NationStates Jolt Archive

Anaxa - a brief introduction.

18-09-2003, 17:28
Having recently become more involved in extra-regional affairs after a long period of self-enforced isolation, I thought that people might wish to see my country travelogue...

You Are Now Entering Anaxa. Do Not Be Alarmed.
Anaxa Travelog Version 1.2
Numbers and letters refer to map available on request.

Population: 1.161 Billion
Economy : Fightening
Civil Rights: Few
Political Freedoms: Outlawed.



Anaxa (trans: light) is a sprawling nation that spans the northern end of the Devils Peninsula. By legend, Anaxians were first people to settle the Devils Desert after fleeing a cataclysm in the far east. Originally a desert people, they struggled to cope with the harsh northern winters and named their lands Kalat Xanad Dakanani or “Cold Sands of the Foe”.

In ancient Anaxian legend cold was associated with death and madness. At night when the desert was very cold the Foe would stalk the lands to take the souls of the weak. In this new cold land that the refugees found themselves, even the children were trained with use of weaponry in case they should encounter the Foe, a tradition that lasts to the present day (a law was passed five years ago making two years national service in industries not connected with the military compulsory). The exchange of swords in Anaxian marriage also comes from this period, to symbolise that the couple would now stand as one to defend against the Foe.

Anaxa's geography ranges from the breathtaking mountains and fjords of the north to vast open plains in the south.

Modern Anaxa is a diverse nation, mainly due to the culture of assimilation that the expansionist kings of the middle-ages applied in order to keep the fractious contry intact. Regions within Anaxa are almost completely self-governing, with central government controlling only the armed forces and providing coherent planning for other projects and essential services requiring the co-operation of several regions. The nation of Anaxa is also home to a very diverse populace - but don’t worry they all live in perfect harmony due to the all pervasive police force. Most of the regions have a very strong cultural identity within Anaxa, but the benefits of unification are not forgotten as the region was riven with many wars and blood fueds in the past. Religion is another major unifier of the nation. There are many places of interest to visit and each region is examined in detail later.



The main Anaxian ethnic groupings are as follows:

*Tarak Anaxa - this grouping is born of the Anaxians who originally settled the mountainous north of the country. Tarak tend to be short of height but extremely tough. Very welcoming to friends but bloodthirsty maniacs to those who slight them. Their religion differs significantly from the mainstream Anaxian church in that there is a tradition of ‘giving’ (dowries, even charity in some cases) and murder is not considered a valid method of gaining promotion.
*Kax Anaxa - the largest group of Anaxians, Kax are the Anaxian conservatives, following the Leader in his unending battle against the Foe. Like all good Anaxians they practice with their swords (or newly built super-skisn fighter-bombers as the case may be), but the Kax are viewed as being somewhat lazy by other Anaxians. The wealth built up by the canny businessmen of the Kax over the years has led to a somewhat arrogant and spoilt youth. These Anaxians settled the ‘soft’ southern plains.
*Andarak Anaxa - like the Tarak the Andarak Anaxa also settled the mountainous north, but legends tell that the Andarak left their ancient home after a vicious blood feud that resulted in the War of Sorrow, a period of bitter infighting amongst the Andarak that escalated into a full blown civil war that eventually caused the powerful Taraks to exile the Andarak from their ancient home. The war of Sorrow is estimated to have cost them 70% of the Andarak population. They are now an insular people who take slights badly.
*Axa - Descendants of a second tribe that travelled with the Anaxians. The Axa are excellent businessmen and diplomats. They are noted for their far more moderate outlook on life and believe in fighting the Foe through intelligence, cunning and guile. Also known to act in a most friendly way to complete strangers.
*Yaravat - Ethnic Yerwahts who have adopted many of the Tarak Anaxian customs.
*Xaranakarazak - Ethnic Serenkaarzaks.



Power is currently held by the Kaxaianakin Clan. Vai Tarikan Kaxaikatanakin is the current ruler and is known and loved across the land for his wise and just council. Evil scum betrayers who question his divine authority are unknown, mainly due to the all pervasive police force.

The Kaxaianakin Clan largely ignore the affairs of individual regions, relying on the strong centrally organised military and the strong religious and cultural ties to hold the nation together. The oath of Anaxianism (To honour the Leader in his unending fight against the Foe, To hold their homeland dear and to protect it from harm) that all of the populace swear is an example of this shared culture and has been increasingly adopted by Yaravat and Xaranakarazak poplations within the nation.

Succession to Leadership is traditionally bloody and many political commentators fear civil war when the current leader dies as he will leave behind twin sons Tarikan Vai Kaxaixanakin (Commander of the Second Army) and Tarikan Vai Kaxaikakanakin (Commander of the Northern Fleet).

The Leader is advised by parliament, which is an appointed body of varying number that currently includes [but is not limited to] the Leader, every officer of Tarikan Vai status or above [Currently 11], all members of the council of Axa [7 - a national body founded two centuries ago by the heads of the seven biggest Axa families, with the aim of promoting peace and undestanding within the region], all members of the Mediator Council of the Solstren [and several of the Solsquana Va of the Solstren, 11 Solstren currently sitting], elder statesmen of great academic/military/political standing, as well as a group of five people from each of the regions of Anaxa [chosen by each regional government].


Clarification RACES:
Human, a minority mainly made up only of Xaranakarazak and Yaravat peoples. Famous humans include Mediators Kynes, Lugh, Kadakaikai.

Axa, are essentially elves. Noted for their incredibly pale skin and metallic hair colours.
Famous axa include the council of Axa, Mediators Akillara, Akillin and Kuhaillir

Anaxa, are based on a race called the dragonkin. Dragonkin tend to have mettallic scaled appearance. Tarak are gold, Andarak are bronze, Kax are silver. Famous Dragonkin include the Presidents family, Mediator Lanikakin.


Clarification RELIGION
Under Anaxian religion the people are protected by a deity symbolised by the sun, light and heat. This deity is known as Ax, the church is common to all Anaxa and Axa. The belief is that in the past when the Dakaxa [hellish servants of the Foe, symbolised by cold and darkness] threatened to completely destroy the Anaxans, Ax intervened and guided the Anaxans to their current lands. The Axa are tied into this myth as mother-figures who saved the children of the Anaxa from being slain by the Dakaxa.

The head of the Church is also the President as he is the embodiment of the Ax upon earth and is required to fight the Foe with all of his power. Succession within the ruling family is traditionally bloody simply because the essence of Ax can transfer from and old, spent warrior into the hands of his younger children.

The Solsdenai are a semi-mystical organisation the orignated within the church and was founded by the humans Kynes and Lugh in the distant past [the Soldenai claim that the Kynes and Lugh who sit on the Mediator council are the same ones who founded the Soldenai 1000 years ago, this is rubbished by archeologists]. They are an extremely militant group who use magicks disfavoured by the mainstream religion to bolster their prowess. By tradition this group is completely seperate from the main church but reconises the President as head of their organisation. The group has never been infiltrated.


A) Kaxarak
*A wealthy region, capital Kaxaka (population 5million).
*Population 40% Xaranakarazak, 35% Kax Anaxa, 20% Axa, 3% Tarak Anaxa, 2% other.
*Description: This region follows the border with Serenkaarzak and is often called the breadbasket of Anaxa thanks to its many farms. Real Ales are the most popular beverage and Cricket (a sport that most Anaxians consider blasphemous due to its sedate and non-violent nature) is the game of choice, although the Kaxarak Sabres ice-hockey team were the shock winners of the AHL this year. One of the most liberal of all the Anaxian regions, the death penalty only remains for treason, spying, piracy, murder, rape, or repeat offenders and other popular forms of corporal punishment are banned.
*Government: The only full democracy within the Anaxian regions. Power mainly shared between the Hyper-Capitalist KCP and the conservative Anaxian Democrats [both with two representatives to the national parliament], with the nationalistic Xaranakarazak party the SPC [currently holding the fifth seat]. Central government tolerates this democracy only because Kaxarak governments traditionally levy extremely high taxes.
*Sights: The old town of Kaxaka, the world famous Jimbob Breweries, the 500 year old parliament building and the beautiful Serens Flower Gardens.


cool.gif Laraheim
*Wealthy region, capital Laraheim (population 5 million).
*Population 45% Kax Anaxa, 35% Axa, 10% Tarak Anaxa, 5% Xaranakarazak, 5% Andarak Anaxa.
*Description: This central region of Anaxa is famous for its many academic facilities. The capital of the region Laraheim contains the three best universities in the entire country. This idyllic region is noted for the quality of its hops - its beers are exported across the world, and the regions ice-hockey and rugby teams are amongst the best in Anaxa. Kax fishermen will tell you that the fishing in this regions many rivers is the best in Anaxa.
*Government: The affairs of Laraheim are managed by the academic council, consisting of the Chancellors of the University of Laraheim, Laraheim Academy, Laraheim Institute of Science, the Laraheim State University (Yala) and the Kavax Military Academy. This body is traditionally conservative, and extremely business oriented. The academic council also represents Laraheim in the national parliament. Central government tolerates this council only because Laraheim governments traditionally produce extremely talented scientists.
*Sights: The changing of the guard at Kavax, the 1000 year-old fort in the small town of Kalxa and the Anaxa Science Museum.


C) Akakalinika
*A sparsely populated region, capital Kaxanatakin (population 9 million)
*Populaton 60% Kax Anaxa, 35% Axa, 5% other.
*Description: Another region mainly takes income from farming Akakalinika, is relatively sparsely populated, although the capital Kaxanatakin is a major commercial port that is also the home of the Southern Fleet and the 2nd Army. A nation of rolling plains ideally suited to grain crops. The vast majority of the nations fencing and rifle sportsmen come from this region. This region is also home to the first Solsdenai (trans "soulkeepers"), hence pursuing a career in crime tends to be fatal.
*Government: Traditionally this region is governed by the Solsdenai [Defenders of the Soul], a semi-mystical military force that is intensely loyal to the Leader as the embodiment of the struggle against the Foe. Rumours persist of strange magics and miracles performed within the Church of the Fighting Soul, but these have never been verified. Currently the Mediator council of the Solsdenai consists of seven Mediators, lead by Mediator Akillara, who is widely regarded as the most powerful woman in Anaxa outside of the ruling family [the other Mediators are Kynes, Lanikakin, Akillin, Lugh, Kadakaikai and Kuhaillir]. Central government tolerates this situation only because of the importance placed on religion throughout Anaxa as a whole, and the Akakalinika ruler is traditionally a unifying voice within the nation. The province of Akakalinika is represented by five people appointed by random lottery, as the Solsdenai believe that placing the citizens in the hand of fate will ensure continued strength against the foe.
*Sights: Kaxanatakin's world famous Church of the Fighting Soul, the ancient ruins of Vaiana (the oldest known Anaxian settlement) and the ancient fortress of Kakaka, where it is said that the Dakaxa, the servants of the Foe were finally defeated.


D) Anaxa Daxarat
*The home of the wealthiest and most successful Anaxians, capital Anaxa (population 12 million)
*Population 40% Kax Anaxa, 25% Axa, 25% Andarak Anaxa, 9% Tarak Anaxa, 1% other
*Description: The nucleus about which the nation of Anaxa formed, Anaxa Daxarat shares the abundant farmland of the other southern regions of Anaxa and is the ancient seat of the Kaxaianakin Clan. The wealthiest region in Anaxa is home to many of the great cultural centres not only of the Kax Anaxa, but of all of the Anaxian and Axa peoples. Many idyllic towns litter the countryside and the region is famed for its exquisite meat and fish dishes. Famed for its rowing teams.
*Government: The small town of Xaian is the seat of the Kaxaianakin Clan, and the head of the Clan retains complete control over the region. Central government tolerates this situation only because the head of the Kaxaianakin Clan also happens to be the head of state. He is advised by an elected council of five who also represent the region in the national parliament in Anaxa City.
*Sights: Many and varied - a tourists dream. The shrine ot the unknown soldier is one of the most ornate pieces of architecture in the Devils Desert. The Bloodstone Memorial - an imposing 200 year-old edifice of sorrow - is visited by millions of Anaxians each year who wish to remember the millions of innocent civilians massacred across the country during the ravages of the Dakaxa. The famous Kalairar gardens are also to be found in the capital.


E) Wintax Darat
*The famous 67 brigade, third army and air defence skunkworks are hidden somewhere in this sparsely populated and heavily forested region, capital Naxataxak Danat (population 100,000).
*Population: 40% Andarak Anaxa, 30% Tarak Anaxa, 20% Xaranakarazak, 5% Yaravat, 5% other
*Description: The forbidding foothills of the Kalat Xanad mountains have formed the backdrop of many heroic legends and more modern films in Anaxa. In truth, the regions past as a centre of the Anaxian culture are largely past, with only ancient moneuments and a decling population to show for its troubles. Extremely strong in the traditional Anaxian football, and hurling. Sadly this region is also home to the biggest ethnic tensions and matches between the various sports clubs often result in violence as the tensions overspill.
*Goverment: Extremly disorganised, but officially consisting of twenty hereditary nobles who decide the five representatives to the national parliament (currently 3 Yaravat, 1 Axa, 1 Kax Anaxa - the nobles from the three largest ethnic groups refuse to endorse any of their main rivals). Central government tolerates this situation only because the constant infighting and petty squabbles tend to produce an exremely highnumber of tough, capable fighters who are happy to join the army to leave the region.
*Sights: Many of the major battlefields of the War of Sorrow are to be found in Wintax Danat, and some of the oldest and most splendid fortresses also. The bronze-age monument at Wa Yara is also of interest.


F) Natax Danak
*Relative proximity to Anaxa and the influx of computing minds has made this region a high-tech haven., capital Nakatika (populaion 750,000).
*Population: 40% Kax Anaxa, 30% Tarak Anaxa, 30% Axa, 5% Andarak Anaxa, 5% other
*Description: Although also in the forbidding foothills of the Kalat Xanad mountains, Natax Danak is lucky to have a warmer climate in the summer months [although the winter is harsher], with plenty of water from numerous streams and rivers. Many crops are grown here that are found only rarely in other parts of Anaxa and its wines [made from an indiginous fruit the Kada] are exquisite. The abundant richness in both flora and fauna is mirrored by the shrewdness of its businessmen, who cottoned onto the potential profits in computing very early on. 50% of Anaxas grandmasters of chess are from this region.
*Government: The hereditary leader [head of the Kataikax Clan and the regions largest company Kataikax] appoints four prominent businessmen to help him rule and to represent the region to the national parliament, each for a five year peiod. Central government tolerates this situation only because of the massive income generated by the regions success.
*Sights: The terraced Kalliatia kadafields in the north of the region, lake Nakatika's impressive watersports complex and the Black Fortress - another leftover from the War of Sorrow.


G) Vai
*Alot of people - not many jobs, capital Valakir (population 6 million).
*Population: 50% Tarak Anaxa, 25% Axa, 10% Kax Anaxa, 10% Andarak Anaxa, 5% other.
*Description: Here the foothills of the Kalat Xanad are now truly mountains. The land is bleak, with the hills and mountains being suitable mainly for rough grazing, and the valleys suffering from a decline in heavy industry that has left the region with the highest unemployment rate in Anaxa. Notable also for its extremely harsh winters. Long viewed as the best region for rugby, although its sporting prowess has declined along with its economy and Laraheim is currently the hot place to be for rugby.
*Government: The region is governed in name by a hereditary ruler, but in the last forty years his power has been eroded by powerful trade unions who now rule in reality. Five leaders of these trade unions are sent to the national parliament as representatives of the region. Central government tolerates this situation only because the example of this regions failing economy [in spite of abundant mineral wealth] has caused a virtual collapse in socialism across the rest of Anaxa.
*Sights: The Valakir Road bridge which recently won a mature concrete structures award. The Port Kav musuem of Rum smuggling.


H) Tarax
*A sparsely populated mountainous region blessed with abundant mineral resources, capital Taraxheim (population 7 million).
*Population: 65% Tarak Anaxa, 30% Axa, 5% other
*Description: The Northermost region in Anaxa is famed for its horrible winters and abundant mineral resources. The population is concentrated in coastal cities which are easily accessible in Summer due to the many deep fjords. Most of the region is sealed off in winter, with only the three largest cities retaining unfrozen ports. The vast majority of the population in the north live underground in cities carved from the native rock, suprisingly Tarax is poor for winter sports - but famous for its boxers.
*Government: A relic of the regions past, the region is ruled by a council of seven each of whom has a title based on the professions deemed necessary to run the region by the last Tarak king, Taraxakinakin. They are: the Soldier, the Mason, the Whaler, the Merchant, the Priest, the Father, the Mother. On the death of Taraxakinakin and the annexation of Tarak into the nation of Anaxa, the nation was given into the hands of this council to run. Central government tolerates this situation only because it fears that the fiercely nationalistic Taraks would resent any other government. When a member of this council becomes unfit to rule then the remainder appoint a replacement.
*Sights: The magnificent city of Taraxheim is 90% underground and much of its architecture survived the War of Sorrow unscathed, it contains some of the oldest intact buildings in Anaxa. The town of Karixtal, domed in a glass canpoy in times past, that is tough enough to withstand the winter [secret of making lost in the past], the Taraxheim passage is the longest underground train track in Anaxa and the main form of transpor in and out of the region in winter.


I) Rexia
*The most populous region in Anaxa. Famed for its fine welcome and manufacturing. Rugged terrain, capital Tarakan Island (population 8 million).
*Population: 35% Tarak Anaxa, 30% Andarak Anaxa, 25% Kax Anaxa, 10% other.
*Description: Physically very similar to Tarax, with the majority of the populace living underground to survive the harsh winters. The region is however blessed with superb transport links. Even in ages past it was said that "all roads lead to Reylla" [Rexia's second city and once capital of the Tarak kingdom of the same name]. Known for its superb sailors [they need to be in winter simply to survive].
*Government: Ruled by a shadowy body of five, whose identity is unknown to the vast majority of the region and who also represent the region at the national parliament. Central government tolerates this situation only because the citizens of Rexia are one of the few regions that trusts its own government even leass than Central Government.
*Sights: the Old City of Tarakan Island - a whole fortress carved into the rock that covers the entire island. The home of Nakatika Hypert, the most famous playwright ever to have live in Anaxa.


J) Wahtax
*Largely unpopulated mountain region. Contains Wahtax Moor listening post, capital North Wahtin (population 50,000)
*Population: 45% Yaravat, 35% Xaranakarazak, 15% Andarak Anaxa, 5% other.
*Description: Nestled in the forboding peaks of the Kalat Xanad, the beautiful region has suffered greatly in the last decades as the ultra-nationalistic Wahtax Democrats for Freedom have fought a long and bitter terrorist campaign to free the region from the nation that is has been a part of for nearly 350 years. The fight continues and has left as many as 1000 dead over the last decade. The entire popilace live underground and the region produces many of the nations best winter sportsmen and women. Half of those killed by the WDF are infact Yaravats killed for conspiring with the enemy. The regions main income comes from cultivation of the rare cave fungus Axkae, which is a great delicacy.
*Government: Bizarrely, considering the actions of the WDF, the region is ruled by the elected maors of the three largest Yaravat towns in the region, along with the head of the largest Andarak Clan and a representative of the Xaranakarazak appointed by the three Yaravati. In the last decade three members - all Yaravat's were killed by the WDF. Central government tolerates this situation - actually, central government does not tolerate this situation and offers every aid to the regional government in its efforts to stop the killing. Central and regional goverments have long blamed hostile Yerwahtian posturing for increasing the difficulties in this region.
*Sights: The city of pillars, one of the oldest Yaravatin settlements, the North Wahtin ice sculpting competition.


K) Andarak
*Centre of the oil and arm industries. Rugged, capital Anaxheim (population 5million)
*Population: 60% Andarak Anaxa, 20% Yaravat, 15% Axa, 5% other.
*Description: The Andarak Peninsula is the region in which the Kalat Xanad meets the sea resulting in the most impressive coastline on the already impressive coastline of the Anaxian North. The region is dominated by the huge peninsula the reaches for mile upno mile into the sea and the rich Kalat Sea oildfields. The slightly warmer climate here means that it is not necessary to live underground - although a majority of the population do.
*Government: Andarak is the only region to maintain a large standing army of its own and it is the top officers of this force that both rule and represent the region. This force is based in Kalia and polices the vast region.
*Sights: The annual blessing of the armed forces in Kalia, in which the leader personally endorses the Andarak army in a rich pageant.


*This peaceful region is claimed both by DomLBeF and Anaxa, and an uneasy ceasfire reigns, calmed somewhat by the return of the Inarlian government-in-exile. Anaxan forces are preparing for a withdrawl.
*Population: 75% Inarli, 15% Bananos, 5% Austrin-Ontian.
*Description: Currently divided along ceasefire lines that are slowly becoming more permanent.
*Government: The Anaxian held territory of Kinarali is currenlty under the commond of Tarikan Vai Vakaxarakaikin, whose mandate is to stabilise the territory and its government and to protect the territory from external aggression. Heated political debate continues across Anaxa and Kinarali as to whether the elections planned to elect the regional government in the traditional Inarlian manner. With the situation tense and much of the country held by DomLBeF any election will be difficult. However, Tarikan Vai Vakaxarakaikin believes that the colony would benefit from having a voice in parliament. The Debate rages on.
*Sights: The two carrier fleets off the coast, the impressive cease-fire line and the awesome DomLBeF army on the other side.


*1 Kalia, population 8 million.
Major Naval base, oil refining and commercial port
*2 Anaxheim, population 6 million.
Major Naval base, containing the Northern Fleet HQ and commercial port. Home of the first army.
*3 Tarakan Island, population 9 million.
Commercial Port
*4 Reylla, population 14 million.
Major transport hub between north coastal cities and south plains. Home of 42 Brigade mountain troops
*5 Taraxheim, population 8 million.
Major naval/air base, home of arctic brigade.
*6 Valakir, population 10 million.
A large sprawling messy city with high unemployment due to a decline in manufacturing jobs.
*7 Nakatika, population 1,250,000
Anaxa's silicon valley and second city.
*8 Anaxa, population 13 million.
Captial city. HQ of air defence command, joint command, army.
*9 Kaxanatakin, population 10 million.
Major Naval/Air base. Home to the Southern Fleet and the second army.
*10 Kaxaka, population 6 million.
Major commercial shipping port.
*11 Laraheim, population 6 million.
City at confluence of two rivers. Three famous universities.
*12 Roxax Point, population 7 million.
Home of Anaxian manufacturing, steel, mining.
18-09-2003, 18:46
bumpy/tag for WV's favourite lunatic allies!
19-09-2003, 00:20
OOC Cheers dude! I just don't want people saying that I didn't warn them ;-)