18-09-2003, 23:27
Chellian scientists have begun heavy work on a glider/rocket transport to be used in mechanized divisions, the planes will be fitted with small rocket boosters, which will fire every once in a while to make the glider keep going, until it runs out of fuel, and the rocket falls off. These gliders are good, as they can get very good speeds for something so cheap(around 800mph right after a boost), they are mostly of a wood construction, with certain re-inforced parts(the bottom is fairly bullet-proof so that a guy with a assault rifle cant kill the guys). These can be lauched from the ground, sea, or air. They weigh about 20,000 pounds with the rocket booster and fuel and men, about 10,000 without the rocket and fuel, and about 5,000 without men either. Also, a "missile" variant is under construction, which will have no wings, a slightly reinforced hull, and more fuel, and will be fired like a ICBM thats low to the ground, with the men jumping out of the plane once at the target, instead of crash landing. Test versions have already been completed.