NationStates Jolt Archive

Chronos news begins selling film of the Razing of Cythas....

Melkor Unchained
28-09-2003, 23:55
...set to the William Tell Overture.

The three and a half minute long video features video footage taken from the ground as the operation was carried out. As the violins come in for the first time, swelling slowly into a familiar crescendo, the assult starts, with footage of the Sky Furnace purge coming in in a staggered montage of images as the cymbals crash loudly, the full orchestra playing the refrain.

Slowing down, the motif changes to fleeing civilians as the second violin interlude plays, followed suddenly by more Sky Furnace footage as the refrain plays again. A montage of shots rounds out the rest of the video, showing everything from the palace assault to the battle raging in the streets.

The video closes as the music ends the final crescendo, with an upward pan of the gravship fleets as they continue to press into the country, the flame beneatht the Sky Furnace purging in perfect time with the final note.

The video was instantly forwarded to various news and entertainment agencies
28-09-2003, 23:59
The Omzian High Military Council has quickly snatched the video footage from the Omzian International Broadcasting corporation. Now head members of the Omzian Armed Forces has found themselves sitting in front of a small TV everyday, writing the tactics they see in the video on plain paper.


"The video is... Chaotic. :shock: "

-- Random Omzian Military Officier
29-09-2003, 00:00
New ArAreBee
29-09-2003, 00:15
As the videos were played on Martian News, a roar was heard as the citizens of New ArAreBee began to storm out and run to the local video shops.

In an almost poetic sense, considering the use of the William Tell Overture, scenes of racing mobs were abound as citizens fought one another for home copies of the video. Violence escalated to such a point that Police Pyras were seen flying into mobs, dropping knock out gas as drones moved into flanking positions to knock out the blood thirsty citizens.

Sadly the drones were clobbered and ran over as the mobs ran back home, as the commercial breaks were ending.
29-09-2003, 00:44
The Vascilian League remained puzzled as to what exactly they were watching. The Question on the minds of most citizens was "Who the hell are Melkor?"


Yeah...We dont know whats going on haha.
29-09-2003, 00:59
Disturbing... to say the least... the very least.
High Magus Lulu, the Head of the Counsel of Magic
The Theocracy of The Bevelle Empire
29-09-2003, 02:51
"Send a message to lord Melkor. Ask him if he can make a feature length film for me."
-Empress Alassë Culnàmo
29-09-2003, 03:02
Pardon my ignorance, but where is Cythas?
29-09-2003, 03:06
Pardon my ignorance, but where is Cythas?

It's the capitol of Axackal II, a nation who is currently in the process of being brutally annexed by Melkor.
29-09-2003, 03:10
Is the situation hopeless?
29-09-2003, 03:20
Is the situation hopeless?

Here it is...

And no, it's not completely hopeless, wait a minute, what am I saying, it's pretty hopeless. The war's only just begun and Melkor has already sacked the capitol city and more or less ripped it to shreds.
29-09-2003, 03:22
Why does nobody attempt guerilla war against Melkor?
29-09-2003, 03:23
Why does nobody attempt guerilla war against Melkor?

There's a simple answer to that, they'll end up with a big Melkorian boot up their asses, thats why and believe me I know first hand.
29-09-2003, 03:32
What do you mean?

Ever since we saw Melkor invade Eris Kalisti and watched the imperialistic tendencies of Melemecar and Bonstock, Qaaolchoura has set itself up to fight a guerilla war if need be, while allowing our Martian Colonies self sufficiency should it ever be needed.
29-09-2003, 03:37
What do you mean?

I mean that, I, myself once attempted to wage a guerilla war against Melkorian forces when they invaded my nation long ago. Even with the help of a few larger nations he still managed to take over half my nation in less than a week (NS) and he only withdrew because of a misfired nuclear missile but not before launching one himself, which still to this day leaves a permanent mark on the beaches of Rukemia. But that's ancient history, the point is fighting a guerilla war against someone like Melkor is not as nearly as easy as it sounds.
29-09-2003, 03:42
Ahh, yes, but have you planned your terrain out in advance? And I think that being equatorial shall help.

Of course I still intend to attempt to avoid any RP with Melkor, but If I am forced into it I shall try to wage a hose to house fight in Shaou'l'aeoe and Guerrilla war in the mountionous rainforests.

(How often does Melkor accept OOC declinations of RP btw?)
29-09-2003, 03:50
Ahh, yes, but have you planned your terrain out in advance? And I think that being equatorial shall help.

Of course I still intend to attempt to avoid any RP with Melkor, but If I am forced into it I shall try to wage a hose to house fight in Shaou'l'aeoe and Guerrilla war in the mountionous rainforests.

(How often does Melkor accept OOC declinations of RP btw?)

(I can not answer for him, so I don't know how often he does, but if the reason is just for fear of getting your ass kicked then I doubt he would accept.)

I tried using the forest between my cities to my troops advantage but it didn't matter, he swamped me with numbers and tactics. If he thought a city was to troublesome to take over then he simply burnt it to the ground, he demolished a whole city when he invaded us, nothing was left to save.
29-09-2003, 04:04
And yet if one does not turn over one's main nation after losing a mandatory, unwanted, on-sided RP then one is considered a cheater.

And RPers wonder why so many people stay in General. :roll:
03-10-2003, 01:56
Qaaolchoura, Guerilla wars dont help that much...I mean really. If your goal is the complete Annihilation of a race of people Guerilla warfare will not help!
03-10-2003, 02:03
Ahh. . .