Last Election of IdP! Every Poster Gets a Cookie! Sorta...
Isla de Penguinata
18-09-2003, 00:15
This is the last Penguinatan election, a new Emperor/Queen will be elected out of the following two choices. A High Council will be the Emperor's group of advisors, and the Penguin Senate will still exist, but it will only play a ceremonial role. (It'll be like the RL House of Lords in the UK) Here are the candidates..
Josef Van Guren
Conservative Party
Fmr. Secretary of Defense
Mr. Van Guren has been in government since the first President of Isla de Penguinata. He's served as Constable of Justice and Secretary of Defense. He is a capitalist with conservative views and high moral standards. Van Guren is very qualified for the job, and his top priority is defense, followed closely by education and healthcare. Josef Van Guren is 43 years old.
Victoria Hempton IV
Princess of Whitshire
Victoria of Whitshire is the great-great-grandaughter of the first and only Queen of Isla de Penguinata, Victoria II. Princess Victoria's top priority is social welfare, followed closely by social equality and education. Princess Victoria is a moderate, supporting abortion, but disliking the socialist system. She is seen as a good candidate, and would be the youngest elected official in Penguinatan history, at the early age of 21.
Isla de Penguinata
18-09-2003, 00:25
Bump. C'mon people! Vote vote vote! Post post post! :D
18-09-2003, 00:31
Isla de Penguinata
18-09-2003, 23:41
At last count, Josef Van Guren was in the lead with 60%. Damnit, why is it only ME that nobody has any interest in...>_<
Anywayz, the voting shall continue. Like anyone cares... :roll:
Why let others vote on the future of your nation?
Isla de Penguinata
18-09-2003, 23:54
Well number one, I'm not. I want to know international opinion, and Penguinatans usually base their votes off of how the international community feels.
Number two, that would make for a very stupid and pointless thread. :wink:
I think the lack of interest has shown that this is already a stupid and pointless thread, wouldn't you agree?
Isla de Penguinata
18-09-2003, 23:56
I think the lack of interest has shown that this is already a stupid and pointless thread, wouldn't you agree?
Yes. :roll: You *could* be a little nicer about it, but that's very true. :lol:
Isla de Penguinata
18-09-2003, 23:57
Where's my cookie?
*Throws cookie*
Jimathon, you get two for being honest. :)
I voted on this thread but it is dead....
o fool to keep it alive
Try doing it with some jive
i vote that they both be assassinated and I be put in charge....but that wasn't on the list, so i voted for joseph...
Isla de Penguinata
19-09-2003, 00:00
In your dreams Shing-lo. :lol:
The two candidates are to have a debate very soon. Keep votin and postin! :)
Where's my cookie?
*Throws cookie*
Jimathon, you get two for being honest. :)
What can I say, *Muches on cookie*
See man I bumped this thread
I 'll rap and it won't go dead.
*beatboxes again*
Isla de Penguinata
19-09-2003, 00:11
Good morning/afternoon/evening! This is The Debate! The two candidates are going to be arguing their positions, and one of them will make it to become the Penguinatan Imperial Leader. Here's the first question:
As Emperor or Queen, what would you do to solve the dropping literacy rate?
Van Guren: I think that providing schools and educational institutions with sufficient money is the first thing. Next, we must encourage parents, teachers, and adult figures to urge their children to read and write. Parents are the most responsible for this. They should have an activity each night in which they read with their child, and then tell the child to write about the story he or she read. Children are the key to improving the literacy rate, and they are the key to our future.
Victoria IV: Money is not the solution to everything, we must provide incentives for children to read. National rewards for best readers could be given, and candy could be given to all children that can write by the age of 7. Children are definately the key, but what about the old? They should take mandatory courses in Reading and Writing, and the literacy rate will increase.
As Emperor or Queen, what would you do to protect the country, and how would you do it?
Victoria IV: First of all, we must disarm to some extent. We need to push the impression that we are a peaceful nation, so that no bullies will have any reason to harm us. Secondly, we need to decrease our military size, and centralize it. We're safe enough with education, and as someone once said, "Education is a better safeguard of freedom than a standing army."
Van Guren: What Victoria says is true to some extent. However, bullies will have better reason if they could simply trample us. We must defend our nation and homeland with all our power. I suggest militarizing our coasts, and giving the Coast Guard a $200 billion budget increase. We must increase military pay, and I want to increase the amount of money given to military institutions. I will make sure that retaliation is a reality under my rule.
There will be more questions asked later, for now, that is all. Stay tuned! :D
Crimson blades
19-09-2003, 00:18
Id Say vote for Josef Van Guren, hes the best bet :wink:
Isla de Penguinata
19-09-2003, 00:31
Damnit, as soon as I get serious, people drift off again.
Bump. :roll:
Isla de Penguinata
19-09-2003, 02:34
Ok, voting closed.
Josef Van Guren wins with 68% of the vote!
Damn, I voted for the chick.