30-09-2003, 21:14
Here are the stats for the b-1052
Lengh, 1.5 times a normeral B-52
Width, Twice as wide as a B-52
Height, 2 times as tall as a B-52
Engines, 4 Jono Land super engines with 500,000 punds of thrust
Wing span, 1.5 times as big as a B-52
Payload, 24 daisy cutters, or 200,000 kilos of conventional explosives
Centre of gravity, same as standard B-52
Fuel, 100,000 ponds for 25,000 mile trip
Fuel stored in wings and the bottom quarter of the fusalage.
Runway required, 2 miles
Weight empty, 500,000 pounds
Total weight with full fuel and payload, 1,200,000 ponds.
If there are any other questions they will be answered.
Lengh, 1.5 times a normeral B-52
Width, Twice as wide as a B-52
Height, 2 times as tall as a B-52
Engines, 4 Jono Land super engines with 500,000 punds of thrust
Wing span, 1.5 times as big as a B-52
Payload, 24 daisy cutters, or 200,000 kilos of conventional explosives
Centre of gravity, same as standard B-52
Fuel, 100,000 ponds for 25,000 mile trip
Fuel stored in wings and the bottom quarter of the fusalage.
Runway required, 2 miles
Weight empty, 500,000 pounds
Total weight with full fuel and payload, 1,200,000 ponds.
If there are any other questions they will be answered.