I am declaring war on Walter Warren on the grounds that he has repetitively sent me telegrams threatening me and my regional Delegate Moonsun. It has become nessasary to go to these measures as Walter Warren had oppressed me when I was in his region, the Matrix of Nirvana and is continuing to try to do so even though Im not there anymore. I ask that you spare The Class of 2003 though as they have not been threatening me.
I also ask for your support in this endeavor. Any nation willing to help, telegram me and we will make arrangements for Walter Warrens defeat!
I will take your opinions into consideration for 10 days before attacking.
SUNY Ulster
Air Strip One
:shock: :!: What the hell are you? nuts? :!: :shock: your going to take me out. im trying not to laugh but I just cant help myself :lol: :lol: ANd I oppressed you? when did I do that? If you want a war, Ill give you one, but you shouldnt expect me to go heavy on you. i could defeat you in my sleep. My 3 year old nephew lies less than you too! but if you want all that I have than telegram me and youl get it.
Have fun trying! :mrgreen:
Walter Warren
UN Delegate
Matrix of Nirvana
PS. I voted to attack
now as the nuetral nation here I would like to express my concern for Suny Ulster. Suny is a friend of mine and I know Walter Warren wont take mercy o him If Suny does ask for all out war. So I forewarn all nations considering joining Sunys Cause. Walter WILL fight you no matter how big or small you are so dont htink that if your a huge nation he wont atack if you come to Sunys aid.
Just speading the Word.
Class of 2003
Matrix of Nirvana Foriegn Affairs Officer/ Vice Delegate
I thought you were talking about me lol.
Attacking Walten is bad for your treasury, simply because Im bored and will extort from you for the fun of it.
Im attacking Walter Warren not Walten
SUNY this is the President of Jarvisimo_99 Im up for it send me the details
Independent Hitmen
11-09-2003, 14:30
Just to make it more interesting i would like to see an attack. Dark terror stay out of it m8 we r both 2 big.
:!: :!: **ANNOUNCEMENT** :!:
SUNY Ulster Has Just sent me a telegram saying he wants all-out war with me. So as I stated Earlier in the Topic, he will get it! as for Jarvisimo 99, I wish you the best of luck with Suny and may the two of you regret what you have just asked for! let the fun begin. :twisted:
OOC(oh ho ho ho this should be a laugh :D )
11-09-2003, 15:35
*runs in before the war starts and hands out GLACORP buisness cards*
In any case, Dontgonearthere has adopted the position of supporting whoever wins.
The Resi Corporation
11-09-2003, 16:23
*mark*ed for possible declaration of war on Walter Warren. :D
12-09-2003, 00:56
A blimp with a large GLACORP logo on the side, as well as a GCTV uber-omega TV screen circles above the soon to be warzone, flashing 'GO WHOEVER WINS! SHOP GLACORP! GO WHOEVER WINS!" over and over.
:shock: :!: What the hell are you? nuts? :!: :shock: your going to take me out. im trying not to laugh but I just cant help myself :lol: :lol: ANd I oppressed you? when did I do that? If you want a war, Ill give you one, but you shouldnt expect me to go heavy on you. i could defeat you in my sleep. My 3 year old nephew lies less than you too! but if you want all that I have than telegram me and youl get it.
Have fun trying! :mrgreen:
Walter Warren
UN Delegate
Matrix of Nirvana
PS. I voted to attack
This is Jarvisimo_99 calling the two nation's at war.Unknown to you I have joined a secret force called the Arbiter Coalition.We are determined to have peace throughout the land.Please if you will step up to the negotiating table and sort this out.Telegram's will be accepted
The Resi Corporation
12-09-2003, 16:25
This is Jarvisimo_99 calling the two nation's at war.Unknown to you I have joined a secret force called the Arbiter Coalition.We are determined to have peace throughout the land.Please if you will step up to the negotiating table and sort this out.Telegram's will be acceptedYou will probably be shot to pieces in the crossfire. :?
Independent Hitmen
12-09-2003, 20:27
This is Jarvisimo_99 calling the two nation's at war.Unknown to you I have joined a secret force called the Arbiter Coalition.We are determined to have peace throughout the land.Please if you will step up to the negotiating table and sort this out.Telegram's will be acceptedYou will probably be shot to pieces in the crossfire. :?
we can only hope :)
12-09-2003, 20:31
*sits down with popcorn infront of big screen* i want to see some small nation get killed on with the fun!
I can assure you that this 'small' nation is part of a peace coalition we mean no harm we just want to settle the differences
Arbiter Jarvisimo
Arbiter Coalition Organisation
I gotta admit, Little offensive nation, you dont stand a chnace
13-09-2003, 16:11
I can assure you that this 'small' nation is part of a peace coalition we mean no harm we just want to settle the differences
Arbiter Jarvisimo
Arbiter Coalition Organisation
Um...that's not our job. We can step in as meditators, but this is not that situation. We'll just be telling SUNY Ulster how much they lost in this pointless endevor.
We're not really a peace organization. Also note, that if you, Jarvisimo, choose to fight in this as an active party, I will not be offering you support.
Arbiter Yoshi
For more information on the Arbiters, check out our thread in International Incidents. Accepting Applications.
Jarivismo has sided with me and will help me defeat Walter Warren
14-09-2003, 22:06
Any body want life insurance?
:lol: I would suggest Suny Ulster buy all the policies it can. theres going to be a slaughter in Suny, and ill be responsible
PS. you might go broke paying out all of the insurance Glupeyloo. :twisted:
after further consideration, I have decided it would be in my best interest to not attack. sorry to those who wanted to see a war.