Peacekeeping force being established for Reformed Texas
Due to the wanton massacre by all sides,
the massacre of withdrawing West Moon forces
and the illegal use of nuclear weapons,
the government of the People's Republic of West Moon is now deploying 550,000 troops, equipped with antiradiation suits, to the zone 8 and 11 of Reformed Texas to establish a safe haven for all RT civilians who are tired of war and to begin cleaning those areas up from the radiation.
The troops being deployed are heavily armed peacekeepers and the safe haven status of the area in question will be enforced. All beligerents are ordered to evacuate all weapons from the area immediately.
It is expected that the clean up will be expensive therefore we are asking for financial assistance and other aid in running and protecting these two safe havens.
In terms of governance, we holding a council with the local populations in the area to set up a new government that govern the safe zones until the war in RT is finally over, at which time the territory will revert back to RT.
We are also calling on other nations who concerned, to donate forces to the peacekeeping mission.
Edolia is willing to donate 200,000 peacekeepers to the area as soon as hostilities with other nations have abated.
<<OOC: BTW, I can't find the old thread. What happened to it?>>
Five Civilized Nations
28-09-2003, 23:39
The Five Civilized Nations are willing to send 450,000 peacekeepers to Reformed Texas... These peacekeepers will be used to keep the peace and to bring to justice, those involved in crimes against humanity...
--The Omnipresent President
The Five Civilized Nations are willing to send 450,000 peacekeepers to Reformed Texas... These peacekeepers will be used to keep the peace and to bring to justice, those involved in crimes against humanity...
--The Omnipresent President
Hopefully the forces committed by by us will be enough for this purpose.
Those responsible for human rights violations, the massacre of 65,000 WM troops in the process of leaving RT, and the launch of the nuclear war must be put on trial.
Five Civilized Nations
29-09-2003, 00:03
If these forces are not enough, the Five Civilized Nations are ready to commit a further 450,000 men...
--The Omnipresent President
ATA-Peace forces (20 Elite ATA troops) will settle at Reformed Texas.
The Five Civilized Nations are willing to send 450,000 peacekeepers to Reformed Texas... These peacekeepers will be used to keep the peace and to bring to justice, those involved in crimes against humanity...
--The Omnipresent President
Hopefully the forces committed by by us will be enough for this purpose.
Those responsible for human rights violations, the massacre of 65,000 WM troops in the process of leaving RT, and the launch of the nuclear war must be put on trial.
I think the people responsible for the nuclear war (i.e. the Texas National Party and Redevac Union leaders) are dead.
The United Socialist States of Renard offers 1400 light infantry and NBC personnel to help distribute food and medical aid for as long as necessary.
Ministry of Defense
To all nations participating in RT peacekeeping. Bear in mind, before anyfurther peacekeepers can be set, the anitradiation units must be allowed ample time to clean up the contaminated zones composing the safe haven.
From there, they will move into the non safehaven areas to begin deconing those areas. Once the Zones 8 and 11 are declared radiation free, normal troops will be allowed into those areas for peacekeeping missions.
WestMoon medical technicians specializing in radiation sickness have accompanied the first dispacth of WM peacekeepers and horrified at the large number of civilians who radiation sickness.
Triages have been established in freshly doconned blocks to begin treating the injured.
Though many are being advised to begin immediate chemotherapy as the nuclear fall has caused many of them to develop advanced cancer tumors overnight.
29-09-2003, 00:47
Kisnesia will donate all 170,000 troops in the region and its 3 Carrier Groups towards the new peacekeeping effort on the condition that new, fair elections are held in Reformed Texas.
If this is not the case, we will seek out and destroy all nuclear weapons in the region unilaterally.
Another 100,000 troops are on their way, with Carrier Group 4.
Acknowledged and understood. The United Socialist States of Renard will begin preparing humanitarian aid for it's peace keepers to deploy when the conditions are right. It also offers to help treat radiation victims in any way it can.
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
West Moon announces its forces have finished decontaminating one city.
****** Open Telegram To Edolian Leaders ******
During the war to bring Communism to Texas, 150,000 Teegerian troops were delivered directly under your command. It was made abundantly clear to you the delicate political situation we were in.
The people of Teegeria are demanding answers immediately as to what happened to the Teegerian troops you were entrusted with. Myself, and the entire rest of the leadership will not tolerate the ignition of a nuclear war, without taking the precaution of sending the Teegerian troops home. With the current crisis your nation finds itself in, we expect a full response immediately, so as to determine our future relations.
Teege Justice
President, Teegeria
We wish our ally(s) and others good luck in the operation of cleaning up Texas.
Due to the breakdown in peace and continuation of hostilities, peacekeeping operations are now in jeopardy.
Therefore, WestMoon, with the consent of major power neighbor Whittier, has decided, in conjunction with other concerned nations to make the following cautionary advice.
First off, we call on all beligerents in Reformed Texas to disarm totally.
To ensure the protection of RT soverignty while they are disarmed, we call on the creation of an international force, that will stand guard from Whittier territory. Whittier has said they would allow a multinational force on their territory for this purpose.
Further, we demand the total withdrawal of all foreign beligerents.
We believe this dispute must be solved through internationally monitered free elections. Based on the historic Texas model of holding elections.
Since that is the local electoral precedent.
If we can get all parties to agree on this, the peacekeeping effort will be more secure and our efforts to decontaminate Reformed Texas can continue a little more quickly. But it is difficult to decon certain areas when you have people outside the safehaven taking potshots at your decon personnel.
funny how a nuclear assault and deaths of millions achieved the same that phyrric forces were accomplishing, just at a far greater risk and rate.
Five Civilized Nations
29-09-2003, 14:29
30,000 Environmental Decontamination Engineers are being sent to help rid the battle area of nuclear waste and radiation and make it safe for living again...
--The Omnipresent President
We support your peace efforts and your efforts to heal the Texan peoples.
May I offer a the gift of the miracle drug that will instantly cure those poor people of all their sicknesses.
The Republic of Texas has talked with all of the political parties established in the republic (DGP,GLP,CBGP,CTP,GPT,TNP) There was a meeting with all of the leaders. We have come to an agreement with a vote of 5 to 1, to work together in rebuilding the nation and restoring order. And in a vote of 5 to 1 of keeping the former leaders in office. The third decision that was voted upon was for each party to donate all there weaponry to the National Armed Forces passed 5 to 1.
After that vote passed the leaders of the DGP all got up and left the meeting. The DGP also delivered a writen statement to the president stating that he will not give up the territoy that he has claimed nor will he stop fighting. It was also mentioned that the RU is still sending supplies, troops, and money to the DGP forces.
After the DGP left the most important vote was purposed. To keep Nuclear weapons of mass destruction out of the Republic. It was passed 5-0.
Although we do want to stop the fighting but we must reunite the nation together again and contiune to fight the DGP forces in West Texas. and in zone 5 of east Texas(which should only last a few days since they are cut off from there main territory in west Texas) We will be sending down 2 divisions to make sure that the entire area of zone 8 and 11 are unarmed and to make sure that the communist forces are getting all of there weapons to the National Armed Forces.
President Buyse
Reformed Texas
The Republic of Texas has talked with all of the political parties established in the republic (DGP,GLP,CBGP,CTP,GPT,TNP) There was a meeting with all of the leaders. We have come to an agreement with a vote of 5 to 1, to work together in rebuilding the nation and restoring order. And in a vote of 5 to 1 of keeping the former leaders in office. The third decision that was voted upon was for each party to donate all there weaponry to the National Armed Forces passed 5 to 1.
After that vote passed the leaders of the DGP all got up and left the meeting. The DGP also delivered a writen statement to the president stating that he will not give up the territoy that he has claimed nor will he stop fighting. It was also mentioned that the RU is still sending supplies, troops, and money to the DGP forces.
After the DGP left the most important vote was purposed. To keep Nuclear weapons of mass destruction out of the Republic. It was passed 5-0.
Although we do want to stop the fighting but we must reunite the nation together again and contiune to fight the DGP forces in West Texas. and in zone 5 of east Texas(which should only last a few days since they are cut off from there main territory in west Texas) We will be sending down 2 divisions to make sure that the entire area of zone 8 and 11 are unarmed and to make sure that the communist forces are getting all of there weapons to the National Armed Forces.
President Buyse
Reformed Texas
The handing over of weapons to teh national military is acceptable.
Since they have ignored demands for disarming or withdrawal, West Moon is now preparing a coalition to eliminate both the DGP's and RU's capacities to wage war.
If conflict is necessary to get them to stop fighting, then we will force RU to sign a treaty requiring the total dismantling of its military forces. And prohibiting it from having an army of more than 250,000 men.
These groups have 24hours to disarm.
Further, we urge all fellow communists to surrender their weapons to either the Texas national government or to West Moon peacekeepers. If you give weapons to the peacekeepers, we will give you market value financial compensation.
****** Memo from Cali, Teegeria *******
The Teegerian troops were generously donated to bring the fight to provide the people of Texas the communist rule they so richly deserve. However, after the near loss of 150,000 Teegerian troops due to a nuclear attacked provoked by the enemies of Edolia, Teegerian troops were immediately pulled out of Texas, and ordered by Edolian military leadership to the Edolian nation, awaiting further directives from my government. While my heart is with the Texas people, in their struggle against the Capitalist Dictators of the West, the people of Teegeria are clear in their resounding desire to remove themselves from the quagmire that appears to be forming in Texas.
All surviving troops from Teegeria are being ordered home, and will not take part in any further military roles in Texas. Furthermore, we will turn over no weaponry to the non-Communist forces taking advantage of the unfortunate nuclear war.
Teegeria will play no part in Texas from this point forward.
Teege Justice
President, Teegeria
The Republic of Texas has talked with all of the political parties established in the republic (DGP,GLP,CBGP,CTP,GPT,TNP) There was a meeting with all of the leaders. We have come to an agreement with a vote of 5 to 1, to work together in rebuilding the nation and restoring order. And in a vote of 5 to 1 of keeping the former leaders in office. The third decision that was voted upon was for each party to donate all there weaponry to the National Armed Forces passed 5 to 1.
After that vote passed the leaders of the DGP all got up and left the meeting. The DGP also delivered a writen statement to the president stating that he will not give up the territoy that he has claimed nor will he stop fighting. It was also mentioned that the RU is still sending supplies, troops, and money to the DGP forces.
After the DGP left the most important vote was purposed. To keep Nuclear weapons of mass destruction out of the Republic. It was passed 5-0.
Although we do want to stop the fighting but we must reunite the nation together again and contiune to fight the DGP forces in West Texas. and in zone 5 of east Texas(which should only last a few days since they are cut off from there main territory in west Texas) We will be sending down 2 divisions to make sure that the entire area of zone 8 and 11 are unarmed and to make sure that the communist forces are getting all of there weapons to the National Armed Forces.
President Buyse
Reformed Texas
The handing over of weapons to teh national military is acceptable.
Since they have ignored demands for disarming or withdrawal, West Moon is now preparing a coalition to eliminate both the DGP's and RU's capacities to wage war.
If conflict is necessary to get them to stop fighting, then we will force RU to sign a treaty requiring the total dismantling of its military forces. And prohibiting it from having an army of more than 250,000 men.
These groups have 24hours to disarm.
Further, we urge all fellow communists to surrender their weapons to either the Texas national government or to West Moon peacekeepers. If you give weapons to the peacekeepers, we will give you market value financial compensation.
WestMoon we do greatly appriciate this act of kindness and all of the others that you have blessed the Republic with but the National Army and National Air Force must deal with the DGP by them selfs. It is the only true way to end this war. But if you feel that you must help is elimate the DGP forces you can gracfully donate muiltary supply to the National Armed Forces. Anything you donate we can use. Thank you for offering us assistance in taking out the DGP.
30-09-2003, 19:41
WestMoon we do greatly appriciate this act of kindness and all of the others that you have blessed the Republic with but the National Army and National Air Force must deal with the DGP by them selfs. It is the only true way to end this war. But if you feel that you must help is elimate the DGP forces you can gracfully donate muiltary supply to the National Armed Forces. Anything you donate we can use. Thank you for offering us assistance in taking out the DGP.
Unfortunately, the TNP has already gotten itself into trouble with nuclear weapons. Kisnesia discourages TNP from taking on the DGP by itself, and instead insists that the international coalition disarm DGP. In this way, we do not have to worry about TNP. As soon as the last of the radiation is cleaned up, the Coalition will disarm DGP, and will encourage TNP to also disarm while we help rebuild the country.
Official message from Whittier. We are very concerned about events in your nation. We have authorized intern. forces on our territory in case they are needed in RT.
RT should know that we are watching them from above.
We understand. But we also feel this is a threat to our nation. And about your statement on taking out the DGP, you will not be permited to do that. The people will think that the DGP is stronger than the National Armed Forces which they are not. And if the people think they are stronger then the people will follow the DGP instead of the national government. And then we must start this all over again and could end up have anouther nuclear attack. We have already voted on nuclear weapons being in Texas and they are banned unless autherized by all political factions.
New Whittier-
We highly recomend that you remove your "eyes" from above our nation. It is a threat to our nation directly and we want it to be removed. If it is not removed with in our time frame of 36 hours then we will begin to take steps of removing it by force.
President Buyse
Reformed Texas
Attention. Reformed Texas is our friend. Any military acts against him will not be tolerated and will produce a declaration of war upon the offender by the Republic of Aquilla, consisting of the provinces of Aquilla, TrippyHippys, Karl Rove Rocks, Wuzzonoa, the Arterian River, and Grebenesia. Reformed Texas, if you need any military assistance, you need only say the word.
PS, I am a little at a loss to what's exactly happening. Can someone fill me in?
EDIT: 1000th POST!!!! W00T!
02-10-2003, 03:41
Attention. Reformed Texas is our friend. Any military acts against him will not be tolerated and will produce a declaration of war upon the offender by the Republic of Aquilla, consisting of the provinces of Aquilla, TrippyHippys, Karl Rove Rocks, Wuzzonoa, the Arterian River, and Grebenesia. Reformed Texas, if you need any military assistance, you need only say the word.
EDIT: Sorry, misread your above post.
Anyway, read for the full story.
Support should go to the International Coalition, which supports new, free elections in Reformed Texas, regardless of their outcome.
Who should I support? I promise not to use WMD!
02-10-2003, 03:50
Who should I support? I promise not to use WMD!
WMDs in Reformed Texas = EVIL!!!
Who should I support? I promise not to use WMD!
You should support the National Armed Forces in re-uniting the nation.
04-10-2003, 02:40
[this is a puppet of aquilla. All actions said are actions of Aquilla, not Grebenesia]
Excellent. I'm deploying 10 gravships with electrical weapons to you [I assume you have a coast] loaded onto the gravships are about 1200 Aquillan special forces.
04-10-2003, 06:22
We understand. But we also feel this is a threat to our nation. And about your statement on taking out the DGP, you will not be permited to do that. The people will think that the DGP is stronger than the National Armed Forces which they are not. And if the people think they are stronger then the people will follow the DGP instead of the national government. And then we must start this all over again and could end up have anouther nuclear attack. We have already voted on nuclear weapons being in Texas and they are banned unless autherized by all political factions.
New Whittier-
We highly recomend that you remove your "eyes" from above our nation. It is a threat to our nation directly and we want it to be removed. If it is not removed with in our time frame of 36 hours then we will begin to take steps of removing it by force.
President Buyse
Reformed Texas
You are aware that New Whittier is not a spy sat. It's a city in orbit above the earth.
If you destroy it, you'll be killing over 10million civilians as it has no defenses.
We understand. But we also feel this is a threat to our nation. And about your statement on taking out the DGP, you will not be permited to do that. The people will think that the DGP is stronger than the National Armed Forces which they are not. And if the people think they are stronger then the people will follow the DGP instead of the national government. And then we must start this all over again and could end up have anouther nuclear attack. We have already voted on nuclear weapons being in Texas and they are banned unless autherized by all political factions.
New Whittier-
We highly recomend that you remove your "eyes" from above our nation. It is a threat to our nation directly and we want it to be removed. If it is not removed with in our time frame of 36 hours then we will begin to take steps of removing it by force.
President Buyse
Reformed Texas
You are aware that New Whittier is not a spy sat. It's a city in orbit above the earth.
If you destroy it, you'll be killing over 10million civilians as it has no defenses.
I was not aware of that. We are removing all missiles that were targeted at the "Space City" to prevent any sort of accident which could kill 10 million people ( :shock: )
Please do not send troops to fight. But rather money or weapons we can use to fight against the DGP.
We shall be placing them under your control of course.
I see. Then the troops will be accepted at once.
They ought to arrive tomorrow. The gravships expecially are powerful weapons, however they are boats.
07-10-2003, 05:08
They ought to arrive tomorrow. The gravships expecially are powerful weapons, however they are boats.
Warning to Aquilla: the International Coalition is still hoping DGP will disarm, so that free and open elections can be held in Reformed Texas. You seem to be in conflict with that goal.
[ooc: we are hoping that reformed texas will make a show of power with them, without damaging much, and that will wow the DGP into surrender]