Does anyone want a monopoly to happen??!?!
18-09-2003, 19:51
if not... u will have 2 help me. The Resi Corporation has put presure on me to give them my droid/robot blueprints, which i will not do. if i do not they are going to use force and invade Christwagon. I alone cannot hold back this force. I would be most graciouse for ur support.
18-09-2003, 19:54
We have after careful consideration decided to aid you in this matter there for, as i speak we are sending a pack of coffey and a few slingshots (rocks not included) to aid you in this conflict. :wink:
Just ignore Resi if you dont think he has a valid reason to do this. Tell him to shove it.
I support resi in this conflict, for once, and think that you should give in.. however you should also give the blueprints to other businesses, so as resi cannot create a true monoply.
The Mindset
18-09-2003, 19:58
We applaud Resi for making a balanced business decision. However, my current economy was only achieved though (ICly) hostile business techniques. In my opinion, flood their market now, invade later. Ignore the questions part.
18-09-2003, 22:42
18-09-2003, 23:44
18-09-2003, 23:48
Personally i haven't seen any real details except Resi going after anyone who uses AI units...
Which of course is rubbish as it can't be prevented under any intellectual property legislation in existance anywhere, not copy right (doesn't deal with ideas), patents might work but they only cover actual proceses and if you use a different process... of course if you can rpove that there is only 1 way to design soemthing then that can be ignored (see remington vs philips) and trade marks and designs aren't really applicable.