Somebody who can clean up a nuclear waste and stop nuclear winter with hot coals and fill up a crater! :?
Perhaps heat generated from another nuclear detonation would counter the effects of the nuclear winter. Why don't you give it a shot?
while i cant fix any of those problems i can infest your nation with vampire monkeys. think it would help?
29-09-2003, 03:40
I could bombard your country with the Armageddon gun of my Capital Ship, though it may cause the planet do destablize and break up :?
The Resi Corporation
29-09-2003, 03:44
I can clean up your nuclear waste with my nanomachines, but we don't think you deserve it.
Dawn Kradii, Secretary of the CEO
Resi Corp.
What're you talking about? They may be enemies, yes, and they may have made some bad moves, but aren't they still sentient creatures? We will sell you our radiation clean-up services for $50 billion, just enough for us to make a marginal profit. We know you can't pay now, so we're open to payment plans.
Dae Narasagi, Head Advisor to the CEO
Resi Corp.
How could you?! They are our sworn enemy!
Dawn Kradii, Secretary of the CEO
Resi Corp.
I believe what I'm doing is for the good of the Earth. It is never good to leave a portion of the planet radiated. Besides, you're forgetting that I outrank you.
Dae Narasagi, Head Advisor to the CEO
Resi Corp.
(under breath) Bitch...
Dawn Kradii, Secretary of the CEO
Resi Corp.
me and my allies in my region (Euroslavia, Ulan Baator, and others) welcome you to move to The Kingdom of the Midlands. There, we will assist you in reconstruction.