Our New Flagship
"For long enough now, Auir II has gone without any true flagship in it's space fleet. This day marks a new dawn in Protoss history, with the construction of the first true Protoss fleet commander."
"The ship does have one feature that makes it different from virtually every other flagship in space, however. If we built a flagship now, within 20 or 30 years it would become obsolete. So, instead of building one huge ship now, and paying the price economically, we will build a medium-sized ship, and, as our nations grow, so will this ship. By the time it is fully completed (In around 50-60 years time) it is estimated that it will look something like the image above. We have begun construction of the base for this huge ship already, and the estimated completion time is 5 years. Then in 5 years, it will be docked and upgraded, taking roughly 2 years. It will then be released again, and then be upgraded after another 5 years, and so on. The result will be an ever changing starship, able to keep up with current needs, while still being cheap enough not to bankrupt our nation. "
Name: Tassadar Mk1
Size: 1.2km long, 600m wide, 400m high
Fighter Capacity: 35
Armed with 12 dual plasma turrets, and two heavy plasma reavers, the base Tassadar has a fair amount of stopping power. Made from 'Dyromium', and alloy of 'Dyronide', coupled with a series of Protoss Plasma Shields, the Tassadar has enough armor to hold off enemies while it unleashes it's cannons on the enemy.
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Yarr, Nice ship mate, better keep a close eye on it if ya know what I mean
Nobody else has any comments?
28-09-2003, 19:33
Pretty nice. Abit small for a capital ship though, no matter your excuese.
I'd originally planned to make the first version bigger, but after seeing that the colossus(sp?) was only 6km long, I decided to cut it down a bit.
28-09-2003, 19:35
Whats the Colossus?
Klonor's(sp?) huge flag ship that took them 20 years to build. I felt that the first version of a September nation's flagship shouldn't be even a third of that size.
Yay! I made an impact! The Colossus is my Flagship. It's a ship of almost godmodding might, yet is only 6 km. long.
28-09-2003, 19:38
You ship will serve you well. Now lets see your whole fleet.
If you'd like to see the Colossus, visit my ship thread. Maybe buy some ships as well?
Duke Solomon Klonor
Founder: Galactic Alliance (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=71260)
Member: The New Jewish Alliance
http://www.bateshome.com/jordan/ksig.jpg (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=59081)
28-09-2003, 19:42
I wonder what would win in a battle... my Levianthan or your Colossus...
I say mine, since there's no way in hell an 8 km ship can be crewed by a crew of 300. That's just not possible.
28-09-2003, 20:09
50 bridge crew (including 1 ship commissar, 1 officer of the watch, 1 grand admiral, 1 flag capitan, 1 master of arms.), 20 flight control, 150 engineers (30 reactor hold, 60 damage contro centerl, 30 other), 30 Armageddon gun crew, 30 particle gunners, 20 plasma gunners (each has crew of two). The rest of the duties are auomated such as security, medical, ect.
That's not enough people. You have 60 people on damage control. The ship is 8 kilometers long! That doesn't work.
300 people is not enough to control the ship. Ask anybody.
Klonor has a point... A ship like that would need a huge crew to operate.
28-09-2003, 20:15
Everything that isn't covered by a human is covered by a mechanical automation. Damage control represents the control center for the automations.
Then it's an A.I. controlled ship, since a normal computer wouldn't be able to handle all that. When did you develope A.I.?
28-09-2003, 20:25
Since I can't make you people understand, there is now a crew of 700. Happy?
Dude, the Colossus has a crew of 30,000. Almost every other ship (in NS) that's over a km. has crew numbering in the thousands. 700 still isn't enough.
28-09-2003, 20:29
Well... the the crew must be that big, the troop and aircraft capacity must be bigger as well.
28-09-2003, 20:32
nevermind. The crew will be increased to 10,000. Mine may be longer than yours, but yours is fatter :P
10,000 is acceptable (even though that's the same size as my Orions).
And the Colossus would still kick your a**.
28-09-2003, 20:37
I bet. I still think you overcrew your vessels given the technonlogy level. But lets not argue.
28-09-2003, 20:46
Penguenia doesn't like arguing :(
im just getting my naval flagship from resi.... its gonna be sweet. stev-o controlls my space force. i have a 6 KM long ship, and it is rewed by 2,000. you might want to rething your nmbers, penguin man.
28-09-2003, 21:07
Only 2,000? That's reasonable... Klonor is trying to trick me so he gets more buisness :(
too true. but a little of my ship is controlled by AI. i have turret guns that are controlled by computers after people are given a threat index.
28-09-2003, 21:10
How bout you buy one of our beautiful Levianthas :roll: We here at Penguenian Aerospace assure you won't be dissapointed.
Only 2,000? That's reasonable... Klonor is trying to trick me so he gets more buisness :(
How am I getting more business out of this?
28-09-2003, 21:20
OOC: You're not. IC that would cause some loss in buyers for me, and that was an IC post. But OOC, you don't hurt any sales or gain any yourself.
What would cause you to have less buyers? I'm lost
28-09-2003, 21:24
Well, the fact that more crew requires more training and upkeep rings a bell :wink:
Our ship is now in operation, so a bump for those that missed it.