Taiwan in recession (seeking trade links)
As a result of the high cost of the recent war in United China against Communism, the Taiwanese economy has entered a reccession, with a shrinking GDP for the last 3 quarters. Unemplyment has soared to an all time high, 5.3%.
As a result, Taiwan is interested in opening the doors of commerce to other nations interested in trading with it.
Chen Shui Bian
President of Taiwan
Tahar Joblis is interested in the possibilty of trade relations, particularly with an eye towards gaining electronic systems in return for hemp, seaweed, pharmaceuticals, or shipyard work.
We have possibly the most extensive seaweed farms around, and very fine shipyards.
08-09-2003, 07:47
Although we don't need the products as such, we're willing to buy at very favorable prices, most anything your country has to offer.
We are also willing to "for free" set up industries, commerce etc in your nation, though employing your citizens. Your citizens get pay, we get our goods, win win. Think about it.
Adejaani, we are willing to give your multinational corporations tax-breaks for the first decade, and then taxation at a reduced rate for the next decade. We are very open to business, and environmental regimes are lax.
Tahar Joblis is interested in the possibilty of trade relations, particularly with an eye towards gaining electronic systems in return for hemp, seaweed, pharmaceuticals, or shipyard work.
We have possibly the most extensive seaweed farms around, and very fine shipyards.
We are willing to sell our electronic systems abroad. What items do your shipyards produce? (OOC: Modern Day)
Imperial Forces
08-09-2003, 10:36
We sell raw Heavy metals *inculding uranium and plutonium*, please just state your desire metal, in return we are looking for wheat, baily, corn, wool and textiles.
08-09-2003, 10:41
The nation of BIteland is always looking for new trade partners, so if you are willing to start trade we are willing to nagotiate
We will help stimulate your economy. Our multinationals wish to enter ASAP, of course with less than 6% tax. We also want a Free-Trade agreement and would like to setup a military base on your soil along with joint military exercises.
The Armed Republic of Inothule will be interested in sending you 5,000,000 GC's (Gold Coins) to help you get back on your feet. In return, we also wish to employ some of your population with Inothule Factories built within your boarders, and operated by your people. We will then sell any products made by those factories to you (with top priority) completly tax free. We will discuss the details in private, but this is my offer.
Nazgak Bonecleaver
Warboss of Inothule
08-09-2003, 13:38
Adejaani, we are willing to give your multinational corporations tax-breaks for the first decade, and then taxation at a reduced rate for the next decade. We are very open to business, and environmental regimes are lax.
Tax is of no concern to us. :roll: Tell us how much unemployment you have (ie how many jobs you need created) and the businesses will start pouring in, as will economic aid, investing in your trade and corporations and we'll sell it all back to you when your market recovers, mkay?
We are willing to sell our electronic systems abroad. What items do your shipyards produce? (OOC: Modern Day)
Our shipyards produce both civilian and military vessels; of note, one might consider the Kraken destroyer; we also might recommend missile boats (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=55211) or H-PT vessels (OOC: The Exocet variants of the missile boats could easily be redone for Taiwanese Hsiung Feng missiles with the same number of missiles listed, as the missiles are reasonably similar in dimension and launch system requirements).
Not well mentioned but widely produced and readily available are our conventionally powered attack submarines, which we would claim are more efficient and run quieter than any other non-nuclear submarine on the market (and quieter than older models of nuclear submarines while operating on electric drive systems.)
In the civilian sector, looking at the long term economic bonuses, our high efficiency biodiesel/solar cargo vessels are the cheapest-running ships in their class. Sundry yachts, tankers, and passenger ships also available.
OOC: (You can check here (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4650) to look at all our junk; suffice it to say that we can build most naval vessels you might be interested in. Kraken destroyer is originally listed on page 7, although it has changed slightly since [namely, Hex Box system and assorted point defense upgrades.] Specs available on request for any system that we are willing to export, and yes, if you can convince or bribe us well enough, we can make carriers and cruisers for you, and also do custom work.)
All offers for low taxation have been fast-tracked and approved. Foreign multinationals just need to purchase an industrial site and can then start manufacturing.
09-09-2003, 06:25
Automobile, Furnite, Toy, Boat, Computer, Garment and Ego manufacturing industries have been set up and will provide roughly five hundred thousand jobs in the short term.
A delegation from the NDOTJ has been sent to discuss matters with the ROTN regarding aircraft and escort carriers.
(OOC: Posted in greater detail in other thread; as far as used vessels go, we could pass on 3 Dolphin and one Walrus class.)
All offers for low taxation have been fast-tracked and approved. Foreign multinationals just need to purchase an industrial site and can then start manufacturing.
Our multinationals demand prime land. Are you able to grant this? The exectuvies are already sent to establish operations.