15-09-2003, 23:13
Drafted on this fifteenth day of September, 1481, by the Temporary Congress of the Reformed Alcardian States, and chaired by Nicholas Everdale, President of Reformed Alcardia, this Constitution shall set forth the rules, freedoms, and regional bans that have been developed to maintain structure and order in our most loved of societies. Henceforth the following shall be set into law to govern all nations equally:
The Freedoms of State
I. Freedom shall be granted to question leaders of any member nation, and to question the regional U.N. Delegate of the RAS without fear of consequence.
Peaceful gathering and petitioning against a national leader is defended by international and RAS law so long as no property or persons are injured.
Detainment of peaceful protesters or activists willresult in financial penalties inflicted upon the nation in question.
If a protester is arrested or otherwise detained, valid, conclusive reason must be given as to the nature of the detainment as unrelated to protests.
II. Freedom shall be granted to operate conglomerates of business both intra- and internationally without oppressive taxes being levied.
In times of war, by popular majority petition of RAS members, small taxes may be levied on corporations for the welfare of all nations.
Any wartime taxation is to be dissolved following a signed declaration of peace or other non-war conditions.
III. Freedom of international travel and migration without taxes levied upon the moving parties or discouragement from moving.
A citizen may be barred from travel if he/she is standing trial for an offense or is scheduled to appear in defense before a government committee.
Individual nations reserve the right to accept or decline petitions of asylum from any member of any world nation.
IV. Freedom to maintain national neutrality in times of war involving a member nation of the RAS.
If more than one RAS member nation becomes involved in the same conflict, the Article V is waived and RAS member nations must join in an alliance against the common enemy.
Article V, Title A is declared void if the RAS member nation at war initiated the war on false grounds or for reasons violating the RAS Constitution.
V. Freedom of nations to plead national or international legal issues to the International Incidents Nationstates Forum (henceforth referred to as the World Courts), where these pleadings shall be heard justly by an unbiased panel of diplomatically neutral world leaders.
If the world courts decide against the nation in question, the issue will no longer be up for debate.
VI. Freedom to hold monthly elections for Regional U.N. Delegate, or as needed by petition of the majority of the RAS member nations, to replace the current U.N. Delegate.
Elections for U.N. Delegate will be held on the 15th of every month. Campaigning will officially begin one week before election day, on the 8th of every month.
A strict term limit of two consecutive months is to be enforced upon all U.N. Delegates
U.N. Delegates must discuss with the entirety of RAS members before voting for or against any U.N. Resolution.
A U.N. Delegate may be recalled from office by a majority vote of RAS members. The recall must first be certified by the world courts.
VII. Freedom of all citizens to trial by federal inquisition by a panel of judges, and of one appeal to the world courts referenced in Article VII.
Individual nations may set forth in their repsective Constitutions to admit other forms of trial law, so long as it is unbiased and not in violation of human rights or the standards of common law.
Trial judges are to be appointed by the leaders of each nation to serve only within their nation.
Cases of international criminal or civil law are directly sent to the world courts.
VIII. Freedom of individual nations to enter into treaties and international alliance and trade pacts without interference of other member nations.
Any treaties entered into by member nations must not violate the RAS Constitution. Any treaties found unconstitutional will be dissolved.
At any time, a petition of the majority of RAS members may take place to review and/or remove a treaty or alliance from effect.
IX. Freedom of all nations to create and ratify national Constitutions, and to amend by petition of the majority of RAS member nations the regional Constitution.
At no time will a national Constitution take jurisdiction over the RAS Constitution.
National Constitutions must be verified against the RAS Constitution as to their validity and legality.
X. Freedom shall be granted to every individual to worship as they please without interference from the nation or region in matters of the Church.
Intermingling of Church and State in any matters of government will be declared unconstitutional and the executors of these acts or laws punished.
At no time will any emblem of religion, or of the Church, be present in a state or national building, or upon the grounds thereof.
XI. Freedom of a citizen to marry another citizen of any gender, and of a citizen to legally give consent to relations at the age of fourteen.
Individual RAS member nations reserve the right to declare individual consent ages in their respective national Constitutions.
Individual RAS member nations reserve the right to declare, through decision of their respective legislatures and executive bodies, gender requirements for marriage.
XII. Freedom for RAS member nations to reject United Nations proposals based on a majority judgement of their independent national legislatures.
If all nations wish to reject the passed United Nations resolution, a unanimous vote must be obtained of all member nations to reject this resolution. It will then be nullified by the RAS as a whole.
U.N. resolutions found to be in direct opposition of the RAS Constitution are to be nullified automatically without petition vote of the RAS member nations.
Bans of the State
I. Banning all materials or relics, insignias or party logos of the Alcardian Revolutionary Party or of Arden Rana or the Rana Empire from public display except in national historic archives.
II. Banning the use, trading, sale, or otherwise dealing of the following:
HM-class weaponry
Biological and Chemical weaponry
Weapons of torture
Under circumstance of war or necessary use, Article II may be overridden by a 3/4ths majority of the nations to use the weapons banned. A vote must be held for each requested use of a banned weapon.
If 3/4 of the nations agree to suspend voting-per-use, the nation which requested use of said weapons may use them for a specified period of time, to be decided by the member nations.
III. Banning the creation and use of internment camps which violate, knowingly or unknowingly, the basic human rights and dignities of any human being.
IV. Banning the formation or preservation of a single party represented in national and regional congress.
V. Banning selling of weapons to known terrorist states or states in knowing violation of human rights and dignities.
VI. Banning the conquest, destruction, or conversion of member nations by other member nations.
VII. Banning false or flagrantly propagandist media from public presentation for any purpose, private or public.
VIII. Banning the removal of member nations without a majority petition of RAS member nations and probable cause for action.
IX. Banning the entry into regional war by the U.N. Delegate without a majority petition by RAS member nations.
RAS member nations, please post on this thread, highlighting any sections you wish to strike, amend, or portions which you wish to add. Please specify which action to take at the beginning of the message, and make sure that your message is understandable and to the point. After all member nations have come to agreement, or to a time when a majority ofmember nations of the RAS have agreed on the Constitution as it stands after amendment, it will be adopted and reposted.
The Freedoms of State
I. Freedom shall be granted to question leaders of any member nation, and to question the regional U.N. Delegate of the RAS without fear of consequence.
Peaceful gathering and petitioning against a national leader is defended by international and RAS law so long as no property or persons are injured.
Detainment of peaceful protesters or activists willresult in financial penalties inflicted upon the nation in question.
If a protester is arrested or otherwise detained, valid, conclusive reason must be given as to the nature of the detainment as unrelated to protests.
II. Freedom shall be granted to operate conglomerates of business both intra- and internationally without oppressive taxes being levied.
In times of war, by popular majority petition of RAS members, small taxes may be levied on corporations for the welfare of all nations.
Any wartime taxation is to be dissolved following a signed declaration of peace or other non-war conditions.
III. Freedom of international travel and migration without taxes levied upon the moving parties or discouragement from moving.
A citizen may be barred from travel if he/she is standing trial for an offense or is scheduled to appear in defense before a government committee.
Individual nations reserve the right to accept or decline petitions of asylum from any member of any world nation.
IV. Freedom to maintain national neutrality in times of war involving a member nation of the RAS.
If more than one RAS member nation becomes involved in the same conflict, the Article V is waived and RAS member nations must join in an alliance against the common enemy.
Article V, Title A is declared void if the RAS member nation at war initiated the war on false grounds or for reasons violating the RAS Constitution.
V. Freedom of nations to plead national or international legal issues to the International Incidents Nationstates Forum (henceforth referred to as the World Courts), where these pleadings shall be heard justly by an unbiased panel of diplomatically neutral world leaders.
If the world courts decide against the nation in question, the issue will no longer be up for debate.
VI. Freedom to hold monthly elections for Regional U.N. Delegate, or as needed by petition of the majority of the RAS member nations, to replace the current U.N. Delegate.
Elections for U.N. Delegate will be held on the 15th of every month. Campaigning will officially begin one week before election day, on the 8th of every month.
A strict term limit of two consecutive months is to be enforced upon all U.N. Delegates
U.N. Delegates must discuss with the entirety of RAS members before voting for or against any U.N. Resolution.
A U.N. Delegate may be recalled from office by a majority vote of RAS members. The recall must first be certified by the world courts.
VII. Freedom of all citizens to trial by federal inquisition by a panel of judges, and of one appeal to the world courts referenced in Article VII.
Individual nations may set forth in their repsective Constitutions to admit other forms of trial law, so long as it is unbiased and not in violation of human rights or the standards of common law.
Trial judges are to be appointed by the leaders of each nation to serve only within their nation.
Cases of international criminal or civil law are directly sent to the world courts.
VIII. Freedom of individual nations to enter into treaties and international alliance and trade pacts without interference of other member nations.
Any treaties entered into by member nations must not violate the RAS Constitution. Any treaties found unconstitutional will be dissolved.
At any time, a petition of the majority of RAS members may take place to review and/or remove a treaty or alliance from effect.
IX. Freedom of all nations to create and ratify national Constitutions, and to amend by petition of the majority of RAS member nations the regional Constitution.
At no time will a national Constitution take jurisdiction over the RAS Constitution.
National Constitutions must be verified against the RAS Constitution as to their validity and legality.
X. Freedom shall be granted to every individual to worship as they please without interference from the nation or region in matters of the Church.
Intermingling of Church and State in any matters of government will be declared unconstitutional and the executors of these acts or laws punished.
At no time will any emblem of religion, or of the Church, be present in a state or national building, or upon the grounds thereof.
XI. Freedom of a citizen to marry another citizen of any gender, and of a citizen to legally give consent to relations at the age of fourteen.
Individual RAS member nations reserve the right to declare individual consent ages in their respective national Constitutions.
Individual RAS member nations reserve the right to declare, through decision of their respective legislatures and executive bodies, gender requirements for marriage.
XII. Freedom for RAS member nations to reject United Nations proposals based on a majority judgement of their independent national legislatures.
If all nations wish to reject the passed United Nations resolution, a unanimous vote must be obtained of all member nations to reject this resolution. It will then be nullified by the RAS as a whole.
U.N. resolutions found to be in direct opposition of the RAS Constitution are to be nullified automatically without petition vote of the RAS member nations.
Bans of the State
I. Banning all materials or relics, insignias or party logos of the Alcardian Revolutionary Party or of Arden Rana or the Rana Empire from public display except in national historic archives.
II. Banning the use, trading, sale, or otherwise dealing of the following:
HM-class weaponry
Biological and Chemical weaponry
Weapons of torture
Under circumstance of war or necessary use, Article II may be overridden by a 3/4ths majority of the nations to use the weapons banned. A vote must be held for each requested use of a banned weapon.
If 3/4 of the nations agree to suspend voting-per-use, the nation which requested use of said weapons may use them for a specified period of time, to be decided by the member nations.
III. Banning the creation and use of internment camps which violate, knowingly or unknowingly, the basic human rights and dignities of any human being.
IV. Banning the formation or preservation of a single party represented in national and regional congress.
V. Banning selling of weapons to known terrorist states or states in knowing violation of human rights and dignities.
VI. Banning the conquest, destruction, or conversion of member nations by other member nations.
VII. Banning false or flagrantly propagandist media from public presentation for any purpose, private or public.
VIII. Banning the removal of member nations without a majority petition of RAS member nations and probable cause for action.
IX. Banning the entry into regional war by the U.N. Delegate without a majority petition by RAS member nations.
RAS member nations, please post on this thread, highlighting any sections you wish to strike, amend, or portions which you wish to add. Please specify which action to take at the beginning of the message, and make sure that your message is understandable and to the point. After all member nations have come to agreement, or to a time when a majority ofmember nations of the RAS have agreed on the Constitution as it stands after amendment, it will be adopted and reposted.