08-09-2003, 06:57
Today, Communist Poland has joined the great masses of the people of West Ukraine in overthrowing their evil capitalist government.
124,000 communist troops have crossed over. With 125 tanks and our air force is bombing West Ukrainian citizens at this moment in an effort to force them to outlaw democracy and capitalism.
Socialism forever.
08-09-2003, 07:07
Ukrainians have mobilized in defense of their homeland. We will defeat the invaders. We can use assistance from whereever we can get it.
Defense Department
Our radars indicates there is a large communist force that is attacking West Ukraine. Contact the president on this matter.
Presidents Office
*Transmission from Defense Secretary*
Several hundred thousand soldiers Poland soldiers are moving across the border to attack West Ukraine as we speak. They have a hundred thousand soldiers, several hundred tanks, and a large airforce. We await your instructions*
We wouldn't send our soldiers into battle to defend Ukraine yet. We shall send weapons, money, and intelligence to aid the Ukraine military.
Official Declaration to the public and the world
"Watertest is watching the situation carefully and has not taken a side yet"
Imperial Forces
08-09-2003, 07:13
Oh dear, I hope you arn't in the real life Ukraine area, or RF will proably be pissed.
Was this the same WestUkraine which started the last ADK-RF war?
08-09-2003, 07:16
Oh dear, I hope you arn't in the real life Ukraine area, or RF will proably be pissed.
I have declared independence from him. And he has not followed up on his threat to attack me. Therefore, my independence from Russian Forces stands.
I will oppose aggression from him just as I am currently defending myself from by the evil invasion force from Communist Poland.
08-09-2003, 07:17
Was this the same WestUkraine which started the last ADK-RF war?
The ADK-RF war?
Who cares about the past. I know nothing about any such war. But I am being attacked.
08-09-2003, 07:22
Another 545,000 troops have crossed into West Ukraine and occupied at least two town.
If West Ukraine wants my troops to stop, he will ban democracy and switch to a communist government.
08-09-2003, 07:23
Face it West Ukraine, resistance is futile.
Surrender unconditionally and I will not kill your leaders and their entire families.
OOC: I'm a silent supporter of West Ukraine. Intill Poland gets out of control then I may send some military support
The following will be sent to Ukraine in one month (NS) time by Cargo plane and cargo ship.
500,000 1911 .45's
250,000 AK-47 Mirages
30,000 Anti-Tank Launchers
15,000 M-60's
1,000 W-T Jeeps
200 Type 90 MBT
75 M1A2's
25 M270's
25 F-16's
20 F-15's
15 Mig-29's
5 B-52's
2.5 billion dollars
OOC: Too A Silent Supporter of Urkraine
25,000 Robots
5000 Motars
500 M1A2's
450 T-90's
90 Humvees
15 f-18's
12.5 Billion dollars
08-09-2003, 07:32
Your supplying of weapons to West Ukraine are threat to our troops. If you do not call them back I will shoot down your planes and seize all equipment you intend for West Ukraine. And your pilots will seized and treated like POW's for interfering with my invasion.
Haha Well Then I'll Use My Little Space Fleet And Crush You Into Teh Mud Under Your Feet! 8)
Haha Well Then I'll Use My Little Space Fleet And Crush You Into Teh Mud Under Your Feet! 8)
West Moon joins in the bombing of Ukrainian cities. We are sending 2 million troops to back up Communist Poland's invasion.
We are also sending to supplies to the communists on the ground in West Ukraine:
254,000 AK 47's
700 Stinger antiaircraft missiles.
Haha Well Then I'll Use My Little Space Fleet And Crush You Into Teh Mud Under Your Feet! 8)
In case you have not figured it out, my military is bigger than yours.
Commander: I Want A Squad of F-35's To Stop Those Warmongers
OOC: 750 F-35
450 Anti Aircraft Sites Placed Arounf Urkraine
Haha Well Then I'll Use My Little Space Fleet And Crush You Into Teh Mud Under Your Feet! 8)
In case you have not figured it out, my military is bigger than yours.
Do You Have A SPace Fleet?
IC: Sir Our Earth Bombarment Fleet Is Engaging And Ready To Fire
Hold Wait I Want To Wait
Ok Sir
Neandertalia will support its communist allies.
The Neandertalian airforce is ordered to attack the enemy airforces.
Haha Well Then I'll Use My Little Space Fleet And Crush You Into Teh Mud Under Your Feet! 8)
In case you have not figured it out, my military is bigger than yours.
Do You Have A SPace Fleet?
IC: Sir Our Earth Bombarment Fleet Is Engaging And Ready To Fire
Hold Wait I Want To Wait
Ok Sir
I suggest you withdraw your fleet or the Whittier Pact forces will be forced to open fire.
We: Are Secretly Suppleying West Urkraine
And Are ReadyingA Air Force And Space Fleet!
Nobody Nows Anything About Us Yet Ok!
Russian Forces
08-09-2003, 07:41
I don't remember letting a Western Ukrainian Rebel live (Besides you are not recognised).... Great this gives me a chance to expand to the west.
Already it will be hard for you to expand to mother russia from the Eastern Europe! It is suicde! I have half of my tank divisions there and most of my forces.
These are old figures. Here are my European Front troops.
19.62 million soldiers according to 2% of 981
10 million in the Army
5 million in the navy
3 million in the airforce
1 million in the Elite Russian Guards units
.62 million in the Cosmonaut Space Army
25,000 APC's
10,000 BTR-80's
10,000 BMP-2's
5,000 BMP-3's
30,000 MBT's
10,000 T-72's
10,000 T-80's
5,000 T-90's
5,000 Black Eagles
294 war ships
6 aircraft carriers
18 ballistic missile subs
34 nuclear subs
58 conventional subs
5 Cruisers
31 destroyers
20 frigates
125 corvettes
5,674 aircraft
Mostly made up of Russian present aircraft
2,903 choppers
mi-28's and Ka-50's plus mi-17's
868 Amphibious, Mine, & Support Ships
6 space sattelites. (Classified info)
I don't remember letting a Western Ukrainian Rebel live (Besides you are not recognised).... Great this gives me a chance to expand to the west.
Already it will be hard for you to expand to mother russia from the Eastern Europe! It is suicde! I have half of my tank divisions there and most of my forces.
These are old figures. Here are my European Front troops.
19.62 million soldiers according to 2% of 981
10 million in the Army
5 million in the navy
3 million in the airforce
1 million in the Elite Russian Guards units
.62 million in the Cosmonaut Space Army
25,000 APC's
10,000 BTR-80's
10,000 BMP-2's
5,000 BMP-3's
30,000 MBT's
10,000 T-72's
10,000 T-80's
5,000 T-90's
5,000 Black Eagles
294 war ships
6 aircraft carriers
18 ballistic missile subs
34 nuclear subs
58 conventional subs
5 Cruisers
31 destroyers
20 frigates
125 corvettes
5,674 aircraft
Mostly made up of Russian present aircraft
2,903 choppers
mi-28's and Ka-50's plus mi-17's
868 Amphibious, Mine, & Support Ships
6 space sattelites. (Classified info)
Join me supporting the invasion.
I am sending 300,000 troops to impose communism on West Ukraine.
And my air force is on the way.
Those ARe ALl Puppets They Are MAde On The Same Month
Have to bring all my forces to bear to ensure that West Ukraine is forced to adopt a communist government.
Those ARe ALl Puppets They Are MAde On The Same Month
Are you ready to surrender West Ukraine to communism? Seeing I have outnumbered you.
With Three Puppets! GODMOD
08-09-2003, 07:51
The Dr_Twist Government has Expressed is Anger. The Dr_Twist Government has Begun moving Massive amounts of Military Force into our Nation of Bulgaria Preparing for the War ahead.
Russian Forces
08-09-2003, 07:53
Russian Air planes begin airtstriking all over Poland. Warsaw has been hit as well as radio and TV stations. Airbases also have been bombarded and Russian forces are starting up a major counter offensive to invade Poland in a matter of days.
Russian Forces
08-09-2003, 07:55
Russian Rocket launchers are pounding the enemies positions.
The United States condemns the illegal attack and is preparing to send troops against Poland.
The communists will withdraw or the South Pacific will enter the war on Ukraine's side.
OOC: Again RF, your godmoding.
Your claiming hits and infiltrations in a FREE FORM RP setting. Only the defending player can do that.
Your doing exactly what I remember you screaming about other players doing to you in the past.
It is hypocritical. Your posts used to have so much potential but you've degraded into this.
Wise up or more people will ignore you ICly...and possibly OOCly.
EDIT: I also note that in your statement of forces, it seems almost all your forces are nearby...leaving other areas vulnerable to attack...AGAIN.
Russian Forces
08-09-2003, 08:22
OOC: Again RF, your godmoding.
Your claiming hits and infiltrations in a FREE FORM RP setting. Only the defending player can do that.
Your doing exactly what I remember you screaming about other players doing to you in the past.
It is hypocritical. Your posts used to have so much potential but you've degraded into this.
Wise up or more people will ignore you ICly...and possibly OOCly.
EDIT: I also note that in your statement of forces, it seems almost all your forces are nearby...leaving other areas vulnerable to attack...AGAIN.
M8! I have a military 100 times stronger than him. I can see his troops movements and it would be so easy to screw his ntion up. secondly YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT WAR!
Russian Forces
08-09-2003, 08:26
OOC: Again RF, your godmoding.
Your claiming hits and infiltrations in a FREE FORM RP setting. Only the defending player can do that.
Your doing exactly what I remember you screaming about other players doing to you in the past.
It is hypocritical. Your posts used to have so much potential but you've degraded into this.
Wise up or more people will ignore you ICly...and possibly OOCly.
EDIT: I also note that in your statement of forces, it seems almost all your forces are nearby...leaving other areas vulnerable to attack...AGAIN.
Its been weeks since i have had a war and i always keep a large portion of my military in Eastern Europe at all times! Study your frickin history!
M8! I have a military 100 times stronger than him. I can see his troops movements and it would be so easy to screw his ntion up. secondly YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT WAR!
You don't know jack shit about role play...
Its been weeks since i have had a war and i always keep a large portion of my military in Eastern Europe at all times! Study your frickin history!
...nor about economics.
08-09-2003, 09:03
I hope in the invasion you kill the PE peacekeepers that were in Poland since the last Polish conflict and which engulfs you in a war with PE.
Russian Forces
08-09-2003, 09:47
Im not counting this war on my universe. Im leaving it. :x
M8 i have a stronger economy.
The Batavian Soviet Socialist Republic supports its Communist brothers in dealing with this captalist swine. We however are too small yet to send effictive forces, but we can provide 5 million in monetary aide. We can also send a Medical Corp to assist with the brave wounded comrads
President Malcom
Head of the Batavian Soviet.
OOC: You don't know that I'm backing Ukraine. Your country thinks I haven't picked a side yet in the war. (Also if puppets are allowed then I could own every one of you, except RF)
08-09-2003, 16:23
Communist Poland ships have opened fire on all vessels in the Baltic bearing the flag of the South Pacific.
08-09-2003, 16:38
The Republic of Novistana supports Poland in its invasion.
I have recently dispacthed 20,000 Special forces to join and should arrive in the next couple of days.
Also, if I have the permission of Poland i would like to send 200 of my eurofighter typhoon class jets to reinforce the Polish airbases.
All South Pacific civilian ships have been warned to stay out of the conflict zone. Supplies being sent by sea to Ukraine and her allies are now under heavy naval escort.
Does the Ukraine still need assistance? The Republic of Altum would be happy to help in the fight against communism!
President of Altum
Does the Ukraine still need assistance? The Republic of Altum would be happy to help in the fight against communism!
President of Altum
The Batavian Soviet Socialist Republic condemns any outside interference in a local incident. We continue supporting all Communist nations in this matter.
To all communist nations:
From: The United States of the South Pacific:
Civilian ships bearing the SP flag were fired upon by communist forces while they were in international waters.
Consequently we have warned all civilians to stay out of the conflict zone.
Further all equipment and weapons headed to Ukraine are now under heavy military escort.
We have dispatched the Battleships SPB Crimson, SPB Suffrage, SPB Dasani. Further, to provide aircover, we are dispatching the carriers SPC Vinson, SPC Warthog, SPC Altmamo, and the SPC Freedom Defender.
Our carriers except for Freedom Defender acomodate up to 100 aircraft each. Freedom Defender, being slightly bigger than most accomodates up to 230 aircraft. There the convoy is protected by at least 530 war planes.
Communist Poland and her allies are hereby officially notified that if they fire on this convoy, the convoy is authorized to return fire and report immediately. Such an attack will result in an official declaration of war by the South Pacific against the offending party.
08-09-2003, 19:43
Does the Ukraine still need assistance? The Republic of Altum would be happy to help in the fight against communism!
President of Altum
Yes. We need all the assistance we can get. The entire communist world is attacking me.
08-09-2003, 19:53
To all communist nations:
From: The United States of the South Pacific:
Civilian ships bearing the SP flag were fired upon by communist forces while they were in international waters.
Consequently we have warned all civilians to stay out of the conflict zone.
Further all equipment and weapons headed to Ukraine are now under heavy military escort.
We have dispatched the Battleships SPB Crimson, SPB Suffrage, SPB Dasani. Further, to provide aircover, we are dispatching the carriers SPC Vinson, SPC Warthog, SPC Altmamo, and the SPC Freedom Defender.
Our carriers except for Freedom Defender acomodate up to 100 aircraft each. Freedom Defender, being slightly bigger than most accomodates up to 230 aircraft. There the convoy is protected by at least 530 war planes.
Communist Poland and her allies are hereby officially notified that if they fire on this convoy, the convoy is authorized to return fire and report immediately. Such an attack will result in an official declaration of war by the South Pacific against the offending party.
From now on, any ship from the South Pacific region will be considered hostile. My aircraft have orders to fire on all South Pacific ships whether civilian or military.
We are much thankful of our fellow communists for their support.
The Democratic Republic of Onolia gives Communist Poland its full moral support. Good luck in this just expedition.
-Emergency Diplomatic Transmission-
All sides in this conflict should take note that the Baltic and North Seas, as well as the Atlantic Ocean between England, Greenland, and Svalbard centering around Northern Europe are a safe area for civilian traffic. Any military forces found to be attacking civilian shipping in this area will be destroyed by Wazzu. Nations repeatedly violating this no-hostilities area will risk further measures by Wazzu. This is the only warning.
-End Transmission-
This war is what you get when you take God out of government. The commies and the democrats banned God from their Governments and now their people are being slaughtered.
08-09-2003, 20:01
-Emergency Diplomatic Transmission-
All sides in this conflict should take note that the Baltic and North Seas, as well as the Atlantic Ocean between England, Greenland, and Svalbard centering around Northern Europe are a safe area for civilian traffic. Any military forces found to be attacking civilian shipping in this area will be destroyed by Wazzu. Nations repeatedly violating this no-hostilities area will risk further measures by Wazzu. This is the only warning.
-End Transmission-
Communist Poland and its allies do not recognize this so called safe zones.
However, if the ships carry flags other than those of our enemies, we will leave them alone unless we find out you are helping Ukraine. In which case it is open season on all ships bearing your flag.
I would like to give my support the the Ukraine and the nations of the South Pacific. I would like to have greater diplomatic ties with both bodies, if they would like to do this please telegram me.
President of Altum
08-09-2003, 20:03
We condemn the invasion.
08-09-2003, 20:07
I would like to give my support the the Ukraine and the nations of the South Pacific. I would like to have greater diplomatic ties with both bodies, if they would like to do this please telegram me.
President of Altum
Communist forces are to fire on any one from Alta whether they be civilian or military.
Further Alta citizens in Poland have been arrested and currently being "interogated".
08-09-2003, 20:12
I would like to give my support the the Ukraine and the nations of the South Pacific. I would like to have greater diplomatic ties with both bodies, if they would like to do this please telegram me.
President of Altum
Communist forces are to fire on any one from Alta whether they be civilian or military.
Further Alta citizens in Poland have been arrested and currently being "interogated".
Comrade Poland
My special forces are now ready carry out spec op missions on your command.
08-09-2003, 20:35
The Communist Poland Special Forces have carried out stealth attacks in Alta and Ukraine.
We have blown up the West Ukraine parliament and in Alta,
we attacked several military installations.
if using a Distorted RL map ...... Does West Ukraine have a Black sea port and if so not a lot CP could do to stop aid coming in to the country...just asking to get a better picture of conflict
OOC: Communist Poland you can't stop all shipments of weapons to Ukraine. Also it seems that a lot of puppets are starting to get involved, if this continues I will use my puppets(Which are as large or larger than me)
IC: Any act of war by Communist Poland to Watertest will result in a full scale ICCM(Cruise Missiles) attack, followed by a naval bombardment, followed up by a air bombing campaign, and finally a ground campaign.
Does Ukraine need help in crushing the commies?
President Vladimir Oladksy
Member of the GPA
Member of the NCA
Biggest war-mongerer on NS with polls to prove it
”Just execute them all.”
09-09-2003, 01:56
OOC: Communist Poland you can't stop all shipments of weapons to Ukraine. Also it seems that a lot of puppets are starting to get involved, if this continues I will use my puppets(Which are as large or larger than me)
IC: Any act of war by Communist Poland to Watertest will result in a full scale ICCM(Cruise Missiles) attack, followed by a naval bombardment, followed up by a air bombing campaign, and finally a ground campaign.
Puppets are allowed as they long as they are over 100 million but not over 900 million in population.
09-09-2003, 01:58
Does not apply to main combat nations, except for the one billion limit.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Today, Communist Poland has joined the great masses of the people of West Ukraine in overthrowing their evil capitalist government.
124,000 communist troops have crossed over. With 125 tanks and our air force is bombing West Ukrainian citizens at this moment in an effort to force them to outlaw democracy and capitalism.
Socialism forever.
but poland sucks and so do the polish
pardon me any polish dudes
and i neva knew oland had a standing army
North Kyotia
09-09-2003, 03:20
The USSNK, would definitely help her fellow Communists in this ordeal.
We are small so we cant send much, but this is what we can send.
40,000 troops
20 tanks
50 aircrafts
10 missile launchers
We are sending aircraft to bomb West Ukraine's Capital
North Kyotia
09-09-2003, 03:33
Today, Communist Poland has joined the great masses of the people of West Ukraine in overthrowing their evil capitalist government.
124,000 communist troops have crossed over. With 125 tanks and our air force is bombing West Ukrainian citizens at this moment in an effort to force them to outlaw democracy and capitalism.
Socialism forever.
but poland sucks and so do the polish
pardon me any polish dudes
and i neva knew oland had a standing army
:x Oh shut the f** up ! :x Your so freaking ignorant! And for your info, that had nothing to do really with whats going on!! :x You either declare war, or not, you rascist dumbas*
At this point in time, the United States will acknowledge its air forces are currently bombing the Capital of Communist Poland, Warsaw.
Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
09-09-2003, 04:01
LO-7's have begun dropping sonic weaponry on Communist Poland's rual areas. If there are no farmers to farm, their is no food.
S-1's are intercepting enemy fighters and bombers.
OOC:Are we using the RL maps of the region? It will be less confusing.
09-09-2003, 06:12
OOC: You don't know that I'm backing Ukraine. Your country thinks I haven't picked a side yet in the war. (Also if puppets are allowed then I could own every one of you, except RF)
Bring it on then, Becaues i am in this war as well.
09-09-2003, 06:17
The Dr_Twist Goverment is asking Permission from the Free Romanian to allow them to Give the Dr_Twist Millitary Use of there Nation to Help Move Massive Amount's of Amour from Bulgeria to the Ukraine.
09-09-2003, 06:20
The Sentinels are watching this situation very closely, let that be known.
-Supreme Warlord of AMF-
09-09-2003, 06:22
Dr_Twist Spy Satellites have taken pictures of Polish tanks and they are a little Worried.
Dr_Twist Spy Satellites have taken pictures of Polish tanks and they are a little Worried.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
09-09-2003, 10:35
Imperial Forces
09-09-2003, 11:59
Imperial Forces gives it's support to WestUkraine, we warn CP that that the continue of this barabic invasion will result in Imperial Forces aiding WestUkraine.
Just in case, 5 Imperial Transport ships have been loaded with 100 *each* main battle tanks and 50 artillery units.
We warn the the sinking of any transport craft will be dealt with a full conventional counter-strike.
Today, Communist Poland has joined the great masses of the people of West Ukraine in overthrowing their evil capitalist government.
124,000 communist troops have crossed over. With 125 tanks and our air force is bombing West Ukrainian citizens at this moment in an effort to force them to outlaw democracy and capitalism.
Socialism forever.
but poland sucks and so do the polish
pardon me any polish dudes
and i neva knew oland had a standing army
OCC: did you know that the Polish are helping you guys in Iraq?
OOC: Even so the Poland now, is a democracy not a Communist country. I personally don't have anything against communism, but when he invades for no reason, that pisses me off.
Today, Communist Poland has joined the great masses of the people of West Ukraine in overthrowing their evil capitalist government.
124,000 communist troops have crossed over. With 125 tanks and our air force is bombing West Ukrainian citizens at this moment in an effort to force them to outlaw democracy and capitalism.
Socialism forever.
but poland sucks and so do the polish
pardon me any polish dudes
and i neva knew oland had a standing army
OCC: did you know that the Polish are helping you guys in Iraq?
OOC: Even so the Poland now, is a democracy not a Communist country. I personally don't have anything against communism, but when he invades for no reason, that pisses me off.
Wrong. He had a good reason. The establishment of a communist dictatorship in West Ukraine. That is why Lagash is supporting him.
That is why we have launched missiles at the South Pacific.
Lagash has fired 91 conventional cruise missiles at the South Pacific and 54 at Reformed Texas.
if anyone steps into Trasa (it is south of poland) war will be declared on them
09-09-2003, 19:53
OOC:Are we using the RL maps of the region? It will be less confusing.
Our eastern border is the Dneiper river.
Does the Ukraine still need assistance? The Republic of Altum would be happy to help in the fight against communism!
President of Altum
WestMoon fighters and space bombers have begun blasting targets inside of Altum from high earth orbit and inside Altum's own airspace.
OOC: I assume we need some rules for this (RP) so that we aren't having T-90's fighting Space command battleships.
1) No nuclear weapons allowed
2) This is earth based 1995-2010 Tech
3) No Godmodding :roll:
4) RL maps being used
5) 5% military conscription rate
Do you agree?
Imperial Forces
09-09-2003, 23:07
Imperial Forces have seen no back down by Poland on this invasion.
All 5 Transport craft have left for West Ukraine, they will unload at the main port town where orders will be given to set up defence blocks around major cities, we will not cross over the boarder.
If there is any form of attack on the Transport fleet, we will launch a more direct attack on Poland.
OOC: I assume we need some rules for this (RP) so that we aren't having T-90's fighting Space command battleships.
1) No nuclear weapons allowed
2) This is earth based 1995-2010 Tech
3) No Godmodding :roll:
4) RL maps being used
5) 5% military conscription rate
Do you agree?
On your proposal:
1. Nuclear weapons: Nuclear weapons shouldn't be banned but they should be discouraged. If nukes are used, it will only because someone doesn't know how to rp a conventional war or is a sore loser. Though, the threat of using nukes should be allowed since real nations actually do make nuclear threats but never carry them out.
2. Let's extend your range to 1995-2015. West Moon is on the moon but we have very primitive space technology. No photon torpedoes.
Example, when my previous post when I said space bombers blasting targets in Alta. My space bombers were something akin to a converted Space Shuttle launching self propelled rockets with conventional bombs into earths atmosphere at select targets preprogrammed into the missiles with current tech. We also have laser weapons and some interplanetary Ballistic Missiles. Though that tech has weaknesses. But I think it interesting to try and work around those weaknesses.
3. Godmoding would be obvious with these types of rules in place. No intervention but some nation in a different star system or different planet other than the moon.
4. Using RL maps would be very advantages. But we would need to know where in the world everyone was located.
5. Unless your nation profile says patriotism, draft, high defense spending or some combination of the three. There should only be a 2% conscription rate. The conscription rate would go up 1 point for each of these additional items. But if you have none, and your profile says spending on defense is decreasing, then you need to deduct a point making the conscription rate only 1%.
Some of us smaller nations would find fighting in this manner challenging though some like Imperial Forces could easily get 1 million troops and still stay under 1 or 2%.
6. We also need to know how many people it takes to run a carrier, battleship, T90, M1A2, etc. Because those figures need to be deducted from our total forces to determine how many infantry we actually have.
OOC: I assume we need some rules for this (RP) so that we aren't having T-90's fighting Space command battleships.
1) No nuclear weapons allowed
2) This is earth based 1995-2010 Tech
3) No Godmodding :roll:
4) RL maps being used
5) 5% military conscription rate
Do you agree?
On your proposal:
1. Nuclear weapons: Nuclear weapons shouldn't be banned but they should be discouraged. If nukes are used, it will only because someone doesn't know how to rp a conventional war or is a sore loser. Though, the threat of using nukes should be allowed since real nations actually do make nuclear threats but never carry them out.
2. Let's extend your range to 1995-2015. West Moon is on the moon but we have very primitive space technology. No photon torpedoes.
Example, when my previous post when I said space bombers blasting targets in Alta. My space bombers were something akin to a converted Space Shuttle launching self propelled rockets with conventional bombs into earths atmosphere at select targets preprogrammed into the missiles with current tech. We also have laser weapons and some interplanetary Ballistic Missiles. Though that tech has weaknesses. But I think it interesting to try and work around those weaknesses.
3. Godmoding would be obvious with these types of rules in place. No intervention but some nation in a different star system or different planet other than the moon.
4. Using RL maps would be very advantages. But we would need to know where in the world everyone was located.
5. Unless your nation profile says patriotism, draft, high defense spending or some combination of the three. There should only be a 2% conscription rate. The conscription rate would go up 1 point for each of these additional items. But if you have none, and your profile says spending on defense is decreasing, then you need to deduct a point making the conscription rate only 1%.
Some of us smaller nations would find fighting in this manner challenging though some like Imperial Forces could easily get 1 million troops and still stay under 1 or 2%.
6. We also need to know how many people it takes to run a carrier, battleship, T90, M1A2, etc. Because those figures need to be deducted from our total forces to determine how many infantry we actually have.
OOC: I can live with that. I just don't want this getting into "My super plasma cannon on my destroyer just decimated your 500 tanks, It is now about to bombard yout country. I'll play as Italy on the (RL) map.
10-09-2003, 01:14
OOC:Are we using the RL maps of the region? It will be less confusing.
Our eastern border is the Dneiper river.
Communist Poland's western border lies from Gdansk in the north to Krakow in the south. My capital is Gdansk. It follows the river but Warsaw is not my capital, it is just outside my territory. It belongs to Pure Evil I think.
10-09-2003, 01:14
OOC: I assume we need some rules for this (RP) so that we aren't having T-90's fighting Space command battleships.
1) No nuclear weapons allowed
2) This is earth based 1995-2010 Tech
3) No Godmodding :roll:
4) RL maps being used
5) 5% military conscription rate
Do you agree?
On your proposal:
1. Nuclear weapons: Nuclear weapons shouldn't be banned but they should be discouraged. If nukes are used, it will only because someone doesn't know how to rp a conventional war or is a sore loser. Though, the threat of using nukes should be allowed since real nations actually do make nuclear threats but never carry them out.
2. Let's extend your range to 1995-2015. West Moon is on the moon but we have very primitive space technology. No photon torpedoes.
Example, when my previous post when I said space bombers blasting targets in Alta. My space bombers were something akin to a converted Space Shuttle launching self propelled rockets with conventional bombs into earths atmosphere at select targets preprogrammed into the missiles with current tech. We also have laser weapons and some interplanetary Ballistic Missiles. Though that tech has weaknesses. But I think it interesting to try and work around those weaknesses.
3. Godmoding would be obvious with these types of rules in place. No intervention but some nation in a different star system or different planet other than the moon.
4. Using RL maps would be very advantages. But we would need to know where in the world everyone was located.
5. Unless your nation profile says patriotism, draft, high defense spending or some combination of the three. There should only be a 2% conscription rate. The conscription rate would go up 1 point for each of these additional items. But if you have none, and your profile says spending on defense is decreasing, then you need to deduct a point making the conscription rate only 1%.
Some of us smaller nations would find fighting in this manner challenging though some like Imperial Forces could easily get 1 million troops and still stay under 1 or 2%.
6. We also need to know how many people it takes to run a carrier, battleship, T90, M1A2, etc. Because those figures need to be deducted from our total forces to determine how many infantry we actually have.
OOC: I can live with that. I just don't want this getting into "My super plasma cannon on my destroyer just decimated your 500 tanks, It is now about to bombard yout country. I'll play as Italy on the (RL) map.
All of Italy?
OOC: I assume we need some rules for this (RP) so that we aren't having T-90's fighting Space command battleships.
1) No nuclear weapons allowed
2) This is earth based 1995-2010 Tech
3) No Godmodding :roll:
4) RL maps being used
5) 5% military conscription rate
Do you agree?
On your proposal:
1. Nuclear weapons: Nuclear weapons shouldn't be banned but they should be discouraged. If nukes are used, it will only because someone doesn't know how to rp a conventional war or is a sore loser. Though, the threat of using nukes should be allowed since real nations actually do make nuclear threats but never carry them out.
2. Let's extend your range to 1995-2015. West Moon is on the moon but we have very primitive space technology. No photon torpedoes.
Example, when my previous post when I said space bombers blasting targets in Alta. My space bombers were something akin to a converted Space Shuttle launching self propelled rockets with conventional bombs into earths atmosphere at select targets preprogrammed into the missiles with current tech. We also have laser weapons and some interplanetary Ballistic Missiles. Though that tech has weaknesses. But I think it interesting to try and work around those weaknesses.
3. Godmoding would be obvious with these types of rules in place. No intervention but some nation in a different star system or different planet other than the moon.
4. Using RL maps would be very advantages. But we would need to know where in the world everyone was located.
5. Unless your nation profile says patriotism, draft, high defense spending or some combination of the three. There should only be a 2% conscription rate. The conscription rate would go up 1 point for each of these additional items. But if you have none, and your profile says spending on defense is decreasing, then you need to deduct a point making the conscription rate only 1%.
Some of us smaller nations would find fighting in this manner challenging though some like Imperial Forces could easily get 1 million troops and still stay under 1 or 2%.
6. We also need to know how many people it takes to run a carrier, battleship, T90, M1A2, etc. Because those figures need to be deducted from our total forces to determine how many infantry we actually have.
OOC: I can live with that. I just don't want this getting into "My super plasma cannon on my destroyer just decimated your 500 tanks, It is now about to bombard yout country. I'll play as Italy on the (RL) map.
All of Italy?
Yep, all of italy
10-09-2003, 01:17
OOC: Communist Poland does not have nuclear weapons. yet.
10-09-2003, 01:18
Also, everyone particpating must state their location on the world map.
Imperial Forces
10-09-2003, 01:20
Since RF isn't taking part, I'll be the Russia.
Imperial Forces
10-09-2003, 01:25
123 Main Battle tanks and 60 artillery have been loaded on 3 Millitary supply Trains and are heading into West Ukraine.
The transport fleet are now hafl way through the black sea, expected to reach the Ukraine in half an hour.
Rockets and anti-air systems have been mobised on the Russian/Poland boarder.
10-09-2003, 01:25
ooc: Hey, can I join? Im located somewhere in North America, or wherever National Hockey League is. I also have a colony in Taiwan. But it will take me time to deploy. I am capitalist, and would support WestUkraine.
10-09-2003, 01:43
ooc: Hey, can I join? Im located somewhere in North America, or wherever National Hockey League is. I also have a colony in Taiwan. But it will take me time to deploy. I am capitalist, and would support WestUkraine.
I don't mind but then again I'm not in charge
10-09-2003, 02:10
ooc: If anyone disapproves, I'll pull out.
ic: At the headquarters of Bonstocknian Forces
The computers hum, and the maps gleam on the wall. General Robert Burns, chairman of the joint Chiefs of Staff, walks around. A Sergeant walks up to him with a communique. It says "Communist Poland invading WestUkraine. Bombing of Kiev has commenced en masse, with Polish planes bombing the place. Could be threat to Bonstocknian interests in Eastern Europe, especially in the Black Sea, where ADK could be threatened by communists. Bonstocknian shipping could be a target. Shippers are requesting support." General Burns folded the paper, and called the Joint Chiefs for a meeting.
"Gentlemen," he said to the Joint Chiefs, "Communist Poland is invading WestUkraine, threatening Bonstocknian oil shipping interests. We would like to send someone to assess the situation, and report to us on the situation. We also need to evacuate the Bonstocknian ambassador, and all Bonstocknian civilians in the area. How do we plan on doing this?"
"Well," said Admiral Alfred Denson, the Naval Chief of Staff, "We can send a sealift to Abu Dhabi Kristatata, and a fleet to the Baltic Sea as deterance. But we should wait until the situation continues."
The discussion continued, and it was decided that the Joint Chiefs would take a look themselves. In the meantime, they agreed to negotiate the lease of military equipment to WestUkraine.
Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
10-09-2003, 04:14
The first space fleet has begun bombardment of West Moon's habitats.
Parts of the second fleet are moving in to engage their ships.
Troops are being moved from Yugoslavia through Hungry, Austia, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. And into Poland.
(Sorry, Gotta get off.)
Kurwa mać! Zjebać ich wszystkich!!!!!!!!! :evil:
we support west ukraine in the name of freedom and democracy...
as declared by the Emperor of the Holy Empire of the Darkstar, we are sending the ff in accordance of our support to west ukraine:
a. 1st mobile suit battalion composed of 300,000 strong- Serpent types advanced mobile suit to support West Ukraine and invade the lands belonging to communist poland.
b. 31st mobile suit battalion, composed of 100,000 strong -van type suit and the 501st mobile suit battalion, composed of 100.000 strong -dread type suit for additional aerial support for the 1st Battalion
c. 2nd gundam suit battalion composed of 3 gundams namely Gundam Deathscythe, Gundam Physalis and Gundam Double X for relieving the front and defending the flanks of West Ukraine
d. Immediate deployment of SDF-1 to SDF-3 and the White Base and all its support, defense and supply carriers for the necessary maintenance and support of our deployed suits in West Ukraine
we also demand to communist poland that if they will not cease to attack the West Ukraine then we will declare unrestricted warfare...prior to that, our troops will have to follow our own ROE in counter-defensive position until communist poland accede to our demands...
this is the decision of the Emperor and it is being done in defense of Freedom and Liberty...=)
good day to all...!!!
end transmission..........................................................
Can I get a list of all the names of people on both sides that I haven't included.
Imperial Forces
The Darkstar
Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
West Ukraine
Communist Poland
Can I get a list of all the names of people on both sides that I haven't included.
Imperial Forces
The Darkstar
Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
West Ukraine
Communist Poland
For West Ukraine: Altum, Darkterror, and the South Pacific
And I think Dr. Twist.
For Communist Ukraine: _Neandertalia_, _Eridu_, BatavianSSR, Novistana, and Onalia, and _Lagash.
Looks like the diplomatic tide has turned.
At first people were siding with Communist Poland and now more people are siding with West Ukraine.
The South Pacific acknowledges today, that it has knocked down several Lagashan cruise missiles that were launched at the South Pacific and one its neighbors in the South Pacific region.
The first space fleet has begun bombardment of West Moon's habitats.
Parts of the second fleet are moving in to engage their ships.
Troops are being moved from Yugoslavia through Hungry, Austia, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. And into Poland.
(Sorry, Gotta get off.)
How are you engaging them? And how are you bombing the moon?
Using the rules outlined earlier, the SouthPacific, has a total of 27,540,000 personnel in its military.
Then Lagash has 24,480,000 or 18,360,000 depending on whether points are allowed for having an arms industry.
My forces personnell number 16,120,000 in all.
10-09-2003, 06:38
Communist Poland has only 9,860,000 troops at its disposal.
10-09-2003, 06:42
West Ukraine has 13,230,000 troops available to defend the motherland and breadbasket of the former soviet union.
10-09-2003, 06:43
These numbers are still ridiculously high.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
OOC: Keep in mind, Wazzu is involved.
Any attacks on civilian shipping in the Baltic Sea, North Sea, or near the Arctic Circle (between isles I mentioned) will result in retaliation by Wazzu. Or such is the threat.
Wazzu is not otherwise taking a is just protecting shipping.
Yes, Wazzu is a futuristic space nation, but it has many military assets close enough to 2010 or 2015 to be toned down to such levels...and I will for the purpose of this war (unless someone tries to bring in something bigger). Please see "the Whaling Wars."
Basically, Wazzu's policy is "let the nuts kill each other as long as they don't directly hurt trade."
10-09-2003, 19:56
ooc: Hey, can I join? Im located somewhere in North America, or wherever National Hockey League is. I also have a colony in Taiwan. But it will take me time to deploy. I am capitalist, and would support WestUkraine.
Yes, but Urkraine is known more for its vast wheat fields and farms than oil of which it has very little.
11-09-2003, 02:20
Communist Poland announes a glorious victory with the capture of L'viv a Ukrainian city.
Communist Poland announes a glorious victory with the capture of L'viv a Ukrainian city.
OOC: You have to RP that, you can't just say "I captured Ukraines city.
Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
11-09-2003, 03:34
The massive space cruisers of the Iota class, Iota I, Iota II, and Iota III aimed their massive 12' and 9' Gauss cannons owards the habitats of West Moon.
They fired, sending the ships flying in the other direction as stabilizing thrusters went online and began to move the ships back to their original positions.
Meanwhile on Earth, Q-2 Heavy Tanks, Q-3 Light Tanks, and Q-4 Tank derstroyers poured over the borders of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and West Ukraine, along with several hundred thousand troops in Q-1 APC's.
Above, S-1's were providing air cover, and LO-7 bombers eliminating pockets of resistance.
OOC: Since this is 2005 tech this isn't a godmod.(The covert crawler)
The Defense Department
Alright we have orders from the president to launch five covert crawlers to Kiev. Each covert crawler will contain 80 elite special forces. They will crawl through the black sea and crawl up the Dnipier river to Kiev. These soldiers will be used for ambushes, assassinations, and street to street fighting.
Elite Special Forces(OICW can be used as a Assualt rifle, Sniper rifle, and a grenade launcher.
Main Weapon: OICW
2nd Sidearm: Uzis
3rd Size arm: Berreta
6 inch knife
5 days rations
Clips for Weapons
The soldiers board the Covert Crawlers at night at the sea port of Brindisi. They will arrive at West Ukraine in 6 hours(NS) time.
start transmission:
we have launched a massive surgical and tactical para-drop during the night in the key cities of communist poland namely Lublin, Krakow and Gliwice...
this has been done by the 1st mobile suit Battalion supported by 31st van type Battalion in which they left immediately in order to avoid possible casualties from our present enemy...
their orders are to destroy key manufacturing depots and power plants in order to slowly cripple and demoralize the army of commie poland (they are presently engaging the forces of west ukraine in the city of Lviv, however, it is not true that they have already captured the city due to fierce fighting that is happening there recently) so there are no forces present that can hinder our successful operation the night before....
recent reports by our strategic scouts announced that the city of commie poland is ripe for picking due to little or no force at all that is assign to defend the city....our scouts say that this is either:
a: their current forces are quelling a surprise rebellion by their own citizens due to that they sympathize with the ideals of the current pope (it is cause by a recent statement of Pope John Paul II: "What the hell happened to my country?"; the bible forbids the pope in swearing by the name of heaven) meaning that they rebellled due to conflicting beliefs and ideals in freedom, speech and religion...for the moment, they are successful in conducting guerilla warfare against the current dictator.........
b. they have commited all their forces out front or.........
c. their defensive postions are to scattered to be effective.........
d. some of their forces have gone AWOL or currently disbanding due to our limited but successful political, moral and social propaganda.....
we also have gained valuable support in her citizens by promising FREEDOM and LIBERATION in its tyranny from its present dictator without conquering their homeland and we plan to honor our word...however, they understand that for them and for us to succeed, we must be allowed to stage strategic and tactical military operations that are neccessary in order to topple the present government........
in short, OPERATION : KICK ASS has been succesfully implemented and carried by our forces......................
good day to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
end transmission.....................................................
12-09-2003, 00:01
WestUkraine already ok'd the take over of L'viv. We rpd it through telegrams.
12-09-2003, 00:02
start transmission:
we have launched a massive surgical and tactical para-drop during the night in the key cities of communist poland namely Lublin, Krakow and Gliwice...
this has been done by the 1st mobile suit Battalion supported by 31st van type Battalion in which they left immediately in order to avoid possible casualties from our present enemy...
their orders are to destroy key manufacturing depots and power plants in order to slowly cripple and demoralize the army of commie poland (they are presently engaging the forces of west ukraine in the city of Lviv, however, it is not true that they have already captured the city due to fierce fighting that is happening there recently) so there are no forces present that can hinder our successful operation the night before....
recent reports by our strategic scouts announced that the city of commie poland is ripe for picking due to little or no force at all that is assign to defend the city....our scouts say that this is either:
a: their current forces are quelling a surprise rebellion by their own citizens due to that they sympathize with the ideals of the current pope (it is cause by a recent statement of Pope John Paul II: "What the hell happened to my country?"; the bible forbids the pope in swearing by the name of heaven) meaning that they rebellled due to conflicting beliefs and ideals in freedom, speech and religion...for the moment, they are successful in conducting guerilla warfare against the current dictator.........
b. they have commited all their forces out front or.........
c. their defensive postions are to scattered to be effective.........
d. some of their forces have gone AWOL or currently disbanding due to our limited but successful political, moral and social propaganda.....
we also have gained valuable support in her citizens by promising FREEDOM and LIBERATION in its tyranny from its present dictator without conquering their homeland and we plan to honor our word...however, they understand that for them and for us to succeed, we must be allowed to stage strategic and tactical military operations that are neccessary in order to topple the present government........
in short, OPERATION : KICK ASS has been succesfully implemented and carried by our forces......................
good day to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
end transmission.....................................................
this rp will be ignored because you didn't ask my permission. Further you cannot rp a rebellion in someone else's nation.
The Nation of Sonju has been given supreme power of the CEA's armies and is now supporting Communist Poland in there efforts to pull the Red Iron Curtain over these incompetent nations.
President Sonju we have your orders to commence operations into West Ukraine? Yes.. Sir.. what is it that you want done... Ok Notify the Airforce and Mech Artillery I want them in first then ill notify you of what is to come next... Yes sir!
13 Hours later 2200 hours
Reports state that the Communist Empire has begun to transition there reserve forces to Communist Poland in an effort to help take full control of West Ukraine more reports will cotinue to come in as we are told.
Mr. President... Yes General?... We have 250,000 Urban Special Ops mobilized 50,000 Mechs and a flight squaderon of bombers and fighters.
Good.. I want to add our heavy urban cannon tank and 2,000,000 of our reserve regular army. Yes sir...
7 hours later 0500
As the CEA rolls into Communist Poland it looks as if the Allies are going to have a difficult time trying to stop the advances of this new armies presence.
Mr. President all has been taken care of we are advancing into territory with significant gains. Excellent contact the President of Communist Poland I wish to speak with him at once. Yes Mr. President...
2,000,000 Regular Infantry
250,000 Urban Special Ops
125,000 Heavy Urban tanks
50,000 Mechs
1 flight squaderon of bombers and fighters.
2,000,000 Regular Infantry
250,000 Urban Special Ops
125,000 Heavy Urban tanks
50,000 Mechs
1 flight squaderon of bombers and fighters
OOC: Where did you get all of that? You yourself can't have 125,000 tanks or 50,000 mechs thats a godmod. Even your soldiers are really pushing it. Do you know how much it would cost, and how many soldiers it would take just to move that stuff over to Poland. You also need to feed, arm, train, and give ammo to these soldiers. Its even worse if you transport them across sea. That would cost in the hundreds of billions.
OOC: Take a look at my region it is a combination of the Entire CEA which compromises all of the regions nations. We are sending this much as a Region AKA (CE) CEA is the Communist Empire Army and we are located in the same area as West Ukraine...
OOC: Take a look at my region it is a combination of the Entire CEA which compromises all of the regions nations. We are sending this much as a Region AKA (CE) CEA is the Communist Empire Army and we are located in the same area as West Ukraine...
OOC: Take a look at my region it is a combination of the Entire CEA which compromises all of the regions nations. We are sending this much as a Region AKA (CE) CEA is the Communist Empire Army and we are located in the same area as West Ukraine...
12-09-2003, 01:23
The massive space cruisers of the Iota class, Iota I, Iota II, and Iota III aimed their massive 12' and 9' Gauss cannons owards the habitats of West Moon.
They fired, sending the ships flying in the other direction as stabilizing thrusters went online and began to move the ships back to their original positions.
Meanwhile on Earth, Q-2 Heavy Tanks, Q-3 Light Tanks, and Q-4 Tank derstroyers poured over the borders of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and West Ukraine, along with several hundred thousand troops in Q-1 APC's.
Above, S-1's were providing air cover, and LO-7 bombers eliminating pockets of resistance.
That's it, Abu Dhabi Khristata or who ever the heck you are. You are ignored and banned from this thread for ignoring the rules.
12-09-2003, 01:24
OOC: Take a look at my region it is a combination of the Entire CEA which compromises all of the regions nations. We are sending this much as a Region AKA (CE) CEA is the Communist Empire Army and we are located in the same area as West Ukraine...
What is the Communist Empire's position on the Communist Alliance's threat to invade the South Pacific?
Dear Fraternal Gladszist Comrades,
The People's Republic of Gladsznavia wholly supports Communist Poland's liberation of the Western Ukrainian people.
We, and many of our neighbors in the great socialist region of the USSR condemn the bourgouis government of West Ukraine for stifling it's masses and hoarding money.
We are willing to conduct daily reconnisence flights over West Ukraine in our PRGAirForce Sukhois.
Amaih, fellow striving revolutionaries!
The grace of our great leader and Very Important Comrade Field Marshal Pleksy Gladsz is with you!
Onward, with the heroic courage of our national animal, the llama with earmuffs!
-Spokesman V.L. Frotsz
Public Affairs Ministry
Prohoszd, PRG
12-09-2003, 01:27
[quote="Sonju"]OOC: Take a look at my region it is a combination of the Entire CEA which compromises all of the regions nations. We are sending this much as a Region AKA (CE) CEA is the Communist Empire Army and we are located in the same area as West Ukraine...[/quot
according to the rules, he can have up 3,280,000 troops based on his population times .04.
12-09-2003, 01:31
The soldiers board the Covert Crawlers at night at the sea port of Brindisi. They will arrive at West Ukraine in 6 hours(NS) time.
To prevent the movement, Communist aircraft begin dropping bombs on Venice, Naples, and Rome.
Further, 540,000 troops and tanks begin heading toward Watertest.
12-09-2003, 01:33
Communist troops will cross through Hungary and Austria in order to get to Watertest.
I support all Communists movements aganist anti-commies Dare come between my path!
The soldiers board the Covert Crawlers at night at the sea port of Brindisi. They will arrive at West Ukraine in 6 hours(NS) time.
To prevent the movement, Communist aircraft begin dropping bombs on Venice, Naples, and Rome.
Further, 540,000 troops and tanks begin heading toward Watertest.
OOC: Oh really your going to get it :twisted: . Also these all have my names and are all included in my empire so its not like I'm godmoding.
Watertest is appalled by the acts of war by Communist Poland and have declared a immediate declaration of war from Watertest, Watertest II, Watertest III, Watertest IV, Watertest V, the alliance EOP, and the alliance MPP. The followng military are currently active in Watertest.
1,500,000 Soldiers
25,000 Special ops
100,000 Hummers
25,000 105MM APC's
10,000 105MM artillery
5,000 M1A2's
2,500 W-T tanks
500 F-16's
500 F-15's
250 F-18's
150 W-T Fighters
35 B-2's
20 B-23's
OOC: These are just part of my active forces, I haven't called up my full active strength, or reserves, or any other nation in my empire, or the 2 alliances I'm in.
Roman Airbase
What the f--- those bastards are starting to bomb the city. Well its good we have a large airbase within 55 miles of them.
*All pilots numbers from 1-800 proceed to hanger for emergency scramble to rome*
*Heavy running to hangers*
*Jets begin to pour our of the airbase and head towards the bombers in Rome*
OOC: Following Jets Scrambled
150 F-15's
150 F-16's
50 F-18's
50 W-T Fighters
400 total fighters
You people do know that CP and WU are the same person, right?
You people do know that CP and WU are the same person, right?
Even if its true it doesn't really matter
You people do know that CP and WU are the same person, right?
Doesn't matter as long as he rps them differently.
After closely watching this conflict and after hours of debating the USS of Zapado has agreed to help its communist allies in CommunistPoland.The Red Army is sending the following:
500,000 Red Army Infantry
555 T-90 Tanks
500 BMP-3 Fighting Vehicles
500 MI-28 Havocs
300 SU-39s
300 MIG-35s
5,000 TOS-1 Buritino 220mm Multiple Rocket Launcher
40 Tu-160s
Yes, kill each other then I can take over your countries all at once and force them into my new Islamic Empire.
Yes, kill each other then I can take over your countries all at once and force them into my new Islamic Empire.
Your so weak you couldn't take on my smallest country.
12-09-2003, 03:48
One million troops are now fighting in Ukraine.
12-09-2003, 03:49
New allies of Communist Poland: Sonju, Gladsznavia, Zapadia, Westmoon, _Lagash, _Eridu_, _Neandertalia_, BatavianSSR, Onalia, and Novistana, Ajar, Malatose, SayaDjinn,
West Ukraine: South Pacific, Watertest, Imperial Forces, Bonstock, Darkstar, and New Chelsea. United World States, Xerlox, Granpais,
The forces of communism out number the forces of democracy.
Communism will prevail in this war.
OOC: Are you only invading Ukraine because they aren't communist.
IC: Watertest II has decided to send the following to defend WU. They will arrive in 6 months (NS) time aboard cargo ships & planes.
350,000 Soldiers
35,000 Hummers
10,000 105MM APC's
10,000 105MM artillery
6,000 T-80's
4,000 M1A2's
500 M270's
400 Apaches
350 LAH's
250 F-15's
250 F-16's
150 F-18's
20 B-52's
5 B-23's
The following will be escorting these landing ships
10 Iwoa Class battleships
10 Submarines
10 Destroyers
1 Carriers
50 PT boats
New allies of Communist Poland: Sonju, Gladsznavia, Zapadia, Westmoon, _Lagash, _Eridu_, _Neandertalia_, BatavianSSR, Onalia, and Novistana.
West Ukraine: South Pacific, Watertest, Imperial Forces, Bonstock, Darkstar, and New Chelsea.
The forces of communism out number the forces of democracy.
Communism will prevail in this war.
Not really since the democracy side has larger nations
A specialized group of paladin kill-teams have been assembled to be sent directly into the battle... these paladins are using the experimental stimulant drug "Devotion"... they will be used to help take out key targets for communist poland...
Grand Inquisitor Marcus (Military High Commander),
on the subject of the war in WesternUkraine
12-09-2003, 04:28
OOC: Are you only invading communist Poland because they aren't communist.
IC: Watertest II has decided to send the following to defend WU. They will arrive in 6 months (NS) time aboard cargo ships & planes.
350,000 Soldiers
35,000 Hummers
10,000 105MM APC's
10,000 105MM artillery
6,000 T-80's
4,000 M1A2's
500 M270's
400 Apaches
350 LAH's
250 F-15's
250 F-16's
150 F-18's
20 B-52's
5 B-23's
The following will be escorting these landing ships
10 Iwoa Class battleships
10 Submarines
10 Destroyers
1 Carriers
50 PT boats
OOC: I am rping communist poland, and in RL they aren't communist.
Though we may be a small nation we are attempting to send what forces we have available to help fight alongside communist poland...
a crusade has been organized and is being sent via battle frieghters (large converted oil frieghters) to Western Ukraine.... 7 months expected...
These include a majority of our military might and we regret that this may be some of the few forces we can spare...
a crusade includes:
10,000 infantry
- 8,200 redemptionists (normal ifantry, equipped with standard weapons)
- 1,000 children of the light (well armored infantry, superior weapons)
- 500 knights of the holy order (special forces)
- paladins of the holy order (special forces, numbers classified)
- paladins of the knightly order (special drop forces, numbers classified)
- 20 inquisitors (officers/advisors)
- 2 grand inquisitors (commanders/advisors)
200 Armor
- 85 Holy Fist Transports (amphibious battle transports, lightly armed)
- 55 Holy Hammer Combat Tanks (medium battle tank)
- 30 Juggernaut class siege tanks (long range barrage artillery)
- 10 Redemption scout vehicles (lightly armed scouts, fast moving)
- 10 Purger class AA tanks (multirocket launcher mobile platform)
- 2 Inquisitorial command tanks (long range radar, improved comms)
145 Aircraft
-50 Lightning class Anti Aircraft Fighter (air to air combat specialization)
-35 Rogue class strike bombers (quick raid bombers)
-35 Mig-35 (attack fighter)
-20 Maurader class heavy bomber (large bomber)
-5 Thunder Class Air Cruisers (large command bomber/air fortress)
Grand Inquisitor Marcus (Military High Commander),
on the forces sent to aid communist poland
12-09-2003, 06:14
The Kingdom of Dr_Twist has Stated before and will state again, Pull back Polish Force's or the Kingdom of Dr_Twist will be Dragged into this war!
The UWS decides to help stop this communist threat dead in its tracks.
Task Force 1*, 2 Seawolf SSNs and 26 cargo ships arrive at Dover, Britain. 6 C-5B Galaxy and 14 C-130 Hercules transports land at London, Cambridge and Bristol, escorted by 42 F-16s and 62 F-15Es. 26 A-10s, 20 Tu-22s and 12 B-1Bs tail along, with an escort of 24 F-22s and 38 F-35s.
26 M1A2s and 48 M2s are unloaded at Dover.
1200 regular army personnel and 400 Marines are unloaded, and secure South Britain.
16 Buk-M and 34 MIM-23 Hawk SAMs are deployed, along with 30 ZSU-23 Shilka triple-As.
<more forces will be delivered soon>
*Task Force 1 details
UWSS MacArthur (Nimitz aircraft carrier)
2 Ticonderoga cruisers
6 Arleigh Burke destroyers
UWSS Beluga (Iowa battleship)
4 Oliver Hazard Perry Frigates
4 Wasp landing ships
12 LCACs
3 oilers
The UWS decides to help stop this communist threat dead in its tracks.
Task Force 1*, 2 Seawolf SSNs and 26 cargo ships arrive at Dover, Britain. 6 C-5B Galaxy and 14 C-130 Hercules transports land at London, Cambridge and Bristol, escorted by 42 F-16s and 62 F-15Es. 26 A-10s, 20 Tu-22s and 12 B-1Bs tail along, with an escort of 24 F-22s and 38 F-35s.
26 M1A2s and 48 M2s are unloaded at Dover.
1200 regular army personnel and 400 Marines are unloaded, and secure South Britain.
16 Buk-M and 34 MIM-23 Hawk SAMs are deployed, along with 30 ZSU-23 Shilka triple-As.
<more forces will be delivered soon>
*Task Force 1 details
UWSS MacArthur (Nimitz aircraft carrier)
2 Ticonderoga cruisers
6 Arleigh Burke destroyers
UWSS Beluga (Iowa battleship)
4 Oliver Hazard Perry Frigates
4 Wasp landing ships
12 LCACs
3 oilers
My goodness, Air strip One!
*1984 fan laughs quietly to himself*
12-09-2003, 15:48
The USS of Malatose will aid CommunistPoland in its attempt to takeover the West Ukraine!We are sending the following
550,000 Peoples Liberation Soldiers
900 T-90 Tanks
40,000 Hummers
9,000 TOS-1 Buritino 220mm Multiple Rocket Launcher
4,000 ZSU-23-4 Anti-Aircraft Guns
3,000 ASU-85 Airborne Assault Gun
7,000 BMP-3 Fighting Vehicles.
Peoples Airforce
500 Mi-28 HAVOCS
500 MI-35 HIND E/F
Peoples Airforce
350 SU-39s
350 MiG-31 FOXHOUNDs
150 MiG-35s
30 TU-160s
We will be transporting some of this by 200 AN-124 CONDOR ANTONOVs and the rest will be transported by Sea and will be escorted by the following.
Peoples Navy
3 Sovermenny Guided Missle Destroyers
2 LuHuClass Destroyers
1 Super Zapado Class Aircraft Carriers.Capable of carrying 70 aircraft
2 Ticonderoga-Class Guided Missle Cruisers
2 Los Angeles Class Submarines
2 Ohio Class Submarines
3 Coastal Mine Hunters
1 Arleigh Burke Destroyers
3 BattleShips
OOC:can someone give me a list of fronts you guys are fighting on?
12-09-2003, 15:49
12-09-2003, 15:49
The USS of Malatose will aid CommunistPoland in its attempt to takeover the West Ukraine!We are sending the following
550,000 Peoples Liberation Soldiers
900 T-90 Tanks
40,000 Hummers
9,000 TOS-1 Buritino 220mm Multiple Rocket Launcher
4,000 ZSU-23-4 Anti-Aircraft Guns
3,000 ASU-85 Airborne Assault Gun
7,000 BMP-3 Fighting Vehicles.
Peoples Airforce
500 Mi-28 HAVOCS
500 MI-35 HIND E/F
Peoples Airforce
350 SU-39s
350 MiG-31 FOXHOUNDs
150 MiG-35s
30 TU-160s
We will be transporting some of this by 200 AN-124 CONDOR ANTONOVs and the rest will be transported by Sea and will be escorted by the following.
OOC:can someone give me a list of fronts you guys are fighting on?
12-09-2003, 15:50
12-09-2003, 15:50
12-09-2003, 15:51
12-09-2003, 15:54
The USS of Malatose will aid CommunistPoland in its attempt to takeover the West Ukraine!We are sending the following
550,000 Peoples Liberation Soldiers
900 T-90 Tanks
40,000 Hummers
9,000 TOS-1 Buritino 220mm Multiple Rocket Launcher
4,000 ZSU-23-4 Anti-Aircraft Guns
3,000 ASU-85 Airborne Assault Gun
7,000 BMP-3 Fighting Vehicles.
Peoples Airforce
500 Mi-28 HAVOCS
500 MI-35 HIND E/F
Peoples Airforce
350 SU-39s
350 MiG-31 FOXHOUNDs
150 MiG-35s
30 TU-160s
We will be transporting some of this by 100 AN-124 CONDOR ANTONOVs and the rest will be transported by Sea and will be escorted by the following.
Peoples Navy
3 Sovermenny Guided Missle Destroyers
2 LuHuClass Destroyers
1 Super Zapado Class Aircraft Carriers.Capable of carrying 70 aircraft
2 Ticonderoga-Class Guided Missle Cruisers
2 Los Angeles Class Submarines
2 Ohio Class Submarines
3 Coastal Mine Hunters
1 Arleigh Burke Destroyers
3 BattleShips
OOC:can someone give me a list of fronts you guys are fighting on?
OOC: Are you still going ot attack me.
12-09-2003, 23:40
OOC:I'm going to play the nation of Hungary
12-09-2003, 23:41
Peoples Liberation Airforce SU-39s are heading for Italy..there main objective is to strike Brindisi and Assisi.Also TU-160 Bombers are taking off to strike targets within Italy.
Xerlox would like to aid West Ukraine
Anti-Poland forces are welcomed to be stationed in East Germany(Which, Ironically, is all of Germany, and much of Prussia).
SayaDjinn pledges to join the Communist cause!
35, 000 infantry...
1,200 large mutants (12' tall beasts)
500 special forces
100 Cossack cavalry units (10 men to a unit)
100 Tanks, straight out of the Soviet Factory!
150 Abraham tanks.
15 A-10 Warthog Tank Killers
50 MIG-35's
we pledge troops to the communist forces...
One battle fleet...
2 Manta Medium Star Cruiser's w/cyclone torpedoes
15 Hammerhead Strike Cruisers
125 Star Fighters
20 Star Bomber
1 behemoth class battle cruiser....
6,000 infantry
2,000 space troopers
120 Battle Walkers
25 Heavy battle mechs
120,000,000 dollars to the communist cause....
On the subject of Ajar... I am pledging 2,000,000,000 to the mast production of the stimulant drug "Devotion"....
With this money the government will be able to cput the drug into mass production allowing our governments to have access to something that will make the red armies invincble!!!!!
we pledge troops to the communist forces...
One battle fleet...
2 Manta Medium Star Cruiser's w/cyclone torpedoes
15 Hammerhead Strike Cruisers
125 Star Fighters
20 Star Bomber
1 behemoth class battle cruiser....
6,000 infantry
2,000 space troopers
120 Battle Walkers
25 Heavy battle mechs
120,000,000 dollars to the communist cause....
we pledge troops to the communist forces...
One battle fleet...
2 Manta Medium Star Cruiser's w/cyclone torpedoes
15 Hammerhead Strike Cruisers
125 Star Fighters
20 Star Bomber
1 behemoth class battle cruiser....
6,000 infantry
2,000 space troopers
120 Battle Walkers
25 Heavy battle mechs
120,000,000 dollars to the communist cause....
Our most holy of cause, the destruction of capitalism, is now be funded by the many allies of Ajar....
The new stimulant drug "Devotion" has been funded and now is being put in to mass production... soon our crusades shall wipe throughout the world.... we shall share "Devotion" with all our allies....
Grand Inquisitor Marcus (Military High Commander),
on the subject of the funding of "Devotion"
Ukrainians have mobilized in defense of their homeland. We will defeat the invaders. We can use assistance from whereever we can get it.
The Holy Empire of Granpais pledges it's support to the Ukranian cause we will send military forces to defend West Ukrain and will try to start a second front in Communist Poland. We will also send financial assistance and military advisers.
The USS of Malatose will aid CommunistPoland in its attempt to takeover the West Ukraine!We are sending the following
550,000 Peoples Liberation Soldiers
900 T-90 Tanks
40,000 Hummers
9,000 TOS-1 Buritino 220mm Multiple Rocket Launcher
4,000 ZSU-23-4 Anti-Aircraft Guns
3,000 ASU-85 Airborne Assault Gun
7,000 BMP-3 Fighting Vehicles.
Peoples Airforce
500 Mi-28 HAVOCS
500 MI-35 HIND E/F
Peoples Airforce
350 SU-39s
350 MiG-31 FOXHOUNDs
150 MiG-35s
30 TU-160s
We will be transporting some of this by 200 AN-124 CONDOR ANTONOVs and the rest will be transported by Sea and will be escorted by the following.
Peoples Navy
3 Sovermenny Guided Missle Destroyers
2 LuHuClass Destroyers
1 Super Zapado Class Aircraft Carriers.Capable of carrying 70 aircraft
2 Ticonderoga-Class Guided Missle Cruisers
2 Los Angeles Class Submarines
2 Ohio Class Submarines
3 Coastal Mine Hunters
1 Arleigh Burke Destroyers
3 BattleShips
OOC:can someone give me a list of fronts you guys are fighting on?
How do you have a navy if you are Hungary?
Inside the halls of the Romanian Parliament Building the Parliament is discussing a course of action against the militant nation of Malatose.
13-09-2003, 01:12
OOC:Sorry about that let me change it!
OOC:I'm going to play the nation of Hungary
Kaposvar is now under bombardment by the South Pacific air force.
13-09-2003, 01:27
We regret to report to our allies that CommunistPoland occupied Uzhhorod, L'viv, while _Lagash occupies Luts'k, and we have just lost Cherniuts' to West Moon Expeditionary Forces. More communist troops from other communist nations are pouring into my country by the day.
Damn it, the commies have seized half my country.
13-09-2003, 01:27
At least they are'nt in range of my capital, Oddessa.
13-09-2003, 01:28
The fronts are West Ukraine and Watertest.
The Romanian Parliament has agreed to a resolution:
-NO- flights by Malatosian aircraft withing 30 Miles of Romanian airspace, aircraft who disregard this will be given one warning then will be shot down
13-09-2003, 01:30
we pledge troops to the communist forces...
One battle fleet...
2 Manta Medium Star Cruiser's w/cyclone torpedoes
15 Hammerhead Strike Cruisers
125 Star Fighters
20 Star Bomber
1 behemoth class battle cruiser....
6,000 infantry
2,000 space troopers
120 Battle Walkers
25 Heavy battle mechs
120,000,000 dollars to the communist cause....
Clear violation of the rules for this thread. Ignored and banned from the thread.
Come back with current technology. We don't allow future tech on this board. If you get rid of it and use just the allowed tech, you may come back.
13-09-2003, 01:46
The Romanian Parliament has agreed to a resolution:
-NO- flights by Malatosian aircraft withing 30 Miles of Romanian airspace, aircraft who disregard this will be given one warning then will be shot down
CommunistPolish troops crossing Malatose, have crossed over into Free Rumania, thus opening a third front. Their main target is the capture of Bucharest.
13-09-2003, 01:48
we pledge troops to the communist forces...
One battle fleet...
2 Manta Medium Star Cruiser's w/cyclone torpedoes
15 Hammerhead Strike Cruisers
125 Star Fighters
20 Star Bomber
1 behemoth class battle cruiser....
6,000 infantry
2,000 space troopers
120 Battle Walkers
25 Heavy battle mechs
120,000,000 dollars to the communist cause....
Clear violation of the rules for this thread. Ignored and banned from the thread.
Come back with current technology. We don't allow future tech on this board. If you get rid of it and use just the allowed tech, you may come back.
Then I'll apply the same to Abu Dhabi Kristata, if anyone wants to let him know.
The Romanian Parliament has agreed to a resolution:
-NO- flights by Malatosian aircraft withing 30 Miles of Romanian airspace, aircraft who disregard this will be given one warning then will be shot down
CommunistPolish troops crossing Malatose, have crossed over into Free Rumania, thus opening a third front. Their main target is the capture of Bucharest.
They can't just appear outside my capital...
and you didn't post a pre-action post
and my satelites would have seen you
and MLRS would have annhilated you
and my airforce would have annhilated you
and then my army will anhilate you.
Sure you want a 3rd front, son?
13-09-2003, 01:55
The Romanian Parliament has agreed to a resolution:
-NO- flights by Malatosian aircraft withing 30 Miles of Romanian airspace, aircraft who disregard this will be given one warning then will be shot down
CommunistPolish troops crossing Malatose, have crossed over into Free Rumania, thus opening a third front. Their main target is the capture of Bucharest.
They can't just appear outside my capital...
and you didn't post a pre-action post
and my satelites would have seen you
and MLRS would have annhilated you
and my airforce would have annhilated you
and then my army will anhilate you.
Sure you want a 3rd front, son?Where did I say they just appeared outside your capital?
Preaction post you got me there.
Ignore my post.
13-09-2003, 01:55
OOC:I'm going to play the nation of Hungary
Kaposvar is now under bombardment by the South Pacific air force.
100 Peoples Soldiers,2 T-80 Tanks and 8 building were destroyed in this bombardment.Peoples Army Soldiers are now rushing around Hungary to install Anti-Aircraft Units.Also the Peoples Airforce is scrambling 300 Mig-35s and 300 MIG-31 FOXHOUDS to intercept Bombers.
In Eastern Hungary 500,000 Peoples Troops,500 T-90 Tanks and thousands of artillery have crossed into West Ukraine and a major assault on Chernivtsi has begin.
13-09-2003, 01:56
The Romanian Parliament has agreed to a resolution:
-NO- flights by Malatosian aircraft withing 30 Miles of Romanian airspace, aircraft who disregard this will be given one warning then will be shot down
CommunistPolish troops crossing Malatose, have crossed over into Free Rumania, thus opening a third front. Their main target is the capture of Bucharest.
They can't just appear outside my capital...
and you didn't post a pre-action post
and my satelites would have seen you
and MLRS would have annhilated you
and my airforce would have annhilated you
and then my army will anhilate you.
Sure you want a 3rd front, son?Do you have a map of your country you can post?
You'll have to get through Transylvania first!
Just find Romania, then add Moldova and part of Bulgaria
13-09-2003, 01:58
The Romanian Parliament has agreed to a resolution:
-NO- flights by Malatosian aircraft withing 30 Miles of Romanian airspace, aircraft who disregard this will be given one warning then will be shot down
CommunistPolish troops crossing Malatose, have crossed over into Free Rumania, thus opening a third front. Their main target is the capture of Bucharest.
They can't just appear outside my capital...
and you didn't post a pre-action post
and my satelites would have seen you
and MLRS would have annhilated you
and my airforce would have annhilated you
and then my army will anhilate you.
Sure you want a 3rd front, son?West Ukraine said that city was already occupied by the communists. Are you attacking your allies?
13-09-2003, 01:59
You'll have to get through Transylvania first!
Just find Romania, then add Moldova and part of Bulgaria
Who are you? And you can't have Romania because it is already taken.
The Romanian Parliament has agreed to a resolution:
-NO- flights by Malatosian aircraft withing 30 Miles of Romanian airspace, aircraft who disregard this will be given one warning then will be shot down
CommunistPolish troops crossing Malatose, have crossed over into Free Rumania, thus opening a third front. Their main target is the capture of Bucharest.
They can't just appear outside my capital...
and you didn't post a pre-action post
and my satelites would have seen you
and MLRS would have annhilated you
and my airforce would have annhilated you
and then my army will anhilate you.
Sure you want a 3rd front, son?West Ukraine said that city was already occupied by the communists. Are you attacking your allies?
what are you talking about? I didn't attack ANYONE. I warned him to stay away from my airspace! And what city are you talking about??
You'll have to get through Transylvania first!
Just find Romania, then add Moldova and part of Bulgaria
Who are you? And you can't have Romania because it is already taken.
An attack on one member of the Romanian Kingdom is an attack on us all!
13-09-2003, 02:01
The Romanian Parliament has agreed to a resolution:
-NO- flights by Malatosian aircraft withing 30 Miles of Romanian airspace, aircraft who disregard this will be given one warning then will be shot down
CommunistPolish troops crossing Malatose, have crossed over into Free Rumania, thus opening a third front. Their main target is the capture of Bucharest.
They can't just appear outside my capital...
and you didn't post a pre-action post
and my satelites would have seen you
and MLRS would have annhilated you
and my airforce would have annhilated you
and then my army will anhilate you.
Sure you want a 3rd front, son?West Ukraine said that city was already occupied by the communists. Are you attacking your allies?
what are you talking about? I didn't attack ANYONE. I warned him to stay away from my airspace! And what city are you talking about??ok I see. If you are going to use puppets on this thread, you need to keep them seperate from each other.
Are you attacking Romania or not?
Transylvania, Moldavia, and Wallachia aren't countries. They are like states.
13-09-2003, 02:06
Are you attacking Romania or not?
Transylvania, Moldavia, and Wallachia aren't countries. They are like states.
OOC: Why are you using them like countries? I can't do anything unless I know the situation.
they have their own National guard units and local gov't. But they answer to Bucharest. It's like the US, they have their own state militias and such. Except I only have 3 states and they are rather large.
::Transmission to the West Ukraine::
We have received your transmission and are prepared to back your nation in this current war. Sorry that it took us a few days.
Emperor Andrew Rinaldi
The Armed Republic of Royal Palm
The Romanian Parliament has agreed to a resolution:
-NO- flights by Malatosian aircraft withing 30 Miles of Romanian airspace, aircraft who disregard this will be given one warning then will be shot down
CommunistPolish troops crossing Malatose, have crossed over into Free Rumania, thus opening a third front. Their main target is the capture of Bucharest.
Maybe I'll open up a 4th front by invading Poland.
Forces moving to the polish border with Germany:
1,050,000 total troops
7150 T-84-120's
10500 T-90's
580 T-94's
1000 2S19 Mobile artillery platforms
10000 Towed artillery pieces
1500 Smerch MLRS
7000 Bm-21 MLRS
250 MT-LB's with ZU-23's
250 MT-LB with SA-13 SAM's
500 ZSU-23 Shilka's
750 Tunguska's
3850 BTR-90's
4650 BMP-3's with ERA
320 Ka-50's
500 Mi-28 Havocs
500 Ka-60's
250 Mi-26's
65 Tu-225 bombers
160 Tu-160's
24 Tu-128EW's
300 MiG-45's
160 MiG-31's
800 Su-37's
100 Il-76's
80 An-124's
30 An-225's
125 Il-78's
25 An-126's
25 A-50 AWACS
360 Su-39's
100 Su-24's
160 Su-59's
If Romania is invaded I shall get involved.
We will aid our Fikish [rumanian] allies!
How about a nice 5th front with an amphibious landing?
Russian Forces
13-09-2003, 02:52
Russian Forces has joined in the Invasion of West ukraine. It belongs to the Soviet Republic of Russian Forces! Our troops will soon overwhlem them.
Russia will b sending in plenty of its European Front troops in the re-invasion of Ukraine.
Which is 3000 T-72's
2000 T-90's
3000 BMP-2's
2000 BMP-3's
3000 aicraft
1000 BRDM's
500,000 Ground troops.
Operation Porcupine is finished
Russian Forces
13-09-2003, 02:59
Ukraine will be free and everyone shall be equal!
this is an FYI post so if you invade you know what I'm going to hit you with:
188 MiG-29TV Sniper's
48 MiG-25R's
80 MiG-31's
120 Mirage 2000-5's
560 F-28's
150 MiG-45's
150 Su-30MKR's
160 Su-37 Switchblades
160 Su-24's
256 Su-34's
196 Su-39 Wolverine's
50 Tu-160's
80 B-5's
20 B-4's
25 KC-767's
15 An-126's
25 KC-130's
20 A-50's
75 Il-76's
80 C-130's
16 An-124's
550,000 troops
4500 TDR-3000's
6550 TR-2000A2's
6000 BMP 3's
3,000 artillery pieces
350 2S19 Mobile Artillery platforms
550 Piranha ADATS
140 Mi-28R's
40 AH-68'S
100 Mi-40's
150 SA.332's
90 UH-26's
1,000 SA-17 SAM Launchers
550 S-400 Launchers
8 Impaler class Aircraft Carriers
5 Vlad Dracul Aircraft carriers
12 Mihai I Battlecruisers
12 Soyuz IV Battleships
22 Wallachia Cruisers
45 Sovremmeny Destroyers
59 Calarasi frigates
40 Taruntul V Fast attack boats
20 Bucharest Landing Ships
32 Type 555 SSN's
18 Type 490 SSK's
15 Type 621 SSGN's
10 Type 666 SSGN's
Naval Aircraft:
20 Tu-142's
350 F-14E Tomcats
250 Su-30MKR's
250 F/A 18H's
220 Su-34KR's
40 C-2's
90 KC-2's
90 MH-53's
60 SA.365's
60 EA-18G's
60 EA-14's
160 Sea Harrier FA3's
15 PBM-5's
65,000 troops
40 EA-4W's
140 F/A 18C's
80 F-35's
80 AH-1W's
40 KC-130's
20 kc-767'S
160 AH-11's
100 CH-53E's
1000 Leopard S's
290 TR-2000's
280 RAAV's
150 Piranha APC's
50 Piranha 105's
75 Piranha ADATS
Nuclear Armaments
12 100 Megaton bombs
360 various free fall bombs
150 SS-25 Sickle ICBM'S
200 Nuclear tipped SS-N-22 Missiles
200 Nuclear tipped SS-N-30 Missiles
150 AS-19 nuclear tipped cruise missiles
Army Reserve:
1,000,000 troops for call up
3,000 M-84A5's
2,500 Leopard C2's
2,000 T-62 Morozov's
500 M-55's
2,000 BMP-2's
2,000 Piranha APC's
250 Mi-35's
150 Mi-17's
Air Force Reserve
120 MiG-29 Snipers
24 MiG-25's
120 Su-25's
60 MiG-23 Archer's
60 MiG-21 Lancer's
84 F-4X super phantoms
150 A-37X's
40 IAR-58's
10 KC-767'S
20 KC-130's
8 A-50's
20 RF-111's
Marine Reserve:
25,000 Troops
250 Morozov MBT's
150 Piranha APC's
48 A-4M's
60 F/A-18C's
20 EA-4W's
40 AH-11's
60 UH-1's
Cruise Missile Stockpiles
1,000 Harpoons
4,000 SS-N-22
2,500 SS-N-30
1,000 AS-19
260 AS-21
4,500 SS-N-25
1,000 SS-N-27
4,000 AM-39
2,000 AS-34
500 AS-37
Ajarian forces have just arrived near western ukraine via sea...
at they speed they are moving they will enter western ukraine within four hours.....
though they may not help in the actual fighting they will keep the general populace from resisting the holy order and its allies...
Grand Inquistitor Marcus (Military High Commander),
on the subject of troops moving into western ukraine
Ajarian forces have just arrived near western ukraine via sea...
at they speed they are moving they will enter western ukraine within four hours.....
though they may not help in the actual fighting they will keep the general populace from resisting the holy order and its allies...
Grand Inquistitor Marcus (Military High Commander),
on the subject of troops moving into western ukraine
this is an FYI post so if you invade you know what I'm going to hit you with:
188 MiG-29TV Sniper's
48 MiG-25R's
80 MiG-31's
120 Mirage 2000-5's
560 F-28's
150 MiG-45's
150 Su-30MKR's
160 Su-37 Switchblades
160 Su-24's
256 Su-34's
196 Su-39 Wolverine's
50 Tu-160's
80 B-5's
20 B-4's
25 KC-767's
15 An-126's
25 KC-130's
20 A-50's
75 Il-76's
80 C-130's
16 An-124's
550,000 troops
4500 TDR-3000's
6550 TR-2000A2's
6000 BMP 3's
3,000 artillery pieces
350 2S19 Mobile Artillery platforms
550 Piranha ADATS
140 Mi-28R's
40 AH-68'S
100 Mi-40's
150 SA.332's
90 UH-26's
1,000 SA-17 SAM Launchers
550 S-400 Launchers
8 Impaler class Aircraft Carriers
5 Vlad Dracul Aircraft carriers
12 Mihai I Battlecruisers
12 Soyuz IV Battleships
22 Wallachia Cruisers
45 Sovremmeny Destroyers
59 Calarasi frigates
40 Taruntul V Fast attack boats
20 Bucharest Landing Ships
32 Type 555 SSN's
18 Type 490 SSK's
15 Type 621 SSGN's
10 Type 666 SSGN's
Naval Aircraft:
20 Tu-142's
350 F-14E Tomcats
250 Su-30MKR's
250 F/A 18H's
220 Su-34KR's
40 C-2's
90 KC-2's
90 MH-53's
60 SA.365's
60 EA-18G's
60 EA-14's
160 Sea Harrier FA3's
15 PBM-5's
65,000 troops
40 EA-4W's
140 F/A 18C's
80 F-35's
80 AH-1W's
40 KC-130's
20 kc-767'S
160 AH-11's
100 CH-53E's
1000 Leopard S's
290 TR-2000's
280 RAAV's
150 Piranha APC's
50 Piranha 105's
75 Piranha ADATS
Nuclear Armaments
12 100 Megaton bombs
360 various free fall bombs
150 SS-25 Sickle ICBM'S
200 Nuclear tipped SS-N-22 Missiles
200 Nuclear tipped SS-N-30 Missiles
150 AS-19 nuclear tipped cruise missiles
Army Reserve:
1,000,000 troops for call up
3,000 M-84A5's
2,500 Leopard C2's
2,000 T-62 Morozov's
500 M-55's
2,000 BMP-2's
2,000 Piranha APC's
250 Mi-35's
150 Mi-17's
Air Force Reserve
120 MiG-29 Snipers
24 MiG-25's
120 Su-25's
60 MiG-23 Archer's
60 MiG-21 Lancer's
84 F-4X super phantoms
150 A-37X's
40 IAR-58's
10 KC-767'S
20 KC-130's
8 A-50's
20 RF-111's
Marine Reserve:
25,000 Troops
250 Morozov MBT's
150 Piranha APC's
48 A-4M's
60 F/A-18C's
20 EA-4W's
40 AH-11's
60 UH-1's
Cruise Missile Stockpiles
1,000 Harpoons
4,000 SS-N-22
2,500 SS-N-30
1,000 AS-19
260 AS-21
4,500 SS-N-25
1,000 SS-N-27
4,000 AM-39
2,000 AS-34
500 AS-37
To: Rumanian Military - Command
From: Commander Ulyanov.
Re: Apparent Idiocy of Rumanian Defensive Schema.
While I understand that your country does not want to be taken over, the consequences of your retaliation against invasion by troops attempting to get through to the Ukranian Front, especially with Nuclear Weaponry, will cause more damage to the country than any invasion or any system of government ever could. Indeed, your people shall wish that they were conquered rather than suffer the effects of the devastation you shall unleash. Look to the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima for an example of what your country shall become.
-Respectfully yours,
Tovarisch Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, A.K.A. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Peoples Liberation Airforce SU-39s are heading for Italy..there main objective is to strike Brindisi and Assisi.Also TU-160 Bombers are taking off to strike targets within Italy.
OOC:*Not directed towards you but directed towards the general fighting armies.* You have to roleplay everything. You can't just say I'm bombing your cities now. You have to launch the aircraft, fly them to their path, then you can raise holy hell.
Another thing is I have no idea where the hell the invasion force is. I would counterattack but I have no idea where any of these "Armies" are. Plus I haven't even started to raise hell yet, I haven't even called up all of my active military, let alone the reserve. Right now I have 0.03% of my pop in the military that are ready to fight this second. My total military force "including reserves* is around 1.6-1.9%
Radar station
Sir we have several fighters coming across the border to Italy, unidentifed belonging.
Order 20 F-15's, 20 F-16's, 20 F-18's and 10 W-T weasels(OOC: Which can own the SU-39) to follow the formation of possible enemies.
A large Xerloxian battlefleet has arrived in the Baltic made up of:
10 Archangel'sk Class Carriers
15 Borodino Class super battleships
30 Muscovy Class Cruisers
50 Ludoga Destroyers
60 Okhost class frigates
55 Lena Class attack subs
20 Stalingrad Class SSGN's
45 Basil Class landing ships
A 2nd Fleet of a similar size is patrolling the Pacific
To: Rumanian Military - Command
From: Commander Ulyanov.
Re: Apparent Idiocy of Rumanian Defensive Schema.
While I understand that your country does not want to be taken over, the consequences of your retaliation against invasion by troops attempting to get through to the Ukranian Front, especially with Nuclear Weaponry, will cause more damage to the country than any invasion or any system of government ever could. Indeed, your people shall wish that they were conquered rather than suffer the effects of the devastation you shall unleash. Look to the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima for an example of what your country shall become.
-Respectfully yours,
Tovarisch Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, A.K.A. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
You think I'm just going to let you march through my country? Are you a DUMBASS? I doubt anything could even get across the border because nearly every inch of it is sighted by MLRS, Artillery, and Aircraft. IF ONE FOOT STEPS INTO ROMANIA THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY.
And if you attack me the following people will enter the war:
Dark Terror
East Germany
that's in excess of 1.5 BILLION people. I'll overlook you calling me an idiot because you are a stupid n00b, but you should learn to respect your elders "Vladimir".
Sept. nations acting tough is funny to watch.
To: Rumanian Military - Command
From: Commander Ulyanov.
Re: Apparent Idiocy of Rumanian Defensive Schema.
While I understand that your country does not want to be taken over, the consequences of your retaliation against invasion by troops attempting to get through to the Ukranian Front, especially with Nuclear Weaponry, will cause more damage to the country than any invasion or any system of government ever could. Indeed, your people shall wish that they were conquered rather than suffer the effects of the devastation you shall unleash. Look to the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima for an example of what your country shall become.
-Respectfully yours,
Tovarisch Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, A.K.A. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
You think I'm just going to let you march through my country? Are you a DUMBASS? I doubt anything could even get across the border because nearly every inch of it is sighted by MLRS, Artillery, and Aircraft. IF ONE FOOT STEPS INTO ROMANIA THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY.
And if you attack me the following people will enter the war:
Dark Terror
East Germany
that's in excess of 1.5 BILLION people. I'll overlook you calling me an idiot because you are a stupid n00b, but you should learn to respect your elders "Vladimir".
Sept. nations acting tough is funny to watch.
OOC: How the hell can all these september nations afford all of these weapons when their national budget is something like 4 or 5 billion.
*Statement to SayaDjinn*
Your not a superpower, like Melkor, or even a power, like me. Your a small, weak, and poor nation that can't even afford a nuclear weapon.
OOC: How the hell can all these september nations afford all of these weapons when their national budget is something like 4 or 5 billion.
I'd like to know how Poland can fight on 3 fronts, with the possibility of 6 opening up soon. And most of his allies a pissant sept and july nations. They are NS Crack babies
13-09-2003, 06:48
Peoples Liberation forces are are quickly advancing into chernivsti with little resistance.Our Forces are still seeing small cells of resistance.
Border guards are on alert!
Imperial Forces
13-09-2003, 08:31
OOC: This thread is gone to hell, mostly thanks to Xerlox, I'm taking my forces and leaving.
The Romanian Parliament has agreed to a resolution:
-NO- flights by Malatosian aircraft withing 30 Miles of Romanian airspace, aircraft who disregard this will be given one warning then will be shot down
CommunistPolish troops crossing Malatose, have crossed over into Free Rumania, thus opening a third front. Their main target is the capture of Bucharest.
Maybe I'll open up a 4th front by invading Poland.
Forces moving to the polish border with Germany:
1,050,000 total troops
7150 T-84-120's
10500 T-90's
580 T-94's
1000 2S19 Mobile artillery platforms
10000 Towed artillery pieces
1500 Smerch MLRS
7000 Bm-21 MLRS
250 MT-LB's with ZU-23's
250 MT-LB with SA-13 SAM's
500 ZSU-23 Shilka's
750 Tunguska's
3850 BTR-90's
4650 BMP-3's with ERA
320 Ka-50's
500 Mi-28 Havocs
500 Ka-60's
250 Mi-26's
65 Tu-225 bombers
160 Tu-160's
24 Tu-128EW's
300 MiG-45's
160 MiG-31's
800 Su-37's
100 Il-76's
80 An-124's
30 An-225's
125 Il-78's
25 An-126's
25 A-50 AWACS
360 Su-39's
100 Su-24's
160 Su-59's
If Romania is invaded I shall get involved.
Can't cause there is not third front yet. Had to clear up the misunderstand on how Romania is organized first.
30,000 SouthPacific marines wait off the coast of Watertest awaiting permission to deploy in defense of the Watertest Peninsula.
With the intervention of Russian Forces on the side of communism, Eridu moves to deploy troops to where they are most needed.
97,000 troops from the Empire of Eridu arrive at G'dansk after going a circutous route to avoid the neutral nations of Denmark, west germany, east germany and democratic Poland (which seperates East Germany from communist poland.
340,000 troops moving from through the suez from Mesopotamia on transports escorted by 12 battleships and 15 aircraft carriers have begun storming the beaches of Sardinia in the nation of Watertest while that nation was busy watching its land border.
Half the troops poured into the country by paradropping from C130s.
Within an hour the battles for Alghero and Cagliari are under way.
But Eridu expects to have the island pacified shortly as we are currently bombing these cities with the F22 Joint Strike Fighters and combat drone aircraft from our carriers.
The fighters in the fleet are flying constant vigilance in case Watertest launches fighters to attack the fleet and invading divisions on Sardinia.
Another 50,000 troops flying in the new C147 directly from Eridu and escorted by 55 stealth fighters begin paradropping on to Sicily, taking up combat positions outside Syracuse. Once they are on the ground begin they siege of the city.
340,000 troops moving from through the suez from Mesopotamia on transports escorted by 12 battleships and 15 aircraft carriers have begun storming the beaches of Sardinia in the nation of Watertest while that nation was busy watching its land border.
Half the troops poured into the country by paradropping from C130s.
Within an hour the battles for Alghero and Cagliari are under way.
But Eridu expects to have the island pacified shortly as we are currently bombing these cities with the F22 Joint Strike Fighters and combat drone aircraft from our carriers.
The fighters in the fleet are flying constant vigilance in case Watertest launches fighters to attack the fleet and invading divisions on Sardinia.
Another 50,000 troops flying in the new C147 directly from Eridu and escorted by 55 stealth fighters begin paradropping on to Sicily, taking up combat positions outside Syracuse. Once they are on the ground begin they siege of the city.
SouthPacific 2nd fleet commander: Whose planes are those flying over there.
Vice Commander: Since we can confirm they are bombing Sicily, they are not ours and they not our allies.
Commander: Shit. Get our birds in the air. I want those SOBs knocked out of my sky.
97,000 troops from the Empire of Eridu arrive at G'dansk after going a circutous route to avoid the neutral nations of Denmark, west germany, east germany and democratic Poland (which seperates East Germany from communist poland.
I own Danzig(G'dansk)
97,000 troops from the Empire of Eridu arrive at G'dansk after going a circutous route to avoid the neutral nations of Denmark, west germany, east germany and democratic Poland (which seperates East Germany from communist poland.
A large Xerloxian battlefleet has arrived in the Baltic made up of:
10 Archangel'sk Class Carriers
15 Borodino Class super battleships
30 Muscovy Class Cruisers
50 Ludoga Destroyers
60 Okhost class frigates
55 Lena Class attack subs
20 Stalingrad Class SSGN's
45 Basil Class landing ships
A 2nd Fleet of a similar size is patrolling the Pacific
A volley of approximately 2,000 cruise missiles was launched at Polish targets including Airbases and Radar sites.
340,000 troops moving from through the suez from Mesopotamia on transports escorted by 12 battleships and 15 aircraft carriers have begun storming the beaches of Sardinia in the nation of Watertest while that nation was busy watching its land border.
Half the troops poured into the country by paradropping from C130s.
Within an hour the battles for Alghero and Cagliari are under way.
But Eridu expects to have the island pacified shortly as we are currently bombing these cities with the F22 Joint Strike Fighters and combat drone aircraft from our carriers.
The fighters in the fleet are flying constant vigilance in case Watertest launches fighters to attack the fleet and invading divisions on Sardinia.
Another 50,000 troops flying in the new C147 directly from Eridu and escorted by 55 stealth fighters begin paradropping on to Sicily, taking up combat positions outside Syracuse. Once they are on the ground begin they siege of the city.
OOC: Umm :twisted: time to kick some a--
Meeting at Rome on the situation on the country
A few hours ago a small force from Eridu landed on our country, we need to show them that we will not allow a foriegn bully to push around a bigger and more powerful nation
*Call up all active forces within the country*, Have the reserves notifed that they need to go to the nearest military base
Launch a counterstrike on Alghro, and Cagliari, don't let any enemies leave Watertest alive. They only have a few hundred thousand soldiers and some naval vessels. As for the "Blockade" 45 submarines will blow them out of the water, as for the land attack, these forces attacking will decimate them.
700,000 Soldiers
75,000 Hummers
15,000 105MM APC
15,000 105MM artillery
7,500 T-55 Infantry support
5,000 M1A2's
2,500 W-T Tanks
1,000 M270(MRLS)
750 F-16's
750 F-15's
500 W-T Weasels
350 F-22's
50 B-52 bombers
10 B-2's
OOC: Where is your country located in the (RL) world
13-09-2003, 19:29
Our forces have now claimed the area of Chernivsti within the area of West Ukraine.We have reports of only 50 Troops injured and 30 Troops killed.Our troops are now moving to prepare an attack on Kirovohrad.
Also to assist _Eridu_ in his invasion of Sicily,We have also scrambled 60 TU-160 Bombers to bomb Miltary Targets within..The bombers will be escorted by 100 MiG-31 FOXHOUNDS and shall arrive in 2 hours.
To: Rumanian Military - Command
From: Commander Ulyanov.
Re: Apparent Idiocy of Rumanian Defensive Schema.
While I understand that your country does not want to be taken over, the consequences of your retaliation against invasion by troops attempting to get through to the Ukranian Front, especially with Nuclear Weaponry, will cause more damage to the country than any invasion or any system of government ever could. Indeed, your people shall wish that they were conquered rather than suffer the effects of the devastation you shall unleash. Look to the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima for an example of what your country shall become.
-Respectfully yours,
Tovarisch Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, A.K.A. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
You think I'm just going to let you march through my country? Are you a DUMBASS? I doubt anything could even get across the border because nearly every inch of it is sighted by MLRS, Artillery, and Aircraft. IF ONE FOOT STEPS INTO ROMANIA THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY.
And if you attack me the following people will enter the war:
Dark Terror
East Germany
that's in excess of 1.5 BILLION people. I'll overlook you calling me an idiot because you are a stupid n00b, but you should learn to respect your elders "Vladimir".
Sept. nations acting tough is funny to watch.
President Al Neenyo offers Rylleh Security Forces to help if Free Rumania is attacked or if you need us to pre-position units there.
Thanks for the offer, but I shouldn't need anyhelp, I don't think they are dumb enough to invade me. Have 500 TDR-3000's as a token of my appreciation.
Cruise missile launchers burried deep withing the Carpathian mountains have targeted major cities inside Hungary and Southern Poland. The missiles have a range of 3,000 miles.
13-09-2003, 20:54
Our forces are making there way towards Kirovohrad.ETA:1 hour
i said "have targeted" not "have launched". They are there as a deterant, so fix your response. Infact you wouldn't even know about the cruise missiles in all likelyhood until they launch.
Who said I was attacking? I was commenting on the apparent idiocy of nuking your own country to keep out possible invaders. I don't really think I'd hafta go through Rumania anyway, but a 100-megaton nuke has a HUGE blast-radius. It's really not something you're just gonna throw randomly at the enemy.
And I never said I would use them, i just listed my ENTIRE arsenal of weapons
OOC: This is starting to get annoying, I didn't even do anything to Poland, except send 400 elite soldiers(Which his goverment didn't know about) and he attacked me. Now all these nations are attacking me and forgeting about West Ukraine. I have no problem with them attacking me however, they expect to land on my beaches, walk in my cities, and fight to the capital with no military presence. If I wanted to I would forget being nice, start a invasion, and crush Poland. I'm not going to be as nice now.
Sicily military base
*Incoming C-130's heading towards Sicily*
*Hundreds of SAM's point towards the air*
*They launch into the air leaving a trail of smoke behind them*
Defense Department
Today we have launched a full scale counter attack on Eridu forces. Alghro and Cagliari will be taken back first, then we destroy all these naval vessels outside our waters.
Land Attack
700,000 Soldiers
75,000 Hummers
15,000 105MM APC
15,000 105MM artillery
7,500 T-55 Infantry support
5,000 M1A2's
2,500 W-T Tanks
1,000 M270(MRLS)
750 F-16's
750 F-15's
500 W-T Weasels
350 F-22's
50 B-52 bombers
10 B-2's
Naval attack
25 Submarines
5 Battleships
7 Cruisers
10 Destroyers
30 Pt boats
To: Watertest
From: SayaDjinn
RE: Geography
Where's Watertest located in relation to the other countries?
Although in (NS) I am somewhere else, in (RL) I play in Italy.
How aobut an amphibious attack?
Following being prepared:
• 5 Spasenya hospital ships
• 20 EM-90 Manatee sealift ships
• 20 Soyuz III battleships
• 10 Kirov heacy cruisers
• 5 Slava-M cruisers
• 20 Oscar 3 class attack cubmarines
• 12 Tikhiy stealth destroyers
• 28 Udaloy II class frigates
• 14 Korsar class frigates
How aobut an amphibious attack?
Following being prepared:
• 5 Spasenya hospital ships
• 20 EM-90 Manatee sealift ships
• 20 Soyuz III battleships
• 10 Kirov heacy cruisers
• 5 Slava-M cruisers
• 20 Oscar 3 class attack cubmarines
• 12 Tikhiy stealth destroyers
• 28 Udaloy II class frigates
• 14 Korsar class frigates
OOC: Your on the democracy side right
White Ireland
14-09-2003, 04:07
I dont think he is. I have been watching different fourms, all about this incident.
DT is on the Anti-Commy side.
White Ireland
14-09-2003, 04:15
Ohhhhh! Well that's good. 8)
By the way......what is this: :mrgreen: what does it mean!?
Russian Forces
14-09-2003, 04:19
East Ukrainians of the Russian Forces are now sneaking into Western Ukraine to start up a marxist revolution against the Enemy regime. Also Russian aircraft are now bombing a few small out posts along the Eastern Ukrainian border.
Russian Forces
14-09-2003, 04:19
East Ukrainians of the Russian Forces are now sneaking into Western Ukraine to start up a marxist revolution against the Enemy regime. Also Russian aircraft are now bombing a few small out posts along the Eastern Ukrainian border.
14-09-2003, 05:30
97,000 troops from the Empire of Eridu arrive at G'dansk after going a circutous route to avoid the neutral nations of Denmark, west germany, east germany and democratic Poland (which seperates East Germany from communist poland.
I own Danzig(G'dansk)
You can't. That's my capital.
14-09-2003, 05:36
Polish forces outside Chernobyl have set seige to the city.
Which is unexpectedly being well defended by the capitalists.
Out 430,000 troops, we have lost 120,000 to the capitalists whereby halting our advance inside West Ukraine.
We are now dependent on the troops being sent in by Russian Forces to help communism retake West Ukraine.
The radar on the Aegis cruisers spots the incoming SouthPacific and Watertest craft.
All fighters are ordered toward the bogeys. All fighters still on deck are scrambeled into the air and quickly they clash against the fighters from the South Pacific carriers.
123 others head for the craft from Watertest to knock them out of the air and provide air cover for Eridu troops in Sardinia and Sicily.
Space Transports (converted space shuttles), enters the earth's atmosphere entering East Germany.
After it slows enough, 50,000 troops jet out of the back as it slides open beneath them. Empty of troops, the ST heads back into space and to WestMoon where more troops await.
The West Moon troops drop onto East German territory and head to the nearest city to take it out.
Meantime, WestMoon's Ambassador to Rumania sends the Rumanian delegate a telegram.
14-09-2003, 06:26
Polish forces outside Chernobyl have set seige to the city.
Which is unexpectedly being well defended by the capitalists.
Out 430,000 troops, we have lost 120,000 to the capitalists whereby halting our advance inside West Ukraine.
We are now dependent on the troops being sent in by Russian Forces to help communism retake West Ukraine.
100,000 Peoples Army forces have met up with CommunistPoland troops and are now assisting in overtaking the city.Also 20 Tu-160 Bombers are bombing West Ukraine military positions in Chernobyl.
OOC: 300 Fighters against 2,000 isn't good odds
Incoming fighters indentifed as Bogeys
Lets give them hell to pay, captain
F-18's scrambling at Mach 2
F-18 firing at Enemy Bogeys
Pilot ejecting from totaled F-22
Soldiers have engaged enemy forces invading Watertest
Tanks are making their way through the plains
Tanks firing at enemy soldiers
Hummers firing TOW at enemy postion
Russian Forces
14-09-2003, 11:39
Russian Forces now are starting their full scale invasion of Western Ukraine to rid it of capitalist rebels. Tanks and troops are now crossing the river into Kiev and are using MLRS's to bombard the enemy. The West Ukrainians are surrounded now. Also Communists all over Western Ukraine who support Russia are starting road blocks and barricades in cities and towns.
14-09-2003, 12:13
The Dr_Twist Controlled Area's of Bulgaria and Greece have been Closed, Over 10 Million Troop's are Equipment are in this Area, AA and AM systems are on Full Alert Prepared for anything All Border's have Been Closed, Army's are on Full Alert Prepared for any type of Invasion.
The Dr_Twist Government Warn's any Nation that an Attack of These Area's will Result in the Full Annialation of your Nation.
The first of 10,000,000 troops to be sent to Western Ukraine have just arrived. They will be aiding the Ukrainians to repel the Communist invaders.