NationStates Jolt Archive

Mercenaries for Hire

Mercenary Warriors
18-09-2003, 17:27
To any and all nations currently traped in the raptures of war, The Protectorate of Mercenary Warriors ( is at your asistance.
Every citizen of our nation, every man woman and child, since the day they were born, has been trained to be elite warrios.

They have been trained in every form of martial arts.
Professional assasination.
A knowledge of the dedliest poisons.
Surveilance etc. etc...

Every single man Woman and Child in this nation is a solo swatt team.
For the right price, they are up for hire to aid your nation in its conquest.

To hire Mercinaries for your plight, Telegram the chief General of The Protectorate of Mercenary Warriors ( your current situation and reason for being at war.
Wewill respond with our price and terms of service.

note: All contracts can be cancelled if situations beyond controll arise. NO REFUNDS.
18-09-2003, 17:28
bah, you are too few
Mercenary Warriors
18-09-2003, 17:32
bah, you are too few

Numbers matter not.
When his will is strong, a single man could conquer an army.
18-09-2003, 17:34
we are klingon warriors we need no mercaneries
Mercenary Warriors
18-09-2003, 17:37
we are klingon warriors we need no mercaneries

And we respect that.
This offer is for those who are facing unstopable odds.
Who face those cowards who attack defenceless nations.
Those are nations who will never recieve our aide.
No matter what their price.
18-09-2003, 18:14
OOC before every one screams N00b and starts bad mouthing you consider this proposal.


Rylleh Bureau of International Affairs Pays you a visit.

The most Benevolent people of Rylleh bid you welcome. and offer you a deal.

For 5% of your GDP/ NS yr. , we offer you a trade aggreement which falls under you International trade, not military, budget.

It appears that your people are great warriors and don't have time for the more mundane tasks. We would like to trade with you and supply you with, Food, Engineering Specialists, Medical Supplies.....We also offer Military equipment aid which will be a seperate issue.

IF you allow our Ships to use your port we will offer Security till you get on your feet.

Our engineers will Help your Infrastructure be efficient as well as ecologically sound.

all this will be honored , unless you do something terrible Childish or Irresponsible.

We look forward to a great era of trade and cooperation

Bureau if International affairs:

RyllehMetall Engineering:

Rylleh Enviro-Enginneering

Rylleh country site
18-09-2003, 18:30
The CoVar Corporation would like to discuss negotiation for the subsidizing or hiring of these Mercenaries to supliment our own vast Division of Mercenary Operations.

CoVar Corporate Board of Directors