28-09-2003, 16:41
Hundreds of flashes went off as Comrade Cirdan Dharix, the Chairman of the Praesidium of the Supreme Revolutionnary Council stepped onto the podium, with Comrade Fouad Saluki, the Praesident of Foreign Affairs, Comrade Major Ingrid Feuersturm, Praesident of Military Matters, Comrade Li Huan-Si, Praesident of the Interior, and Comrade Smith, Praesident of Economics, behind him. With five of the Praesidium's biggest players here, it had to be important.Maybe something to do with SeOCC's recent formation of the Aperin Regional Body to instore order in several lawless areas of the supercontinent, or the talks about the formation of an 'Anhierarchi Administrative Area' in the territories East of Verkat.
The Chairman cleared his throat. The room fell silent.
"Today, we are formally declaring that the lawless area of the extreme northern tip of Aperin, known as the 'Northern Reaches', shall henceforth be considered a protectorate of the People's Republic."
Applause broke out in the amphitheatre. Cirdan held out his hand for silence, and continued
" This area has one of the lowest population densities of the world, and as you doubtless know is entirely above the Arctic Circle, stretching to within a few miles of the North Pole. It is currently in a state of anarchy and tribal fighting, and it's economy is entirely hand-to-mouth. These deplorable facts will be remedied under the new administration of the equally new Northern Reaches Protectorate. The tribes, ethnic groups and villages will organized in ten to fifteen communes, each with it's own Soviet and sending a delegate to the Protectorate's Revolutionary Council, which will have extensive powers in the domain of internal politics, including law-making, although the constitution will be drawn up by a comittee formed half by Cirdani political theorists and half by local socialist militants. This comittee has been secretly meeting for a month and has already agreed on the general principles of this document. However, the Protectorate's defense and relationship to the rest of the world will be run by the People's Republic; to guarantee representation of the people of the NRP, the NRP's Revolutionnary Council will send two Special Ambassadors to the Cirdani Supreme Revolutionnary Council. Teams of Civil Servants from the Department of Politics are already on the gorund, helping to organise the NRP's new political structures."
The Chairman stood down; Comrade Saluki came to the podium.
"As you all know, the Constitutional Monarchy of Svea Riga shares a border with the new NRP. Negociations with the Rigan government about the exact location of this border and other concerns have begun, and are expected to be easily successful."
The Praesident of Foreign Affairs stepped down in turn; next up was the Praesident of Military Matters.She cast a steely look around the assembled journalists, then spoke:
" Units of the Strategic Deployment Command, the People's Revolutionnary Army, and the Revolutionnary Guard are already in the Northern Reaches, to maintain civil order. The NRP will have no military or militia forces, but comrades wishing to do so will be allowed to join the People's Revolutionnary Armed Forces of Cirdanistan or the Revolutionnary Guard; local RG units will receive barracks and the PRAFs will maintain a permanent presence to ensure protection from external attacks."
She left the podium to Comrade Li Huan-Si, who then delivered her part of the speech.
" Teams of Civil Servants from the Department of the Interior are already on the ground, and are currently forming a new native Northern Reaches Police Force, a Northern Reaches Magistrata Civilis and Northern Reaches units of the Revolutionnary Guard.Thank you."
She stepped down quickly, and Comrade Smith stepped up:
" Teams from the DoE are currently setting up new socioeconomic structures to swiftly end wage-slavery and start economic development. The equivalent of over 400 Billion World Dollars [800b USD AFAIK] has been set aside for valorisation fo the NRP and development of existing natural ressources. We are already projecting a fair exchange rate between a NRP PCSP[Per Capita Share of Production] and a Cirdani PCSP, with predicted evolution over the next five years."
As Comrade Smith stepped down, Comrade Dharix returned to the podium.
"And finally-let us remember, that workers of Cirdanistan and the NRP must go forwards together!"
Hundreds more flashes went off as reporters eagerly captured this final note.
The Chairman cleared his throat. The room fell silent.
"Today, we are formally declaring that the lawless area of the extreme northern tip of Aperin, known as the 'Northern Reaches', shall henceforth be considered a protectorate of the People's Republic."
Applause broke out in the amphitheatre. Cirdan held out his hand for silence, and continued
" This area has one of the lowest population densities of the world, and as you doubtless know is entirely above the Arctic Circle, stretching to within a few miles of the North Pole. It is currently in a state of anarchy and tribal fighting, and it's economy is entirely hand-to-mouth. These deplorable facts will be remedied under the new administration of the equally new Northern Reaches Protectorate. The tribes, ethnic groups and villages will organized in ten to fifteen communes, each with it's own Soviet and sending a delegate to the Protectorate's Revolutionary Council, which will have extensive powers in the domain of internal politics, including law-making, although the constitution will be drawn up by a comittee formed half by Cirdani political theorists and half by local socialist militants. This comittee has been secretly meeting for a month and has already agreed on the general principles of this document. However, the Protectorate's defense and relationship to the rest of the world will be run by the People's Republic; to guarantee representation of the people of the NRP, the NRP's Revolutionnary Council will send two Special Ambassadors to the Cirdani Supreme Revolutionnary Council. Teams of Civil Servants from the Department of Politics are already on the gorund, helping to organise the NRP's new political structures."
The Chairman stood down; Comrade Saluki came to the podium.
"As you all know, the Constitutional Monarchy of Svea Riga shares a border with the new NRP. Negociations with the Rigan government about the exact location of this border and other concerns have begun, and are expected to be easily successful."
The Praesident of Foreign Affairs stepped down in turn; next up was the Praesident of Military Matters.She cast a steely look around the assembled journalists, then spoke:
" Units of the Strategic Deployment Command, the People's Revolutionnary Army, and the Revolutionnary Guard are already in the Northern Reaches, to maintain civil order. The NRP will have no military or militia forces, but comrades wishing to do so will be allowed to join the People's Revolutionnary Armed Forces of Cirdanistan or the Revolutionnary Guard; local RG units will receive barracks and the PRAFs will maintain a permanent presence to ensure protection from external attacks."
She left the podium to Comrade Li Huan-Si, who then delivered her part of the speech.
" Teams of Civil Servants from the Department of the Interior are already on the ground, and are currently forming a new native Northern Reaches Police Force, a Northern Reaches Magistrata Civilis and Northern Reaches units of the Revolutionnary Guard.Thank you."
She stepped down quickly, and Comrade Smith stepped up:
" Teams from the DoE are currently setting up new socioeconomic structures to swiftly end wage-slavery and start economic development. The equivalent of over 400 Billion World Dollars [800b USD AFAIK] has been set aside for valorisation fo the NRP and development of existing natural ressources. We are already projecting a fair exchange rate between a NRP PCSP[Per Capita Share of Production] and a Cirdani PCSP, with predicted evolution over the next five years."
As Comrade Smith stepped down, Comrade Dharix returned to the podium.
"And finally-let us remember, that workers of Cirdanistan and the NRP must go forwards together!"
Hundreds more flashes went off as reporters eagerly captured this final note.