King Island deserted.
OOC:The civilian population of King Island has emigrated to another nation due to volcanic activity and severe earthquakes that occured 59 years ago. All that remains is a token military force and scientific facilities.
Before the 5 nuclear bombs were dropped on the Attican Empire capital, mass evacuation plans of the remaining 3000 military force on the island had begun. Planning for retaliation has also been carried out.
The Imperial Navy
23-09-2003, 15:41
We can seal off the Volcanic activity if you want. It requires laser fire, but we can seal off the volcanic vents, rendering the area habitable once more.
Thanks but at the moment only 10% of the land is habitable and for us that is good. There are unique ecosystems present that we would like to preserve. King Island we believe is unique.
Our population has already departed and set up homes elsewhere.
Thanks but no thanks :wink:
Freedom Country, after KI officially leaves, claims King Islands for its own.
it has already been claimed.
OOC: and we don't plan on leaving for a while yet
Scandavian States
23-09-2003, 16:43
OOC: This would be a nice place to conduct raids, the volcanic acticity does not allow for much movement.
Who has it been claimed by?
And I dont plan on military, rather a port, airbase, a big wall and some research componds, in a bay, surrounded by mountains.
I cannot say who the island is being claimed by as his nation has a bad reputation for "illegal" actions and you would probably invade it.
The island has plenty of research stations, situated in the only inhabited part of the island.
Military present is still planning its drawdown for when the time comes to leave. Heavy armoured vehicles cannot move around due to thick jungles, weak roads and of course volcanic activity.
All heavy research equipment has been airlifted out. Evacuation when it comes should take no less than Half an hour. The moment the time comes and the last boot leaves the soil, the island(but not the people of KI) will be handed over.
Let me guess.
Not quite, though i think they have links with Terristan. I.E Terrorism
OOC: Well, I am an ally with him, and we share links aswell....
I supply the goods, he supplies the terrorists....
really, you allied with Terristan.
There is a big underground terrorist network out there which he is strongly involved in.
OOC: Well, I am an ally with him, and we share links aswell....
I supply the goods, he supplies the terrorists....
OOC: are you serious???
Of course we're not supposed to know that IC, right?
whats wrong with Terristan? we used to be good allies.
yeh, no IC
I just joined so he wouldnt bomb me agai :D
OOC: well it's just that my nation's leader feels rather strongly about terrorists and the nations that support them...
yeh, no IC
I just joined so he wouldnt bomb me agai :D
haha :lol:
Didn't I launch 4 ICBMs with 5 warheads each at your military bases there?
yes you did, killing all 12 of the holding troops, well done it was certainly worth it!