looking for several space stations
I am looking to purchase space satelites with laser blasting capabilities. Looking for 5 in all.
I will pay any price.
30-09-2003, 17:31
35 trillion for a MIR type we found drifting. We stuck a blaster rifle on it to fit your request. Note, you have to get rid of the bodies yourself.
30-09-2003, 17:58
(OOC: laser blasting :lol: )
Perhpas you'd like to buy a Mjolnir RBC. Check my ship thread for more details.
Duke Solomon Klonor
Founder: Galactic Alliance (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=71260)
Member: The New Jewish Alliance
http://www.bateshome.com/jordan/ksig.jpg (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=59081)
30-09-2003, 19:56
Satellites with laser capabilities? How retro... I stopped using those in May.
I think he means modern tech.
Oh. Never mind then. Ignore my previous post (I'm way in the future)