15-09-2003, 23:14
Following the expansion of the country to over 50 Million people, Kahta has decied to re-construct the entire land infastructure of the country. To improve safety on highways all trucks greater than 3 Axles will be banned from all roads. An electric rail system will replace the tranpsort of goods, with offloading stations to bring the goods from the rails to the destinations. All national highways will be constructed using a concreate-plastic-rubber compound that can withstand pressure of up to 16,000 PSI and tempertures of up to 2,000 degrees farenheit. The roads will also be constructed with computer features that will work with all future comptuer controlled cars. The system will also be completely self enclosed, with no liquids or unfiltered air escaping. The air is filtered and the quality monitored. Each side of the road is 4 lanes wide. Geneticly modified Plants are grown inside the enclosed system to consume the fluids from the cars and the harmful gasses.
Please post below what you will build it for plus what the yearly maitenance cost.
Please post below what you will build it for plus what the yearly maitenance cost.