North and South Carolina
We the fomer states of North and South Carolina have joined and formed a new nation. We need any help from the larger nations.
We the fomer states of North and South Carolina have joined and formed a new nation. We need any help from the larger nations.
Florence Road reconizes the independence of Carolina and wishes to exchange ambassadores. We would also like to invite your leader to the fine community of Blackmen. Which is our captial.
The Republic of Altum recognizes the nation of NS Carolina. We wish to invite your nation's leader to our country for diplomatic talks. We further wish to open trade routes, and other forms of diplomatic efforts with your newly founded nation. Please sent back your response so that we can begin to prepare for your coming.
President of Altum
I will come to your nation on Friday.
Governer. Jacob Adams
11-09-2003, 23:20
The Holy Empire of Falastur acknowledges North and South Carolina, and wishes to establish an embassy, along with business and industrial interests, in North and South Carolina, if accepted by the country in question.
We, in turn, offer this new nation the chance to establish an embassy, as well as business and industry, in our nation.
We await your responce....
You may put a embassy in my country.
11-09-2003, 23:36
Thank you....
You are welcome to establish an embassy in Falastur, if it would suit you...