Tactical Bomber Project-Partners chosen!
United Elias
18-09-2003, 21:33
The Elias Aerospace Corporation has today announced a project to build a stealthy tactical bomber. The following concept sketches and models show the design but specifications are still unclear. What is clear however is that this project will need international partners as it is a private venture independant of the government designed mainly for export.
United Elias
18-09-2003, 21:52
come one more nations needed.
United Elias
18-09-2003, 21:58
cool pics, BTW your in, but we will work out what different nations are contributing once we have a few more. Any thing BDIA is especially good at?
cool pics, BTW your in, but we will work out what different nations are contributing once we have a few more. Any thing BDIA is especially good at?
Planes, land units, and stealth ships.
Anakron can be counted as a member. We have good R&D, though our resources are meager for production.
The LIAM has Highly Advanced Stealth Information and High Speed Aviation! We will be happy to work with you! :D
Anakron can be counted as a member. We have good R&D, though our resources are meager for production.
As long as you know something about military tech, you should get in.
Me pls I have big aircraft factories and lots of scientists who work with windtunnels and such :P
Should I assign my scientists/engineers anything to work on? A weapons or stealth system maybe?
United Elias
18-09-2003, 22:41
There has been unexpected interest in this project but priority must be given to allied nations or nations that could offer most to the program. A list will be published soon saying which of the applied nations will become part of the venture.
I await it with excitement.
Phoenix Dynamix has had experince with stealth technology in the past and has been producing and designing unique aircraft for sevral years now with thousands of our aircraft in use by many differnt countries' air forces and navies.
The BDIA has produced the MiG-37 stealth interceptor, MiG-35 stealth fighter, and MiG-41 stealth attack aircraft.
Phoenix Dynamix is a cooler name then BDIA .. j/k
The Omzian Air Force Development Department, aka Omzian Military Aerospace Corporation, is very interested.
We have been doing these kind of business since 1968.
[OOC: Edit]
We have developed a range of aircrafts, mostly tactical fighters and strike fighters/fighter bombers. We also have some expertise on stealth airframe design and technologies, since 1982.
We also manufacture a few UAVs, transport aircrafts, and strategic bombers.
Please consider.
Phoenix Dynamix is a cooler name then BDIA .. j/k
BDIA really stands for Best Damn Inventors Anywhere
18-09-2003, 23:46
Well Crookfur would have expressed an interest but it seems you are all booked up :(
United Elias
18-09-2003, 23:55
No, we're not booked up, we're going to decide on Saturday which nations to include in the project so please apply and give some background.
BTW this is going to be a darn realistic design-testing-production process so if anybody cant be bothered please let me know now.
The first stage after selecting contratctors will be to divide the project into many different parts which the different nations can then apply for based on their specialities.
19-09-2003, 00:05
Well Crookfur has had expereince in a number of international joint projects (the Dragon Pearl fighter, T-7gilgamesh MBT to name 2 examples).
in terms of areas of expertese we have done a lot on engines (ok so they use our alcohol tech but it ain't that bad more a matter of personal choice) and inovative flight formats (so far noone else has bothered with Rotodynes), stealth stuff was covered a bit by the Dragon pearl project but i'm not great on it (in Rl i know msotly what its about bu IC its not a strong point).
If forced to indicate a area of true expertese that we would concetrate on we would go for flight control systems (cockpit design, flight management systems/navigation, engine management systems etc) and overall systems integration.
plus we actually know how to go about managing a project using relevent standards and development models.
A true realistic design process seems good fun and a more formally organised one than the T-7 Gilgamesh would be interesting.
The Omzian Military Aerospace Corporation has conducted several international joint warplane developments, including the F/A-10 Fighter-Bomber, and the F-24C Antares Interceptor. Most of the projects are conducted with the Ellan ESA Aerospace Corporation.
We are expertised at development of tactical fighters, strike fighters/fighter-bombers, and strategic bombers and strike aircrafts.
I will also send some of my scientists aswell.
United Elias
19-09-2003, 16:43
United Elias
20-09-2003, 17:03
A decision has been made regarding which nations will participate in the project and what roles they will undertake:
This arrangement is subject to change if a partcular nation wishes to either leave the project or feel they have been given an inappropriate role. (or if there's anything ive forgotten)
United Elias: Final Assembly, Flight testing, Powerplants, project management: 35%
Dark Terror: Wing/Fueselage construction: 20%
Phoenix Militia: RAM coatings, internal wepons bays, fuel system: 15%
Omz222: control surfaces, landing gear: 10%
Croockfur: Cockpit systems, flight control systems, weapons delivery systems and any other avionics not previously mentioned: 20%
Once all nations have agreed to this the project will be moved to a new thread for discussion of design features, what versions will be produced etc.
United Elias will remain in overall control of the project although opinions of other nations are welcome and will obviously be considered.
THe BDIA will be up to the task.
United Elias
20-09-2003, 17:08
United Elias
20-09-2003, 17:08
well you have kind of an important role so it better be. :wink:
Very good.
We will start to prepare.
Omzian Military Aerospace Corporation
We will also give it Plasma Stealth technology.
United Elias
20-09-2003, 17:13
We will also give it Plasma Stealth technology.
We will also give it Plasma Stealth technology.
United Elias
20-09-2003, 17:38
interesting, please put that suggestion forward on the new thread once its created along with any other ideas.
interesting, please put that suggestion forward on the new thread once its created along with any other ideas.
Ill dig up some tech from my MiG-41, which I use in this role.
20-09-2003, 20:49
The Crookfur team are excited about being sleected to take part and look forward to the project.
could i please join as well, if so, i have designed the mt-79 MBT, Several new anti-stealth radars, the Sa-190 SAM. All of my tech is capable RL, and is ya dotn find anythreads around here, is becuase alot of my stuff was a long time ago. Ohh and i hold a patent that could very well help you with the design, the pulse detonation engine, alofn wiht the hybrid turbo fan- pulse detonation engine.
The F/B-4 project has been put on hold (yet again) in order to divert money and personnel to our part of the project. Also since this is a joint project, we have decided to open a new facility in a rural area so that the regulation banning foreign access to our military bases can be bypassed. (by making the site not in a military base, since all of our current aircraft facilities are located within airbases.)