NationStates Jolt Archive

How did you like my first RP?

17-09-2003, 22:51
Hey, guys! how did you like my Hostage Situation RP? I had tons of fun, and im glad that we hit the 10 page mark. Please rate it. Then tell me what you thought was good and what was bad

link to the RP:
17-09-2003, 22:54
i'll say i loved it. actaully a good rp not involing the economy or my nation at all.
17-09-2003, 22:57
i put bad because u think you can shoot planets at people
17-09-2003, 23:04
your a loser parthenon. you didn't even look at the RP. im going to average them without your scoring now. stupidass.
17-09-2003, 23:06
your a loser parthenon. you didn't even look at the RP. im going to average them without your scoring now. stupidass.

Yeah he is. That's Intergallactic Hell with a big nation
17-09-2003, 23:10
great RP even though i was an honoured spectator for most of it
17-09-2003, 23:13
people that are voting BAD. i want reasons! or are you just like parthenon, who doesn't like me, so decides that my RP sucks without even readong it?
17-09-2003, 23:32
I thought it was good, especially for your first RP. I only read the first few pages, but I didn't see any godmoding or any bogging down of OOC comments. Keep it up, and study other RP's to see other components that can be included in RP's.
17-09-2003, 23:35
ok. alot of the RPs i see are full of people because apowerbroker witha population of 1.5 billion made them, bet they SUCK! thye are like, "oh damn. we lost a nuke in the bottom of the ocean. find it for us and we will give you cash..." i dunno, just not exiting to me. i also dont like huge wars. im thinking about a gang war next. input?
18-09-2003, 03:28
It was ok. Better than my NS rps, but I really suck on here for some reason, heh.
18-09-2003, 03:31
Hey! It's not over yet!

Just because your SWAT team died doesn't mean the day is saved! We've got a gym and a library to take down...the climax, man!
