Freedom Country Announces......
Freedom Country, after recalling all forces, has announced that......
All anti-capitalist groups in the country will be removed, forcefully if needs must.
All anti government groups will also be removed.
All forces are on high alert against any threats.
The only good commie is a dead commie!
w00t to that DT. check your tg's in a few minutes, I'm going to cleanse romania of communists for good.
27-09-2003, 17:59
Yay.NationClean,Commie-B-Gone,CEP:Communist Extinction Products;Try these great products! :P
We condemn the actions taken by this so-called 'Freedom Country', and find their hypocrisy, quite frankly, laughable.
27-09-2003, 19:19
Perhaps Galdania should execute all it's capitalists, just to get even? Or perhaps crush the Oppression Country dogs and free the workers?
better dead then red!
Better red than dead ;) :lol:
We agree with the statement "Better red than dead."
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev II
Leader of Terepa
Workers of the World Unite
Perhaps Galdania should execute all it's capitalists, just to get even? Or perhaps crush the Oppression Country dogs and free the workers?
Belem, I think you can test your newest nuke models.
Freedom Country, after recalling all forces, has announced that......
All anti-capitalist groups in the country will be removed, forcefully if needs must.
All anti government groups will also be removed.
All forces are on high alert against any threats.
Next thing you know, they will be invading the Falklands...
Margaret Thatcher,
Foreign secretary,
Ministry of Foreign affairs
(BTW - LOL :lol: )
27-09-2003, 19:30
We agree with Altaran. Cease this hypocrisy at once.
The Communists in out nation have before been violent to the Capitalists of our nation, and we are litterally fed up with this.
We arent harming any communists, killing any, just sending them to another country.
Each will have thier houses sold, and the money given to them, free flight to wherever they choose, and the money in their bank and from their home.
Do not be violent towards me because of this.
send the commie pinkos to me :twisted:
A small number of Communits were arrested today for attacking the police officers that came to notify them of their 'eviction'.
1,000 have already left, and sold their houses.
Some left happily, and many are expected to fly to Altaran tommorow.
We will welcome these oppressed people with open arms, and give them the hospitality and good treatment that the crazed regime of Freedom Country seems unable to offer them.
We have offered them everything, even special rights, and job oppurtunities, but many seem violent towards capitalists, so we decided to get rid of them as peacefully as possible.
They will fly first class on several 747's tommorow.
They will fly first class on several 747's tommorow.
Lucky Bastards
Just being nice.
In no way are our actions deliberately horrible, we are just sorting a problem they brought upon themselves.
Nice one FC I should have done that ages ago. I wouldn't be in the trouble I'm in now (See: Help Needed in slave war) Well done may your country prosper.
Nice one FC I should have done that ages ago. I wouldn't be in the trouble I'm in now (See: Help Needed in slave war) Well done may your country prosper.
Thanks for the support.
27-09-2003, 22:12
You are generalising. What about the communists who have done nothing, and simply want a democratic change in the Oppresion Country government?
But why argue. They will be much better off in Galdania and other free countries. :evil:
Some vioelent communists have been violent towards our capitalists.
We said that if they really wanted to stay, they should tell the others to calm it. No such actions were used, so we sort the problem.
28-09-2003, 23:15
Some vioelent communists have been violent towards our capitalists.
We said that if they really wanted to stay, they should tell the others to calm it. No such actions were used, so we sort the problem.
OOC: Totally unrealistic, IC. :roll:
Actually, it is.
Many countries manage to kick whole RACES out of their competition.