17-09-2003, 22:36
OOC: Ok, i want to start this as a nation on another solar system (to be decided where yet), because.. i mean.. 400,000+ Nations on a single planet and some of them with population numbering the billions?, unless it is the size of jupiter.. well, you get the idea.
A man watches the news on a multiscreen in the lavish office, selecting one square, then another..
... in this historical moment, after 4 years, the A.S.M. Womack is finally ready to depart to the asteroid belt with a company of 10 resource collectors on it's quest for ore. Said ore will be used to build a space station in orbit around Argheraal Prime two years from now when the required ammounts of mineral are gathered. Thanks to President Matthew Steel Saberhagen whose important breakthroughs during his time as a researcher before becoming President, enabled our engineers to build a plasma reactor to give the Womack..
..that is correct, the A.S.M. Womack can process and refine 10,000 tons of raw mineral a day and the asteroid belt is a good place to go for all the mineral we need, this is the first step for Argheraal's journey into space..
...yes Miss Stanford, that is correct.. President Steel laid the groundwork for a new era for Argheraal, his research in Theoretical Physics and Electronics gave us the posibility of Faster Than Light Travel and the theory of the Hyperdrive, and we estimate that in 5 to 10 years we will have a working prototype, and when we do, we will need a new kind of computer to handle FTL travel so his discoveries on quantum computing and holomem Crystal Storage will be invaluable..
..Steel was awarded two years in a row the Nova award for outstanding achievements in the fields of Theoretical Physics and Electronics, thanks to him we will have FTL in a few years and quantum Computers sooner than that!!.. SO?! he became President because of a joke his buddies played on him!!.. Your point being?, i say, so what?? he has done a good job about it, better than others that have been in the Pres chair..
.. and as the Womack departs for the asteroid belt, here in Wallace Space Center another mission is being readied, a ship carrying a crew of 15, 6 scientist, 5 soldiers and 4 crew to the fourth planet of our solar system, as you all now by now, the fourth planet is a class M like our own, meaning that is suitable for colonization deu to its lush and abundant vegetation, plenty of water (about 60% of the total surface) and abundant life..[/i
Mathew Steel took a deep breath and turned off the Multiscreen.. his young aidee came carrying some papers and a shot glass with amber liquid..
"Ahh.. Jenny, just what i need.. a drink.."
The pretty girl smiled as he handled the shotglass to the President "I thought you could use a drink.."
She looked at the now silent screen for a couple of seconds.. "with this, your fame and popularity are virtually skyrocketing Matt.."
Matthew took a drink of is brandy.. "I know..."
"All of this is because of your work and research, you made some pretty amazing discoveries Matt, discoveries that will shorten by several years our leap into space.."
She handed him some papers he looked at with little interest before dropping them on his desk "i will look atthis later.."
"The press conference is ready for 5:00 p.m., that is.. 15 minutes from now Matt.."
"Ahh Jenny, what would i do without you?.."
The small female just smiles.. "A mess.. that's what.. you need to take in the big picture and let the rest handle the details" she said as he looked at her President once more, he was tall, 6' 5'', good looks and an easy going manner that mad you comfortable to be around him. She watched as he walked to the huge window overlooking the city.. "and well, built too.. must have beel all that time in the military.." she thought.
Her reverie was cut short.. "yes?.."
Matt turned to look at her.. "Would you marry me?.."
Janny chuckled like many times before.. "Sorry boss, no can do, you know i am engaged already.."
The president just smiles.. "yes.. i know.." and takes another sip of his brandy..
"Two years Jenny.. two years and we will begin construction of a space station.. and then, onwards to the stars.. [i]Ad Astra Per Aspera..
"Yes, isnt it exciting?!.. said the Presiden'ts aidee with an impish smile.
"Thanks Jenny.. say, do you think Karl and Malcolm are regretting the joke that made me President?.."
Jenny laughed as she walked to the door.. "Oh!, i am CERTAIN they are.. after all, you made Malcolm Minister of Economy and Karl is Miniter of Social Affairs, they are the ones that have to deal with the consequences of your decisions as ruler of Argheraal.. now, come, we must get you ready for the press conference..
Both walked out of the oval office and made way to the conference room...
OOC: I will handle time as 1 day RL = 1 year NS time, and 1 day RL = 1 month NS time when necesary.
Sorry for the lengthy post.
A man watches the news on a multiscreen in the lavish office, selecting one square, then another..
... in this historical moment, after 4 years, the A.S.M. Womack is finally ready to depart to the asteroid belt with a company of 10 resource collectors on it's quest for ore. Said ore will be used to build a space station in orbit around Argheraal Prime two years from now when the required ammounts of mineral are gathered. Thanks to President Matthew Steel Saberhagen whose important breakthroughs during his time as a researcher before becoming President, enabled our engineers to build a plasma reactor to give the Womack..
..that is correct, the A.S.M. Womack can process and refine 10,000 tons of raw mineral a day and the asteroid belt is a good place to go for all the mineral we need, this is the first step for Argheraal's journey into space..
...yes Miss Stanford, that is correct.. President Steel laid the groundwork for a new era for Argheraal, his research in Theoretical Physics and Electronics gave us the posibility of Faster Than Light Travel and the theory of the Hyperdrive, and we estimate that in 5 to 10 years we will have a working prototype, and when we do, we will need a new kind of computer to handle FTL travel so his discoveries on quantum computing and holomem Crystal Storage will be invaluable..
..Steel was awarded two years in a row the Nova award for outstanding achievements in the fields of Theoretical Physics and Electronics, thanks to him we will have FTL in a few years and quantum Computers sooner than that!!.. SO?! he became President because of a joke his buddies played on him!!.. Your point being?, i say, so what?? he has done a good job about it, better than others that have been in the Pres chair..
.. and as the Womack departs for the asteroid belt, here in Wallace Space Center another mission is being readied, a ship carrying a crew of 15, 6 scientist, 5 soldiers and 4 crew to the fourth planet of our solar system, as you all now by now, the fourth planet is a class M like our own, meaning that is suitable for colonization deu to its lush and abundant vegetation, plenty of water (about 60% of the total surface) and abundant life..[/i
Mathew Steel took a deep breath and turned off the Multiscreen.. his young aidee came carrying some papers and a shot glass with amber liquid..
"Ahh.. Jenny, just what i need.. a drink.."
The pretty girl smiled as he handled the shotglass to the President "I thought you could use a drink.."
She looked at the now silent screen for a couple of seconds.. "with this, your fame and popularity are virtually skyrocketing Matt.."
Matthew took a drink of is brandy.. "I know..."
"All of this is because of your work and research, you made some pretty amazing discoveries Matt, discoveries that will shorten by several years our leap into space.."
She handed him some papers he looked at with little interest before dropping them on his desk "i will look atthis later.."
"The press conference is ready for 5:00 p.m., that is.. 15 minutes from now Matt.."
"Ahh Jenny, what would i do without you?.."
The small female just smiles.. "A mess.. that's what.. you need to take in the big picture and let the rest handle the details" she said as he looked at her President once more, he was tall, 6' 5'', good looks and an easy going manner that mad you comfortable to be around him. She watched as he walked to the huge window overlooking the city.. "and well, built too.. must have beel all that time in the military.." she thought.
Her reverie was cut short.. "yes?.."
Matt turned to look at her.. "Would you marry me?.."
Janny chuckled like many times before.. "Sorry boss, no can do, you know i am engaged already.."
The president just smiles.. "yes.. i know.." and takes another sip of his brandy..
"Two years Jenny.. two years and we will begin construction of a space station.. and then, onwards to the stars.. [i]Ad Astra Per Aspera..
"Yes, isnt it exciting?!.. said the Presiden'ts aidee with an impish smile.
"Thanks Jenny.. say, do you think Karl and Malcolm are regretting the joke that made me President?.."
Jenny laughed as she walked to the door.. "Oh!, i am CERTAIN they are.. after all, you made Malcolm Minister of Economy and Karl is Miniter of Social Affairs, they are the ones that have to deal with the consequences of your decisions as ruler of Argheraal.. now, come, we must get you ready for the press conference..
Both walked out of the oval office and made way to the conference room...
OOC: I will handle time as 1 day RL = 1 year NS time, and 1 day RL = 1 month NS time when necesary.
Sorry for the lengthy post.