The Republic of Evanchild the Defenders of Order make war on!
The Republic of Evanchild the Defenders of Order make war on!What you say?
the Defenders of Order declare war on The Republic of Evanchild!is that better um you nike guy?
the Defenders of Order declare war on The Republic of Evanchild!is that better um you nike guy?Me are happy with your grammar
[quote=Defenders of Order]the Defenders of Order declare war on The Republic of Evanchild!is that better um you nike guy?Me are happy with your grammar[
that is not the right grammer nike!
I just had 10 men march in to The Republic of Evanchild's city and had controled the town!and my 10 men are equiped with my new product ice guns!
[quote="NikeTown"][quote=Defenders of Order]the Defenders of Order declare war on The Republic of Evanchild!is that better um you nike guy?Me are happy with your grammar[
that is not the right grammer nike![/quoe]
I'm too cool for correct BBCode. :P
To: the government of Defenders of Order
From: Haruat Kreegsbrock, Padmasan ambassador
Subject: You have about 5 minutes
Padmasa has taken an interest in your lack of reasons behind this war. Your nation wil be given 48 hours in which to explain these actions to Padmasa or be faced with a 500,000 man Padmasan expiditionary force.
Not that any of this seems very serious, but Anakron sends 100 men to defend the city and root out the Defenders of Order.
losses, defenders?
To: the government of Defenders of Order
From: Haruat Kreegsbrock, Padmasan ambassador
Subject: You have about 5 minutes
Padmasa has taken an interest in your lack of reasons behind this war. Your nation wil be given 48 hours in which to explain these actions to Padmasa or be faced with a 500,000 man Padmasan expiditionary force.
The Democratic Republic of Mef will back this force with a later-decided sized force if Padmasa gives the OK.
The DSM also gives no comment as to how it saw the transmission from Padmasa to the Defenders of Order.
To: THe Governemnt of mef
From: Haruat Kreegsbrock
Subject: Thank you
Mef is welcome to send in forces to join the Padmasan expeditionary force if diplomacy fizzles out.
OOC: Messages such as the above are usually broadcast in offical press releases which Padmasa trusts will eventually reach the intended target, should the direct message fail to. So, actually you would know about it... if you subscirbe to Padnews, which you don't. Have you been stealing cable from Padmasa? :lol:
losses of my men were:9 men!I declared this war for money!My nation needs money to make more realalistic wepons!my ice guns I found out does not work!so I need some money to make something simaler.but with out anybody doing trade with me I have no money!I would gladly have a peace talk!
my men Defends the city of the Defenders of Order!I will let my trade in the city if all of us have a peace talk and I will send all of my assains from both of your boarders back home if we have a peace talk.If you wish to keep war I got missles with nukes in them today from a nother nation and I am not afried to use them!
To: the government of Defenders of Order
From: Haruat Kreegsbrock, Padmasan ambassador
Subject: Let Lose the Dogs of War!
That is not a valid reason for any war, in fact I would normally give you money if I knew you were so pathetic, however you choose war. Prepare your defenses, your capital shall fall soon. Also It should be noted that at max you can send 40 thousand people in your military. Further with your econemy that way it is I doubt you have nukes or the means to launch them.
*900 lesis class heavy dropships each of which have a full 21 soldiers in them. This force is under the command of Lord Xok, and each amn is armed with an IF-7*
19-09-2003, 21:27
Give me mining rights for 30% of the metals in DO and ill give you a couple of trillion.
The South Islands
19-09-2003, 21:31
Oh my god.... 2 Noobies going at it with ice guns just for money.
This is gunna be fun to watch.
*Goes to kitchen to get popcorn and cookie*
n00b wars!!!!
U can always tell it when the title is WAR!
chris who are you talking to?
To:the goverment of Pasmasa
From:The King of Defenders of Order
Why not talk over peace?I though if I wanted money I would get in return some war on me.I have lots of wool and fish!my other nations are named diffent so Defenders of Order will live!If so you don't want peace then I will send all the men in the capital as drafted and make them solider with muskeets.20 men under the command of General Owyn.
All right.
Obviously he doesn't have nukes, and when i outnumbered him 10 to 1, he evidently ran, since i only managed to kill 10 of them. ah, well. since the attacked never declared war, i guess i'll go back to Anakron now.
look I got nukes from another country!I spent all of the money in my coffers for 50 of them!I used one on a nation that declared war on me!So I do have 49 nukes!
OOC: Firstly annoucne the use of a nuke, if you are going to claim using one. Next, Who sold you the nukes? I doubt you actually have them and seeing as to how there are better things than nukes... Heh.
19-09-2003, 22:12
Their just nOObs dont call the mods.
And i was talking to you D.O
Padmasa I looked in my goverment files and they do not have the name of the nation!I know I have them!better bring some wool coats if you want to attack me!the ice bear who lives in my region is the wool you need to stay there!it is -500 there you know how cold?The bear that lives there has the warmest fur ever!that makes ir possible to be there!So as you see I use the elaments to my advantage not men or tec!The founders of Ice Island had the last fur coats that were at the city in the east!So try to come!
Chris your nation gets 30% of mining lands now!now the money?
To: The goverment of Anakron and the goverment of Padmasa
From:The King of the Defenders of Order
Subject:peace talk
Anakron and Padmasa why not put down your arms?If you do I will too!There is a just starting nation that needs help and a I guess a old nation declared war on the new nation!If you want peace and save blood shed and to do order stop this war and help the nation Turtle Empire.Please even a temparay peace would do good.I will have two wars if I stay at war with you.so before major blood shed think about peace!
Defenders of Order: What reason do you have to attack this helpless country. Unless you provide and IC or OOC reason I will be forced to crush you and your warmongering ways.
To:the goverment of Volonia
From:a emmasariy of the King of the Defenders of Order
the nation has his own reasons look in page one and go back to page two.
Defenders of Order: What reason do you have to attack this helpless country. Unless you provide and IC or OOC reason I will be forced to crush you and your warmongering ways.
ur still around volonia!
this is IH, bump the captain tardo
This is completely pointless, this guy is a n00b beyond all reknown.
First, its physically impossible for life to exist in any part of any planet that is -500, regardless of their "fur" and even if such a creature existed, which is impossible,it would die , because there is no food source, and even if you were wearing three thousand wool layers, you would die.
And for someone who can only afford to send ten troops when declaring war, it is EXTREMELY unlikely that you would have any WMDs , and even more EXTREMELY unlikely that if you did, they would be nukes, and even if they were, it would be EXTREMELY unlikely if you had more than 2 let alone 49 nukes.
fine as cold as aslaska.But I am no noob it is almost winter in Ice Island so the snow will be bad really bad!I boght them from a nation that was when my nation was rich!my workers will want to Defend there home because they know that I have other nations that will supply for them!
My invasion forces are about 2 miles from your coasts, have they met any resistance and can you please give me the layout of your antion for refrences.
The Unreal Soldiers
20-09-2003, 02:25
The Republic of Evanchild the Defenders of Order make war on!
20-09-2003, 02:27
Esamopia condemns the heavy-handedness of Padmasa's assault and warns that it will intervene if less harsh methods by Padmasa are not immediately discussed with Esamopian representatives.
Esamopia condemns the heavy-handedness of Padmasa's assault and warns that it will intervene if less harsh methods by Padmasa are not immediately discussed with Esamopian representatives.
Diplomatic channels were closed, Padmasa would gladly reopen them but these Defenders, have not made any attempt to contact us. Further Invasion forces have landed 5 miles inland and are setting up a base camp. 200 Dropships are on their way home to get repairs and supplies.
20-09-2003, 02:44
Padmassa!! This is an unacceptable and completely obvious attempt to show your military strength by taking on a simple country in some gigantic pile of ice many miles away. We demand that you cease this pointless agression, and let the inexperienced fool running that worthless country kill himself from his own boredoom/ineptness. We renew our threat to intervene if this is not resolved diplomatically.
Deputy Prime Minister Alvarad.
I send all of my men home to defend my capital if you were to attack!
Padmassa!! This is an unacceptable and completely obvious attempt to show your military strength by taking on a simple country in some gigantic pile of ice many miles away. We demand that you cease this pointless agression, and let the inexperienced fool running that worthless country kill himself from his own boredoom/ineptness. We renew our threat to intervene if this is not resolved diplomatically.
Deputy Prime Minister Alvarad.
Our advance is stalled! Until, further notice Padmasan troops will only fire when fired upon and will not leave camp. However, if this fool continues to refuse to even open lines of communicaiton to Padmasa, then our troops will move foward. Until this time, troops will remain in camp.
20-09-2003, 03:02
We thank your nation for its generousity in this matter and for stalling its invasion. In return we will pay 25% of your troop deployment costs thus far and demand that the retarded noob nation immediately open lines of communication or else this invasion will be declared legitimate.
The war is off! All but 9,000 troops have been recalled. These 9,000 will be recieving shipments of raw materials and will be turning our base camp into a permenant base... this was part of the peace settlement. Also, Padmasa has been paid a trivial sum. That is all.
We thank your nation for its generousity in this matter and for stalling its invasion. In return we will pay 25% of your troop deployment costs thus far and demand that the retarded noob nation immediately open lines of communication or else this invasion will be declared legitimate.
I am sorry to say but you are late my friend. We ahve been paid but thank you for your generosity.
because you signed I shall now sign!King Mathew of the Defenders of Order!
20-09-2003, 03:33
I live on the United States Eaast Coast, it's late, here. I'm in no state of mind to figure out who's godmodding or what.
I don't think that any flaming is taking place, though whether or not this entire topic is spam is debatable.
Defenders of Order, I suggest that you ask some more experience players for advice on how to roleplay before you attempt waging war again.
Everyone else: I suggest ignoring this roleplay.
These are suggestions; I'm not going to make official rulings on this roleplay.
--The Modified Democatic States of Cogitation
"Think about it for a moment."
NationStates Forum Moderator
to: Defenders of Order
from: Emperor M. Darkstar
Emperor Mikael Darkstar has a good laugh on your behalf...thank you!!! because of it, we may be considering on invading your nation because your nation's hilarious antics will clearly amuse the emperor in the long run...it will definitely lighten his stress coming from managing his empire...you have 10 hours to respond before we send some "ample" troops to invade your NOOBIE land :lol:
with a manic laughter now erupting again...ROAR!!! hahahaha!!! weeee!!! :lol:
-your future ruler: Emperor M. Darkstar
21-09-2003, 02:43
Chris your nation gets 30% of mining lands now!now the money?
The moneys been wired and the miners with a military guard are on their way with all the necessary equipment.
21-09-2003, 02:44
to: Defenders of Order
from: Emperor M. Darkstar
Emperor Mikael Darkstar has a good laugh on your behalf...thank you!!! because of it, we may be considering on invading your nation because your nation's hilarious antics will clearly amuse the emperor in the long run...it will definitely lighten his stress coming from managing his empire...you have 10 hours to respond before we send some "ample" troops to invade your NOOBIE land :lol:
with a manic laughter now erupting again...ROAR!!! hahahaha!!! weeee!!! :lol:
-your future ruler: Emperor M. Darkstar
The time the first troop sets foot on his nation will be the time he no longer has a government,family or friends.
What's up IH. I have been very busy lately with football, school, and my girlfriend. But I will bump it. And I will join whoevers side IH is on.
Voloshnicoff, Head of State