NationStates Jolt Archive

Fat White People for sale!!

24-09-2003, 22:47
hi! Shing-lo has gotten sick and tired of caring for our fat white folks (see fig 1). we want you to buy them! they are 5 dollars apiece (see fig. 2).
we cant make it any easier to populate your country (see fig. 3)!
fig. 1

fig. 2

fig. 3

P.S. about fig 3: we just got in a trend, nd couldn't find apicture of us licking your boots. sorry.
24-09-2003, 23:04
*laughs head off and shoots fat guy's balloon*
Lord Reil Tian
Former Mercenary
Ruler of The Empire of Crimmond (
Crimmond GDP (
24-09-2003, 23:06
I'm on a low fat diet. My doctor said I needed to cut down on the other white meat too.. go figure!
24-09-2003, 23:06
*stuffs dynomite down windpipe*hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!*watches guy die*you cant sell that one,only the meat.eeewww...
24-09-2003, 23:19
24-09-2003, 23:22
ahh, be quiet parthenon. your old news. just looking for an excuse to wage war on me.

you are PERMANENTLY ignored. i will never RP with you. unless you grow a brain stem. which means.....

24-09-2003, 23:23
Get it right, its not brain stem, its mandula umblungata
24-09-2003, 23:24
do they go good with sweet and sour sauce?
24-09-2003, 23:24
We would like to buy at least 200,000 (only a million) and we will be able to mix in the meat (after they are slaughtered,) to provide inexpensive cafeteria food for schools all over Esamopia.

*1,000,000 USD wired*

We await the shipment...

OOC: Nice pic. :D
Kampfgruppe 400
24-09-2003, 23:25
Why care for them? Just start a new tourist attraction. Hunts!
24-09-2003, 23:25
Yuck cannibles
24-09-2003, 23:26
Feline Announces New Policy:

Instead of placing sanctions on slaving nations, we will now buy and free all the slaves as refugees in our nation.

We will pay you ten dollars for all slaves already bought, and the standard rate for the rest.
24-09-2003, 23:28
*Ships feline 1 ton of diet pills*
"When you get the humans to free, give them these to keep them healthy"
24-09-2003, 23:36
--stupid server--
24-09-2003, 23:37
Feline: you fool. these arent slaves. they are population builders and hard workers.... that they happen to be all hair stylists and clowns and investment bankers is a slight bit odd, but live with it. people that buy them own them, but they arent being sold as slaves, just surpluss goods.

your order is confirmed and shipped, Esamopia.

Soviet Canukastan: they go quite well with sweet and sour sauce, but you have too cook them long enough that the fat gets all of the juics cooked out of it then you have to cut the fat off. not healthy eating otherwise.

Kampfgruppe 400: we are personally against the slaughter of human beings, but you can buy em and use them in hunt if you wish. and we get almost no tourists. most people dont take kindly to being barcoded while they are in our nation.
24-09-2003, 23:53
Let me completely contradict your statement located at the bottom of my post, because I do not want people to see your drivel when they click on my profile. Slavery is barbaric, and you, my friend are a slaver.

First, let's check the dictionary.

According to
Main Entry: 1slave
Pronunciation: 'slAv
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sclave, from Old French or Medieval Latin; Old French esclave, from Medieval Latin sclavus, from Sclavus Slavic; from the frequent enslavement of Slavs in central Europe
Date: 14th century
1 : a person held in servitude as the chattel of another

(Rest is cut off, since this is the only relevent definition.)

Then, let's check simple logic.

So, you buy someone, but they are not your slave? Just "surplus goods?" You are degrading sapient beings to the level of property. When a sapient being becomes property, it is slavery.

Ergo, based on the dictionary and simple logic, you are selling slaves.

people that buy them own them, but they arent being sold as slaves, just surpluss goods.
25-09-2003, 00:06
*unamused stare*
Overlord Var'chak
Supreme Ruler of The Dominion of Baggera (
Baggera Blades Inc. Storefront (
25-09-2003, 00:08
OOC: Lol
25-09-2003, 00:16
OOC: LolOOC: Buy some and sell them along with those pie guns. ;) lol
25-09-2003, 03:17
Feline: fat white people arent human. they are surplus goods. if you dont like it, leave.

Geforce4: :D . but im dead serious.

braggerra: i've already trained them with pie guns similar to those eing sold with much success at another store. good thinking. they are very effective! twice as efective as those devective people with the really tiny uhh... how to put it?
25-09-2003, 03:20
We will take One Fat Guy for the promised price of 5 dollars (10 Moyavillian Hairballs) Our Dominar always feels the need to laugh at someone else's expense. However, how much more for an extra balloon?

The Mad Celt
Private Secretary and Last Gunslinger
To Our Most Haughty
Dominar Rygel XXIII
25-09-2003, 03:25
they come with 10 balloons and a helum tank in thier sweaters. no fear.
25-09-2003, 03:29
Rylleh Public affairs minister (Wild eyed , he looks a lot like a young Charlton Heston) is wheeled out on a gurney....SOYLENT GREEN ....IS....PEOPLE..

ooc (Sorry found a copy of that old movie couldnt resist)
25-09-2003, 03:39
i own that movie. i bought it after i watched futurama too much :shock:
cause they make so many refrences.


FRY: *gasp*! what if the secret ingredient in slurm is... people!??!

LEELA: Oh, they already have a soda like that. its called "soylent cola".

FRY: ...Oh. how does it taste?

LEELA: umm... it varies from person to person.


:D from memory.