Tensions Hotten Up with Terepa
Upon their military presence just off our course, a deliberate show of force, that was NOT scheduled on any documents before it happened, we were not informed, and nor were any other nations.
Their disappearance just as things in our country began to cool down speak volumes, and their brandishing of our country as 'enemies' in their Poker Campaign video also speaks for itself.
We demand that they say exatcly WHY they were off our shores, because it was not an exercise, WHY the brandished us as enemies, and WHY they disspeared when things cooled down.
Please answer Terepa.
(Scene) Codename: FreeMont station, a Refueling Station/Airfield, on a Island off the coast of Freedom Country.
This station was arranged through an agreement with Freedom Country,
We see this as you would a Giant embassy and will defend it as such.
Our ambassador wishes to talk with Freedom Country Leader and try to understand what is going on with Terepa and how serious the situation may be.
Station is on the alert and Defenses being readied. CAP missions will begin around the Island
At first, we kicked out all communists out of our nation, after recalling all forces.
Terepa then sent a number of Minesweepers loaded with some tanks and soldiers close to our waters.
The rest is detailed in the initial topic.
And to be honest, he isnt much of a threat unless he gains allies.
30-09-2003, 20:43
TO: Freedom Country
If this Terepa gains support in his attacks on your nation, we will support you as much as we can.
TO: Freedom Country
If this Terepa gains support in his attacks on your nation, we will support you as much as we can.
We thank you for this.
We are currently demanding reasons for his actions, and if not, then all communication, trade etc witll be cancelled, and we will urge our allies to do this too.
If you wish the truth, capitalist, then you shall have it. We were planning to have an exercise involving these forces somewhere. We decided on near your waters, and sped up the timetable a couple months, because we recieved intelligence, that proved to be faulty, that a civil war would happen in your nation. We planned to send these troops in as peacekeepers. That is all.
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev II
Leader of Terepa
Workers of the World Unite
We in future want publications of these movements.
We also want you to answer our OTHER questions.
Read all please.
We used it for propaganda because that's just what we do. It's nothing personal. The video was just video of our soldiers relaxing with some "re-enacted :D " war-room footage on your side. We never called you an "enemy" in the video. Evil capitalist pig, sure, but not "enemy."
Why did they leave? Simple: Our intelligence now indicated there would not be a civil war.
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev II
Leader of Terepa
Workers of the World Unite
You seemed to have great interest in the civil war.
Why not wait then fly in troops like everyone else?
Because we had knowledge in advance, and these troops were going to do an exercise in a couple months anyway. It would be illogical to wait and let the situation destabilize further to fly troops in.
It is our government's policy not to attack anyone with a larger population than us anyway, as you do, without guaranteed allies. If we did plan to attack you, we would have sent our entire fleet, and as many troops as it could carry. We only sent four ships, 2000 troops, and twelve tanks.
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev II
Leader of Terepa
Workers of the World Unite
We have no Hostilities toward Terepa ,but our Freemont Station Units will remain on their guard. Its only reasonable. :)
Rylleh Military has decided to resupply its foreign bases.
30-09-2003, 22:38
Careful Freedom, don't step in the bullshit.
As long as he has no serious allies, I will step where I want.
It just seemed he had great interest in the 'Civil War', which was not going to happen, never would, and isnt going to.
And why on ships?
Why not FLY them in in advance.
Way easier, all ports are closed due to our troops being recalled and our defensivness.
Here is the Island.
Freemont Station Link:
Nice place that.
Anyway, 3rd Division is leaving on other business.