War on Terristan
Neo Earth
10-09-2003, 23:51
Today, I, Emp. Ryo-Tan, declare war, with the consilation of the congress, agianst Terristan for supporting terrorists, training terrorists, and being a terrorist. The following forces have been dispatched for invasion:
The 8th Legion(specs down at bottom)
The 13th Legion (specs down at bottom)
Cruise missles have been fired at all known, and guessed, sites of AAA, military bases, govermental facilities, and terrorist training camps.
NOTE: ANY use of WMD will result in Neo Earth retaliating with Nuclear ICBMs.
Plus, I'm linked to AMF's Skynet.
Emp. Ryo-Tan
Emperor of Neo Earth (http://neoearth.8k.com)
President of the UAAOT (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=49203&highlight=)
National Alert Level:
UAAOT Alert Level:
8th Legion:
172,600 Impierial Gaurd Guardsmen (42% paratroopers)
115,100 Legionairres
Light Recon Vehicle: 10,600
Tilmex Tanks: 426
Siege: 213
Command ofiicers: 300
13th Legion:
168,700 Impierial Gaurd Guardsmen (39% paratroopers)
111,500 Legionairres
Light Recon Vehicle: 10,600
Tilmex Tanks: 319
Siege: 111
Command ofiicers: 2400
10,250 Medics
2,670 Doctors (non-soldiers; on blockade ships)
Supplies for All kinds of chemo, bio, and nuclear radiation treatment.
The Government of Eithiotopia supports you 100%. A good number of out gunships are bombarding him as of now, and we're planning to send in ground troops soon.
The Emirate of Morhawk has been a stead-fast supporter of this blockade and now, the war.
We will keep our forces in the region & prepare our fighters & copters for mainland attack.
We have dispatched 4 more Destroyers,1 Trooper Transport holding 750 troops w/ 10 Specialised Seaguard Helicopters.
Our fleet currently in the region is listed below, these numbers are with the new troops having been dispatched
Fleet Beta
5 Longbow Battleships
The Longbow is the main battleship for the Morhawk navy, equipped with 6 180" rotating heavy cannons, 2 Rear Firing Arc heavy cannons & 24 Anti-Air flak cannons, the Longbow is a strong battleship that moves at a fairly quick pace.
Equipped with:
6 Front Firing Arc Heavy Cannons
2 Rear Firing Arc Heavy Cannons
24 Anti-Air Flak Cannons
2 J-Class Missle Helicopters each
6 Dagger Destroyer Craft
The Dagger is a valuable part of the fleet, capable of shooting off sub-surface torpedos from incredible distances, these craft are incredibly dangerous in ship to ship combat.
Equipped with:
2 Torpedo Launchers
2 Medium Cannons
10 Small Guided Missle Launchers
1 Aircraft Carrier "The Osiris"
The Osiris was fondly named after the hit movie "The Matrix: Reloaded" the Osiris is essentially a floating fortress.
Equipped with:
3 Eagle Eye Missle Launchers (Heavy Guided Missle Launchers)
10 Right Firing Arc Medium Cannons
10 Left Firing Arc Medium Cannons
24 M-23 FighterJets
15 Seaguard Infantry Personelle Helicopter
15 J-Class Missle Helicopter
1 Trooper Transport
Basic trooper transport, sports 10 helicopter pads for the specialised Seagurd Infantry Personelle Helicopters.
Equipped with:
750 Troops w/ landing craft
10 Seaguard Infantry Personelle Helicopter
Various Machinegun Emplacements
Following being sent to aid Neo Earth:
5 Spapsenya hospital ships [all blockaders can use them]
20 Soyuz III battleships
4 Ulyanovsk [very similar to nimitz] carriers
12 Piotr Hotamel assault ships
10 Kirov class heavy cruisers
16 Korsar class frigates
30 Udaloy II class frigates
6 Tikhiy stealth destroyers
10 EM-90 Sealift ships carrying a total of 2,000 T-80UM4 MBT's, 10 EM-90's carrying BMP-3M1 IFV's and BTR-94 APC's. Each assault ship carries 1650 troops, some spec ops will be paradropped.
Fleet is being prepared for departure, forgive my lateness.
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 00:08
Coalition agianst Terristan:
Neo Earth
Dark Terror
Attican Empire
If I forgot anyone, just shout.
Terristan, mind providing a description of your coastline?
YOU SPELT MY NAME WRONG IT'S EITHIOTOPIA, NOT ETHITOPIA. That's a real country, with a really crappy government and economy.
ooc: You've forgotten me, Morhawk!
pfft :P
Eithiopia is the rea one.
I'm just saying my name has NOTHING to do with the real nation. You're about the 30th person to spell it wrong.
I cannot condone these attacks from your country on a Terristan country without proof. I am asking you to stop, or suffer dire consiquences!
Adm Robert Mick
Chief Of Naval Operations
1) You are a crappy n00b with an army of 250,000 men. Our armies are well over 15 million (i guess).
2) If you've looked at any threads written by terristan, you'd know why. It's really obvious
Attican Naval Reserves have been activated, and the entire Flugzeugtraegergruppeeins (First Carrier Group) is being mobilized. The process will take about a month (IG,, i will shorten it to 20 minutes...)
Naval Troops: 40,000 (counts ALL men in the Reichskriegmarine. All of them are Professional (paid) servicemen.)
Nimitz Wilhelm I (no fighter compliment.)
LAAS Hohenzollern
LAAS Dunkelmagier
Ticon Zenturio
OHPF Teutone
OHPF Ameise
OHPF Ginter
OHPF Niederkofler
OHPF Mauser
Avenger Volkschiff
Spruance Kirsons
Arleigh Vevle
Arleigh Richthofen
Arleigh Rommel
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 01:06
For those that don't know the preclude to this war, heres an index:
Terristan’s Terrorist training:
Blockade of Terristan
Im only sending about 35,000 actual combat troops, but 2,000 tanks, 1500 BMP-3M1's, and 2500 BTR-94's.
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 01:08
Im only sending about 35,000 actual combat troops, but 2,000 tanks, 1500 BMP-3M1's, and 2500 BTR-94's.
That shoudl work. I alone have over 1/2 million troops there, and little over a thousand tanks.
Oh yeah, air force. GIve me a moment to decide what to send.
My forces are entirely mechanized.
Airforce- expect some B-52's's and Bo-1's (stealthy mach 2.2 cruise speed bombers carrying 50,000 lbs of bombs).
I suggest we land at different points, once Terristan describes his coastline.
11-09-2003, 01:13
The GLA has decided to support the efforts against Terristan openly, we will send:
2,000,000 GLAtroopers
200 INS agents
1000 SpecOPs agents
20,000 FLASH light tanks
15,000 Stumpy medium tanks
500 Goliath Ultra Heavy tanks
40 Korogoth Uber-Big assault mechs
1 Commander command suit
5000 men in Hunter Killer Assault suits
All this and assorted support vehicles.
OOC: Which divion(s) should i send:
Heavy Armoured
Light Armoured
Light Infantry
Heavy armored &light armored preferably, with infantry to occupy what you conquer.
OOC: I need some way to transport them. My fleet can only carry so many (MAYBE the heavy armoured alone.)
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 01:18
You could use our new FHPB (Fast Hover Plane/Boat). They travel nearly 300 mph. They can carry three Neonic Division (2160 men, + up to 100 tanks).
How about that?
OOC: I need some way to transport them. My fleet can only carry so many (MAYBE the heavy armoured alone.)
I have 20 EM-90 sealift ships, one of which can carry about 200 tanks. Im using 10 for tanks and 10 for IFV's and APC's.
Im also planning on using paratroopers, with their T-110 airdroppable tanks.
Oh yeah... I have "caspian sea monster" ekranoplane transports.
But theyre for my artillery and MLRS.
I would rather use Neos stuff (As he is running the blockade and invasion). Can you pick up my equipment at the Bismarck Military Seabase in Attica? Here is what I have prepared:
Truppen 5000
Leopard 2 80
Leopard C2 60
T-902 60
AA-1 SAM 50
Truppen: 5000
Leopard 2 20
T-902 20
LAV-25 40
Truppen 200000
Weapon PaSMG-4
LAV-25 10
I propose we send our military staff to a summit to discuss plans for the attack... organization is always good. Melkor butchered the anti-melk troops because they were simply a rabble of men and equipment.
11-09-2003, 01:20
The GLA will spacedrop, via Valkyrie supply ships and Marine pods. We have quite a few :)
In any case, there isnt going to be much room in Terristan at the end of the day :roll:
Isnt this a modern tech war?
If not, I can ask Ardor to help. Hes a feb space nation.
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 01:21
Attican, sure, under one condition. Just provide a reference guide that I can use to figger out what your trrops are.
FHPBs are on their way.
I propose we send our military staff to a summit to discuss plans for the attack... organization is always good. Melkor butchered the anti-melk troops because they were simply a rabble of men and equipment.
I propose we send our military staff to a summit to discuss plans for the attack... organization is always good. Melkor butchered the anti-melk troops because they were simply a rabble of men and equipment.
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 01:22
I propose we send our military staff to a summit to discuss plans for the attack... organization is always good. Melkor butchered the anti-melk troops because they were simply a rabble of men and equipment.
Good Idea. Anyone have a private forum we can use?
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 01:23
And, yes, this is a modern war. Terristan wouldn't accept it anyother way.
I propose we send our military staff to a summit to discuss plans for the attack... organization is always good. Melkor butchered the anti-melk troops because they were simply a rabble of men and equipment.
Good Idea. Anyone have a private forum we can use?
I had one but lost the link when my comp crashed... Ill make another one. Wait 15 min.
Neo Earth: Do not fire on my ships. They will have this ensign: http://www.fotw.net/images/d/de~s1893.gif
The guns they use are a powerful SMG.
The Leopard 2 is the most advanced RL tank in the world, and the most powerful.
The Leopard C2 is the Canadian version of the Leopard 1. Why i have it, i dunno.
The LAVs are light armoured vehicles. The -AT is anti tank, the -AD is air defense (flak), and the -25 is just like a APC. The T-902 is also an advanced tank, slightly better than the Leopard 2. Truppen means troops, or men.
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 01:30
Neo Earth: Do not fire on my ships. They will have this ensign: http://www.fotw.net/images/d/de~s1893.gif
The guns they use are a powerful SMG.
The Leopard 2 is the most advanced RL tank in the world, and the most powerful.
The Leopard C2 is the Canadian version of the Leopard 1. Why i have it, i dunno.
The LAVs are light armoured vehicles. The -AT is anti tank, the -AD is air defense (flak), and the -25 is just like a APC. The T-902 is also an advanced tank, slightly better than the Leopard 2. Truppen means troops, or men.
I wont fire, but the ships will ahve to be stopped and inspected. I am also sending to your motherland 700 of my SIS (Ship Identifing Systems) You know, the ones that you need to get past the blockade (or any Neonic ship) Equip these onto your ships.
Neo Nuria
11-09-2003, 01:31
sounds like the amount of men sent in by GLA is a bit more than what has been sent by Neo Earth and forces... I wouldn't mind submitting some supplies or funds to Neo Earth *Grabs national check book* Need any assistance?
Daikerta, being a space nation, has decided to not get involved in this conflict unless LRR attacks, him being a space nation.
Neo Earth - the ships left port 4 NS days ago.
also, can you pick up my troops?
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 01:41
sounds like the amount of men sent in by GLA is a bit more than what has been sent by Neo Earth and forces... I wouldn't mind submitting some supplies or funds to Neo Earth *Grabs national check book* Need any assistance?
No thanks. My Military budget is over $1/2 trillion. But MREs might help. Neo Earth is weak in the food area ( the nation being 1/4 desert, 1/12 mountain/rivers, 1/12 snow/ice, 1/4 forest, 1/4 grasslands, and 1/12 farmlands/grazing lands, not counting urban areas)
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 01:43
Neo Earth - the ships left port 4 NS days ago.
also, can you pick up my troops? I answered that on page 2. Yes I am. htey should be there any moment. It should then take 3 NS days.
$1/2 billion? $500 mil? THATS NOTHING! I have $4.5 TRILLION!
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 01:45
$1/2 billion? $500 mil? THATS NOTHING! I have $4.5 TRILLION!
oops... I ment $1/2 trillion. oops... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Neo Nuria
11-09-2003, 01:53
In order to help Neo Earth, Neo Nuria, with a defense budget of about 33 % of the GDP [we believe the governments only real role is national security], has decided to send in supplies and lots of food in C-5's to Neo Earth. They will have this emblem on their wings and body:
These shall be sent in and out of your country to mine, picking up food and supplies as they become available in Neo Nuria to bring over to Neo Earth.
The Morhawk troop transport is preparing its landing craft in order to assault the Terristan east beaches. The destroyers will support the landing infantry with there long distance missle launchers (which would knock out fortified enplacements.)
All blockaders check tgrams for forum link.
Neo Earth
11-09-2003, 02:09
School open-house. GTG.
Bye, lets get the war plan decided on ASAP.
Please be advised that there may be citizens of The Gun Brothers in Terristan (according to reports, there may be 80-90 of our citizens there). We believe that they may/may not be there against their will. If you encounter them, please do what it takes to bring them back to our nation alive (we are willing to compensate any nation that brings back our citizens).
Mr. Damien Bryce
Minister of Foriegn Relations
Bisonic Spetsnaz will be tasked with ensuring the safety of TGB citizens.
My country is the proud owner of 1500 tactical nuclear missiles, not including my SSBNs. Now anyone who thinks Neos wrong, lets wage war!
*ticks another name onto ignored list*
[code:1:5653762a7e] [quote="Neo Earth"]Coalition agianst Terristan:
If I forgot anyone, just shout.[/quote]
You forgot me and my amphibious group which is preparing to invade... In addition the the large contingent of blockading vessels which has been in place for a while...
Anyway...204 B-2 Spirit inbound, Terristan, payload JDAM, GBU-LGB conventional and EMP warheads.
120 Tomahawks launched from 3 ships, payload all conventional warheads.
10 Tomahawks launched from Hyperion Class Airships, 8 w/ EMP warheads.
In addition a full carrier task group has been dispatched, the amphib group will slow down and wait to be absorbed by the carrier group, when this combined group meets our already in place blockading forces, our strength in the area will be:
_____________[size=10]Amphibious Operations[/size]________________
[b]1 EM-150 Piotr Hotamel Class Amphibous Carrier[/b]
>2 FU-29K Scorpion
>6 A-V8B Harriers
>9 F-35B S/VTOL
>6 AH-1Z SeaCobras
>2 RAH-66 Comanches
>2 MH-66 Tritons
>2 CV-22 Ospreys
>2 SH-60 Seahawks
>1 SH-46 Sea Knight
>2 SH-65A Dolphin
>130 Airborne Assault Troops From Helos 260 in 2 sorties 400 total
>1 Stryker 125mm
>3 Stryker APC w/ 27 Infantry
>8 M-2 Bradley w/ 48 Infantry
[b]4 Wasp Class Amphibious Carriers[/b]
>72 AV-8B Harriers 18 on each
>12 F-35B S/VTOL 3 on each
>8 FU-29K Scorpion 2 on each
>8 CV-22 Osprey 2 on each
>24 AH-1Z SeaCobras 6 on each
>8 RAH-66 Comanches 2 on each
>8 MH-1R Huey 2 on each
>20 SH-60 Seahawk 5 on each
>8 SH-65A Dolphin 2 on each
>8 SH-46 Sea Knight 2 on each
>40 M-2 Bradleys w/ 240 Infantry 10 on each
>8 Stryker ADATS SAM 2 on each
>8 Stryker 125mm 2 on each
>8 Stryker Mortar Carrier 2 on each
>1 Stryker Command Vehicle only 1
>1 Stryker Recon Vehicle only 1
>4 Stryker Engineer Squad Vehicle 1 on each
>4 Stryker Medical Evacuation Vehicle 1 on each
>4 Stryker Anti-Tank Guided Missle System 2 on each
>48 Stryker APC w/ 225 Infantry 12 on each
>828 Aiborne Assault Troops From all helos except dolphins 1,656 in 2 sorties 2,200 total
[b]12 Naiad Class Air Cushioned Landing Craft[/b] (assigned to Amphib Carriers, DLS and HST)
[b]4 Dock Landing Ships[/b]
[b]4 XB-HSV High Speed Transports[/b]
>40 M-1A2 Abrams 10 on each
>16 M109 155mm Paladin 4 on each
>4 M-48 CHAPPRAL Mobile SAMs 1 on each
[b]2 Ohio class Ballistic Missle Submarines[/b] w/24 SLBM each
[b]2 Converted Ohio class Submarines w Cruise/anti ship missles and specops support[/b]
[b]4 SeaSquid class SSN[/b]
>4 AH-1Z
[b]2 SeaSquid class SSN[/b]
>2 SH-65A Dolphin ASW
[b]2 Seawolf class SSN[/b]
[b]2 XB-ASSN-V Class Attack Submarines[/b]
[b]10 Devil Ray Class Concrete Submarines[/b]
[b]12 XB-SSB Special Speed Boats[/b]
[b]4 MarkVIII Speed Boats[/b]
[b]10 Mekong Class River Gunboats[/b]
[b]4 Phantom PB-88 Class Fast Attack Boats[/b]
[b]2 Cyclone Class Patrol Boats[/b]
[b]6 Dormer Class Cutter[/b]
[b]5 Boxcar Class Guided Missile Destroyers[/b]
>5 SH-60 Seahawk 1 on each
>4 SH-65A Dolphin 1 on each
>1 AH-1Z SuperCobra in place of a SH-65A
[b]10 Sprunace class destroyers[/b]
>20 SH-60 2 on each
[b]20 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers[/b]
>40 SH-65A Dolphin (ASW,S+R) 2 on each
4 XB-JMB Class "Jet Missile" Destroyers
>4 SH-60 Seahawk 1 on each
_____________[size=10]Capital Ships[/size]_____________________
[b]4 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates[/b]
>4 SH-65A Dolphin 1 on each
>4 AH-1Z SuperCobra 1 on each
[b]4 Ticonderoga class Cruisers[/b]
>4 AH-1Z SuperCobra 1 each
>4 SH-60 Seahawk 1 each
>4 SH-65A Dolphin 1 each
[b]2 XB-MPC Class Multi-Platform Cruiser[/b]
>4 SH-60 Seahawk 2 on each
>2 AH-1Z SeaCobra 1 on each
[b]6 XB-AAMB Class (SAM+Cruise) Missile Cruisers[/b]
[b]2 R-500 Deathrain Cruise Missle Cruisers[/b]
[b]3 Iowa Class Battleship w/ ADV missle sys[/b]
> 1 AH-1Z SeaCobra 1
>3 SH-60 Seahawk 2-1
>5 SH-65A Dolphin ASW/S+R 2 on each
>2 CV-22 Osprey 1
[b]2 Modifed Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers [/b]/w 116 aircraft each
>40 F/A-18 Super Hornets 20 on each
>10 F-33B Phoenix 5 on each
>20 F-23 Wildcat 10 on each
>40 F-27 Haste 20 on each
>20 FU-29K Scorpion 10 on each
>60 F-35C 30 on each
>6 SH-65A Dolphin 3 on each
>12 SH-60 Seahawk 6 on each
>6 KA-6 Tanker 3 on each
>4 EA-6B Prowler 2 on each
>6 A-4X Skyhawk II 3 on each
>2 E2-C Hawkeye 1 on each
>2 MH-66 Trition 1 on each
>2 SH-46 Sea Knight 1 on each
>2 CV-22 Osprey 1 on each
[b]1 XB-HSC High Speed Escort Carriers[/b]
>10 FB-23X Black Widow
>11 F-23 Wildcat
>8 F/A-18E Super Hornet
>9 X F-35C JSF
>20 A-4X Skyhawk II
>7 FU-29K Scorpion
>2 SH-60 SeaHawk
>2 SH-65A Dolphin
>2 KA-6 Tanker
>2 EA-6B Prowler
>1 E2-C Hawkeye
>1 MH-66 Trition
[b]6 Pitcher Class Tenders[/b]
[b]7 Texan Class Oilers[/b]
[b]9 Vesuvius Class Amuniton Ships[/b]
[b]8 Assorted Repair Vessels[/b]
[b]10 Underway Replenishment Ships[/b][/code:1:5653762a7e]
Dear Neo,
Many countries are questioning your actions. If i were you, i would cease attacks until u prove that u have been directly attacked and or one of your countries has been. I know u dont want to end up on the list of people to halt trade with.
Adm Robert Mick
Although I am officially ignoring you, I will bless you with an answer from Attica.
If Neo Earth is attacked during this operation, all of his coalition members will fight the attacker.
As a member of the UN and President of Vella Lacava, I would advise u to halt attacks against Terristan until you have proof that he attacked you or another country, until then, many countries i know will not come join in an illegal war.
Commander in Chief of Vella Lacava
PS. Ever heard of Power Abuse
The TPM government has voted unanimously to turn over control of 4/5 of our air force over to Tyrador. As before we will be taking control of MP operations whithin Tyrador AND The Phoenix Milita. Plaxtonia will supplement Tyrador and TPMs Air national guards for the duration of the war, and will provide added port security while a large portion of Tyrador's navy is away. Besides one minor Special Forces involvement we will be staying out of this war and be limitng active American Alliance participation to Freedom Country and Tyrador.
The last time control of The Air Force of The Armed Republic of The Phoenix Milita was given over to Tyrador was when American Alliance nations teamed up to destroy another terrorist state (Islamaisbad) who was responsible for training and selling, terrorists and terrorist weponry.
Btw Vella I think there are enough allies already involved :wink:
OOC, hi all.
firstly i will ignore anything by Dark Terror, anything he touches turns to dust.
secondly, i welcome the invasion but there are far to many different invading troops, friendly fire will be a problem
thirdly, i will ignore space tech and gunships
fourthly, this is current tech.
Bit of Terristan stats
The island is part of a volcanic chain and is currently used for agriculture and training. The island is surrounded by reefs enabling only high hulled vessels. There are beaches only surrounding the single small port of Ut Yara, they have been intensively mined including all inland routes.
Half the island is thick jungle, half are agricultural fields. In turn half these fields have been flooded as part of crop rotation. Small towns are scattered throughout, they have narrow streets and many buildings have cellars and tunnels.
Why thank you for the warning about the freindly fire, we will make sure to re-double our efforts in distrubuting IFF authenication codes to all of the coalition forces.
Although many of our vessels are hover craft, low draft catamarans etc, for our allies we have begun a massive naval bombardment on the reefs, pulverizing them to allow larger ships closer shore access, although the reason for placing larger vessels so close to shore escapes us, we will not allow any obstacle to hinder operations in the area.
We suggest to our allies a joint bombardment of Ut Yara after our UDT teams 1 and 4 complete marking and detonating mines.[/code:1:65c1918bd2]
AA guns sit unmanned, T-80 tanks have there turrets pointing to the sky. Everyone is working in the fields throughout Terristan, harvesting of crops have begun.
Arms have been hidden throughout the nation, soldiers have discarded their uniforms, the nation will harvest together, peacefully....Nothing gets in the way of harvest season.
Terristani leaders have sent distress calls to UN.
*coming in at high altitude, wave upon wave of modified BEAR bombers fly over Terristan, however not containing bombs but members of the FI and United Nations Peacekeepers. Landing at the Jaiklian airbase on Terristan, several hundred peacekeepers stepout into the scorching sun.*
*The commander i/c General Miles Little issues his commands to the peacekeepers*
"It is our duty to make sure that war is averted, we must ensure all training camps are shut down and military equipment neutralised or destroyed, once again our brothers have incurred the wrath of the worlds warmongers and aggressive dictatorships, luckily we have arrived just before the invasion was due to start."
The peacekeepers set up HQ at the airbase, soon peacekeepers are spreading throughout the nation, travelling in confiscated pick-ups and APC's. UN flags are put up in all towns, Terristani military equipment is being neutralised.
the port of Ut Yara has been readied to recieve further UN troops, but not until the blockade has stopped.
UN Transports continue to fly in high over the illegal blockade, circling slowly down to the airbase which is becoming more and more crowded.
UN commander Miles Little declares Terristan a nation under the control of the UN, disarming will continue. UN peacekeepers number around 8,000. Many have altitude sickness however that will soon pass. Tension is high.
Now no ones there to tell Attican not to bomb everything into the gorund, since he wants to simply leav you a big bomb crater.
*OOC only one nuke, but one nuke does a lot. Of course, my air force can do some damage (as well as my new military, et cetera.) You said jungle, right? (prepares napalm.)
AGent red, carpet bomb the cities too.
Terristan officials welcome the arrival of the United Nations though are upset over the dismantling of the training camps. Harvest is still underway and we are struggling to meet our annual standard of production this year.
POW's from Freedom Country have been enlisted in the harvest, they will probably be freed though it's not for certain when.
*OOC only one nuke, but one nuke does a lot. Of course, my air force can do some damage (as well as my new military, et cetera.) You said jungle, right? (prepares napalm.)
OOC: Do you realize that a nuke is a last ditch weapon, not a lazy person's way to conduct a war? Real nations don't decide to nuke first, then mop up with conventional weapons.
Europa Brittania
11-09-2003, 15:01
In accordance with an invitation from the Nation of Jaiklia, and with the express written feelings from the United Nations pertaining to the stabilisation and disarmament of the Nation of Terristan, the Goverment of Brittania hereby dispatches a four hundred strong peacekeeping force, tasked with the disarmament and safing of Terristan and its citizens, in co-operation with allied forces.
May our forces stablize Terristan for generations to come.
Europa Brittania
Strength Through Unity
Ruling Administration of South-West Ragnarok
Linked to AMF SkyNet Missile Protection System
Member of C.A.W.
EuroIslander Alliance Member [Security Council Permanent Member]
UAAOT Member
Alert Level: GREEN Peacetime Duties
[code:1:dcd71537d3] Does the "U.N." peackeeping force consist solely of forces from Jaiklia?
And why are the Terristanis not fighting the the UN force which is taking away their "beloved" camps?[/code:1:dcd71537d3]
we would rather welcome the UN. They will not rape our women like you barbarians. Looks like your war has failed. :P
UN solely comprised of Jaiklian and Europa Brittanican peacekeepers.
Control of the port of Ut Yara has been established, the first UN cargo ship has arrived from Jaiklia and begun unloading.
More UN cargo ships are on the way, travelling through the blockade.
Listen here your fucking cargo ships are not getting through any fucking blockades until u fucking ask our fucking permission and we let you through you idiot and your fucking bombers didn't get past our carrier groups even if u managed to get your prop powered bombers into space we could knock them down with ALMV/ASAT missiles so u better stop conviently going around and ignoring the massive blockcade without ASKING the damn permission for your ships and planes to pass.
11-09-2003, 17:45
Jaiklia, if you need anymore peace-keepers, let me know. I'm not UN, but i am willing to see war averted, and Terristan protected from nuclear devices, as has been threatened by some rogue states.
11-09-2003, 17:48
Listen here your f--- cargo ships are not getting through any f--- blockades until u f--- ask our f--- permission and we let you through you idiot and your f--- bombers didn't get past our carrier groups even if u managed to get your prop powered bombers into space we could knock them down with ALMV/ASAT missiles so u better stop conviently going around and ignoring the massive blockcade without ASKING the damn permission for your ships and planes to pass.
1) Why swear so much. Its not big, or clever, it ruins RP and makes everything think you are an idiot.
2) Jaiklia has a border with Terristan, if i rememebr correctly, and in fact, i believe Terristan was a colony of Jaiklia at one stage. If you have shut down the airspace between the two countries to the UN, then you will be seen as aggressive war-mongerers.
I didnt curse at all I wrote out the "f---" for effect.If they share a border why the fuck is sending cargo ships. And regardless of history, Jakilia has been aiding terristan since the start of the blockade. Being under a UN flag or not they would not be let through unquestioned.
Independent Hitmen
11-09-2003, 17:54
Well said Mcleod.
*Restores Mcleods rightful status in Favoured Nation column.*
11-09-2003, 17:57
This war has Confused me can some 1 please give me a Over View of this war?
11-09-2003, 17:58
I didnt curse at all I wrote out the "f---" for effect.If they share a border why the f--- is sending cargo ships. And regardless of history, Jakilia has been aiding terristan since the start of the blockade. Being under a UN flag or not they would not be let through unquestioned.
I imagine he is sending cargo ships alnog the coastline in order to avoid sending food, fuel, troops, and supplies over mountainous terrain. Whether he has been aiding Terristan or not is irrelevant. The French helped the Argentinians in the Falklands War by providing them with help with Exocet missiles. Did Britain threaten French cargo ships sailing to Argentina, no.
I think what i'm trying to say is, let the UN sort this out, don't go to war, especially oen in which the threat of nuclear attacks have been made by at least three independant nations.
some how my other long reply didn't get through and it was lost... rather then re-wrte i'll give u the jist [ Terrisatn or Jkaila or whatever they are the same, godmoded therefore I have to ignore and retract my participation in the whole thing ] Also I said something like fuck off wankers and fuck you etc and also i said "Ruin a RP?, What RP? Can't you see its over" and also i refered to Terristan as a pussy who "cries to daddy" to save his ass. or something to that effect.... whatever this sucks i hate when i lose a post to forum glitches!!! im out of here
Tyrador out.
Intelligence has been gathered about the recent attacks on the nation of Osh-kosh in the Mob region. We don't have any conclusive evidence, but the perpetrators seem to have some involvement with Terristan. The attack on Osh-kosh prompted the start of the ATA or Anti-Terror Alliance. Currently we are 13 nations strong and are more than willing to support any fight on terror in NS. The ATA is looking for more members. For more information on the attacks on Osh-kosh or the ATA, please open the following link......
President Werner Von Croy
Why thank you for the warning about the freindly fire, we will make sure to re-double our efforts in distrubuting IFF authenication codes to all of the coalition forces.
Although many of our vessels are hover craft, low draft catamarans etc, for our allies we have begun a massive naval bombardment on the reefs, pulverizing them to allow larger ships closer shore access, although the reason for placing larger vessels so close to shore escapes us, we will not allow any obstacle to hinder operations in the area.
We suggest to our allies a joint bombardment of Ut Yara after our UDT teams 1 and 4 complete marking and detonating mines.[/code:1:4eea200166]
Just so you know my ships arent hovercraft
Oh, and Terristan, Im in a mood for an actual WO-Rp right now, which means Ill RP out the battles and tactics rather than just posting numbers and saying Im heading for your capital. Now dont bitch and prepare to die.
Sarapin II
11-09-2003, 20:04
This is getting interesting. I would join, but I am a future-tech nation and would probably just get myself I.G.N.O.R.E.D., even though I would not be able to bombard anything from orbit (my ISD is busy controling a rebellion in Blademasters). If anyone would like me to join anyway, please telegram me.
Thank you.
For this RP your tech can be worth an amount of ground troops worth the same amount, I guess.
If terri agrees.
Sarapin II
11-09-2003, 20:16
For this RP your tech can be worth an amount of ground troops worth the same amount, I guess.
If terri agrees.
Does two million clone troopers sound good? With air support? Oh well, I'll wait for Terristan's reply.
Yes Jaiklia, you ignore the bombings and cruise missiles, and somehow your bombers go right past the blockade (with no fighting which means you godmodded). Jailkia is ignored.
So long as they have modern assault rifles, it SHOULD be fine.
But hell find a reason to bitch dont worry.
Lets just nuke them both and be done with it... fine our blockade doesnt work so we need them neutralized.
Just so you know my ships arent hovercraft
Niether are mine, however nearly all of my landing craft are air cushioned (hovercraft) and those are the only ones that would be used close to shore anyway also my Multi PLatform Cruisers are catamarans and wouldnt have trouble in reefs. That was my point.
We ally ourselves with terrorstan.
Death to the nonmuslims.
We have committed an act terror against the Attican Empire to force them to leave Terristan alone.
Sarapin II
11-09-2003, 20:44
So long as they have modern assault rifles, it SHOULD be fine.
But hell find a reason to bitch dont worry.
Hmm... They have the same rifles from the movie, but the armor has been downgraded a little so the the biggest things that won't kill them are .50 caliber non-explosive bullets(unless you shoot the neck). But a terrorist nation should have something bigger, like RPGs, artillery, etc. :wink:
I will await your response and think of a good reason to war, other than we're against terrorism.
OOC: I never thought I see the day when I would be having a conversation with Dark Terror. :o
More OOC:
I will think of a good reason to wage war, other than we're against terrorism.
^Maybe that could be my reason, but I will try to come up with somthing better.
It is too bad your commandoes are armed with pop-ball launchers, the wimble tanks are made of graham crackers, and your warships are rafts, and one womble dollar is equal to .01 USD, and the safe place is a wooden shack.
Also, Taliban == Ignored.
We are a very peaceful nation and have no weapons, though I would like to give you our blessing.
*Raises hands in air*
"Oh Almighty Being, hear my cry. Bless these soldiers on thier quest to destroy Terristan!!!"
Dan Okalfofia
High Priest of Yukafotamia
Terristan is under UN control, Peacekeepers flew in over blockade, which does not travel infinatly upwards.
Europa Brittania
11-09-2003, 23:18
Conrad Kurtz, Minister For Defence poured over the Terristan Documents that littered his cluttered desk. He picked up a thick stack of papers, a report. Replacing his reading glasses he perused through it, nodding thoughtfully until a knock at the door broke his train of thought.
"Come in." He motioned.
The door opened, and an Aide stepped through, clutching another stack of papers.
Conrad Sighed, "More reports?
The Aide shook his head, No Sir, urgent news from the Terristan situation.
Conrad frowned, the Brittanian Peacekeeping force wasn't due to reach Terristan Waters for at least another eight hours.
"Go on." The Defence Minister encouraged.
The Aide nodded, placing the reports in front of Kurtz.
"Naval forces belonging to Tyrador have effected a total blockade of All vital ports. The situation is degenerating rapidly, and the Current UN forces within Terristan do not have sufficient Naval presence to counter the blockade.
Conrad got to his feet, nodding as he processed the information. Crossing to a small Computer sitting on a bare table he brought up various Naval charts. His hand glided across the screen as he traced the red lines that represented Brittanian Naval Movements.
The situation is critical enough, we need to even the score. The Minister began, "Have the 6th Pacifica Fleet cancel Excercises immediatley and proceed at all speed to the Blockade."
"The entire 6th fleet sir?". The Aide questioned, clearly suprised.
Conrad nodded, "The entire 6th fleet. If they want to flex muscle, we'll be fair game.
The Aide nodded, turning and leaving.
Conrad crossed to the window, the rain beginning to fall once more outside his office.
Unexpected Consequences. he muttered out aloud.
Atlantis Class Fleet Carrier Khandrias
^6th Pacifica Fleet
Naval Exercises
Fleet-Captain Vincent Harris cracked his knuckles as he studied the report an ensign had handed to him only moments before, his eyes darted accross the official orders, nodding his understanding.
"Very well, file this report laddie, and communicate to the fleet. Have them pull anchor and prepare for departure immediatley. I want the most direct route to Terristan Helm when we're set to leave."
"Aye sir." The Bridge Chorused.
Just so you know my ships arent hovercraft
Niether are mine, however nearly all of my landing craft are air cushioned (hovercraft) and those are the only ones that would be used close to shore anyway also my Multi PLatform Cruisers are catamarans and wouldnt have trouble in reefs. That was my point.
wow im still using PLC's
lol but they are all good they can hold 2 tanks or like 75 men
but i have no men so i jsut use them for supplies and ammo in a war
P.S unless terristan responds to the Coalition with some sign of Disarmament within 72 hours the pacific as wellas the Mediteranean Fleet(s) will begin to bombard shoren targets and launch missiles at strategic points along the coast of Terristan.
USA2 will be taking P.O.W's in case any of Terristan's soilders surrender to the Coalition
It is too bad your commandoes are armed with pop-ball launchers, the wimble tanks are made of graham crackers, and your warships are rafts, and one womble dollar is equal to .01 USD, and the safe place is a wooden shack.
Also, Taliban == Ignored.
Why are you ignoring the Taliban?
OOC: They claimed terrorist acts in Attica without one:
Ever Stating they were executing terrorist acts, in secret IC or otherwise,
never gave chance for casualties
are too small to execute terrorist acts.
Lunatic Retard Robots
12-09-2003, 00:06
OOC: They claimed terrorist acts in Attica without one:
Ever Stating they were executing terrorist acts, in secret IC or otherwise,
never gave chance for casualties
are too small to execute terrorist acts.
I have just given all of my stockpiled earth military goods to the region of Roguestan, and a good deal to Terristan.
(You don't know this.)
OOC: You have to:
1. Prove terristan accepted it.
2. Prove that it is not futuristic.
Lunatic Retard Robots
12-09-2003, 00:15
OOC: You have to:
1. Prove terristan accepted it.
2. Prove that it is not futuristic.
OCC: He doesn't have to accept it right away. It is avaliable when he wants it. And Attcan Empire, he is about as old as you, and burning the greenpeace building was a terrorist attack, was it not?
Military goods available to the government of Terristan:
300 BRDM-2 TOW variant
90 T-90S MBTs
150 MiG-21
200 MiG-23
7 Tarantul
240 BMP-1
OOC: No, the greenpeace building was on Attican land. Also, the Attican Empire is infinitely more powerful then Terristan. Attica has focused on Industrialization, and R&D, Terristan has focused on building terrorist networks.
Ah yes *closes off borders*
Jaiklia shoulds be ignored... ships have SAMs.
Hey everyone that has ships in the blockade
my supply ship has soem pretty cool fireworks so im going to light them off tonight at 7:30
oh wait never mind those are for after we elimina... i mean beat terristan
Lunatic Retard Robots
12-09-2003, 00:20
OOC: No, the greenpeace building was on Attican land. Also, the Attican Empire is infinitely more powerful then Terristan. Attica has focused on Industrialization, and R&D, Terristan has focused on building terrorist networks.
If I was earth tech I would have rolled over you the first time you put your grimy little fingers on the keyboard.
But anyway, why has the US not defeated terrorism? Because terrorism has no fixed infarstructure. The Terristani terrorists can bomb one of your factories, but snce they don't have any, you can't really retaliate effectively.
OOC: No, the greenpeace building was on Attican land. Also, the Attican Empire is infinitely more powerful then Terristan. Attica has focused on Industrialization, and R&D, Terristan has focused on building terrorist networks.
If I was earth tech I would have rolled over you the first time you put your grimy little fingers on the keyboard.
But anyway, why has the US not defeated terrorism? Because terrorism has no fixed infarstructure. The Terristani terrorists can bomb one of your factories, but snce they don't have any, you can't really retaliate effectively.
i diagree i have nuclear tipped tomahawks for underground facilities
Lunatic Retard Robots
12-09-2003, 00:29
OOC: No, the greenpeace building was on Attican land. Also, the Attican Empire is infinitely more powerful then Terristan. Attica has focused on Industrialization, and R&D, Terristan has focused on building terrorist networks.
If I was earth tech I would have rolled over you the first time you put your grimy little fingers on the keyboard.
But anyway, why has the US not defeated terrorism? Because terrorism has no fixed infarstructure. The Terristani terrorists can bomb one of your factories, but snce they don't have any, you can't really retaliate effectively.
i diagree i have nuclear tipped tomahawks for underground facilities
But what if the terristanis are camping out on the plains? Or the forest? Or the desert? You have to find them before you go about destroying them...
OOC: They claimed terrorist acts in Attica without one:
Ever Stating they were executing terrorist acts, in secret IC or otherwise,
never gave chance for casualties
are too small to execute terrorist acts.
ok: you are ignoring them for carrying out terrorist attacks,
they didn't state casualties (even though that is your job to state what casualties they caused)
are too small, in RL it is usually the small nations that support and carry out terrorism.
SP will ignore this thread because it is set up to make Attican the winner no matter what anyone else posts, because he will simply ignore them.
Hence, SP will have no part in it because the outcome is already predetermined in secret.
OOC: They claimed terrorist acts in Attica without one:
Ever Stating they were executing terrorist acts, in secret IC or otherwise,
never gave chance for casualties
are too small to execute terrorist acts.
ok: you are ignoring them for carrying out terrorist attacks,
they didn't state casualties (even though that is your job to state what casualties they caused)
are too small, in RL it is usually the small nations that support and carry out terrorism.
SP will ignore this thread because it is set up to make Attican the winner no matter what anyone else posts, because he will simply ignore them.
Hence, SP will have no part in it because the outcome is already predetermined in secret.
OOC: No, the greenpeace building was on Attican land. Also, the Attican Empire is infinitely more powerful then Terristan. Attica has focused on Industrialization, and R&D, Terristan has focused on building terrorist networks.
If I was earth tech I would have rolled over you the first time you put your grimy little fingers on the keyboard.
But anyway, why has the US not defeated terrorism? Because terrorism has no fixed infarstructure. The Terristani terrorists can bomb one of your factories, but snce they don't have any, you can't really retaliate effectively.
i diagree i have nuclear tipped tomahawks for underground facilities
But what if the terristanis are camping out on the plains? Or the forest? Or the desert? You have to find them before you go about destroying them...
how about this
Since you seem so confident that we won't find them.
If we do not Find The Terrorists in terristan within 3 weeks time i will give a 4 day evacuation period and then i will begin to drop Briefcase Warheads starting at the Center of Terristan and going outward toards the coast.
Neo Earth
12-09-2003, 00:42
Ok, lets get a number of things straight:
1. No UN forces are in Terristan. They would have had to get pass the blockade, and the many Fighter jets running patrols around the island.
2. LRR, you can't give him supplies because your a space-nation. Terri said modern-tech ONLY.
3.Taliban and Jaikli are IGNORED.
Now then, maybe a new thread is needed?
Ok, lets get a number of things straight:
1. No UN forces are in Terristan. They would have had to get pass the blockade, and the many Fighter jets running patrols around the island.
2. LRR, you can't give him supplies because your a space-nation. Terri said modern-tech ONLY.
3.Taliban and Jaikli are IGNORED.
Now then, maybe a new thread is needed?
Terristan mind if i send an ambassidor to your country from one of my carriers?
Southpacific: stating 'commits terrorist attacks on attica' isnt an RP:
He has to:
A. Do a secret or not secret IC first so i can RP either catching or not catching the terrorists.
B. Have a means to commit the terrorism.
C. Have a target for the terrorism.
He had none of them!
With that mode, i could say "Detonates 5 nukes in LRR" or whatever.
Southpacific: stating 'commits terrorist attacks on attica' isnt an RP:
He has to:
A. Do a secret or not secret IC first so i can RP either catching or not catching the terrorists.
B. Have a means to commit the terrorism.
C. Have a target for the terrorism.
He had none of them!
With that mode, i could say "Detonates 5 nukes in LRR" or whatever.
Retaliation against terrorism is simple: Genocide in the area they come from.
Retaliation against terrorism is simple: Genocide in the area they come from.
I agree by the way where is the thread that we are on is it this one?1
Ok, lets get a number of things straight:
1. No UN forces are in Terristan. They would have had to get pass the blockade, and the many Fighter jets running patrols around the island.
2. LRR, you can't give him supplies because your a space-nation. Terri said modern-tech ONLY.
3.Taliban and Jaikli are IGNORED.
Now then, maybe a new thread is needed?
If thats the case I will stay in.