Big Ass Nukes
In fear of a world war, all head advisors in the Geforce Government have approved it. Scientist have developed and built two (2) 50 Megaton Nuclear Bombs. On the way are three (3) more of the bombs and ten (10) 50 megaton nuclear missiles (which are a pain in the ass to launch).
Condem it all you want but remember that Russia has enough nukes to blow up the world 3 times and the US has enough for 5 1/2 times. (Not blow up the world but kill everything that many times.)
Some Statistics:
A 50 megaton bomb will turn everyone within' 50 miles of the drop into ash. 50 more miles (100 total) will die of radiation. Finally 150 feet from the drop have a 50-50 chance.
The Unreal Soldiers
10-09-2003, 02:36
A 100 kilaton bomb will turn everyone within' 50 miles of the drop into ash. 50 more miles (100 total) will die of radiation. Finally 150 feet from the drop have a 50-50 chance.
150 feet eh? I dont know about your people, but mine would have a -% chance of survivining a nuclear blast from 150ft.
it's possible he meant 150 ft. underground, or he meant 150 miles from the drop
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
My space nukes are 5 gigatons (5000 megatons)
The Unreal Soldiers
10-09-2003, 02:42
Also, the damage specs of your 100kiloton bomb are way off my friend.
A 1 megaton bomb will blind everything about 10mile away, while people 50miles away will probably have large spots of their retinas burned.
People within about 6-7 miles of a 1 megaton blast leave the infamous "shadow" of where they were standing on the concrete around them.
OOC: Dont worry Im no fool. A 100 Kilaton nuke can vaporize everything within 50 miles of the drop site. 51miles-100 miles people will die from radiation. I did research. Besides, the USA has these. Trust me, I would not do this if I wasnt sure. :wink:
I think there was some major misreading in your research. 100 kilotons is amazingly powerful, yes, but it nothing compared to other bombs out now. It is not a 100 mile bomb.
The Unreal Soldiers
10-09-2003, 02:49
OOC: Dont worry Im no fool. A 100 Kilaton nuke can vaporize everything within 50 miles of the drop site. 51miles-100 miles people will die from radiation. I did research. Besides, the USA has these. Trust me, I would not do this if I wasnt sure. :wink:
I thnk you are a fool if you thinkg a 100kiloton nuke vaporizes out to 50miles.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
OOC: Dont worry Im no fool. A 100 Kilaton nuke can vaporize everything within 50 miles of the drop site. 51miles-100 miles people will die from radiation. I did research. Besides, the USA has these. Trust me, I would not do this if I wasnt sure. :wink:
I thnk you are a fool if you thinkg a 100kiloton nuke vaporizes out to 50miles.
:? Thats not very nice. You should trust me. Beside, Im not the one with 10,000 nulcear silos (belem), I have 3 bombs as of now and 2 missiles. (That are nuclear)
((First, there is no such thing as a "kilaton". You probably mean "kiloton". Second, the US gave up kiloton nukes as anything more than tacnukes because we have access to nukes with thousands of times more destructive power, megaton blasts. The largest nuke ever tested was 50-62 megatons and weighed something like five tons. The Russians couldn't even get it off the ground to drop it. ))
Yes Im sorry I have bad spelling.
*Checks sources because he might be wrong*
*Finds out that megaton it the right answer*
*Quickly changes it before he looks like a fool..or is he to late?*
Thanks guys.
I say why nuke a future trading partner, their is money to be gained by trade. No one can do much with a destroyed nation that will have to sit for the next 1000 years untouched because of fall out.
*Quickly changes it before he looks like a fool..or is he to late?*
WAY to late.
And actually the 62 megaton bomb is not the biggest bomb in existence. There is a type of bomb, I forget its name, that is so powerful that if two were detonated at the same spot and time it would shift the Earth of its axis. That must at least be into the hundreds of megatons.
The Unreal Soldiers
10-09-2003, 02:58
*Checks sources because he might be wrong*
*Finds out that megaton it the right answer*
*Quickly changes it before he looks like a fool..or is he to late?*
Thanks guys.
As I thought
And the largest nuclear bomb was Tsar Bomba "King of the Bombs" by the Soviets during the Cold War.
Ben Land
10-09-2003, 02:58
I say why nuke a future trading partner, their is money to be gained by trade. No one can do much with a destroyed nation that will have to sit for the next 1000 years untouched because of fall out.
Neutron bombs.
*Checks sources because he might be wrong*
*Finds out that megaton it the right answer*
*Quickly changes it before he looks like a fool..or is he to late?*
Thanks guys.
As I thought
And the largest nuclear bomb was Tsar Bomba "King of the Bombs" by the Soviets during the Cold War.
Thats where I got my statistics, it was a book on the cold war. Really in depth too.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Soviet Haaregrad
10-09-2003, 03:23
*Quickly changes it before he looks like a fool..or is he to late?*
WAY to late.
And actually the 62 megaton bomb is not the biggest bomb in existence. There is a type of bomb, I forget its name, that is so powerful that if two were detonated at the same spot and time it would shift the Earth of its axis. That must at least be into the hundreds of megatons.
Let's do it man! :lol:
That bomb? Tha bomb's nothing compared to what I have in NS. My Harbinger warhead is a 5 gigaton explosion. it makes what I stated (which is a real life bomb) look like a couple of firecrackers.