FPC news:
"Ladies and gentlemen, today saw the worst defeat in our military's history. The Separatist's army attacked New-Toronto , 3rd largest city, and took it! The battle went as nect described:
6:50 AM, all is quite in New-Toronto. Sudendly, large explosions are heard througouht the sleeping city. These are the sound of vans full of explosives parked at strategic places such as the mayor's office, the numerour police stations and firestations.
7:00 AM, the first separatist bataillions enter the city itself. Fortunately, Imperial soldiers are already there. Numerous firefights begin between the imperial forces and the rebels.
7:07 AM, more separatists bataillons, and regiments arrive. The mayor calls for backup.
7:15 AM, more backup arrives from military camps outside the city. The battle intensifies. The separatists hold as much as 25% of the city already.
8:00 AM, due to the sheer size of the strike, the imperial forces fall back to the high grounds within the city. The rebels hold now more than 35% of the city.
8:30 AM, choppers, tanks and aircrafts are called up from New-Québec (capital city) They begin pounding the rebels but many aircrafys and choppers are destroyed by AA missiles and cannons.
11:00 AM, 50% of the city i now in the hands of the rebels. The battle as now transformed itslef in an urban combat where it's everyone for itself.
14:50 PM, the separatists receive numerous tanks and artillery pieces.
14:59 PM, the defending general is killed by sniper fire. The last defenders flee from the city to take refuge in the damp forrests near the city.
16:00 PM, the battle is over...for now
Here are some pictures from the battle
Soldiers taking refuge near a house
soldiers taking a rest and defending themselves against snipers
Soldiers rescuing fellow aircraft members from a downed chopper
Separatist with red flag, showing the end of combat for the day
Kahta praises the Seperatists for rebelling against their corrupt dictator.
Kahta praises the Seperatists for rebelling against their corrupt dictator.
They are not rebelling, they simply want to gain money by imposing capitalism using any harsh method they can think of. They tortured, raped and killed many hundreds of people because they did not think the same way as they did.
FPC news update:
"Early reports from the Army Headquartes are saying that 2,500 Imperial soldiers were killed or wounded and an additional 1,000 were captured. They also state that over 4,100 rebels were killed during the battle."
FPC news update:
"Terrible news ladies and gentlemen, today, following the battle of NEw-Toronto, just as the Imperial forces were waiting to counter-attack, our Emperor died. We do not know what happened but the medical experts are investigating to see the cause."
FPC news update:
"One week after the start of the battle of New-Toronto and the death of our emperor FPC, civil war erupted. What was known as the Separatist's war is now FPC's first civil war. The separatist movement wants to claim the country for themselves while there is no emperor on the throne. And, the Imperial forces want to maintain the current regime. They already proposed an emperor to the high council. They will have to decide.
Battles are still raging in the country side. Just this morining, 400 Imperial tanks engaged a large group of separatists tanks, numbering about 600 tanks. The battle was won by the imperials. THe casualties - Imperials = 140 tanks, Separatists = 356 tanks.
The high council has made an adrees to all foreign communists countries for help in supressing the separatists."
the Dominion of WVMHS would like to express its support for the Empire of FPC through these hard times. If there is any need for financial or military materiel the Dominion of WVMHS would be more than happy to supply them. However, since this is an internal conflict, we would rather not become involved with troops, in the impossible chance that the usurpers manage to overthrow the powerful FPC government.
The high council of the Empire of FPC would like to thank the Dominion of.,aidjp.andlmaf *audio and video lost*
FPC news update: "The separatists managed to cut important line of telecommunications today rendering all army movements useless. The battles throughout FPC still rage on. Oh, I have received news that the blackout was because of a bomb planted in the high council room. 3 councilers are dead and the 6 others are severly injured.
THis is apparently a coup d'état led by an Imperial commander who is a sympathiser of the rebels. He and a small force have... *the readers takes a moment of silence, his eyes are clearly alarming*... and a small force have taken over FPC. THey have proclamed it the Republic of FPC.
The remnants of the Imperial forces are still fighting but more than 50% of them surrendered thinking that the war was over. News soon travelled and the other imperial forces were not tricked that easily."
*300 Blue-level XGF military personnel arrive at the now-destroyed New Toronto.*
11-989: Holy crap. (OOC: Personnel have no names, they are referred to by serial number)
12-072: You said it. Let's move. We're here to take out the seperatist scum. I don't think that FPC'll be to happy about us occupying here...
Gen-490: Shut up! Let's get on the move. Weapons at ready. Be ready to fire.
I have sent you some forces to help with the containment of seperatists. Hopefully this letter reaches you in time.
(Dated 9/7 2305 hours)
Troughout the course of the day huge military cargo planes made round trips from WVMHS to the Imperialsit FPC military bases, delivering replacement tanks, ammunition, artillery pieces and satilite photo's of the rebel military movements. The leaders of WVMHS hate dissident people's with a passion. Only their policy of not becoming directly involved in the internal matters of foreign states prevented them from opening fire on the rebel FPC soldiers.
The Attican Empire offers one of it's Prinzs to FPS to take the throne of the deceased emperor. And, as per the alliance, 10,000 men from the Bundesgruppe will be entering FPC to assis the Imperial FPC forces. Obviously all men part of the Bundesgruppe will be put on active duty, as will all tanks.
10,000 Truppen
20 T-902
20 Leopard 2
Primary Weapon: PaSMG-4
From Red Tide
We dictators should work together. How about this.I supply you with 10 divisions of T-80 MBTs and you pay me 15 million dollars. Is it a deal? If sowire the money and the tanks will be shipped.
Message to FPC Intelligence
Do not accept Red Tidian equipment.
OOC Is anyone going to resist my movements into FPC?
OOC: If not, I will put my troops directly into the fight.
Felimid MacFal
08-09-2003, 23:56
OOC: am i correct in assuming that the rebels are pro-capitalism? and that the empire is sorta communist like? if not, please just ignore my post.
IC: The Federation of Felimid MacFal would like to express its sympathy and support for the separatist faction, in this Civil War. We are lending our support by sending 5,000 of our finest assault marines in addition to 300 heavy combat tanks and air support in the form of 100 multi-purpose fighter-jets and 15 heavy bombers. We await further instructions on how we can be more of help. Democracy over all. The force is currently en route and should arrive shortly.
--- Attican Ministry of Foreign Affairs ---
--- To Felimid MacFal ---
Recall your forces from FPC immediately, or the Attican Empire will have no choice but to protect FPC's sovereigny and declare war on Felemid MacFal. You have one week to comply. (Thats like 20 minutes RL)
-Secret IC-
-Attican Ministry of Defense, Reichsluftwaffemarschall-
To all squadron-kommandants, mobilize and prepare all fighters for a possible conflict with Felimid MacFal.
-Attican Ministry of Defense, Reichskriegsmarinemarschall-
To all schiffkommanders, prepare your ships for a possible conflict with Felimid Macfal. Go to your battlestations, and enter defensive position A-AE-O-9-9-H-OE-UE.
Felimid MacFal
09-09-2003, 00:10
Felimid's force formed up upon its landing in FPC. Its commander received a call from central command back home.
Commander Trynok:"This is Treynok, what can I do ya for?"
HQ: "The Attican Empire has issued a command, ordering us to withdraw or face military concequences."
CT: Treynok snorted. "That likely. I'll need more soldiers tho. We'll need the 2nd-6th assault Marines (25,000 guys) in addition to the 2nd and 3rd heavy battle tanks (600 more tanks) and the 1st mobile artillery(about 300 pieces). Also, talk with Damocles and see if he can lend about... 50 more heavy bombers and another hundred fighters for air support. That should do for now untill we see what we're up against. We should probably call in the 12th engineers for some permanent field fortifications. Keep the regulars on standby. We may need them.
HQ: "Affirmative sir. This is Central Command, over and out."
CT: "Attican bastards. Guess they dont understand the value of Democracy. I guess we shall show them at gun point."
---Attican Ministry of Foreign Relations ---
Return now or we will have no choice but to attack your troops and naval priorities. You are dealing with armed terrorists, and the Attican Empire will have nothing to do with this.
-Secret IC-
Mobilize all aircraft. All aircraft dispatch and take out the enemy bombers and escort.
All compulsory reserve forces are to be mobilized, and all tanks are to be mobilized. Prepare for war.
-IC to all terrorist-hating nations-
Please assist the Attican Empire and the Empire of FPC in dispatching the terrorist rebels in his country.
OOC: How do you expect to get so many men to FPC so quickly?
Felimid MacFal
09-09-2003, 00:21
--Felimid MacFal's Ambassador on phone to leader of Attican Empire--
"No sir. We do not want a military confrontation, but we will support freedom where ever it may need us... Whats that...? No sir. We do not want to wage a full scale war. We would like you to step down sir.... With all do respect, our nation far outnumber's you militarily and overpowers you economically. There would be no question of a victory on our part if this became a war of attrition.... Sir, no you dont understand. We want peace. Please do not interfere with the progress of our forces. We do not wish war with you, but we are prpaired to fight one. We will not remove our troops until FPC has become a Democratic nation."
--To Felimid MacFal--
--From FPC Imperialists/royalists high headquarters--
YOu have misunderstood somehting here, our country, before the war, was a democracy. Every citizens had the right to vote on issues and on candidates alike. Our deceased emperor almost got beaten by another guy. Yes, our nation is based on communists values and ideas but we do enforce democracy, well, when the war will be over cuz it ain't so much working now ;).
Please, fall back from my lands. It is the rebel groups who attacked first by doing terrorism acts like the huge bombings in NEw-Québec and Liliann.
FPC - If they invade, my troops will attack them with full force.
I will post the excel document of mobilized army and air force forces if you want. If they choose not to, my troops will only be involved in removing the rebels.
Felimid MacFal
09-09-2003, 00:29
Commander Treynok giggled with embarassment at the news.
CT: "Yes you heard me right. Pull back all troops and cease reinforcemnts. Turns out that we were supporting the bad guy.
HQ: "Why is that sir?"
CT: "While the government might have a few communist ideals, they also have some democratic ideals too. It's the rebels that are the ones trying to enforce their own will against the will of the majority. Altho I dont know why these people wouldnt want cappitalism... But that's beside the point. All we need now is the 1st Medical divison and keep the 12th engineers here as a support roll for the civilians who will undoubtedly be injured in this conflict. Treynok over and out."
HQ: "yessir."
--To Emperor of the Attican Empire--
--From General Nikolai Komarninski, commander of all Royalist soldiers--
IF they attack my soldiers or civilians or your soldiers while in the compagny of my soldiers, they will be declared war upon.
I do not want any confrontation but if that must come to it, then, it will be so. I will mobilise every royalist citizens I can get. Since more than 80% of the pop is with us, it shouldn't be that hard. And we might get to use the clon..hum, nevermind. I say I could enroll about 1 million soldiers whitin 2 to 3 weeks.
--Attican Ministry of Defense---
--To All Kommanders--
Fall back to standard mobilization.
--To FPC--
We are falling back to standard mobilization.
--To Felimid Macfal--
--From Supreme general Komarninski--
Thank you for not inganging in a full scale war. And thank you agian for helping our citizens who have been so badly injured by this civil war. I'd like to request you help in exterminating the rebels. I have help from many other countries but one more wouldn't hurt. I await your answer.
Felimid MacFal
09-09-2003, 00:33
OOC: honestly guys, i just feel bad for the rebels. they almost always get the shaft, from what i've seen. i just wanted the rebels to pull through just once... *sniff* :roll: but o well.
OOC: they are quite getting through. They managed to take over the country. ATM, they are running it though they will surely get removed in the future weeks.
FPC news update:
"A military convoy belonging to the Imperialist was attacked today by a small regiment of rebel soldiers. THey used RPGs and assault gun to take out their target. 26 Imperialists were killed and 3 trucks were destroyed. Lots of ammo cases and weapons were stolen. About 10 rebels were killed during the firefight."
Until the Imperial Government of FPC can be reinstated, the Attican Reichsenat has decreed that FPC will be considered a territory of the Attican Empire until the rebels can be ousted. When this occurs, the government of FPC will be handed over to FPC Imperial Forces again.
FPC news update:
"Incredible news, the Imperialists forces took back the city of New-Toronto with the help of the Attican forces. About 45,000 royalist fighters and an unknown number of attican troops took back the city inch by inch under a hail of sniper, machine gun and rifle fire. It is said that around 40,000 rebels were garrisoned in the city.
FPC - 5,600 dead or wounded, 50 tanks knocked out & 23 choppers or planes destroyed
Rebels - 19,000 dead, 7,800 prisonners & 140 tanks destroyed
Attican - unknown"
1000 Attican Soldiers were killed in the conflict, and more have been assigned from reserves. No armor was destroyed.
FPC news update:
"Another twist ladies and gentlemen, our royalist forces have ousted the rebels from the capital city! The rebel army has gone back to a status of guerilla warfare. It is estimated that in the 2 months of this civil war, the rebel army lost around 60% of it's soldiers. Their numbers are rumored to be between 40,000 to 90,000. Though this cannot be validated due to the dense forrests of FPC's country side. Listen to an announcement from the supreme commander of imperial forces, Imperial General Komarninski:
"We have fought long and hard to come to this. We have finally retaken control of our country. This is why I demand to have control again from the Attican empire. The rebels are still a threat but we will fight them on and on until they are only in the history books. For our new emperor, we will take our former emperor's son who will be crowned FPC II in the national cathedral. May god be with all of us!"
This is all for the night folks, stay tuned tommorow for more detail."
The Attican Empire formally returns control of the government to FPC (but recomends military reforms.)
From Red Tide
We dictators should work together. How about this.I supply you with 10 divisions of T-80 MBTs and you pay me 15 million dollars. Is it a deal? If sowire the money and the tanks will be shipped.
OOC: Dont accept the offer.... he might just take you over once his stuff is in the country.
Felimid MacFal
09-09-2003, 01:10
OOC: declare war on him! :twisted:
Red tide : no thanks, the civil war is over and the royalist won. We don't need your offer anymore.
Felimid MacFal : who declaring war on who?
Felimid MacFal
09-09-2003, 01:24
OOC: oh i was just making a joke. I was saying that FPC and Attican should declare war on Red Tide cuz he insists that you buy his stuff. if you took him over, you wouldnt need to buy it anymore.
*There is a knock at FPC military HQ. It is the 300 Blue-level Xexan military who arrived earlier.*
Gen-490: We are looking for High General Komarninski. Is he present at the current time?
The guards tell the Xexoans to wait a while. After 5 minutes, a man wearing a general's uniform gets out of the building with around 20 soldiers armed to the teeth. The general asks:
"What do you want? I am general Komarninski."
He awaits an answer.
The guards tell the Xexoans to wait a while. After 5 minutes, a man wearing a general's uniform gets out of the building with around 20 soldiers armed to the teeth. The general asks:
"What do you want? I am general Komarninski."
He awaits an answer.
(OOC: Ouch. Double-post.)
Gen-490: We came over as soon as we heard trouble. Our High Advisor is very worried. Is everything okay?
Lt-322: We encountered some resistance at the border, but everything seems to be under control.
Why should things be not okay? We have reinstated our old monarchy and our second emperor is going to get crowned today at the national cathedral in New-Québec. Though we still need to flush out the last bastions of rebels that surround major cities. Apart from that, those guerilla figthers will soon be eating dust! hahahaha, he then invited the Xexoans to drink some vodka.
*All Attican Bundesgruppe troops and materiel return to Attica to let FPC take care of their rebel dissidents, but notes that if it happens again, Attica will annex FPC again, with harsher terms.*
To Separists
From Red Tide
We are willing too supply you with 5 divisions of T-80 MBTs for 5 million dollars.
End Message
OOC: FPC you'll have too post the rebels response
Red Tide: Thats somewhat godmodding, considering the cost to transport and mobilize them is well over $5,000,000.
Red Tide: Thats somewhat godmodding, considering the cost to transport and mobilize them is well over $5,000,000.
OOC:What would be a reasonable price?
Felimid MacFal
09-09-2003, 22:48
OOC: it wouldnt really be godmoding if he was trying to covertly bring down the current FPC regeime. I mean plenty of nations (say france in the American Revolution) have provided support for little immediate gain. And perhaps he is just looking to cover the cost, and not necessairily make a profit. i dont really see it as godmoding.
Felimid MacFal
09-09-2003, 22:50
OOC:Actually.... I am trying too make a profit.(lookat my motto for crying out loud)
Felimid MacFal
09-09-2003, 23:30
OOC: Right, then you can charge just enough to cover shiping etc. and then when the rebells take control, you can charge extremely large amounts of interest and threaten to destroy them if they dont pay.
OOC: the rebels do have fundings but not 5 million to spend on large pieces of metal that could blow their cover. They have nearly enough money to buy ammo for their guns to fight one battle... since the separatists (most of them) have no jobs and live in the woods.
--Message from Emperor FPC II--
--To Attican Empire--
I will let you know, my friend, that even if you'd wish, you couldn't annex my country for it's people would rebel instantly. To prevent this problem, I will not require any more help from outside nations that put more than 20,000 Soldiers on my land.
*The Xexans, very fond of vodka due to their inexplicable immunity to alcohol, down some dry ones with the FPC.*
Gen-490: So, you still need us? If not, we'll go back to Xexo if need be.
OOC: I dont extort. I trade. I and I like too make a profit trading.
Felimid MacFal
09-09-2003, 23:54
OOC: but extortion could be lots of fun... if you can back it.
OOC: FPC, nations populations do not always 100% support their country. If the USA was invaded, not everyone would resist.
Plus, our governments are similar enough, and Attica has a more stable political and economic system. Our economy is also stronger.
The Attican Bundesgruppefeldmarschall walks in:
Xexo - we have reason to beleive that some of Attica/FPCs enemies might be invading. Increase radio chatter leads us to beleive this. We suggest you keep your forces here. The Bundesgruppe will be brought back to FPC.
-IC- The Bundesgruppe returns to FPC.
OOC:I find extortion too risky. So arms dealing is better.
Felimid MacFal
10-09-2003, 00:01
OOC: true... but with greater risk comes greater profit.
OOC: But, greater risk is just that, greater risk.
Felimid MacFal
10-09-2003, 00:06
OOC: thats what i'm saying. make sure you can back it up. dont sell weapons to a nation that is twice your size or anything. pick your battles.
OOC: And verify that other large nations will not see it as aggressive action, starting a world war.
Felimid MacFal
10-09-2003, 00:09
OOC: but world wars are sweet.
Felimid MacFal
10-09-2003, 00:10
OOC: Until your nation ends up a Nuclear wasteland.
FPC news update:
"our emperor, FPC II was crowned today in "Lady Mary's national cathedral" today. Security was high and only a handfull of people were alowed to watch the ceremony up and personnal. Large screen were put however so that the public could see the crowing. A reported 3 million people went to the street to see FPC II's armored car drive by. Another 27 million countrywide watched the ceremony on their TV sets. No attempts on our monarch's life was made during the ceremony. Long live the Emperor!"
--From Emperor FPC II--
--To all nations that have been involved in internal and external affairs of FPC--
"People, my country has suffered deeply lately from two consecutive wars. Foreign wars are even waging in my own lands! That is why I request the immidiate leacing of all external troops (Shildonia, Felimid...) execpt for the Attican empire and Xexo who, however, will be able to leave a force of no more than 20,000 soldiers in FPC territory. These soldiers will have sole purpose of protecting the major cities and roads of FPC. I will personnaly deal with the last bands of guerilla fighters.
From this day on, I declare my empire neutral. I will not engage my forces in any war(execpt to defend either Attica or Xexo if they request my help) and I wish to not be invaded by any country.
Felimid MacFal
10-09-2003, 00:46
--President Damocles, Federation of Felimid MacFal--
If you no longer need the assistance of our medical and engineering soldiers in the repair of your nation's infrastructer, then we will be more than willing to pull out our soliders. Good luck with your future endevors.
Xexo has increased their force in the nation of FPC from 400 to 2,000 (all Blue-level) as a police force. They follow the orders of General Komarninski. They will stay in the region for 2 months, longer or shorter if need be.
--From FPC II--
--To President Damocles, Federation of Felimid MacFal--
We no longer require any military help from your great country but we do need engineers to rebuild our cities and medical staff to heal our many military and civilian casualties. So if you could please let them stay for at least a month of two, that would be perfect.
--From High Imperial General Komarninski--
--To Xexo--
Thanks for the increase of police forces. If you could stay for 3 to 4 months, that would be perfect. We primarly need policemen patrolling our major cities (5 of them) and the major highways connecting them. If you could send another 2000 police forces, taht would be even more welcomed, but what you sent is greatly thanked. Can I ask you what is blue-level?
Felimid MacFal
10-09-2003, 21:43
(Damocles speaking to Treynok via phone)
D: They want them back?!
T: Yessir.
D: Helping other nations sure gets expensive.
T: Heh... I bet it does. As long as I am still getting paid.
D: I'm glad that I'm the one leading the nation, and not you.
T: Thats why I fight the wars, sir. Its what I do best. I need not worry about anything financial other than my paycheck.
D: Right. Well send the engineers and medical staff back for... 3 months?
T: Yes, 3 to 4 months.
D: Alright. Damocles over and out.
T: Over and out, sir.
My 10,000 men will act as Martial Law police and a military force. We recomend that FPC abandon its military in favour of reconstruction and economic improvement. The Attican Military can protect FPC.
My 10,000 men will act as Martial Law police and a military force. We recomend that FPC abandon its military in favour of reconstruction and economic improvement. The Attican Military can protect FPC.
--From FPC II--
--To Felimid Macfal--
I personnaly thank you for keeping your engineers and medical staff here. It will sure help. And don't worry for basic necessities such as food and housings. We will supply it to your men, if you wish of course.
--From FPC II--
--To Attican empire--
We'll continue to keep our armed forces in service but will send more and more soldiers back to their homes. ATM, I have about 1 million soldiers in service. I plan to reduce this number to 100,000 in the following days. Your 10,000 soldiers would be welcomed in keeping the cities and highways safe from terrorists activities.
FPC news update:
"Ladies and gentlemen, today, two bombs exploded in downtown New-Québec. One bomb was inside a car wich exploded outside a police station. 3 cops were killed and 6 were wounded. The other bomb was packed in large briefcases and were placed inside the HQ of the United People of FPC (leading political party). 12 people were killed and 30 wounded. These acts are believed to be the works of the rebel forces that have sole desire to overthrow our current regime. More updates later."
Felimid MacFal
10-09-2003, 23:14
--The Federation of Felimid MacFal addressing FPC--
Due to these recent acts of violence directed towards your nation, the Federation of Felimid MacFal would like permission to land roughly 1,000 soldiers and the necessairy support staff, in order to keep our medics and engineers guarded against any more terrorist acctivities. If this is not allowed, we will have little other choice than to remove our currently stationed medical and engineering staff in order to keep them out of harms way. We are sure you understand.
OOC: 1 million active troops costs a LOT fo support, and kills your economy, which is probably why your country is in revolt.
IC: Due to the recent terrorist acts in Neuquebec, 1000 Bundesgruppe troops and 20 tanks have been sent to establish martial law in Newquebec.
OOC: 1 million active troops costs a LOT fo support, and kills your economy, which is probably why your country is in revolt.
IC: Due to the recent terrorist acts in Neuquebec, 1000 Bundesgruppe troops and 20 tanks have been sent to establish martial law in Newquebec.
to Felimid MacFal: yes, send your 1,000 or so troops to defend the medical and enginneers regiment. I do not oppose it.
to Attican empire: that is why I'm reducing the number from 1 million to 100,000.
--From FPC II--
--From High Imperial General Komarninski--
--To Xexo--
Thanks for the increase of police forces. If you could stay for 3 to 4 months, that would be perfect. We primarly need policemen patrolling our major cities (5 of them) and the major highways connecting them. If you could send another 2000 police forces, taht would be even more welcomed, but what you sent is greatly thanked. Can I ask you what is blue-level?
OOC: Blue-level is basic military. We send them for recon, poice work, and large-scale warfare. Green, Scarlet, and Black-level are the higher level.
We have deployed 2,000 more Blue-level personnel for police work. We have heard about New-Quebec and apologize.
FPC II and the entire nation of FPC send it's thanks to Xexo. Without your help and the help of others such as the Atticans, it would be more difficult to deal with these ongoing tragedies.
FPC II and the entire nation of FPC send it's thanks to Xexo. Without your help and the help of others such as the Atticans, it would be more difficult to deal with these ongoing tragedies.