NationStates Jolt Archive

The Invasion Force: Accepting New Members Again

28-09-2003, 14:54
(Its been about 10 days so here it goes)


The Invasion Force
Crimson Blades
Dark Terror
Independent Htimen
Intergallactic Arcel
Soviet Trasa
The Anti-Terror Army
West Midlands

Our Mandate
The Invasion Force is and Imperialistic, Fight-For-Hire organization. We will invade someone for items such as, but not limited to gold, money, land, crops, and oil. We will also help anyone who pays us a significant sum of money in times of war or tensions. All new members that want to join the organization must be over 650million in population. (For a full membership, you can still be a junior member.) This does not apply to current members. No members are to speak for the organization exept geforce4 and anyone I appoint. Failure to comply with this rule will result in ejection/dismemberment.

Fight For Hire
Register at our forums USING YOUR MAIN NATIONS NAME.(Otherwise you will be deleted.) Make a post stating your problem, how much you will pay, and we will discuss it. We do assasinations and invasions. We will also help you if you are in a bad situation (sold slaves, got 29834 june nations to attack you).

Boeing Members:
(Dont ask why I picked boeing, just like the company. Anywho, this is for members that are over 650million but dont want to be a full member yet.)

Junior Members
(Until they reach 650million population)

Taco Legion of Doom
Oppressive Militant Domination Alliance


Our Forums:

(All members are required to move to, or send a puppet to, "The Invasion Force" region and sign up at our regional forums.)
28-09-2003, 14:56
28-09-2003, 14:59
I will help.
28-09-2003, 15:00
I will help.

Does this mean you want to join?
28-09-2003, 15:04
put me on the list.
28-09-2003, 15:06
put me on the list.Yes this list is outdated. Any members that are missing from the list please let me know.
28-09-2003, 15:13
28-09-2003, 15:15
aust should not be accepted into this. he is a slaver
28-09-2003, 15:15
Wilst thou allowest me in?(Even though Im under 650.JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP!)
28-09-2003, 15:23
Wilst thou allowest me in?(Even though Im under 650.JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP!)

Yes trailers you can join. I'll make you a junior member for now. Move into The Invasion Force region and register at our forums.

I will let Aust in.
28-09-2003, 15:24
I wanna join, but I'm fairly new... :cry:
28-09-2003, 15:26
Damn brandon he doesnt even know how to RP, he is a godmmodder, get on aim and veiw our forums
28-09-2003, 15:29
Damn brandon he doesnt even know how to RP, he is a godmmodder, get on aim and veiw our forums


Anywho. I'll let him in until he slips up.
28-09-2003, 15:37
You need to update the list a bit, dark terror and diminix already left I beliefe.
28-09-2003, 15:48
You need to update the list a bit, dark terror and diminix already left I beliefe.

That they did. Watch your back Omz.
28-09-2003, 15:52
You need to update the list a bit, dark terror and diminix already left I beliefe.

That they did. Watch your back Omz.
You can't declare war for OOC reasons. "Iraqavile" is signed up there OOCly.
28-09-2003, 15:57
You need to update the list a bit, dark terror and diminix already left I beliefe.

That they did. Watch your back Omz.
You can't declare war for OOC reasons. "Iraqavile" is signed up there OOCly.

#1 I can declare war for what ever I want.
#2 Iraqvile is no longer signed up there and his IP and EMail have been banned from my forums.
28-09-2003, 16:01
#1 I can declare war for what ever I want.

...And you call yoruself a good RPer.

#2 Iraqvile is no longer signed up there and his IP and EMail have been banned from my forums.
I don't care. Go ahead.
28-09-2003, 17:10
Diminix resigned :x
28-09-2003, 17:14
oh no. i am wit belem. *sigh* i refuse to fight beside him
28-09-2003, 17:15
"1 I can declare war for what ever I want. "

You, sir, are not worth the time of any person in this game.
28-09-2003, 17:17
"1 I can declare war for what ever I want. "

You, sir, are not worth the time of any person in this game.

OOC: Agreed.

This whole "hire me to invade" is unrealistic anyways.
28-09-2003, 17:19
BTW, are there any space naitons left except EOTED who dont ignore me? I got wazzu to ignore me an August...

Yay no more problems from future tech! Party!
28-09-2003, 17:32
dark terror:

G-F has 1 month RL time of having initiated its Professional Space Program.
We were trained and supplied by Angelus, thereby, we consider ourselves just fin to face any thread coming from space -or attack anyone from the space-.

But hey, we have our Non Agression Pact, so relax 8)
28-09-2003, 17:33
Ive decided not to attack Omz (not because of our NAP or some rot about me being scared of you, but because of MONEY), but it seems well be on the same side if Matich is attacked.
28-09-2003, 17:35
I will join (out of terror)
28-09-2003, 17:46
See Omz, this is why I can tell that is is the first RPG you have ever played.

#1 There are no rules for forums (exept for the obvious spam and flame), godmodding is not a crime.
#2 I can do whatever I want, I have the right. You also have the right to ignore me. Attacking for no reason may be frowed upon and not practiced by many, but thats to damn bad.
#3 We dont attack for no reason, though the option is always open. We go against the grain. Example, no one defended Jono Land, so I did. Thats going against the grain. We are also Imperials. We need oil, bam, we got it one way or another. And last but not least, Fight-For-Hire. You have a problem with someone, need some allies, you can pay us. We will not attack the person, no matter the amount, if they are an ally. We will attack people that we despise (you) if someone asks us or if you push us over the limit. Getting paid is just an exuse plus extra funding.
#4You're some little 12 year old OOC aren't you? I can tell.
28-09-2003, 17:47
Omz has been in many RP's, Geforce. But yes he is 12.
28-09-2003, 17:47
I will join (out of terror)

We have no problem with you, therefore we will not attack you for any reason. Only join if you realy want to. You can ask to be put on the friendly list, which prohibits us from attacking you without a good cause.
28-09-2003, 17:50
See Omz, this is why I can tell that is is the first RPG you have ever played.
Of course, and I'm starting off. So what?

#1 There are no rules for forums (exept for the obvious spam and flame), godmodding is not a crime.
There's rule in the community of NS RPers.

#2 I can do whatever I want, I have the right. You also have the right to ignore me. Attacking for no reason may be frowed upon and not practiced by many, but thats to damn bad.
Reasonable, I agree.

#3 We dont attack for no reason, though the option is always open. We go against the grain. Example, no one defended Jono Land, so I did. Thats going against the grain. We are also Imperials. We need oil, bam, we got it one way or another. And last but not least, Fight-For-Hire. You have a problem with someone, need some allies, you can pay us. We will not attack the person, no matter the amount, if they are an ally. We will attack people that we despise (you) if someone asks us or if you push us over the limit. Getting paid is just an exuse plus extra funding.
Explain how nations in RL use the Fight-for-hire method.

#4You're some little 12 year old OOC aren't you? I can tell.
In fact, yes. Your point is?
28-09-2003, 17:56
See Omz, this is why I can tell that is is the first RPG you have ever played.
Of course, and I'm starting off. So what?

#1 There are no rules for forums (exept for the obvious spam and flame), godmodding is not a crime.
There's rule in the community of NS RPers.

#2 I can do whatever I want, I have the right. You also have the right to ignore me. Attacking for no reason may be frowed upon and not practiced by many, but thats to damn bad.
Reasonable, I agree.

#3 We dont attack for no reason, though the option is always open. We go against the grain. Example, no one defended Jono Land, so I did. Thats going against the grain. We are also Imperials. We need oil, bam, we got it one way or another. And last but not least, Fight-For-Hire. You have a problem with someone, need some allies, you can pay us. We will not attack the person, no matter the amount, if they are an ally. We will attack people that we despise (you) if someone asks us or if you push us over the limit. Getting paid is just an exuse plus extra funding.
Explain how nations in RL use the Fight-for-hire method.

#4You're some little 12 year old OOC aren't you? I can tell.
In fact, yes. Your point is?

#1 I can just tell that this is your first. Most people wouldn't be so tightly bound.
#2 I thought you would.
#3 Nations in real life dont Fight for hire. Then again, this is a game. We have 70,000 nations compared to 197. People here go to different galaxies while we are just getting pictures of mars. People have uber space fleets when we launch single shuttles. In real life, running a country puts about 40 years of wrinkles on you while on NS you solve a few issues a day with a click. In Real life, if you ignore someone, your dead. On here you have the option. As you can see they are 2 different worlds.
#4 I'm good at guessing games.

OOC: Heh, this is fun debating.
28-09-2003, 17:56
From now on, I will not RP with ANY nation asking for the help/friendship of GeForce: he is the worst RPers I´ve ever seen since dark terror (and, to be honest, dark terror is 10 times better than GeForce).
28-09-2003, 17:58
From now on, I will not RP with ANY nation asking for the help/friendship of GeForce: he is the worst RPers I´ve ever seen since dark terror (and, to be honest, dark terror is 10 times better than GeForce).

And to be honest, Geforce4 is even worse than Arcel [remember Arcel?]

#3 Nations in real life dont Fight for hire. Then again, this is a game. We have 70,000 nations compared to 197. People here go to different galaxies while we are just getting pictures of mars. People have uber space fleets when we launch single shuttles. In real life, running a country puts about 40 years of wrinkles on you while on NS you solve a few issues a day with a click. In Real life, if you ignore someone, your dead. On here you have the option. As you can see they are 2 different worlds.

Actually, it is the concept that matters here, ot the real mechanics.
28-09-2003, 18:00
From now on, I will not RP with ANY nation asking for the help/friendship of GeForce: he is the worst RPers I´ve ever seen since dark terror (and, to be honest, dark terror is 10 times better than GeForce).

You've never seen me RP fool. Why don't you check some history first bucko. Look at my first post in my attack on RF. It kicks ass. Just because I invade people for fun doesn't mean I dont RP it. I dont say "I Invade you and take your oil". I use creative writing skill. Now you are the one being ignored for a)using false information to ignore me and b)being an asshole about one little statement I made.
Have a nice day you cheese eating surrender monkey.
28-09-2003, 18:00
From now on, I will not RP with ANY nation asking for the help/friendship of GeForce: he is the worst RPers I´ve ever seen since dark terror (and, to be honest, dark terror is 10 times better than GeForce).

28-09-2003, 18:01
You've never seen me RP fool. Why don't you check some history first bucko. Look at my first post in my attack on RF. It kicks ass. Just because I invade people for fun doesn't mean I dont RP it. I dont say "I Invade you and take your oil". I use creative writing skill. Now you are the one being ignored for a)using false information to ignore me and b)being an asshole about one little statement I made.
Have a nice day you cheese eating surrender monkey.

Your name calling doesn't sound that you know how to RP.
28-09-2003, 18:03
Actually Geforce RP's out his wars, but hes a mercenbary.

Kinda like the Barbarosea, Ruhr, and Celack alliance of mercenaries.
28-09-2003, 18:04
I would also like to add that in real life, nations aren't magically in different years or "tech periods" as NSers like to call them. These forums seriously have the biggest bunch of babies I swear it.

I also take part in other RPs such as parties, romance, and I take part in debates in the general forum. (Latest one was The Patriot Act that I started a debate on.) Incase you didn't know, there are more RPs out there then people nuking eachother.

I am in no way worse than Arcel/Thunk God/Arcel 2/Blitz-krieg.
28-09-2003, 18:07
I would also like to add that in real life, nations aren't magically in different years or "tech periods" as NSers like to call them. These forums seriously have the biggest bunch of babies I swear it.
Actually, that belongs to the mechanics.
As for "these forums seriously have the biggest bunch of babies", I wonder why didn' you leave already.

I also take part in other RPs such as parties, romance, and I take part in debates in the general forum. (Latest one was The Patriot Act that I started a debate on.) Incase you didn't know, there are more RPs out there then people nuking eachother.
Of course, I also debated on the General forum, and joined peaceful RPs.
And yes, many examples of peaceful RPs can be found at the NationStates forum --- and good RPs.
28-09-2003, 18:08
You've never seen me RP fool. Why don't you check some history first bucko. Look at my first post in my attack on RF. It kicks ass. Just because I invade people for fun doesn't mean I dont RP it. I dont say "I Invade you and take your oil". I use creative writing skill. Now you are the one being ignored for a)using false information to ignore me and b)being an asshole about one little statement I made.
Have a nice day you cheese eating surrender monkey.

Your name calling doesn't sound that you know how to RP.

But admit it, he didn't read any of my posts other than in this thread because I have started RPs about Jen Gov (The Book), Corporate Greed, Romance, Parties, Anniversary Celebrations and many more. You people should check your sources before accusing people.
28-09-2003, 18:10
But admit it, he didn't read any of my posts other than in this thread because I have started RPs about Jen Gov (The Book), Corporate Greed, Romance, Parties, Anniversary Celebrations and many more. You people should check your sources before accusing people.

Still, flaming other people directly can get people thinking that you are highly unreasonable.

And where are your peaceful RPs taken place at?
28-09-2003, 18:10
I would also like to add that in real life, nations aren't magically in different years or "tech periods" as NSers like to call them. These forums seriously have the biggest bunch of babies I swear it.
Actually, that belongs to the mechanics.
As for "these forums seriously have the biggest bunch of babies", I wonder why didn' you leave already.

I also take part in other RPs such as parties, romance, and I take part in debates in the general forum. (Latest one was The Patriot Act that I started a debate on.) Incase you didn't know, there are more RPs out there then people nuking eachother.
Of course, I also debated on the General forum, and joined peaceful RPs.
And yes, many examples of peaceful RPs can be found at the NationStates forum --- and good RPs.

Heh, you dont know how many times I've quit buddy. :twisted: All Im saying is that you need to do a little research before accusing me of godmodding when I have been complimented on My RPing talents on this and 2 other forums.
28-09-2003, 18:10
i dont like peaceful rp'
28-09-2003, 18:11
But admit it, he didn't read any of my posts other than in this thread because I have started RPs about Jen Gov (The Book), Corporate Greed, Romance, Parties, Anniversary Celebrations and many more. You people should check your sources before accusing people.

Still, flaming other people directly can get people thinking that you are highly unreasonable.

And where are your peaceful RPs taken place at?

These other RPs never got anywhere. I start of with something good and no one wants to RP it. They want war. If you want the truth wars are boring. I'm trying to get into what everyone else does. Back on topic, my good RPs have sunk down and down and down.
28-09-2003, 18:12
Heh, you dont know how many times I've quit buddy. :twisted: All Im saying is that you need to do a little research before accusing me of godmodding when I have been complimented on My RPing talents on this and 2 other forums.
If you don't like the game, either leave or not leave. Make an efficent decision.

i dont like peaceful rp'

I am also the "War type" of person, but peaceful/character/etc. RPs can also be very fun, if you "get it".
Try it.
28-09-2003, 18:13
i dont like peaceful rp'

Silence Dimwit! Lol.

Actually on all of my nations, I have a total post count around..(pulls out highly advanced calculator) 3750 posts.
28-09-2003, 18:13
Hi, I'm NS Carolina. I repsent the Commonwealth Nations of Brygog. We don't think you should do this. Our mother country is a member of UNAOTO. He doesn't like your group.
28-09-2003, 18:14
Hi, I'm NS Carolina. I repsent the Commonwealth Nations of Brygog. We don't think you should do this. Our mother country is a member of UNAOTO. He doesn't like your group.Thats grand. Now leave me alone.
28-09-2003, 18:15
Hi, I'm NS Carolina. I repsent the Commonwealth Nations of Brygog. We don't think you should do this. Our mother country is a member of UNAOTO. He doesn't like your group.
As long as this invasion force is not recongized by the UNAOTO (I'm in it), or/and if this is still a hire-to-fight force, UNAOTO shouldn't have a problem with it.

This is not the old one where the members pick a random nation and annexes it.
28-09-2003, 18:16
Infact, on my nations I've been in The Dominion, CAGED, RGGA, UAAOT and a few more. You just don't know who I am.
Ya hear that dimwit, I have nations that even you dont know about.
28-09-2003, 18:16
i dont like peaceful rp'

Silence Dimwit! Lol.

Actually on all of my nations, I have a total post count around..(pulls out highly advanced calculator) 3750 posts.

i dont its kinda boring
28-09-2003, 18:17
i dont like peaceful rp'

Silence Dimwit! Lol.

Actually on all of my nations, I have a total post count around..(pulls out highly advanced calculator) 3750 posts.

i dont its kinda boringI like a good RP. The Label put on it doesn't matter to me.
28-09-2003, 18:19
Infact, on my nations I've been in The Dominion, CAGED, RGGA, UAAOT and a few more. You just don't know who I am.
Ya hear that dimwit, I have nations that even you dont know about.
Aren't you this TROUSRS person?
28-09-2003, 18:21
Infact, on my nations I've been in The Dominion, CAGED, RGGA, UAAOT and a few more. You just don't know who I am.
Ya hear that dimwit, I have nations that even you dont know about.
Aren't you this TROUSRS person?

Ooo. No, I have that nation though. The original owner left and sold em to me.
The Macabees
28-09-2003, 18:21
I wish to join. I have only have a week or so left to get my pop over 650 million. Should I register to your forums?
28-09-2003, 18:22
I wish to join. I have only have a week or so left to get my pop over 650 million. Should I register to your forums?

You will be a junior until your pop get up to par. Yes register at our forums and send a puppet or yourself to our region.
28-09-2003, 18:23
Infact, on my nations I've been in The Dominion, CAGED, RGGA, UAAOT and a few more. You just don't know who I am.
Ya hear that dimwit, I have nations that even you dont know about.
Aren't you this TROUSRS person?If he was, he woudlve told me. TROUSRS left :cry:
The Macabees
28-09-2003, 18:25
I wish to join. I have only have a week or so left to get my pop over 650 million. Should I register to your forums?

You will be a junior until your pop get up to par. Yes register at our forums and send a puppet or yourself to our region.

My puppet is the Ardennes... is the region name "The Invasion Force"
28-09-2003, 18:26
I wish to join. I have only have a week or so left to get my pop over 650 million. Should I register to your forums?

You will be a junior until your pop get up to par. Yes register at our forums and send a puppet or yourself to our region.

My puppet is the Ardennes... is the region name "The Invasion Force"Ya just look at my nations spotlight.
The Macabees
28-09-2003, 18:31
I would like to say that as President/Chief of Staff of the GDU and Chief of Staff of NJA you always have a ally with those two alliances.
28-09-2003, 18:31
Geting back on topic..
28-09-2003, 18:33
Although I only have 286,000,000 I'd like to join! That is if you accept me :-|
28-09-2003, 18:34
From now on, I will not RP with ANY nation asking for the help/friendship of GeForce: he is the worst RPers I´ve ever seen since dark terror (and, to be honest, dark terror is 10 times better than GeForce).

You've never seen me RP fool. Why don't you check some history first bucko. Look at my first post in my attack on RF. It kicks ass. Just because I invade people for fun doesn't mean I dont RP it. I dont say "I Invade you and take your oil". I use creative writing skill. Now you are the one being ignored for a)using false information to ignore me and b)being an asshole about one little statement I made.
Have a nice day you cheese eating surrender monkey.

I´ve seen your RP.
Creative? you just said "I can attack for any reason I want"
The thing is that RP with you is NOT FUN:if it is not fun, then it is not worth the time of anyone.
You´re a terrible RP, RP means diplomacy, means interesting wars, means interesting players... you have none of these.
I´m open to anyone willing to tell me I´m a terrible RP, BTW.

"cheese eating surrender monkey"
GRUNGE monkey, please.
You know, if even if I was french, I couldn´t care less about what you just said, but hey, I have new for you, if I´m called "Grunge-France" doesn´t neccesary mean I´m a Nirvana (or Soundgarden) french fan, you know, this is a game ;)
28-09-2003, 18:36
From now on, I will not RP with ANY nation asking for the help/friendship of GeForce: he is the worst RPers I´ve ever seen since dark terror (and, to be honest, dark terror is 10 times better than GeForce).

You've never seen me RP fool. Why don't you check some history first bucko. Look at my first post in my attack on RF. It kicks ass. Just because I invade people for fun doesn't mean I dont RP it. I dont say "I Invade you and take your oil". I use creative writing skill. Now you are the one being ignored for a)using false information to ignore me and b)being an asshole about one little statement I made.
Have a nice day you cheese eating surrender monkey.

I´ve seen your RP.
Creative? you just said "I can attack for any reason I want"
The thing is that RP with you is NOT FUN:if it is not fun, then it is not worth the time of anyone.
You´re a terrible RP, RP means diplomacy, means interesting wars, means interesting players... you have none of these.
I´m open to anyone willing to tell me I´m a terrible RP, BTW.

"cheese eating surrender monkey"
GRUNGE monkey, please.
You know, if even if I was french, I couldn´t care less about what you just said, but hey, I have new for you, if I´m called "Grunge-France" doesn´t neccesary mean I´m a Nirvana (or Soundgarden) french fan, you know, this is a game ;)

Nirvana kicks ass BTW.

No one said you were a bad RPer. You are one of the best. I've read your recent one about the senator massacure. Still you haven't looked at any of my good RPs. Interesting Romances, parties, diplomatic criceses.
28-09-2003, 18:37
RP with geforce isnt fun?

Hah you should look at MY RPing!:lol:
28-09-2003, 18:44
Actually I prefer Soundgarden rather than Nirvana.

You have a point, Geforce: I´ve seen your RP on your diplomacy WITH another nations and in the develop of your last military moves , wich I find terrible.
BUT I´ve certainly not seen you RP with your own nation: I haven´t checked topics of you Role Playing a crisis on your nation or something like that, so my comments on you RP in a ad way ONLY applies to what I have seen, other things I will assume they are fin, UNTIL I prove the contrary.

Oh, and dark terror, since Galdania is not around here as much as he used to be, I guess now you are my oldest enemy...
THat´s just sad.
28-09-2003, 18:47
arrrg, yal mates need to get yerselves a life. try and be mates instead of being enemies!