Operation: Adios Amigos (LOA read NOW)
The bridge crew sat motionless, the long journey was nearing its end. They have arrived in LOA space with orders to destroy the God Forsaken government once and for all. Admiral Galdabia had a shimmer in his eye as the colony appeared on his veiw screen, the Green Moon looked eirie over the desolate colony. He mashed a series of buttons on the control panel directly infront of him. The lights throughout the ship dimmed into a yellowglow as if the sun was rising on their home planet of Couther. He activated the intercom and began to speak....
We will take up arms and fight, many will die today, but they will die for what they believe, you are not just soldiers to me, you are family, I will mourn even if you get a scratch, but thats not the point. The point is the Land of Ages government still stands. This mission may seem hopeless, but you are all heros. Let us get this mission over with, so we may all head back to couther.
The intercom ends, then the loud computer voice speaks to the entire crew.
The Admiral commences Operation Adios Amigos.
5 Sqaudrons of raven fighters leave the ship to the LOA space dock, there orders are to destroy minor ships, The Aurora II fleet carrier fires an acidic mine at the LOA flagship, after the minor explosion the mine will unleash acid on the hull of the ship to burn through it creating a vacume effect that will suck the air out.
The admiral delivers another order through the intercom.
Defensive measures all crew, after we take out their space fleet we destroy the colony, man your anti-ship lasers and prepare for fierce counterattack!
I'm glad Diminix isn't involved in any of the nuking and space wars; it's gotten to confusing.
Yeah, just so you know, LOA lives on one of my planets in one of my systems. You attack him and you attack me. That ends with me and the entire GA attacking you. Sorry.
So, you want all 50 GA nations to attack you?
You wont be able to reach me with the entire fleet before he is destroyed
My fleet will. He's in my captial system. I'm right there. And there are GA patrols and combat ships in every GA system. So, my fleet and a portion of the GA fleet will pound on you for a few hours until the rest of the fleet gets there and then we all blow the hell out of you.
It will take you a few hours to mobilize and reach the area im atacking
Crimson blades
28-09-2003, 20:16
*Crimson snickers under his breath*
No, my ships are on constant patrol throughout all my systems, they're alreayd powered up and ready. Plus, my main shipyards are in orbit above the planet he's inhabiting. That has many ships permanently stationed at it. And there's a detatchment of Harbinger Cannons around his planet. How do you propose to get past those?
I attacked the shipyard dumbo, not the colony yet and if you attack me with more than a small patrol thats godmodding, it takes time to relize a large fleet is attacking.
You just said you're attacking his shipyards. Mine are completely seperate. And if you'll read the "Klonor Defenses Beefed Up" thread, you'll see that I have many large ships (as in Destroyers and cruiser) on constant patrol. Using sub-space they can be at any point in the system within seconds. And you're still neglecting the Harbinger Cannons.
Your neglecting my former GA rank, i could get through defences welcomed, I only became a hostile moments ago. I have a huge fleet above, your puny fleet cant stand up to a billion nation without full GA suport
Partenon was never in the GA. IH was. And the GA fleet (portions of it) are there. And you're still neglecting the Harbinger Cannons. if my entire navy were elsewhere and the GA didn't exist those would still stop you.
Parthenon was once a part of IH, we can get through the cannons with simple missdirection, part of the ga fleet, and a portion of yours are welcome to attack mine shortly after LOA posts casualties and main counterattack
The Harbingers would have made it so that you never even got withing range of the planet. Do you even know what they are?
Cannons are not uber godly a planet is spherical, i can go over or under them you would have to have atleast a few thousand
There are 20 in orbit around the planet. Each one has the capability to launch a Harbinger Warhead at .99999999999 light speed every 4 seconds.
have u calculated terminal velocity? and 20 can not destroy an entire fleet
Crimson blades
28-09-2003, 20:36
you are very hostile for a july nation.
Each warhead causes a 5 gigaton explosion. Since you'll be in range of more than one at a time, that more than 10 gigatons targeted on your fleet every 4 seconds.
you are very hostile for a july nation.
I've noticed that. It's just that this is my system and I will not allow it to be invaded.
gigaton lol, air is needed for an a exposion dumbo
Crimson blades
28-09-2003, 20:39
a 5 gigaton explosion at that close of a range would desroy some of your planet.
Crimson blades
28-09-2003, 20:40
not that it would matter, seeing as AIR is needed for an explosion to take place.
They're nuclear warheads.
And the way that they're designed makes the explosive force negligible after 3 kilometers.
Crimson blades
28-09-2003, 20:42
nuclear or not it still wouldent matter....
it would just fill the atmosphere of ur planet with radiation then, good idea, my ships have nbc filters
it would just fill the atmosphere of ur planet with radiation then, good idea, my ships have nbc filters
They are completely ineffective after 3 km, that includes radiation
there is no explosion in outer space! why do you think they use lasers in every movie/tv show/book?
Then what about all the missles, bombs, and warheads that everybody uses in this game?
They are either godmods or they are launcehd from space, and explode in atmosphere
Crimson blades
28-09-2003, 20:46
every nation is not in outer space.
Almost every single nation here has their space fighters and bombers use warheads against other space ships. This includes both young nations and old nations.
klonor, you will sieze all post until loa posts, then you can make a counterattack. It is my thread. If you do not sieze I will report you for flaming
Almost every single nation here has their space fighters and bombers use warheads against other space ships. This includes both young nations and old nations.
They piere the bombers, the explosion occurs in oxgen filled compartment of fighters
klonor, you will sieze all post until loa posts, then you can make a counterattack. It is my thread. If you do not sieze I will report you for flaming
Okay, I was getting a little unhappy here anyway.
28-09-2003, 23:14
Lands of Ages: respond NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is right now very scared, that explains...
Lol ok!
My Space Fleet:
Sun Fleet
1 Sakhov Flagship
400 Raven Class Fighters
200 Drager Class Bombers
100 Koko Class Corrvetes
Luna Fleet
10 Krager Class Destroyers
25 Numkov Class Frigates
15 Orion Class Cruisers
10 Fusion Class Dreadnoughts
10 Homeworld Spacestations
Have Fun Getting Crushed :wink:
This was a surprise attack, post casualties from the wave of raven fighters and the acid bomb on your flag ship. and please do not say all your ships hit at once, they need mobilization due to this was a surprise attack.
Isla de Penguinata
29-09-2003, 02:31
Isla de Penguinata supports this attack on Land of Ages, and wishes Parthenon its utmost support. It is our hope that you may crush LoA once and for all. To help, we have provided $500 billion, immediately being wired to your national account.
~Dept. of Foreign Affairs.
You can't get anywhere near my planets without being noticed by my radars or klonors k!
And I have the fighters Patroling 24/7
I was friendly when I neered the target area I just became hostile as soon as the attack commenced, begin a counterattack and post casaualties
You are on Klonor land, Klonor was an ally of ours, we can get in range
ok what about the patrols?
they can be near the point of attack, they can counterattack just post the casualties and a counterattack already
Ok But I Hafta Go Soon, Do You Have AIM?
IC: The fighters cruised on their routes patroling the planet.
Sir we have hostile aircraft approaching Permission to Fire?
No Don't fire until fired upon!
Yes Sir
The ships came closer and then started firing.
Sir were being attacked!
I've contacted for more backup, use the photon cannons
Yes sir
5 patrols fired 6 torpedoes each at 7000 m/s
my aim is barbarianxboy1
Two Fighters Down
Beofre they were shot down they fired 10 Buzzers which are really small ships with 10mt warhead in them!
The others fired 18 more torpedoes and fired their lasers
25 Corrvetes Arived and fired 125 torpedoes and fired tehir turrents
Sir shit
A huge missles screamed at them and shot down the three fighters
The Parthonese fleet suffers minor casualties from the torpedos and buzzers, only 14 fighters destroyed and 1 Calcite destroyer is out of order. The Fleet carrier pours out 6 more squadrons of fighters, they swarm the corvettes, blinding thum in a hail of laser fire. 5 Calcites depart from the main fight and leave to bombard the planet, they each shoot 10 time delayed giant flash bangs.
The Whole Luna Fleet Defending The Planet
The Whole Sun Fleet Go To Help The Corvvettes
Casulaties: 4 Corrvettes
The Corvvettes Fire Their Laser Turrents 128 In Total
Suddenly a gigantic flash of light as 4 dreadnoughts fires laser beams at the destroyers and 395 fighetrs swarm the ravens and bombers gfire at the destroyers
Corvettes knock out 30 intregnan bombers. The Dreanknaughts destroy 4 of the Destroyers, the 5th plummits through the atmosphere and crashes on the planet.The 600 Parthonese ravens meet head on with the LOA fighters, fierce fighting breaks out, 197 are immobilized or dead in a matter of moments
Post You Fighting Fleet
325 Fighters
175 Bombers
75 Corvettes
5 Dreadnoughts
5 Frigates
125 Fighers
25 Corvettes
25 Bombers
700 ravens
100 bombers
1 fleet carrier
15 destroyers
30 battle ships
1 dreadnaught
15 frigates
5 corvetes
200 ravens
6 destroyers
700 ravens
100 bombers
1 fleet carrier
15 destroyers
30 battle ships
1 dreadnaught
15 frigates
5 corvetes
200 ravens
6 destroyers
10 Destroyers Arrive with flashing lights as the fill the sky with laser blasting the enemy with thousands of lasers. The Flagship arrives launching 1755 Torpedoes and launching 750 Buzzers to protect it.
The lasers and torpedos pound our fighters and bombers destroying 250, the fleet carrier sends out the remaing 150 to finish off the LOA fighters,
The Aurora 2 Launches 10 hull burner missles at the flagship
The fighters pound away at the fighters and the Buzzers take the hits on the hull burners. The flagship fires 1,500 torpedoes and 750 lasers at the Fleet carrier. And the destroyers go one on one against the destroyers.
Jimathon woke up in a puddle of his drool, he looked at the report one more time, it had been a very long day and he was Uber-tired. "Uggg, send all forces that aren't already tied up."
"Yes, Jim. Thats, the 3rd fleet."
"Yes sir, they will arrive in.... 1 hour, cloaked."
"Good, now if you will excuse me, my wife is waiting and I've been working far too long. See ya."
"Yes, Jim."
The Fleet carrior doesnt even feel the lasers through its thick hull, the torpedoes are a problem though, 500 hit in decks 71, 72, and 73. The shield firgates manuever into position to take the blows from the others, 7 die. The flag ship and juggernaught sandwitch the LOA flagship and launch a tunnel attack, They both simoultaneously fire torpedoes, lasers, and hull burners on oppisite ends of the flagship. 10,000 lasers hit, 15,000 torpedos, and 50 hull burners. The Parthonese destroyers being much better maintained are faring well against loas, only 1 destroyed.
It was then that the 50 ships of the 3rd fleet came out of thier jump, showing up on sencors only as a random energy spike, Jimathon cloaking was state of the art, as only Jim would take it.
The commander looked at his helmsman, "Get in thier, NOW! and remember, every ship we toast is 1 more drink at the celebraton!"
*message to jimathon*
"We do not have a beef with you, turn back or feel the wrath of our Saltum Ships"
The destroyers fire lasers at the destroyers and the Buzzers hit the dreadnought. The flagship fired 10,000 torpeoes at the Carrier the last of it invetory. Support ships resupply all the star ships and flagship manages to get away from the carrier but sufdfering 15% hull damage!
29-09-2003, 04:10
The probes monitoring the area in klonor space picked up the fleet passing through and followed and when conflict happened a message went back to fleet headquarters.
"Sir we have reports or massive engagement at LoA."
"Ok have Third and Fourth fleets launch NOW"
Within thirty minutes the three fleets entered jumpspace on route to LoA. The came out of jump space near the combat and prepare to fight the fleets moving foreward and fighters launching.
ooc- Total Numbers
10 sleek carriers
15 Tank Class Carriers
15 light carriers
36 Light Cruisers
28 Battle Ships/Interceptor
47 Destroyers.
Fighter Numbers-
200 Anubis Fighters
200 Slip Fighters
200 Jump Class intercepters/fighters
200 Herc class fighter/bombers
(thats active forces not reseverve but they wont come out of the carriers so dont worry)
edited because i f***ed up numbers again
*message to jimathon*
"We do not have a beef with you, turn back or feel the wrath of our Saltum Ships"
*message to Parthenon*
I would like to advise you to take this time to copulate with yourself, you attacked LOA, he is a GA member. That automatically means that I and 50+ nations are about to grab you by the horns, and rip you out of your VERY ugly skin!
Im gonna ignore that godmod.
Dreadnaught doesnt even feel it. The last shield frigates die stpopping the torpedos. With the strongest ship on the run, the drop ships head to the planet....
*message to jimathon*
"We do not have a beef with you, turn back or feel the wrath of our Saltum Ships"
*message to Parthenon*
I would like to advise you to take this time to copulate with yourself, you attacked LOA, he is a GA member. That automatically means that I and 50+ nations are about to grab you by the horns, and rip you out of your VERY ugly skin!
The GA is nothing, where wher you when he was nuked?
The 10 Destroyers And 10 Heavy Cruiser Guard The Planet Against The Incoming Enemy! Every Ship Fired All the Last of Their Ammo And Fire At the Carrier!
With that, the Jimathon fleet decloaks, probably giving any observers a rether serious heart attack. The Kabal class begins engaing the Parthenon flagship while the rest of the fleet focuses on engaging the rest of the fleet, in a very furious manner,the promice of elarian ale was a very strong thing in Jimathon.
Meanwhile JImathon begins sending Shebas (flying ducks) to the surface to battle the oncoming dropships and contents.
The GA is nothing, where wher you when he was nuked?
We didn't know till about 10 minutes ago, we probably just weren't online.
The 30 battleships attack the Jimathon ships along with 100 Saltum suicide ships. Only one dropship is destroyed on descent. The Carrier explodes, the shock wave is tremendous even with our ships highly advanced lock function. it must have destroyed a lot of ships with that wave. 40 fighters are carried away in pieces by the wave
To counter the scuicide fighter the Jimathon fleet activates it's ministar enguine vents, releasing a stars power in a mighty cloud of Uber-energy. The Regan class then begins deploying it's 300 fighters, the other Regans waiting for the oportunity to release thiers.
On the surface the Jimathons begin unloading mechs and infatry at a very rapid rate.
"Show the what the GA is about men!"
125 Fighters
100 Bombers
40 Corvettes
5 Dreadnoughts
3 Frigates
425 Fighers
60 Corvettes
125 Bombers
2 Frigates
The fighters pick off the other ships while repair ships work on fixing the rest of teh fleet!
29-09-2003, 04:24
A small fleet suddenly appeared out of the void. The warp journey had been short, now they were here. On the bridge of the massive capital ship runes blinked on all screens. The hologlobe of the immediate area glowed with red dots signifing vessels and fighters. Over the hlolglobe stood a tall man in the red dress of a Penguenian officer. He turned his head to the left, looking at the comms-officer.
"Inform Jimathonian forces that the Grand Fleet of Penguenia has arrived to aide them as requested."
"Yes, sir!"
"Number Two, put all fighters on standby, this could and will get messy for use very quickly."
OOC: Penguenian Fleet statistics:
Penguenian Space Navy.
- 1 Levianthan Class Capital Ship
-- 175 Mantis Class Dropships
-- 169 Starscythe Fighters
-- 167 Sentinel Heavy Fighters
-- 7,000 Penguenian Imperial Guard Aboard
- 10 Iskulde Class Light Cruisers
- 10 Pontius Class Persuit Destroyers
Vessel Stats (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=75581)
500 Anti-Ship Long Range Cannons Reay
435,000 Infantry Marines
75,000 Stormtroopers
1500 Space Tanks
500 Starstreakers
150 Silos ready for missiles
750 Scramjet Missile Ready
The 2 million troops that survived the drop begin pillaging the colony, killing wemon and children before resistance, there goal is to end LOA!
Back in space, the remaining ships retreat back to Couther, leaving the ground troops.
Don't Godmod ok I have ground troops!
10000 units per sheba
1000 mechs " "
40 Shebas
= A lot of FUN!
The 2 million troops that survived the drop begin pillaging the colony, killing wemon and children before resistance, there goal is to end LOA!
Back in space, the remaining ships retreat back to Couther, leaving the ground troops.
29-09-2003, 04:29
The Comdidian Flagship sent a message to the Jimathon ships
"This is Admiral Jack Hudson of the C.S.S. Pegasus II. We are prepared to back you up with a part of our fleet as the rest has been told to hold a defenseive perimeter around our main Carriers."
A large chunk of the fleet broke off moving closer with fighers deployed staying out of the combat zone until they had an actual plan and awaited their Cutter Ships to come out of jump space in about an hour.
as stated, we attack civilians before we attack ground troops, and every squad in a drop ship has an explosives expert
They plant explosives on all large structures, then shoot everything in sight, 50 die from friendly fire. 2000 from LOA
The 2 million troops that survived the drop begin pillaging the colony, killing wemon and children before resistance, there goal is to end LOA!
Back in space, the remaining ships retreat back to Couther, leaving the ground troops.
You havent seen my drop ships
50,000 troops each
I Have Sams, Militia, All my people are trained for the army and I have underground buildings we live undergroud!
The Comdidian Flagship sent a message to the Jimathon ships
"This is Admiral Jack Hudson of the C.S.S. Pegasus II. We are prepared to back you up with a part of our fleet as the rest has been told to hold a defenseive perimeter around our main Carriers."
A large chunk of the fleet broke off moving closer with fighers deployed staying out of the combat zone until they had an actual plan and awaited their Cutter Ships to come out of jump space in about an hour.
Attack Parthenon ground positions, I currently have troops fighing non-existant troops in the citys.
29-09-2003, 04:31
ooc-you know whats funny tank class carriers carrier mostly planetary forces. can you say alot of mech warriors being dropped down if needed. :twisted: i cant get my webpage with my military weapons stats up so im not using my designed tech yet.
Lil miss
29-09-2003, 04:32
Jesus Christ, what the heck is happening here? I take a break from reading the forums for a few days, and now all of a sudden my home is being bombarded? When did this start?
You panzys dont have the balls to follow us back!
Admiral Galdabia
http://xepher.net/~fortruddler/rankicons/colonel.gif Fleet Officer http://xepher.net/~fortruddler/rankicons/colonel.gif
Comdida, Penguin (soory about the name) Give chase, NOW! THe GA fleet and Klonor will back you up.
10 Destroyers And 5 Carriers Follow the Parthenon Fleet!
Comdida, Penguin (soory about the name) Give chase, NOW! THe GA fleet and Klonor will back you up.
29-09-2003, 04:35
"Penguenian Fleet currently in persuit of the Panthionian fleet, Alliance Command," Admiral Taylor said over the alliance-wide comm system," Our Persuit ships should be able to damage the enemy's systems with their EMP beams."
The ground forces continue to pillage LOA. Killing, Killing, Killing!
29-09-2003, 04:36
Reply to Admiral Gladabia
"We would folow but we dont see any reason to bother to since we stick to orders of our commanders. We only are protecting not attacking someone useless."
Jack Hudson turned to the news people on board, "And you can quote me on this. We follow all just orders and see no reason for attacking a useless nation."
Meanwhile back at the home office the Prime Minister almost choked to death on Ale. "Remove him from command we dont think that way remove him and get that off the air"
The Ships moved up into a close defensive perimeter at one section of the planet with dropships ready and supply ships inbound since fighting was stopped for now. All 500,000 Mech Warriors make a succesful drop and secure a large area where the rest of the military troops and fighters come down to make sure nothing is going to happen on the surface.
While everybody underground bombers bomb troops!
Lil miss
29-09-2003, 04:37
Will somebody please tell me what the hell is going on here?
Jimahton infantry evacuates civilians.
"COWARD! Fighting civilians! Attention troops, focus on holding capital, activate your mini-ministar enguins as soon as civilans are clear!"
He scowled the scowl of a billlion very angry people.
I'm being attacked! Bad idea to live with me!
OOC: do you have Aim?
A lone suicide ship pulls out of the ship graveyard, he was to chicken to blow himself up, He takes his huge explosive payload of 1 icbm and goes down into LOA and Explodes
Two fighter shoot it down and laugh
We pause now, I G2g bump tommorow c ya
Two fighter shoot it down and laugh
29-09-2003, 04:40
Several Interceptors picked up the suicide ship running to break into the planet. "GO now!" THe interceptors hit full power on thier H.A.M. Drives and came flying up on it before it reached under the atomosphere and opened fire with everything they had firing off their payload of missles and lasers.
ok im on pause will return tomorrow to this thread about 4pm est so no killing me till i show folks.
OK then, see ya. Good RP all, I'm having quite a lot of fun.
29-09-2003, 04:42
Penguenian Fleet still in persuit. We have disabled 4 frigates and 1 dreadnought, but not destroyed them. We'll leave the cleanup for you, Alliance command.
OK then, see ya. Good RP all, I'm having quite a lot of fun.
lol good job Jimmy and Comodia
Hey, I won an olympic medal for this, it was worth it.
The lone suicide ship is shot in the atmosphere, explodes, and it unleashes the radiation over the entire colony.
29-09-2003, 21:16
"Admiral The radiation is slowly heading down over the entire colony."
"Have the Supply ships arrived?"
"Yes sir."
"Have them go down and begin to construct the safe zones with our supplies and move the entire population inot those areas and make sure they are only built in areas where we have major military forces there"
"Yes sir"
They radioed their special engineer teams and the supply ships flew down to the planet to begin construction of the above ground safe zones while most of the population was still underground.
ooc- they are still underground right LoA if not well just ignore that part im only doing one post no since im leaving for a marching band practice for the next 5 hours or so. so ill be back sometime to check up on this place.
OOC: Parthenon, did you just seed the entire planet with radiation?
The parthoneses soldiers detonate the ground to make vents for the radiation to sink in, then a small task force of 100 goes to destroy the water supply...
29-09-2003, 21:20
OOC: Parthenon, did you just seed the entire planet with radiation? his one ship supposeably did.
OOC: Great, just ****ing great. Once I finish my whole civil war thing I am going to get really pissed off at you seeding my planet.
29-09-2003, 21:24
This is Penguenian command, we are still in persuit. Several of his ships are disabled behined us. We have no losses thus fat, they seem to be concerned at only fleeing... this doesn't feel right, they arent fighting back. Reccommend a course of action, Alliance conmmand.
thats ignored penguin a godmod
29-09-2003, 21:27
:? Eh? How? I havent destroyed a single of your ships in your fleet and you have not fought back... explain exactly how I godmodded.
u cant say my ships are destroyed
29-09-2003, 21:28
I didn't
29-09-2003, 21:32
The engineers ran through building the massive safe zones in a matter of about two hours several were done big enough to house several million people at least.
For the past two hours the Comdidian Soldiers did their duty running radiation suits down to the people and their Mechs and other armor setting up a massive defense line around the safety zones.
"Admiral, the ground forces are reporting we are beginning to bring people into the safety zones. We are expecting heavily losses from radiation getting down thier since we do not have enough suits for the entire population. We will save as many as we can."
"Thats the actual message from the Commander down their?"
"Aye Admiral"
"Continue working as long as we save as many as we can we can be happy. Prepare to bring our ships down into the atmosphere and used for air cover over the zones"
The 4th fleet began its decent into postion above the zones with its fighters out patroling not wanting to have to fight if their were hostiles nearby just wanting to keep the area secure.
ooc- he said disabled since you never responded to him chasing you yet.
ok this is my offical shutting down comdidia IC action i gtg for a few hours lets not get into a massive god mod debate and keep the rp interesting ok? just a suggestion.
Several of his ships are disabled behined us.
29-09-2003, 21:36
Several of his ships are disabled behined us.
My fleet has 10 pontius class persuit destroyers with EMP guns. These disable your vital computer systems. See for yourself at Penguenian Aerospace (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=75581). No physical damage is done to your ships or crew.
The Parthoneses task force jogged through the streets, an erie glow was shining, perhaps the radiaton. They arrived at the watersupply. All 100 of them began to pour a strange yellow liquid from cantines, It was HClSO3 (Hydroclorhic acid and sulfate) They then walked farther where they spotted a safe house, they took there plasma guns and openedfire!
Several of his ships are disabled behined us.
My fleet has 10 pontius class persuit destroyers with EMP guns. These disable your vital computer systems. See for yourself at Penguenian Aerospace (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=75581)
29-09-2003, 21:38
:? ok. Fine, Mr. I kill civilians before soldiers.
OOC: Parthenon's right. You have to RP shooting the EMP's and let Parthenon post damage or evasion and other stuff. You can't say that they were shot and had an effect before he posts.
Yep, and PS, this is extermination, not your average war
29-09-2003, 21:42
OOC: i see... well then...
I have been in persuit of the Pantheonian fleet since last night. My fleet, the 3rd Jimathonian fleet and 1 of LoA's carriers were involved in the persuit. The Penguenian fleet fires it's EMP cannons, as to minimise the loss of life. Penguenia has 40 EMP cannons mounted on 10 of it's destroyers.
OOC: And this war wont stop with the completion of this conflict. After I'm done with my Regulus thing I will be declaring war on Parthenon. Probably with Lil miss as an ally. Just giving you a heads up.
The EMP blasts screem past The parthonese destroyer Aricut. Captain Zalcoon opens a subspace channel and ushers a warning to he other ships. It was to little of a warning, the voocan and tucan where disabled, the other ships activated prupolsion level 5, the fastest speed possible by the ships, in a few seconds the opposition was long gone from the view screen
29-09-2003, 21:51
Red lights flashed with the whine of the claxons across the deck of the Penguenian flagship. "Follow them damnit!! We cannot loose them!!" Roared Vice Admiral Meryl Fox, "Alert all Allaince ships in the persuit to increace speed to catch them!!"
OOC: Sorry for my RP mistakes :lol: you do it a little diffrently than I'm used to here.
"THERE GAINING ON US", yells the captain, he was neering parthonese space, a few lightyears away lies their planet of couther.
ooc: we cant finish the space part yet, back to ground!
The 100 troops fire like mad dogs at the safe house, only stopping to reload
OOC: I'm back, what's been going on?
Parthenon! You Godmod :roll:
500 Bombers Fire Down Upon The Troops
All Exits Closed To Underground Cities
1.5 Million Militia Hunting You Army! :wink:
OOC: I'm back, what's been going on?
Parthenon! You Godmod :roll:
500 Bombers Fire Down Upon The Troops
All Exits Closed To Underground Cities
1.5 Million Militia Hunting You Army! :wink:
:? :roll:
Why won't someone tell me what the hell is happening?!? (not to spam or anything, sorry)
I think hes attacking me again!@ :?
Oh, well, that I can deal with!
One if by land....Two if by Air...
The Jimathon Mechs raced through the field twards the Parthenon position. The sounds of steel to Earth filled the air as the men and women of the mechs did what they loved.
"YEEEEEE HAWWWWW!!!" Yelled the pilot of the "Little Doggy"
"You said it, sir."
"Come on, let's show that Douchbag what we think of him."
The mech, covered in a mural of John Wayne headed twards the city, with considerable gusto.
15 Dropships Drop 1500 Mechs into the Base attacking
troops and ammo stores :D
Come on man!.... RP according to the GA rules!
Fifteen dropships soar toward the hidden enemy base, Five of them shoot ten Screamer Missiles and Soar over the base and drop the fifteen hunded mech!
Over We have delivered the cargo
Ok Return to Base
Mechs ready for Mission Blow IH back to earth
OOC: sorry for taking away from the RP. I thought he was GA, or did he leave in the **** Chromestar allliance thing.
30-09-2003, 03:10
away from keyboard
Crimson blades
30-09-2003, 21:34
OOC: me and Parth worked this out before the RP.
As the enemy forces where attacking Parthenon, The Bladiean National Space Fleet ended its orbit around the planet. thats right, the entirety of the Bladiean Fleet was right under the enemies noses, and they failed to reilize they where there. (cloaking devises rockzorz).
Admiral KF. Wacnrow ordered all of his ships into formation, over 3000 ships and fighters where at his disposal. and they where ready to attack. as the admiral sat at the bridge of his Grey Blade Carrier, he ordered 100 Gigas drop ships to send 13,000 troops and 5,000 Tank Aircraft Carriers to attack the Lands of Ages Troops and vehicles. The Space fleet will remain in orbit around the planet in case of space bombardment. All ships are on high alert and fighters are taking rounds around the plane6t and the outlying space to search for enemy craft.
30-09-2003, 21:52
The Partheonian fleet had got away... Admiral Tylor would be most displeased if heard this news...
"I order all Persuit Fleets of the Alliance to blocakde Parthenon! Get alliance command on the horn and ask them for reinforcments."
"Aye ma'm"
As the Penguenian Fleet came into realspace with with the 3rd Jimathonian fleet and the LoA carrier, the Levianthan's scanners picked up something.
"Anomolous resonances emitting from orbit around Parthenon, Commnder. Requested course of action?"
"Cloakers... Parthenon has cloaking technology or at least one of their allies does. Keep the armageddon cannon readied at the largest emission, if it attacks, destroy whatever pops up."
"Yes ma'm"
"And make sure the Alliance reinforcments get here quickly."
"Yes ma'm"
"Alert all alliance ships to create a blockade"
"Yes ma'm"
This was going to get messy, she could feel it. Admiral Tylor needed to return from his diplomatic mission... soon.
30-09-2003, 22:00
"Admiral a massive fleet has just decloaked!"
"What? Get our men out of their now!"
All of the Fleets dropships flew down to the planet along with several Troop Transport class Cruisers. The troops all fell back into the cruisers and drop ships bringing along as many civilians as they could and departed at full power back up to the fleet in orbit. The entire Evacutaion took about an hour and the fleet was ready to pull the heck out.
"Admiral what should we do?"
"Fall back untill the other fleets meet us here. And if the probes continue to relay data on the enemy soldiers just butchering civilians prepare for a merciless fight when we return."
"Aye aye Admiral. Full power out to prepare for a jump"
The Third fleet pulled out at full power away from the planet activating their jammer and ghost systems putting the fleet if detected heading the opposite direction............
Jimathon looked at his screen, "Oh, Holy ****. OK, this can be settled, no...swe..at." He activated apanel, the main feature of which was a gigantic button. The button stated, in a large letters, "Only press if RP's Plot Twist comes out really bad for you." He preessed it and a Panel arrose. "The GA has been around a while, we've got quite a fleet. Never has the entire thig been called up before. The fleet has our best techs (including my prized MSII and cloaking device), lets show them what it can do."
By pressing the activate fleet button the entire GA fleet rose from it's stations across the galaxy, and made haste for the system.
On the Planet:
"****, we've got company!"
"No kidding sir, redirecting mech fire."
"NO! Give the civilaians thier cover, We'll have to just take it till they can clear.... Where's our Air support?!?"
The radiation slowly finishes covering the colony the parthoneses troops begin to spasm then die.
-----TO GA FLEET--------------------------------------
The GA will fall to my wrath, I am Amanda Valtrec, Leader of Parthenon. LOA was a diversion, now you are surrounded in a weakened state, ready to negotiate the terms?
Amanda Valtrec
Crimson blades
30-09-2003, 23:53
All of the Dropships setteled onto the ground and over 15,000 troops piled out.
They where ready for anything, and nobody could stop them. they are holding thier positions for the time being. or untill further notce.
*back in orbit, the ships notice a fleet of ships go of into the darkness, but they do not follow, for if they must retreat, they are no threat.
The radiation slowly finishes covering the colony the parthoneses troops begin to spasm then die.
-----TO GA FLEET--------------------------------------
The GA will fall to my wrath, I am Amanda Valtrec, Leader of Parthenon. LOA was a diversion, now you are surrounded in a weakened state, ready to negotiate the terms?
"Over the corpse of virtue and light, ******."
01-10-2003, 00:02
The radiation slowly finishes covering the colony the parthoneses troops begin to spasm then die.
-----TO GA FLEET--------------------------------------
The GA will fall to my wrath, I am Amanda Valtrec, Leader of Parthenon. LOA was a diversion, now you are surrounded in a weakened state, ready to negotiate the terms?
HAhHAHA!! I am Grand Admiral Justy Tylor of Penguenia, your world is blockaded by my fleet and the 3rd Jimitonian with the support of a LoA carrier with reinforcing fleets on the way! Your cloaked friends are being watched and if they attack us, the armageddon cannon will fire upon their largest ship! We may be losing the ground battle, but in space there is no hope for you!! It is you whom I hope will negotiate terms, m'lady. We don't know about our allies, but Penguenia would like a peaceful solution to this.
Supreme Grand Admiral Justy Tylor
Grand Imperial Fleet of Penguenia (http://boards.gamers.com/messages/overview.asp?name=Penguenia&page=1)
Jimathon butted in the communication, "I would like to add that as we speak the entie GA is mobilizing, if this goes beyond this system we are more than ready to take it to yours."
He snikered, he always did when he said something dramatic.
And so be it!
*The 2nd Parthoneses fleet uncloaks*
01-10-2003, 00:11
"Prepare to fire the armageddon cannon on the largest enemy ship!! If they fire upon us, they will loose a valuble asset." The Penguenian admiral ordered.
+++Message to Parthenonian Admiral+++
Stand down or die.
-Admiral Tylor
The Jimathon fleet knew it was outnumbered, for now, but tactics could win easialy in such an event...
"Uncloak 1st fleet!" (I put in the GA thread a while ago I was sending it)
Immediatley behind the Pediphelic fleet another appereared, but this one was already letting losse with the fury of men whose honor had been challenged, and it had.
"Show them what we are, FOR JIMATHON!"
12 Orion's
24 Deimos's
30 Fenris's
24 Leviathan's
12 Aeolus's
60 Dreadnought's
120 Mjolnir RBC's
2 kryptonite class cruisers
are all being sent to back up the GA blockade.
They will arrive in 30 minutes with a full compliment of fighters.
OOC: I bought all of these. klonor can tell you that bought all of these ships and I have plans from Capsule corporation to build the kryptonite ships. I bought 1 from him and built 1 of my own
There is anti space cannons based all over couther, they can obliterate your puny ships, surrender! There is also WEAPON X
General Cosolito
http://xepher.net/~fortruddler/rankicons/corporal.gif Land Officer http://xepher.net/~fortruddler/rankicons/corporal.gif
There is anti space cannons based all over couther, they can obliterate your puny ships, surrender! There is also WEAPON X
General Cosolito
http://xepher.net/~fortruddler/rankicons/corporal.gif Land Officer http://xepher.net/~fortruddler/rankicons/corporal.gif
01-10-2003, 00:19
You think your land cannons can take down my ships? I dare you to fire upon Penguenia! You will suffer the consequences of the Armageddon Cannon.
apparently ypou have never heard of the farad system. It can block anything your defenses will send
Look NOOBS! RP like GA members, not 4 year olds!
01-10-2003, 00:24
yessir :cry:
if it blocks anything its a godmodd dumbshits
01-10-2003, 00:25
OOC: don't say that to me :( I dont have it... take that plural away from dumbshits
ok I am sorry.
IC: Apparently you have never Heard o the farad system.
Using it will make your orbital defenses be the equivalent of throwing a pebble onto concrete. It will do nothing to dent our ships. It can also be used to destroy whatever you throw at us. You do not stand a chance against it.
01-10-2003, 00:27
That's abit much BoK
ooc: still sounds godmoddish but ill work with it
Im gonna unvail weapon X
Look guys, we are having issues containing this war, may I suggest abandonig this thread and making a new one, and all IC one. This can be OOC.
Crimson blades
01-10-2003, 00:29
thats sounds good. ill go with it.
01-10-2003, 00:30
Jim's right make a Part 2: The War for Parthenon
Crimson blades
01-10-2003, 00:30
ok I am sorry.
IC: Apparently you have never Heard o the farad system.
Using it will make your orbital defenses be the equivalent of throwing a pebble onto concrete. It will do nothing to dent our ships. It can also be used to destroy whatever you throw at us. You do not stand a chance against it.
too lazy someone else make it.
So you have nothing against the farad system
ok I am sorry.
IC: Apparently you have never Heard o the farad system.
Using it will make your orbital defenses be the equivalent of throwing a pebble onto concrete. It will do nothing to dent our ships. It can also be used to destroy whatever you throw at us. You do not stand a chance against it.
It is called a bluff
Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah
01-10-2003, 00:31
((OOC: And Crimson Blades has a perfect cloaking device? And you have something you call "Weapon X"? Unless it's something very powerful you can use a single time - or at least not that often - it sounds awfully godmoddy to me as well. Who the hell is godmodding here, hey, Parthenon?))
Crimson blades
01-10-2003, 00:31
but you have to specify what nations are in the war and what side thier on k?
Crimson blades
01-10-2003, 00:32
((OOC: And Crimson Blades has a perfect cloaking device? And you have something you call "Weapon X"? Unless it's something very powerful you can use a single time - or at least not that often - it sounds awfully godmoddy to me as well. Who the hell is godmodding here, hey, Parthenon?))
never said it was perfect, now did I?
((OOC: And Crimson Blades has a perfect cloaking device? And you have something you call "Weapon X"? Unless it's something very powerful you can use a single time - or at least not that often - it sounds awfully godmoddy to me as well. Who the hell is godmodding here, hey, Parthenon?))
weapon x has had a 20 rl day reaserch and development thread
Crimson Blades and Parthenon VS. The Galactic Alliance.
01-10-2003, 00:32
((OOC: And Crimson Blades has a perfect cloaking device? And you have something you call "Weapon X"? Unless it's something very powerful you can use a single time - or at least not that often - it sounds awfully godmoddy to me as well. Who the hell is godmodding here, hey, Parthenon?))
I have an Armageddon cannon :? It can only be used once every two hours...
Crimison: Me= GA side.
Crimson Parth Ga traitor verse GA
ill never tell!
make the new thread, no goddmodding allowed, i will ignore you if you do
Godmodding= invincable planetary defence
my farad system is very strong but i wa bluffing tghat it was that strong so
not a godmod
Got dinner, se ya'll in an 1/2 hour to a full one.
OOC: Heh, this looks fun, can I join? Soemone TG me with a summary please.
Hey, no more stupid talking between each other on the war thread, especially you BOK.
Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah
01-10-2003, 02:52
never said it was perfect, now did I?
Well, either it was perfect, or then your ships would have been detected well before your invasion. And since they weren't detected, we can only presume that it was perfect. Ever heard of planetary sensors being more powerful than those on ships?