours. However, the growth rate is somewhat slow. The animals activities continue as normal and is displaying no side effects."

"Shortly we will be injecting the animal with a steroid growth hormone in efforts to stimulate the DNA pattern. We will contine to give you updates as the analysis continue."

"So..this is where we are at. Do you have any questions?"
03-10-2003, 16:31
Roland grins seeming pleased with what he has heard thus far.

"Very impressive doctor , I have no questions at this time , but please keep me informed of your progress."
05-10-2003, 00:25
The doctor nodded at Emperor Roland in acknowledgment. She then turned towards Emperor Uganda, "Sir, if that is all" she implied.

Mwto'ar stated, "I have no questions doctor, however...I have asked Emperor Meridius to assign one of his top researchers and Co-Direct this project." "Very well Sir", she stated. "You may leave us now, I will inform you when to meet the Emperors staff", Mwto'ar added.

With that the doctor left the room. Mwto'ar lifted his hand and gestered the SSF to leave the room as well. The guard nodded and gave a glance at one of the Imperial Guards, and intentionally left the door open as he left.

Mwto'ar turned and faced his close friend Roland. He lifted his head slightly, as to assure that Roland conducted "this" business in private. Mwto'ar knows that the Imperial Guard's are highly trusted, however is unsure how they would react if they knew the contents of the tiny blue vile...
05-10-2003, 17:21
Roland looks to the two Imperial Guards and lifts his hand slightly. The two Imperial Guards bow deeply closing their eyes for a second then stand tall and exit the room.

Roland looks to his friend Mwto'ar and grins as he pulls out the blue glowing vial from his cloak.

"This one vial my friend gave my scientists a very hard time , and it costed 10 Trillion Imperial Marks to make."

Roland places the vial in Mwto'ar's hand.

"This is Immortality my friend , my scientists were able to develope it , with it you will never die of old age." "As you know Elarians stop the aging process between 20-30 years of age , so this might even take a few years off of you before it stops your physical aging process."

Roland then pulls out a long item wrapped in a Sambizie flag and places it on the table in front of Mwto'ar.

"Well if your going to be my brother and have a little bit of Elara in your veins then youll need this , every Elarian has one , their own Elarian Sword , this was made of a metal we found on when of the worlds we own." "There are different versions of it , they all glow a different color , and the metal is one of the strongest we've found yet."

Roland unwraps the sword which is sheathed in a platinum casing. They handle of the sword is plated with gold , platinum and silver and has Mwto'ar Uganda engraved on it with symbols that would reflect Mwto'ar and his family , the sword also has a few rare stones in it. Roland slightly unsheathes the sword which glows (insert color here).


A tall Elarian Woman approaches the door the Imperial Guards step in front of the door to block her.

"Im here to see the Emperors , you know this , Ive already been approved."

"The Emperors are discussing a private matter you will have to wait."

The woman turns around and pull the shoulder of her blouse down revealing a small tatoo on her right upper shoulder. She then pull it back up and turns to the guard.

"Now you will let me in!"

The Imperial Guards step back and bow as the doors open and the woman enters the room. The doors close behind her as she walks up to the table.
06-10-2003, 00:36
Mwto'ar admires the sword for a moment, looks at the tiny blue vile, and consumes it's contents.(OOC:I'm assuming I could drink it...or is it an ejection?).

After drinking the liqued he takes the hilt of the sword in one hand and places the blade in the other. The blade begin to glow a magnificant teal color. As he stood, he looked at Roland, "My friend, from this day forward, We will be as one. Not just us but our Empires as well. May we fight as one"...

Just then the door opened and Mwto'ar placed the blade back in it's holder. He looks at the woman entering the door, "You must be the doctor, please come in...sit", Mwto'ar stated. Mwto'ar turned towards Roland, "Back to business dear friend"...
06-10-2003, 02:36
Roland smiles and nods to his friend , but the smile fades slightly as the female doctor enters the room and sits next to Mwto'ar.

"Mwto'ar this is Serinia Corineth.....the Corineth family are distant relatives to the Meridius family , a powerful and royal house of Elara..."

"And they would have my throne if they could..." Roland says under his breath.

Serinia hands some papers to Mwto'ar and Roland.

"This gentlemen is the Elarian DNA structure , here is how Elarians regenerate themselves." "Im very close to figuring out how to reproduce this and , well you know the rest..."

"Very good Serinia keep up the work , Im sure youll work well with the Sambizie Scientists here."

"Yes , it is a cause the Corineth Family strongly agrees with." Serinia looks to Mwto'ar and smiles. "And it is a great pleasure to meet you Emperor , you are well known in our lands."
06-10-2003, 04:30
"Thank you doctor Corineth, as your Emperor's name is cherished amongst Sambizie and her allies", states Mwto'ar.

Mwto'ar stands and reaches for his sword. He turns and adresses Corinthe, "You may go about your business now doctor, a guard will escort you to your quarters".

He turnes towards Roland..."Well my friend, would you like a tour of the Sambizie Station?" "There are several fine resturants in the promenade."
06-10-2003, 05:14
Serinia gets up and walks by Mwto'ar on her way out slipping a note into one of his pockets and rubbing her hand across his shoulder then she walked out the doors where the guards escorted her to her quarters.

Letter Reads: "We need to talk , urgent , please meet me in my quarters tonight , its about Roland."

Roland nods and smiles.

"Most certainly , this place is wonderful Id love to know more about how it operates."

Roland gets up and prepares to follow his friend Mwto'ar.
06-10-2003, 21:51
As Mwto'ar and Roland left the room, Mwtoar stated, "Roland, would you mind meeting me by the dropship?" "I have a bit of musiness to tend to, I'll be along in a minute".

As Mwto'ar finished speaking, he turned and gave a hand signal towards a tall stocky man, in all black. The man promptly "wispered" into his sleeve and proceeded towards Mwto'ar. Mwto'ar glanced over his shoulder and seen that Roland had disappeared around the corner with his escort. Mwto'ar then reached into his pocket, as he was sure that Serinia had "slipped" him something. He pulls the tiny note out and reads it, as the man approached...

"Yes sir?"
I need you to relay a message for me...Instruct the "Shadow" to return.
"Understood sir, Is he to report to you directly?"
Yes...and me only...understood?"
"Yes sir."
Oh...and next time...You are to break the arm of the next person who attempts to touch me, Is that perfectly clear?"
"Yes sir, I understand.." (The man understands that the lack of security and allowing someone to "physically" touch Mwto'ar is a neglect of duty).
Be sure that you do...

Mwto'ar then promptly turned around and headed to the dropship, along with a "few" extra guards...
06-10-2003, 23:43
Roland waited at the dropship with his two Imperial Guards and soon seen that Mwto'ar was coming.

"Come come my friend , Im eager for this tour , we have something similiar in Elara called Gestry , but it doesnt exist if you know what I mean."

Roland turns to one of the Imperial Guards and his smile turns to a frown.

"Amatorah Serinia , deranauf."

"Yes Sire!"

The Imperial Guard bows deeply and walks off.


In Serinia's Quaters:

"Where is Mwto'ar!" "He doesnt know hardly what hes getting himself into , all he knows and thinks of Roland , Rolands lies....."

Serinia sits and waits...
07-10-2003, 00:52
Mwto'ar climbs aboard the shuttle with Roland and their escorts. As mwto'ar sit's making small talk...he states, "So tell me friend, your undertone tells me that you are not fond of Serinia." "Perhaps there is something I should know?"

The shuttles Commander comes over the coms. as to notify the passengers that docking sequence has begun. A couple of "jolts" and the door swings open. Standing at the entrance of the tunnel are several Sambizie Marines along with the gentleman from the surface. " friend...after you..." Mwto'ar points to the exit of the shuttle, but still anticipating a responce to his question...

Mwto'ar reflects the conversation on the surface between Roland and his bodyguard. Stange, that after all these years of knowing Roland, he never before issued an order in his native tongue while in Mwto'ars presence...
07-10-2003, 01:04
"There are many things I would like to tell you friend , but some things must remain unknown...." "As for Serinia , I tolerate her , but I have a general disliking for the Corineth family..."

Roland walks out with his Imperial Guard and prepares to follow Mwto'ar.
07-10-2003, 01:18
OOC: I put in a edit..see last para.

IC:As the parties are escorted directly to the turboshaft leading to the promenade, Mwto'ar is handed a small communications device. As the man approaches, he states, "Sir, you have a message". Mwto'ar takes the device and flips it open. The massage on the screen reads: "ETA 1 hour".
Mwto'ar closes the device and hands it back to the agent stating, "Daj-ThOj KlakUt" (As to "practice" what Roland "preaches"...)

The men then climb aboard the turbolift and head to the promenade...
07-10-2003, 01:57
"This planet is truely beautiful , Im sure your excited about building it up for your people." "I can supply Engineering teams to assist in building future cities."
13-10-2003, 06:14
"Yes, it is a lovely planet. I am fortunate that Emperor Zoarg felt that I worthy enough to govern within his empire", stated Mwto'ar.

The two continue to talk casually as they continued to walk. They just reach the main entrance to the promenade aboard the station, when a "slick" looking gentelman approaches one of Mwto'ars agents. The two talk for a split second, before one of them walks up to Mwto'ar and states, "Sir, you have a secured call." "Very well", states Mwto'ar,

Mwto'ar turns to Roland and states, "Excuse me for one second friend". With that Mwto'ar reaches into his his pocket and pulls out the small communication device. He places a tiny earpiece into his ear and begins to speak in Sambizie....

This Mwto'ar...
Secret rp

Meanwhile, on the planet surface, Special Agent in Charge of the Emperor's Security, stands outside the front gate of the "plant" that Mwto'ar and Roland just left. A "jet-black" Humvee pulls to the front gate and stops. The special agent climbs inside and they drive to the facilities main entrance.

Sir, This is Shadow...
Roger...Verify Shadow::Alpha::Zulu::Six::One::Niner...
Confirmed...Welcome back Shadow...
Thank you Sir, good to be back. I will have a live video in a matter of you wish to hold? me directly when things are in place, Is that understood?
Loud and clear sir...Shadow out...

Mwto'ar then removed the earpiece and closed the lid of the device. He turned back towards Rolad, "Now, that wasn't long, was it friend?" Mwto'ar added, "I'm afraid they need me in OPS dear friend. It will only be for a short while....please, pleas...feel free to look around." "Perhaps you could find us a nice resturant to meet at later?" "When we meet up again, We'll get an update from the doctor's...Till then?


Shadow and the other agent heads towards the residential living area of the base. Along the way, they have gathered a couple more agent's. They come up on a door, in which the sign reads, "Director". The Lead Agent reaches to a keypad, raise his left hand, and enters the keypad combination. Upon the door opening, the men rush in and using "non-leathel" weaponary, quickly "stun" the female that was sitting on the edge of her bed. The men restarin her, and place an earpiece into the womans ear. Another man flips open a laptop, presses a key, and a message is displayed....LINKING::::::ESTABLISHED::::::


Mwto'ars tiny device starts to beep. He goes through the same routine...

Well Serinia...what is it you wish to talk about? And don't worry, my men won't harm you, they are just mearly establishing communication.....
14-10-2003, 06:39
Roland nods and walks away , looking as though hes in deep thought. Roland's Imperial Guard follows him closely and they disappear into the evening.


Serinia throws one of the men against the wall and is quickly restrained by the other men struggling to keep her down , Elarians are quite strong.

"I wish to speak with you alone Mwto'ar , no-one can be trusted!"
15-10-2003, 19:19
After the outburst by Serinia, the room is filled with the familure sound of guns "cocking".

Now Serinia, you must control your temper. Do not forget where you are. You are on my planet, in my facility. It would be ashame if some...let's say...if an accident were to occur whilst in my care. I assure you, what is spoken by you will remain a secret, the men in your room are sworn to secrecy. However if you feel more confortable, you will meet on my terms not yours.

Take the laptop and proceed to the shuttlebay, my men will escort you to the bay. The shuttle will deliever you to me, then we shall have our meeting. I will awaite your arrival.


One of the men in the room talks into his sleeve, "Understood Sir, we will escort her to the shuttle". "Are you sure she should travel alone?", he adds. "Yes Sir, understood", he states. The "Shadow" looks at Serinia and states, "No need to pack dear, it won't take long". He then folded the laptop and handed it to Serinia. "Right this way Doctor", Shadow stated.

As the group left the room, Shadow turned to the man that Serinia had thrown against the wall. He shook his head in disapproval then stated, "I trust you will be able to handel escorting the good Doctor to the shuttle bay...without incident?" The man nodded, "Yes your Highness". "Good, then you shall proceed", Shadow added. Shadow then calmly walked away from the rest of the group, leaving Serinia and 3 guards at he side.

Aboard the Sambizie Station....

Mwto'ar sit's in a rather large chair, that of the OPS Commander's station. He slowly stands up and mumbles to himself, "This has been a long day". A young Lt. turns his chair around and looks over his shoulder, "Forgive me Sir, did you say something?" Mwto'ar gave a slight smile, "Nothing important Lt. Please have the crew prepare my private shuttle." The young Lt. smiled back, "Aye Sir".

As Mwto'ar was exiting the Command Center, he looked over the room, "Lt....You have OPS" The young Lt. more shocked than honored at his first command replied, "Ye..Yes Sir!" Mwto'ar nodded with approval, "Very well, his Highness should be arriving shortly to relieve you." Mwto'ar then pressed the button on the turboshaft. The doors closed and Mwto'ar was on his way.

The young Lt., sitting at his station, slowly stood up and placed himself in the Command chair, as he knew that this oppertunity won't come along often...
15-10-2003, 21:00
Serinia was furious , she kept her hand on the Elarian Sword on her side. It would be so easy she thought to herself.

Serinia walked to the Shuttle bay and waited for the Shuttle to arrive and pick her up.

"I bet you guys are big supporters of Meridius.....we'll see how that lasts when the truth is revealed."

The Shuttle arrived and Serinia steps onto it as the doors close she gives a final glare to the Sambizie Soldiers and then smiled as the Shuttle took. She would soon arrive and meet with Mwto'ar....
15-10-2003, 21:33
As the shuttle lifted off, the co-pilot walked to the back of the shuttle where Serinia was sitting. The co-pilot had some equipment in his hand...A helmut and oxygen tank to be exact. The co-pilot tossed the equipment on the ground in front of Serinia, "You'll need these", he stated. As the man started to walk away, he turned and stated, "I suggest your equipment be in place before we land, as we will de-presurize this area when we land". He then turned around and a door slid closed behind him.

Moments later, two red lights appeared above the door that Serinia entered. By now, on of the lights turned green. The pilot, viewing Serinia via monitor, had noted that she put the equipment on. Seconds later, the shuttle touched down and the second light went green. At that moment, a loud hiss filled the room as the shuttle doors opened.

As the doors opened, it was evident to Serinia that she was not on the station nor the planet Siesana. It was apparent that she was in fact on the moonbase surface. Off in the distance, the lights of the moonbase could be seen only as a "lighted" haze. There were large mountains and crators everywhere. On her helmut com. a voice was heard, "Walk towards the lights, we will be waiting for you here".


Mwto'ar has been informed that Serinia's shuttle has touched down. He stands on a rather large rock overlooking a small valley, the one in which Serinia would emerge from if she followed directions. He knows if she doesn't appear soon she will run out of oxygen...
15-10-2003, 23:42
Serinia looksconfused and a bit nervous. She walks and walks , she notices her oxygen running low and tries to take small short breaths to preserve it longer.

"I must be close...must be..."

Serinia walks and finally emerges in front of the rock that Mwto'ar is on...
16-10-2003, 00:45
[i]Mwto'ar emerges from behind the rock, while still on top of it, looking down at Serinia...

I am up here Serinia, now what is it that you must tell me?

After Mwto'ar spoke several "tiny" red dots from all directions "clutter" Serinia's equipment...
16-10-2003, 02:44
Serinia stumbled a bit almost looking disoriented.

"I know you have heard many of the Elarian Stories Mwto'ar.....I know Roland has probably fed you a bunch of stories." "You have no doubt heard of how our people crashed on Earth , how we were fleeing a great threat." "Youve also heard of Roland's ancestors such as Atrian who started again from scratch after the crash." "The truth is Roland is Atrian ...... Roland was the Emperor who crashed with his people , he has finally gone back to his true name Roland." "When the scientists turned our people human to blend with the humans for some reason Rolands immortality didnt go away , he was still Elarian inside." "Now that we are back to our true forms Roland is even more ambitious soon we will have cracked the codes of our old ship that brought us to Earth." "Soon we will be gods , can you deal with not knowing the whole truth Mwto'ar?" "Hmmph , you probably know nothing of the War of Tears either do you?" "You know nothing of Roland or his true ways , or even our people..." "But I can help you Mwto'ar...." Serinia walks closer. "I want to help...." Serinia faints onto the ground.
17-10-2003, 06:38
When Serinia awakened, she found herself in a rather large and comfortable chair. The chair was in the center of a circular, candel lit, "collesuem" type room. Though the room, was much smaller and darker. In Serinia's sight, she could see Mwto'ar sitting slightly above and away from her. The ambiance in the room made it look as if Mwto'ar was floating. To Mwto'ars left, right and behind, were figures wearing black hooded cloaks. The hoods were "drawn" as not to reveal the faces.

Before Serinia could speak or move, Mwto'ar spoke in a calm, deep, echoing voice....

Shhhhh...Do not speak. Just listen, and perhaps you may learn something Serinia. You speak of "Imortality" and "Gods" Serinia, but I am certain that your perception of "Gods" and "Imortality" are vastly different from ours. You offer this information...why? Me, a complete stranger in which whom you have just met...a favor perhaps? What makes you so certain that my cause is any different than Rolands...perception? I assure you Serinia, nor your claims of your perception to be a "God", or Roland's perception to claim "Imortality", affect nor interest us. You may keep your secrets...and Roland may keep his, as I'm quit sure the Sambizie have theirs....

You see Serinia, your preceptions lead to misconceptions, which is a common deception. You know not where you explore courious one. For the questions you ask of me and the thoughts you preceve...may land you a deal with your "Devil". Speak now, but I warn you, your thoughts will validate your preceptions or condem you to eternal darkness....

A bright light shines down, above the chair Serinia is sitting in. She could feel the warm, comforting heat on her head and shoulders. An ever increasing hum fills the room, as Serinia begins to feel slight pressure bearing down on her chest and from her back....
27-10-2003, 23:26
"Hah!" "You try to frighten me with all of this , you have failed in that task!" "But I see something in you Mwto'ar ......... Roland however I see something in him as well....... I fear a second War of Tears." "Roland may be your friend , but his Imperial ambitions will blind him to your friendship soon Sambizie will be a target for the Blue Tide." "I KNOW this to be true Mwto'ar!" "Roland is the first Emperor! The begining of Elara , and he shall one day be the end of the universe!" "Corineth can help you though Mwto'ar our family is strong , we can defend you and one day overthrow Roland , you would be wise to make a friend in the Corineth family." "I.....I like you alot Mwto'ar.......I see strength in you."

Serinia seems to be in deep thought , remembering something from years passed as a tear rolls down her face.
29-10-2003, 06:31
"No Serinia, I am not trying to frighten you and am trying to enlighten you." "What you see in me is the "Truth" Serinia. "You say that someday we, the Sambizie will fall to the "Blue Tide"...You under estimated us." "I know your "house" is a strong house, but ask youself Serinia..."Did the Sambizie ask to be defended?" "It seems as so "you" are the ones in need of help."

Let me explain it to you this way....

Mwto'ar stands up from his chair, within a fraction of a second, the room was silenced. Only the very breath of Serinia could be heard. Mwto'ar wvaes one hand, and the feeling of restraint on Serinia, oddly turns to a feeling of 0gravity...but she has not moved. The room is filled with billions of information, surrounding, engulfing Serinia. Star charts, maps, communications, vidio, data, all streem throughout the room. What seems to be every planetary system and universe...before her eys...

Mwto'ar reaches to reveal himself fromm under his hood, when a "thunderous" voice echoed throughout the room, "We are but the final piece in a complicated puzzel Serinia." As the hood is dropped, there stood a figure...One without substance btu still visible. No face, no color, just an image of something Serinia has never seen before...

What you see before you are the "roots" of the Sambizie. Thousands of years ago, our fathers, came to be, by the single "cell" that defines life itself. Sambizie, one of three pieces needed to harness the very power and secrets of the universe. Dropped on the planet Earth centries ago, our "keepers" the "Protectorate", denied us the essental DNA to reconize our true selves. The Zoarg have provided us that link to ourselves, as they too are "keepers" of another. You see this whole war, The ShaRa, Zoarg, for the fight and rewards of the "seeds". Every day we grow stronger, wiser, and "hungry". The ShaRa were not far off when they stated we were like them. Though we have not been able to "harness" the brute streangth of the ShaRa, we have been able to "harness" the anger.

You continue with your work here, Serinia. You have my wish...just this once Serinia, as you have cought my attention. But I warn you...You may not get the answer you desire...
29-10-2003, 07:15
Serinia holds back her tears and looks up.

"Let me go Mwto'ar....... Ive got work to do."

Not the answer you would regularly see from an Elarian...... this was strange especially for someone from the Corineth Family.

"I should not have let my feelings out to you....I should have known ...... the others of Corineth warned me of this ......let me go..."
29-10-2003, 14:50
Your honesty has rewarded you the ear of the Empire Serinia, of this you should not be ashamed...You are free to leave...

Mwto'ar returns to his seat and instantly all the perviously felt feelings of Serinia have passed. Slowly the members of the room begin to file out of the room as Mwto'ar just sits in a somber state. He then stands and makes one more statement before he leaves the room, Stay true to your heart Serinia, for it will not fail you..
30-10-2003, 01:00
Serinia gets up and tries to touch Mwto'ar's cheek and then walks out , tears running down her blue cheek.

Serinia walks to a shuttle bay where she is brought back to continue her work.


Roland meanwhile wonders around looking a bit anxious for some reason. His Imperial Guard following him closely ever watchful of all around them.
30-10-2003, 01:14
Roland picks up his comm link and speaks into it , Elarian to make sure none around can understand whats secretly going on in Elarian Imperial Space.


"How is the Operation going , whats the estimated time for completion."

"We're on schedule m'lord , estimated time for completion 6 months at the most." "This is the largest project we've ever worked on and we have the most Elarian construction workers and scientists working on this project than with anything we've ever done , it will no doubt be an achievement the universe will look at and marvel." "One question if I may Sire , what will Mwto'ar think of this?"

"I want it finished in three months that is all."

Roland shuts off his comm link.
31-10-2003, 05:33
Later that evening, Mwto'ar stands by the shuttle pad of the Siesana moonbase. With him, several well armed men and a man wearing the black attire Mwto'ar was wearing while speaking to Serinia. As Mwto'ar waits, he grips the hilt of the Elarian blade given to him by Roland. He ponders the thoughts of his conversation with Serinia. "Perhaps I said too much or mabey not enough at all", he thinks to himself. "They do not know, we may continue as planned Emperor", the man states.

The Presidential shuttle lands and the men file on board. Moments later the shuttle docks with the Sambizie Flagship. Mwto'ar makes his way to the bridge with his escort. The Commander gives a slight bow to Mwto'ar then towards the other man. Mwto'ar walks up to a navigation computer and inputs co-ordinates. He turns towards the Commander, "Proceed to these co-ordinates Commander" , he states. "Yes Sir", the Commander responded. Moments later the Commander adresses the crew..

"Now hear this...Now hear this...Make ready all battle stations...repeat, make ready all battle stations". The normal lighting of the craft dims and is slowly replaced with red lights. The commander barks out several series of orders, per procedure. Within minutes, the Flagship cloakes and jumps to hyperspace to a location known only to Mwto'ar and the Commander.

"We are underway Sir", states the Commander. "Very well, notify me when we have arrived", states Mwto'ar. Mwto'ar then turns to the man in black and gives a nod. The two men then exit the bridge and go to Mwto'ars private quarters...

OOC: Elara check the AP forums for updated developments of the project.
02-11-2003, 02:27
OOC: Went and checked. Very well done , soon the ultimate soldier will be ours.


Serinia works hard with other Elarian Scientists and Sambizie Scientists , she feels so close to completing her tasks. Shes working on a project to isolate Elarian Regeneratory Genes. At the same time young Elarian Warriors volunteer to be tested with the formula to grow the shell armor. They are in confined guarded quarters and are being watched closely and regularly come in for check ups and tests.
04-11-2003, 04:34
Roland takes his comm link and soeaks into it once more. It has been quite a while since he has contacted the agent on the operation and he wanted to know how the operation was going.

"Report , its been 3 months now , youve had plenty of time." "The M.E Campaign is completed and we need the project completed."

"Your highness we have completed the project." "It is a glorious day for the Empire." "What are you orders Sire?"

"Well done send it to Earth , Ill send a transmission to the Empire and her allies." "Its a new era for the Empire."

"Yes m'lord it shall be done!"
14-11-2003, 05:13
OOC: Sorry for the absence bud :cry: I'll try to catch up later tomorrow or this weekend.

p.s. What made you decide to return to APTO? Anything I miss?