Sha'lok fighter cadets training mission
The FWS Sha'lanor jumped into a asteroid belt near the world of Valok 4 5 fighters each piloted by a cadet these were led by wing commander Val'shanor the other Cadets Valor'sha,Kel'kamal'Carn'kel,Fal'Shalor piloted the 4 regular Sha'lok fighters they cruised into tyhe belt at a steady speed the comms were opened and a familiar voice came over the Vox
"Cadets this is your final week of training this year you have done very well and excelled at everything you have done this final exercise will be the most daunting and mind straining of the entire cadet training course good luck"
"So what did you think he meant by that Carn?" Radioed Valor
"Dunno" replied Carn
"Live fire exercise?" he added
"Dont think so" replied Fal
"This is eating me up besides Im busting to take a piss" said Carn
"This is Wing commander Val Shanor power down all vital systems I have had a message from homeworld saying that they are under major sustained assault from a enemy unknown several of the outer colonies have fallen and the enemies reserves are heading this way!" said Val'Shanor
"Hes gotta be kiddin right" shouted Carn though the Vox set that he made Fal wince in pain
"I think hes serious said Valor "Im powering down" he added
his fighter fell back into the belt he menuevered so that his fighter sat behind a small asteroid
"Im powered Down" said Valor
"Ok sit tight Jitano star destroyers should be arriving to back us up" replied Val'Shanor
The others followed suit powering down their fighters
"So what now" replied Carn
"Whos attacking us?" added Fal
"unknown" replied Val'Shanor
"What!?" replied Carn
"they have launched a full scale invasion of our system we have our orders power down sit tight and await reinforcements from Voranash 7" said Val'Shanor in a stern tone
The Jaratian High Council heard of this attack from the Fleetworlds Homeworld and promises to support them against these alien invaders.
Meanwhile, all civilian transports are being withdrawn from space,and production of Maximillion Attack Class Craft is being increased and set up in a guard position around Jaratia. A detachment of 100 MACs(Maximillion Attack Craft) to support Fleetworlds ships.
We hope to end hostilities quickly and defeat the alien invaders as soon as possible.
The MAC's were flying in Delta formation when a pilot picked up a red dot on his radar.
"Uhhh...Sarge?I got a bogey here,I-"
Suddenly a MAC exploded in a puff of white.
"Break formation ad engage hostiles! go,go,GO!"The flight leader ordered.
The MAC's scattered and started engaging enemy ships, which started appearing on the left of most Macs.
They looked like bats,and seemed to have some sort of flesh on them...
Macs started peppering the enemy craft with chain-guns,and there were explosions appearing everywhere. However,the enemy ships weren't the only ones exploding, for the enemy was armed too,with some sort of black lasers,which they unleashed upon the Macs. The battle raged until only 3 Macs were left standing.
They were the flight leader and 2 soldiers.
The flight leader activated his radio.
"HQ?Yeah,we're gonna need a little help getting back..."
Meanwhile,Jaratia earlily launches it's Mjolnir Orbital Platform
because of chance that the aliens might launch an attack on Jaratia or its sister nation,Mercs and Arms.
Meanwhile,spy ships report that they believe they have gotten a solid picture of one of the alien ships. Here it is:
Also,this was taken from the flight leader's video recording.It shows an enemy vessel.This was the only non-blurry fragment we could get,as we believe the enemy ships have some sort of scrambling devices....
As the scouts sat in the asteroid belt one of the aliens destroyers crept in system its scanne the asteroid belt several times with its high yield scanners looking dfor enemy ships as it did fighter scouts swarmed around it forming up into defensive formations as they went
"Where the hell are those reinforcements"said Val'Shanor under clenched teeth
as they sat there they activated their covert systems to scan enemy comm chatter they came over muffled languages talking back and fro the on board the alien craft
"Their trying to find us" said Carn fear in his voice
then a massive jump point opened overhead and before they knew it a massive alien armada had jumped in they could be only heading for one place
"Command this is frequency 114 we need to get a message to voranash 7"
We begin setting up our defences on Jaratia's borders, getting on guard for any land based invasion.Riflemen mechs sit in the dense forests of Jaratia,scanning the sky for dropships or rockets...
Ambushers wait,covered in camoflouge,for any possible enemies...
Nova Cats are guarding every major city in Jaratia.
Mk II's patrol Jaratia,looking for anything out of the ordinary...
In short, jaratia is mobilising for WAR!
Fleetworlds will mobilise a fleet of ships to intercept the aliens before they reach the border this fleet will consist of
1 Presidential class destroyer
24 Hyperion class Destroyers
23 Sha'ratok Frigates
20 Cra'rator Lance ships
400 sha tok fighter wings
they will be moblised on the border the aliens are estimated to arrive in the next hour we will be their in 14 mins because of the proximity of the homeworld to your border
Captain Var'karesh sat on the bridge of the presidential battlecrusier
"Status ensign" he ordered
"Squadrons 1-3 are in defensive formation hyperions have formed V formation other ships are in defensive formations fighters are at point ready to attack the alien armada" replied the ensign
"Very well open a channel to the fleet" replied Captain Var'Karesh
"This is Fleet command ready yourselves for battle point ships will take on the enemies cap ships we have named these Reapers all data has been downloaded to your onboard CPUs fleet will open fire on any jump points that open"
outside the fleet charged up turrets and weapons systems fighters soared by and readied missiles
Fleetworlds will mobilise a fleet of ships to intercept the aliens before they reach the border this fleet will consist of
1 Presidential class destroyer
24 Hyperion class Destroyers
23 Sha'ratok Frigates
20 Cra'rator Lance ships
400 sha tok fighter wings
they will be moblised on the border the aliens are estimated to arrive in the next hour we will be their in 14 mins because of the proximity of the homeworld to your border
We thank you for all these conttributions,but we really don't need them.
We already have 700 Mac's in space, plus 30 Mjolnir Orbital Platforms. We also have 200 Macs in reserve,so we should put up a fair fight,and even if we DO get defeated,we will start evacuation orders so that our population can flee into safety until the aliens are defeated.
"OPEN FIRE!" ordered Var'Karenesh
the whole fleet opened up on the single jumpoint that formed lasers and missiles poured in from every angle at first only several swarms of the aliens BAT like fighters were hit flying apart in fleshy messes then out came the huge monsters known as reapers they were tougher absorbing most of the laser barrage they returned fire lasers cut Hyperions in half they exploded as their jump drives went critical the aliens then began opening jump points as accurate as hell in the middle of the fleet several ships would be caught in the backwash and destroyed
Fleetworld losses
340 fighters
10 Hyperions
1 Cra'nator lance ship
Alien Losses
940 BAT fighters
2 Reaper ships
--------------------- Communicae to Jarita
We are both at threat from the alien menace we will fight along side you as allies and friends intel has told us that the Reapers have engaged our 7th fleet on your border and if the fleet is defeated the aliens will be a days journey from Jarita we are moblising 12 troop ships to bring peace keeper marines to your planet to help in the defence
Regards Friends
President Crais Var'rell
President of the Fleetworlds Republic
The fleet was being badly mauled by repeat attacks from the reapers their fighters were able to latch themselves to the cap ships and sap the energy from them another suprise in the battle was the enemies ability to morph ships together to form bigger more powerful vessels
enclosed are the latest mutations downloaded into the fleet databases
As the jump points appeared,the Macs swarmed into action,opening fire with their chain-guns at the enemy ships. The Mjolnir Platforms opened fire on the heavier ships and reaapearing Reaper ships. 100 rserves were luanched....
Meanwhile,designed just for this war,the 666 X Bomber is now in action.
Here is a picture of it destroying an alien ship:
Meanwhile, the Helix Space Station slipped away from Jaratia,followed by Maxiillion Transport Class Ships laden with weapons,headed for Vorashhnarr 4(I can't remember the name of the planet we got) It was to start a new life if Jaratia was destroyed.
Meanwhile,the battle raged on, but the Jaratian forces were begining to get the upper hand. The 666X Bombers started using mini-nukes to destoy the enemy, and were dealing heavy blows. Macs kept pouring in as reinforcments. MOSs(Mjolnir Orbital Stations) were destroyed,but a few were brought in as reinforcments. It was starting to look like the battle might be won after all....
Other transport were being developed on Jaratia.
This is on of them:
The IceCream Cone Transport(ICCT)
It should be done in a few days and departing for Vorrashnnarr 4 in a week.
Meanwhile, a new light,and fast starfighter has been developed;the Sleeter
Now that these ships have been deployed, the tide is turning in the allie's favor,the Sleeter is very fast, and can easily dodge enemy ships.
1 pilot was heard rejoicing over the radio line,:"We're gonna win!!!"