Capsule Corporation Military Technology [CLOSED]
This storefront is now closed until further notice, sorry.
We have completed construction of a lot of ships, ready for sale on the international market, and here they are!
((Simple pics for bandwidth conservation ;) Ask to see a 3d pic))
A note on buying production rights to any of these:
The cost for internal-use-only production rights is twice the cost of the item, and you receive rights to produce all the technology that comes with that, including the seeds for growing Chlorophusion. Remember, Chlorophusion can not be replicated, it must be grown. Cloning is hard as the DNA genome is very complex, so it is not recommended. Even the Capsule Corporation has not managed to clone Chlorophusion succesfully... we had disasterous results.
The Kryptonite-Class Cruiser
Length: 797 meters
Crew: 150 people, 25 droids, and 3 central AI, one for mechanical, one for weaponry, and one for information.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: Capsule Mk II Cascading Hyperspace Fold Drive (also works as Hyperdrive OR fold drive)
Docking Capabilities: 36 Fighters, 2 Shuttlecraft, and 2 Corvettes
Cargo Capacity: Very little.
Weapons: This ship is built around the Farad System... as you can see from the twin hulls. Other weapons include 12 Mk II Rail Cannons (100km/s x100kg) (10 Forward, 2 Aft), 82 Turret-Mounted Farad Beam Cannons, and some hundred close-defense plasma-bolt cannon turrets.
Defenses: A very thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, a Xanthal Type VII Shield, and of course, the powerful Farad system.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Yes.
Price: 190 Billion
The Patriarch-Class Cargo FoldShip
Length: 750 meters
Crew: 20 people, 5 droids, and 2 central AI, one for mechanical and one for science and information.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: Capsule Mk II Cascading Hyperspace Fold Drive (also works as Hyperdrive OR fold drive)
Docking Capabilities: 8 Fighters, 8 Mecha, 2 Corvettes
Cargo Capacity: roughly 90% of it's frame is reserved for cargo.
Weapons: None stock.
Defenses: A very thick LiquidMetal2/Steel armor, made from triton-mined alloys, A heavy (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Yes.
Price: 85 Billion
The Kolob-Class Carrier
Length: 625 meters
Crew: 150 people, 45 droids, and 3 central AI, one for mechanical, one for weaponry, and one for information.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: Capsule Mk II Cascading Hyperspace Fold Drive (also works as Hyperdrive OR fold drive)
Docking Capabilities: 72 Fighters, 6 Shuttlecraft, and 2 Corvettes
Cargo Capacity: 1,000,000 tons, or half a legion of ground troops/tanks etc.
Weapons: 11 Turret-Mounted Farad Beam Cannons, 4 Heavy Plasma-bolt cannons, and 50 close-defense light plasma-bolt cannon turrets.
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a Xanthal Type VI shield.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Yes.
Price: 110 Billion
The Moroni-Class BattleCruiser
Length: 750 meters
Crew: 350 people, 25 droids, and 3 central AI, one for mechanical, one for weaponry, and one for information.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: Capsule Mk II Cascading Hyperspace Fold Drive (also works as Hyperdrive OR fold drive)
Docking Capabilities: 36 Fighters, 2 Shuttlecraft, and 2 Corvettes
Cargo Capacity: 200mx50mx20m
Weapons: 6 Forward-Facing Mk III Rail Cannons (110km/s x100kg), 32 Turret-Mounted Farad Beam Cannons, 34 Forward-arc Plasma-Bolt Cannons, and some hundred close-defense plasma-bolt cannon turrets.
Defenses: A very thick armor, made from triton-mined liquidmetal alloys, and a Xanthal Type VII shield.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Yes
Price: 150 Billion
The Omni-Class Frigate
Length: 275 meters
Crew: 72 people, 1 central AI
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: x1.2 Hyperdrive (SW Type), x6 Backup Hyperdrive
Docking Capabilities: Can dock 2 small ships, or dock to a larger ship
Weapons: 3 Rail Cannons (80km/s x100kg) (Fixed forward), 6Turret-Mounted Farad Beam Cannons, 3 Heavy Plasma-Bolt cannons (2 forward, one aft), and 48 close-defense light plasma-bolt cannon turrets.
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a Xanthal Type V shield.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Yes
Price: 45 Billion
The Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette
Length: 99 meters
Crew: 2-25 people, 25 droids, 1 central AI
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: x1.2 Hyperdrive (SW Type)
Docking Capabilities: 1 Vertical launch bay, 30mx15mx5m; 1 Horizontal launch bay, 30mx17mx8m; and one small horizontal launch bay, 15mx8mx3m. A bay may be replaced with additional sensor equipment, or closed off for cargo, or equipped with additional deflector arrays or weapons or whatever.
Weapons: 4 Torpedo tubes, 4 Heavy Plasma-bolt cannons (forward facing, vertical arc of up to 45 degrees), and 6 medium quad plasma-bolt cannons, turret-mounted
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a Xanthal Type IV shield.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: yes
Price: 15 Billion
The Reflex-Class Corvette
Length: 79 meters
Crew: 3-16 people, 1 central AI
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: x1.2 Hyperdrive (SW Type)
Docking Capabilities: Can dock to a larger ship
Weapons: Whole-ship Farad system, 8 Missile Hardpoints, 4 Repeating Plasma-Bolt Cannons
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a Xanthal Type IV shield.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: yes
Price: 7 Billion
The Mahonri Moriancumer-Class Attack Dropship
"MC" for short
Role: Troop Transport, Mecha Transport, Anti-GravShip, Anti-Structure, Anti-Artillery, and MedEvac.
Length: 27 meters
Height: 7.5 meters
Wingspan: 17 meters
Crew: 1 Pilot, 2 Gunners, 1 Basic AI (Complementary)
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber, 2 Plasma Engines under each wing (4 total) for forward movement, 2 Heavy Plasma Engines in wingtips (4 total) for Vertical thrust, Countless Ion-Drive Reaction-Control Trhusters, a basic repulsorlift drive for assist in landing and takeoff.
FTL Drives: None
Inertia Nullifiers: Yes
Docking Capabilities: Fits easily inside the bay of a Tachyon-Class Corvette.
Cargo Space: 17m x 5m x 6m, or configured to carry up to 50 Troops tightly packed.
Weapons: 2 Torpedo tubes, 6 Heavy Plasma-bolt cannons (forward-fire only, fire linked or fire alternate) for basic assault, and 4 Turret-Mounted Farad Beam Cannons for precision striking.
Defenses: A thick LiquidMetal^2 Armor, and a Xanthal Type III shield.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Yes.
Re-Entry Capable: Yes.
Price: 210 million
CCF-16 "StarFalcon" Aero/space Fighter
Length: 16m
Crew: 1 person, 1 central AI
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: none
Air Speed: Mach 0-7, airframe can hold up to Mach 27.
Max Space Accelleration: 200m/s/s
Inertial nullifiers: Yes
Docking Capabilities: Can dock to a larger ship
Weapons: 4 Repeating Plasma-Bolt cannons (1 on each wingtip), 5 hardpoints
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a Xanthal Type II shield.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: yes
Price: 55 million
CCF-7 "Senine" Aero/space Attacker
Length: 20 meters
Crew: 1 person, 1 central AI
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: none
Air Speed: Mach 0-5, airframe can hold up to Mach 27.
Max Space Accelleration: 100m/s/s
Inertial nullifiers: Yes
Docking Capabilities: Can dock to a larger ship
Weapons: 2 Repeating Plasma-Bolt cannons (1 on each wingtip), 12 hardpoints (3 on top and bottom of each wing) that can hold packs of 9 mini-missiles for massive missile swarms.
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a Xanthal Type III shield.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: yes
Price: 45 million
CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter
Length: 5 meters
Crew: 1 AI, may be flown by remote control.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: none
Air Speed: Mach 0-7, airframe can hold up to Mach 27.
Max Space Accelleration: 200m/s/s
Inertial nullifiers: Yes
Docking Capabilities: Can dock to a larger ship
Weapons: 2 Repeating Plasma-Bolt cannons, 2 Farad Beam Cannons, and 4 hardpoints
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a Xanthal Type II shield.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Limited.
Price: 40 million
The Following 2 Mecha are also known as "Skatermecha" after the way their characteristic hovering abilities:
Legolas Class Battlemecha
This is a 1 or 2 person mecha, capable of walking, skating, jumping, or maneuevering slowly in space (though it can not re-enter the atmosphere by itself).
It has 2 Arms with limited-use hands, 1 Plasma-Bolt Cannon, 3 Gauss Rifle (2 Medium, 1 heavy), and 2 Farad Beam Cannons. The right arm also comes with basically a giant swiss army knife, with all sorts of little tools, including a cutting LASER.
An engine cluster on each foot, and on the back of the pod, in combination with the mechanical motors for the moving parts, all powered by a chlorophusion powerplant, give the Legolas the following speeds:
Walking speed is up to 160 km/h, Skating Speed (hovering with foot thrusters, propelled by rear thrusters) is close to 600 km/h, and can jump up to 100m. Vernier thrusters allow it to maneuver slowly in zero-gravity.
Height: 7.5m
Armor: Medium, LASER Resistant
Total Weight: 25 tons
Price: 35 million
Samson Class Battlemecha
a 1-man mecha with the same speed stats as the Legolas, but armament is 1 Heavy Gauss Rifle, 1 Farad Beam Cannons, 2 20mm automatic cannons, and 2 fully functional arms with hands which can hold almost any mecha weapon. The right arm also comes with basically a giant swiss army knife, with all sorts of little tools, including a cutting LASER.
Height: 8m
Armor: Medium, LASER Resistant
Total Weight: 23 tons
Price: 25 million
Package Deal:
A Whole CC Battlegroup:
1 Kryptonite Class Cruiser - 190 billion
1 Kolob Class Carrier - 110 Billion
1 Moroni Class Battlecruiser - 150 Billion
9 Omni-Class Frigates - 405 Billion
6 Tachyon Class Corvettes - 90 Billion
6 Reflex Class Corvettes - 42 Billion
36 Mahonri Coriancumer Class Attack Dropships - 7.56 Billion
36 StarFalcons - 1.98 Billion
72 Senines - 3.24 Billion
36 TrickFighters - 1.44 Billion
72 Legolas Mecha - 2.52 Billion
36 Samson Mecha - .9 Billion
That totals to just barely over a trillion, which we will round to EXACTLY 1 Trillion USD if you buy all that in a combo.
Reference Threads:
Vehicles and Vessels (
Farad Technology (
Chlorophusion Technology (
Chloro-Borg Technology (
Chlorophusion Weaponry (
LiquidMetal^2 Armor Technology (
FTL Technologies (
bump (
the CCF-11 looks like the Dralthi or the Vaktoth from Wing Commander.
the CCF-11 looks like the Dralthi or the Vaktoth from Wing Commander.hmm... actually i designed it after Matt LeBlanc's bubble fighter from Lost in Space ;)
stats on LASERs fixed.. had them waaay underrated.
Bob the 3ed
08-09-2003, 04:52
do you sell plans and rights?
do you sell plans and rights?plans and rights to produce for your own military purposes is 2x cost of the item
i should note however, Capsule Corporation is the only supplier of Chlorophusion cells. They are not up for free trade yet... but you can easily replace the chlorophusion stuff with a fusion generator... it just probably won't be as powerful, but i don't know what tech you use.
Bob the 3ed
08-09-2003, 05:21
The Kryptonite-Class Cruiser
Length: 797 meters
Crew: 150 people, 25 droids, and 3 central AI, one for mechanical, one for weaponry, and one for information.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: Mk III Capsule Space-Folding drive, Back-up: x4 Hyperdrive (SW Type)
Docking Capabilities: 36 Fighters, 2 Shuttlecraft, and 2 Corvettes
Cargo Capacity: This ship serves as Triton City's "Garden" for Chlorophusion-producing Plants
Weapons: This ship is built around the Farad System... as you can see from the twin hulls. Other weapons include 12 Rail Cannons (10km/sx100kg) (10 Forward, 2 Aft), 82 Dual 1.2 TeraWatt LASER turrets, and some hundred close-defense plasma-bolt cannon turrets.
Defenses: A very thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, A heavy (SW-Type) Deflector Shield, and of course, the powerful Farad system.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Yes.
Price: 475 Billion
Legolas Class Battlemecha
This is a 1 or 2 person mecha, capable of walking, skating, jumping, or maneuevering slowly in space (though it can not re-enter the atmosphere by itself).
It has 2 Arms with limited-use hands, 1 Plasma-Bolt Cannon, 3 Gauss Rifle (2 Medium, 1 heavy), and 2 5000 GW LASERs. The right arm also comes with basically a giant swiss army knife, with all sorts of little tools, including a cutting LASER.
An engine cluster on each foot, and on the back of the pod, in combination with the mechanical motors for the moving parts, all powered by a chlorophusion powerplant, give the Legolas the following speeds:
Walking speed is up to 160 km/h, Skating Speed (hovering with foot thrusters, propelled by rear thrusters) is close to 600 km/h, and can jump up to 100m. Vernier thrusters allow it to maneuver slowly in zero-gravity.
Height: 7.5m
Armor: Medium, LASER Resistant
Total Weight: 25 tons
Price: 195 million
i would like to see 3d pic, plans and rights to produce for the tri-alliance's military, and open trade with you.
all we will trade is on
request denied. We will allow you to build for your own military, and that's it.
and 3d pic: ((sorry it's from a news report, but I don't feel like rendering it lol))
this frad system of yours intrest us, are you selling information on it. We are intersted because we would like to have more of an offecencive punch in large ship combat with out having to commit one of our explorer class ships to the operation. Dose it require the entire hull to be use or could it be mounted on a ship of one of thes confugurations.
this frad system of yours intrest us, are you selling information on it. We are intersted because we would like to have more of an offecencive punch in large ship combat with out having to commit one of our explorer class ships to the operation. Dose it require the entire hull to be use or could it be mounted on a ship of one of thes confugurations., i remember that ship from homewrold, was actually trying to copy it for a flagship design lol
It should work... we'll sell you the full disclosure of the FARAD system for 200 billion. And you can have the rights to use it on your ships. But again, if you want to sell it to other nations, that is another story.
Even though i'm still POed at you I'll buy a Kolob-Class Carrier.
Even though i'm still POed at you I'll buy a Kolob-Class Carrier.what are you PO'ed about? And even though I don't know/want to know where you have the money to buy a Kolob, your order is confirmed and it is on it's way.
OOc: well one is Cataclysm the other is Hw2
I have no wish to commit such a large sum to a untested system, perhaps we will look elsewhere.
OOc: well one is Cataclysm the other is Hw2
I have no wish to commit such a large sum to a untested system, perhaps we will look elsewhere.UNTESTED? Are you kidding, the system works perfectly!
Allright, 100 Billion.
Even though i'm still POed at you I'll buy a Kolob-Class Carrier.what are you PO'ed about? And even though I don't know/want to know where you have the money to buy a Kolob, your order is confirmed and it is on it's way.
Ahh no send that to Jump-tech Enterprises and I or rather he is mad about not getting the first Kryptonite class because you didn't think he had enough money and in closing yes Jump-tech and i are the same person.
Tested on your craft, not ours. 100 billion seams a bit more reasinoble, a secure transport is being dispatched with the required funds it will arive in 20 hours. to pich up a hard copy of the plans.
Even though i'm still POed at you I'll buy a Kolob-Class Carrier.what are you PO'ed about? And even though I don't know/want to know where you have the money to buy a Kolob, your order is confirmed and it is on it's way.
Ahh no send that to Jump-tech Enterprises and I or rather he is mad about not getting the first Kryptonite class because you didn't think he had enough money and in closing yes Jum[-tech and i are the same person.why would he be mad now? they're much cheaper now ;)
Because you treated him like an idiot and didn't believe him.
Because you treated him like an idiot and didn't believe him.what's there to believe? he had a low economy... and so do you... I still have doubts about where you are getting the money to buy this ship... but, oh well...
His economy is very strong and mine is strong, mine used to be higher and he has only bought a couple things sence he's was created on July 18th.
Capsule Corp speaking, too lazy to log back in:
Dude, you have an annual GDP of less than 300 billion... that ship costs 350 billion i believe... how does that work?
I said send it to freakin' Jump-tech. Moron. Just I nevermind cancel the order.
I said send it to freakin' Jump-tech. Moron. Just I nevermind cancel the order....whoa, if you are gonna talk to me like that, screw you anyway.
08-09-2003, 18:50
Communiqué from Peng-Pau to Capsule Corporation
Subject: Order
To: Head of Storefront
From: Delaria Czjvenedestra
Priority: High
I am Delaria Czjvenedestra, Capitalia Reverensa of Peng-Pau.
I wish to place a ?200 billion down payment on a Kryptonite Class Cruiser. The remaining bill will be paid next year.
Do you accept my offer?
*she smiles, and blows her trademark kiss to the screen*
Cajvenedestra out.
We have a surplus of these great ships, and we want to get rid of them! But of course, if you don't buy them, they will just be in our military until they are purchased! ;)
Communiqué from Peng-Pau to Capsule Corporation
Subject: Order
To: Head of Storefront
From: Delaria Czjvenedestra
Priority: High
I am Delaria Czjvenedestra, Capitalia Reverensa of Peng-Pau.
I wish to place a ?200 billion down payment on a Kryptonite Class Cruiser. The remaining bill will be paid next year.
Do you accept my offer?
*she smiles, and blows her trademark kiss to the screen*
Cajvenedestra out.
MESSAGE ENDSThat is very acceptable. You may take out a loan with us. Pay it back within the next 5 years (week RL time) Or... well... actions will be taken ;) But if you need more time, just politeley ask via telegram.
08-09-2003, 19:17
Communiqué from Peng-Pau to Capsule Corporation
Subject: Order
To: Head of Storefront
From: Delaria Czjvenedestra
Priority: High
Greetings again.
Thankyou for accepting my offer. Payment is as follows:
*she smiles and blows her signature kiss to the screen*
Czjvenedestra out.
CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter
Length: 5 meters
Crew: 1 AI, may be flown by remote control.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: none
Docking Capabilities: Can dock to a larger ship
[b]Weapons: 2 Repeating Plasma-Bolt cannons, 2 4MW LASERs, and 4 hardpoints
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a light (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Limited.
Price: 650 million
Rights and plans.
1,300,000,000 will be wired if you said yes.
For my own use.
WK: Confirmed.
3d pic
WK: Confirmed.
3d pic (old one lol but you get the idea):
Money wired. Thanks.
got bored, made a new pic for the trickfighter ;)
2 more freshly rendered pics:
Legolas Class Battlemecha
This is a 1 or 2 person mecha, capable of walking, skating, jumping, or maneuevering slowly in space (though it can not re-enter the atmosphere by itself).
It has 2 Arms with limited-use hands, 1 Plasma-Bolt Cannon, 3 Gauss Rifle (2 Medium, 1 heavy), and 2 4MW LASERs. The right arm also comes with basically a giant swiss army knife, with all sorts of little tools, including a cutting LASER.
An engine cluster on each foot, and on the back of the pod, in combination with the mechanical motors for the moving parts, all powered by a chlorophusion powerplant, give the Legolas the following speeds:
Walking speed is up to 160 km/h, Skating Speed (hovering with foot thrusters, propelled by rear thrusters) is close to 600 km/h, and can jump up to 100m. Vernier thrusters allow it to maneuver slowly in zero-gravity.
Height: 7.5m
Armor: Medium, LASER Resistant
Total Weight: 25 tons
Price: 195 million
Samson Class Battlemecha
a 1-man mecha with the same speed stats as the Legolas, but armament is 1 Heavy Gauss Rifle, 1 4MW LASER, 2 20mm automatic cannons, and 2 fully functional arms with hands which can hold almost any mecha weapon. The right arm also comes with basically a giant swiss army knife, with all sorts of little tools, including a cutting LASER.
Height: 8m
Armor: Medium, LASER Resistant
Total Weight: 23 tons
Price: 160 million
Reference Threads:
Farad system (
Chlorophusion Energy (
I would like to purchase 25 legolas and 25 Samson Mechs I would also like to get the plans for each of those. However We do not intend to use develop the mechs with the original programming. Maybe we could do a swap? My country is routinly rewriting the AI and battlefiled control for their mechanized infantry, and can send a couple of versions your way if that is agreeable
CCF-16 "StarFalcon" Aero/space Fighter
Length: 16
Crew: 1 person, 1 central AI
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: none
Docking Capabilities: Can dock to a larger ship
[b]Weapons: 4 Repeating Plasma-Bolt cannons (1 on each wingtip), 5 hardpoints
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a light (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: yes
Price: 850 million
We would like 100
CCF-7 "Senine" Aero/space Attacker
Length: 20 meters
Crew: 1 person, 1 central AI
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: none
Docking Capabilities: Can dock to a larger ship
[b]Weapons: 2 Repeating Plasma-Bolt cannons (1 on each wingtip), 12 hardpoints (3 on top and bottom of each wing) that can hold packs of 9 mini-missiles for massive missile swarms.
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a light (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: yes
Price: 750 million
Gotta Luv that budget surplus! :lol:
The engineers of Linux Impromtus thank you
order Confirmed, plans purchased, but no trade will be necessary, we are happy with our current AI program.
The Kryptonite-Class Cruiser
Length: 797 meters
Crew: 150 people, 25 droids, and 3 central AI, one for mechanical, one for weaponry, and one for information.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: Mk III Capsule Space-Folding drive, Back-up: x4 Hyperdrive (SW Type)
Docking Capabilities: 36 Fighters, 2 Shuttlecraft, and 2 Corvettes
Cargo Capacity: This ship serves as Triton City's "Garden" for Chlorophusion-producing Plants
Weapons: This ship is built around the Farad System... as you can see from the twin hulls. Other weapons include 12 Rail Cannons (10km/s x100kg) (10 Forward, 2 Aft), 82 Dual 5MW LASER turrets, and some hundred close-defense plasma-bolt cannon turrets.
Defenses: A very thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, A heavy (SW-Type) Deflector Shield, and of course, the powerful Farad system.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Yes.
Price: 475 Billion
Rights and plans.
950 billion
Money wired will be wired.
order confirmed.
Money wired.
25 Legolas Class Battlemecha @ 195M = 4,875,000,000
35 Samson Class Battlemecha @ 160M = 5,600,000,000
10 CCF-16 "StarFalcon" Aero/space Fighter @ 850M = 8,500,000,000
10 CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter @ 650M = 6,500,000,000
Total cost = $25,475,000,000
~~~Money Wired~~~
25 Legolas Class Battlemecha @ 195M = 4,875,000,000
35 Samson Class Battlemecha @ 160M = 5,600,000,000
10 CCF-16 "StarFalcon" Aero/space Fighter @ 850M = 8,500,000,000
10 CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter @ 650M = 6,500,000,000
Total cost = $25,475,000,000
~~~Money Wired~~~confirmed, thank you.
I Want 10 Of Samson Class Battlemecha Pz
Money Wired
I Want 10 Of Samson Class Battlemecha Pz
Money Wiredconfirmed. they are on their way.
12-09-2003, 19:49
christwagon will take the deed and blueprints of these three vehicles.
-Legolas Class Battlemecha
-The Omni-Class Frigate
-The Kryptonite-Class Cruiser
the money will b wired... within the day
christwagon will take the deed and blueprints of these three vehicles.
-Legolas Class Battlemecha
-The Omni-Class Frigate
-The Kryptonite-Class Cruiser
the money will b wired... within the daySpeaking as Capsule Corp: order confirmed.
You do know you spelled 'Fighter' wrong...
You do know you spelled 'Fighter' wrong...ROFL!!!!! thanks, I'll fix that
k, that fix will do for now :)
my bad ;)
The Kolob-Class Carrier
Length: 625 meters
Crew: 150 people, 45 droids, and 3 central AI, one for mechanical, one for weaponry, and one for information.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: Mk III Capsule Space-Folding drive, Back-up: x4 Hyperdrive (SW Type)
Docking Capabilities: 72 Fighters, 6 Shuttlecraft, and 2 Corvettes
Cargo Capacity: 1,000,000 tons, or half a legion of ground troops/tanks etc.
Weapons: 11 Dual 5MW LASER turrets, 4 Heavy Plasma-bolt cannons, and 50 close-defense light plasma-bolt cannon turrets.
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and medium-heavy (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Yes.
Price: 320 Billion
The Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette
Length: 179 meters
Crew: 2-25 people, 25 droids, 1 central AI
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: x1.2 Hyperdrive (SW Type)
[b]Docking Capabilities: 2 Standard Bays, one horizontal, one vertical, each can hold up to 4 aircraft or 8 mecha. A bay may be replaced with additional sensor equipment.
Weapons: 4 Heavy Plasma-bolt cannons (forward facing, vertical arc of up to 45 degrees), and 6 medium quad plasma-bolt cannons, turret-mounted
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a medium (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: yes
Price: 45 Billion
The production rights and blueprints for the Kolob-Class Carrier.
The production rights and blueprints for the Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette.
~~~Money wired~~~
King JWolf
WK, you are buying up a lot of production rights. order confirmed, but we would like to know why.
WK, you are buying up a lot of production rights. order confirmed, but we would like to know why.
OOC: I don't want to find my own stuff.
They are all cool but some you know what I'm talking about.J/K on the last part.
WK, you are buying up a lot of production rights. order confirmed, but we would like to know why.
OOC: I don't want to find my own stuff.
They are all cool but some you know what I'm talking about.J/K on the last part.*shrugs* whatever, so long as you aren't starting an underground knock-off of us... If I find a storefront with my stuff in it, I will... hurt you.
Western Might
18-09-2003, 18:59
*tag for later post*
*tag for later post**tags back* you're it :P
18-09-2003, 19:42
come to think of it i would also like the rights to the The Kolob-Class Carrier. thx
------------=money wired=---------------
come to think of it i would also like the rights to the The Kolob-Class Carrier. thx
------------=money wired=---------------sure. Just as long as you realize that you can't SELL this stuff to other nations.
Bob the 3ed
18-09-2003, 23:30
The Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette
Length: 179 meters
Crew: 2-25 people, 25 droids, 1 central AI
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: x1.2 Hyperdrive (SW Type)
Docking Capabilities: 2 Standard Bays, one horizontal, one vertical, each can hold up to 4 aircraft or 8 mecha. A bay may be replaced with additional sensor equipment.
[b]Weapons: 4 Heavy Plasma-bolt cannons (forward facing, vertical arc of up to 45 degrees), and 6 medium quad plasma-bolt cannons, turret-mounted
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a medium (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: yes
Price: 45 Billion
CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter
Length: 5 meters
Crew: 1 AI, may be flown by remote control.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: none
Docking Capabilities: Can dock to a larger ship
[b]Weapons: 2 Repeating Plasma-Bolt cannons, 2 4MW LASERs, and 4 hardpoints
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a light (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Limited.
Price: 650 million
The Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette: 39
CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter: 221
1,898,650,000,000 USD sent
Bob: Order confirmed, thank you very much! You took a lot of our stock from us :) We're gonna have to bring back up production of the shipyards in that area ^_^
Bob the 3ed
18-09-2003, 23:36
next year i'll buy more
I would like to buy rights as well, but I want to know how much they cost first.
I would like to buy rights as well, but I want to know how much they cost first.Rights n most of thee stuff is 2x the cost of the item... however, you may not sell them. You may only make them for YOUR military.
I would like to buy rights as well, but I want to know how much they cost first.Rights n most of thee stuff is 2x the cost of the item... however, you may not sell them. You may only make them for YOUR military.
What about donation to the GA?
I would like to buy rights as well, but I want to know how much they cost first.Rights n most of thee stuff is 2x the cost of the item... however, you may not sell them. You may only make them for YOUR military.
What about donation to the GA?CC Speaking: Check with me first... or buy it in the name of the GA.
Screw it, I want plans to everything in the name of Jimathon. How much?
Screw it, I want plans to everything in the name of Jimathon. How much?2x the cost of everything. And remember, if I catch you selling this stuff, you are dead :)
Screw it, I want plans to everything in the name of Jimathon. How much?2x the cost of everything. And remember, if I catch you selling this stuff, you are dead :)
no worries, be happy.
*Large amount of money wired*
Screw it, I want plans to everything in the name of Jimathon. How much?2x the cost of everything. And remember, if I catch you selling this stuff, you are dead :)
no worries, be happy.
*Large amount of money wired*lol k, confirmed
1 Kryptonite-Class Cruiser {475 Billion}
8 Reflex-Class Corvette {100 billion}
Total = 575 billion
~~~Money wired~~~
Lord O demônio-homem[b][color=green]
Bob the 3ed
20-09-2003, 00:36
The Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette
Length: 179 meters
Crew: 2-25 people, 25 droids, 1 central AI
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: x1.2 Hyperdrive (SW Type)
Docking Capabilities: 2 Standard Bays, one horizontal, one vertical, each can hold up to 4 aircraft or 8 mecha. A bay may be replaced with additional sensor equipment.
[b]Weapons: 4 Heavy Plasma-bolt cannons (forward facing, vertical arc of up to 45 degrees), and 6 medium quad plasma-bolt cannons, turret-mounted
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a medium (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: yes
Price: 45 Billion
CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter
Length: 5 meters
Crew: 1 AI, may be flown by remote control.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: none
Docking Capabilities: Can dock to a larger ship
[b]Weapons: 2 Repeating Plasma-Bolt cannons, 2 4MW LASERs, and 4 hardpoints
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a light (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Limited.
Price: 650 million
The Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette: 39
CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter: 221
1,898,650,000,000 USD sent
doing it agin
1 Kryptonite-Class Cruiser {475 Billion}
8 Reflex-Class Corvette {100 billion}
Total = 575 billion
~~~Money wired~~~
Lord O demônio-homem[b][color=green]
Econ Confirmed.
Bob, you mean you wish to make the same order again? Wow, thank you. Please allow a few months for us to complete this order. :) Order is confirmed. ((Will arrive in 12 RL hours))
Bob the 3ed
20-09-2003, 01:33
Bob, you mean you wish to make the same order again? Wow, thank you. Please allow a few months for us to complete this order. :) Order is confirmed. ((Will arrive in 12 RL hours))
yes and thx
Bob the 3ed
20-09-2003, 01:37
i'll trade you some borg tech, it will build your ships for you
1 Omni-Class Frigate
2 CCF-16 Falcon Fighters
Total of $96,700,000,000 is wired.
i'll trade you some borg tech, it will build your ships for youhmmmm... keep talking. (TM me)
1 Omni-Class Frigate
2 CCF-16 Falcon Fighters
Total of $96,700,000,000 is wired.order confirmed
have u finished that ship for me yet, this is intergallactic hell
Bob the 3ed
21-09-2003, 17:24
The Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette
Length: 179 meters
Crew: 2-25 people, 25 droids, 1 central AI
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: x1.2 Hyperdrive (SW Type)
Docking Capabilities: 2 Standard Bays, one horizontal, one vertical, each can hold up to 4 aircraft or 8 mecha. A bay may be replaced with additional sensor equipment.
[b]Weapons: 4 Heavy Plasma-bolt cannons (forward facing, vertical arc of up to 45 degrees), and 6 medium quad plasma-bolt cannons, turret-mounted
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a medium (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: yes
Price: 45 Billion
CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter
Length: 5 meters
Crew: 1 AI, may be flown by remote control.
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber
FTL Drives: none
Docking Capabilities: Can dock to a larger ship
[b]Weapons: 2 Repeating Plasma-Bolt cannons, 2 4MW LASERs, and 4 hardpoints
Defenses: A thick armor, made from triton-mined alloys, and a light (SW-Type) Deflector Shield
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Limited.
Price: 650 million
The Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette: 39
CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter: 221
1,898,650,000,000 USD sent
doing it agin
i'll trade you some borg tech, it will build your ships for you
have u finished that ship for me yet, this is intergallactic hellI've been on vacation
i'll trade you some borg tech, it will build your ships for youCC Speaking: Yes, you said that. Tell me more. Would it be controllable, or conscious? We could have a LOT of use for borg technology minus compelte collectiveness.
Bob the 3ed
21-09-2003, 22:37
bob the 3rd: if i have them take off the collectiveness, or show how useful it....
the -borg-:
We are the Borg.
Lower your shields, and surrender your ship.
We will add your biological and technological
distinctiveness to our own.
Your culture will adapt to service ours.
Resistance is futile.
Freedom is irrelevant;
Self-determination is irrelevant;
You must comply.
Strength is irrelevant.
Death is irrelevant.
Your defensive capabilities
are unable to withstand us.
Resistance is futile.
Your life, as it has been, is over.
From this time forward, you will service us.
bob the 3rd: get off my channel!!
Bob the 3ed
22-09-2003, 04:36
we will comply.
no, my "friends", i know you will do something to "piss" him off
We might be able to take some aspects of Borg Technology. We do have nanites... but we're not that evolved yet. Maybe soon. Can you help us?
Bob the 3ed
22-09-2003, 05:22
We might be able to take some aspects of Borg Technology. We do have nanites... but we're not that evolved yet. Maybe soon. Can you help us?
i can, but the borg needs to go back to it's cage
the nannoprods are not linked to the collective and if we reprogram a few trill to not put in the hive mind then it mite work
Bob the 3ed
22-09-2003, 05:24
i just saw that i'm bigger then you... wow
We might be able to take some aspects of Borg Technology. We do have nanites... but we're not that evolved yet. Maybe soon. Can you help us?
i can, but the borg needs to go back to it's cage
the nannoprods are not linked to the collective and if we reprogram a few trill to not put in the hive mind then it mite workIf we can study the technology base, we can supply the power and programming. We just mainly want the replicator technology.
Bob the 3ed
22-09-2003, 05:25
yes well that'll work to :(
i just saw that i'm bigger then you... wowMe too... not in size though, but in numbers and in power by far :)
yes well that'll work to :(? why u sad about that? :P We want a LOT of borg technology
but we want to avoid the collectiveness.
Bob the 3ed
22-09-2003, 05:28
yes... avoiding the collective is good
OOC: can you make pics for me?
yes... avoiding the collective is good
OOC: can you make pics for me?maybe... tomorrow...
Bob the 3ed
22-09-2003, 20:03
i just saw that i'm bigger then you... wowMe too... not in size though, but in numbers and in power by far :)
power, maybe, but not likly
Bob the 3ed
22-09-2003, 20:05
so i'll give you the nano's for 50% off all my perchesis in the next month(RL)
so i'll give you the nano's for 50% off all my perchesis in the next month(RL)35% off. And we would like one full ship to research... even a small scout ship, or a sphere or something.
Bob the 3ed
22-09-2003, 22:57
tell me the one/3 you want
1 Borg Sphere, 1 Borg Probe. No drones. If I find one drone (or any cyborg for that matter) on that ship, I will personally kill you :) just a warning :)
23-09-2003, 00:00
For some time the People's Republic of KommelianBerg has been interested in acquiring or purchasing military hardware for space combat. The PRoK's Ministry of Defence hereby would like to order 20 Legolas Class Battlemecha's from the Capsule Corporation.
We will pay 200 million Kroners for each Battlemecha providing they are produced on schedule and you provide some initial operational aswell as technical training. We would like the Battlemecha's ready for by the 28th of September.
Do you accept?
Bob the 3ed
23-09-2003, 00:23
1 Borg Sphere, 1 Borg Probe. No drones. If I find one drone (or any cyborg for that matter) on that ship, I will personally kill you :) just a warning :)
well... you see... it can still assimilate you.
For some time the People's Republic of KommelianBerg has been interested in acquiring or purchasing military hardware for space combat. The PRoK's Ministry of Defence hereby would like to order 20 Legolas Class Battlemecha's from the Capsule Corporation.
We will pay 200 million Kroners for each Battlemecha providing they are produced on schedule and you provide some initial operational aswell as technical training. We would like the Battlemecha's ready for by the 28th of September.
Do you accept?Confirmed.
1 Borg Sphere, 1 Borg Probe. No drones. If I find one drone (or any cyborg for that matter) on that ship, I will personally kill you :) just a warning :)
well... you see... it can still assimilate you.Disable that too.
Bob the 3ed
23-09-2003, 04:18
i've tried, it won't work
i've tried, it won't workWell... we'll just inject the research crews with our anti-borg nanites... a simple antibody-like program installed into our current nanites... afterall, the borg nanites behave like a smart virus, constantly changing... soo... we should be able to hold them off until we find a way to permanantly subdue them.
Go ahead and deliver the ships to a point 30,000,000 kilometers from neptune... here... *sends coordinates* We will rendezvous there.
OOC: I hope you don't mind, but I am gonna go ahead and start a research thread on the assumption that they have been delivered, will post the link soon.
hey those are our ships :!: :!:
We are the Borg.
Lower your shields, and surrender your ship.
We will add your biological and technological
distinctiveness to our own.
Your culture will adapt to service ours.
Resistance is futile.
Freedom is irrelevant;
Self-determination is irrelevant;
You must comply.
Strength is irrelevant.
Death is irrelevant.
Your defensive capabilities
are unable to withstand us.
Resistance is futile.
Your life, as it has been, is over.
From this time forward, you will service us.
Bob the 3ed
23-09-2003, 15:23
back to your cage!!!
OOC: Bob, several people are asking... how are you a borg nation without being part of the collective?
What would it cost for the plans and rights for the 2 mecha?
23-09-2003, 20:26
I would like to add the Kolob-Class Carrier to my list, if I may :D
I would like to add the Kolob-Class Carrier to my list, if I may :Dconfirmed.
What would it cost for the plans and rights for the 2 mecha?710 million.
*money wired*
ooc: how long do the take to make?
*money wired*
ooc: how long do the take to make?It depends on the facilities.
Our assembly line take 6 weeks to make one, overlapping and outputting at about 5 a week.
how much do factorys like yours cost???
how much do factorys like yours cost???Hmmm... well, it cost us a few trillion... but ours is not for everyone, ours is on a space station.
how much do factorys like yours cost???Hmmm... well, it cost us a few trillion... but ours is not for everyone, ours is on a space station.
o ok just wondering
one The Kolob-Class Carrier
Bob the 3ed
29-09-2003, 05:40
2 Kryptonite-Class Cruiser
4 Reflex-Class Corvette
72 CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter
2 Kryptonite-Class Cruiser
4 Reflex-Class Corvette
72 CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighterorder Confirmed
We would like one Reflex class corvette, with the following systems removed:
Chlorophusion control chamber, Hyperdrive, Missile Hardpoints, Repeating Plasma-Bolt Cannons, Deflector Shield
OOC: In other words, we want to keep with our tech, but get that really, really cool Farad system. We'll replace that stuff with our own equivilents.
Bob the 3ed
02-10-2003, 00:16
2 Kryptonite-Class Cruiser
4 Reflex-Class Corvette
72 CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighterorder Confirmed
and now... i'll have it agin but with "bob borg"(my moded borg(lets see, that's yours,blue , mine, red, and the -borg-,green, now))
OOC: all i need is pics of it, red not green or blue, otherwise is all stats the same as Capsule borg
CC Speaking:
S and E - The chlorophusion is there for a reason... It has a much higher output of energy than a fusion reactor, and anything less would seriously underpower the Farad system.
Bob- Sure, but, uhh, You'll be doing all the modifying, right? Cuz we can't afford to do that IC to all those fighters. I'll make the pics though... which ones and how again?
Bob the 3ed
02-10-2003, 00:45
Kryptonite-Class Cruiser
Reflex-Class Corvette
CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter
red borg tech
are these ok? Or should I photoshop them a bit more.
Capsule, we use antimatter reactors. They produce far more power than fusion reactors, normal or chlorophusion. It's a scientific fact that nothing is better at producing energy than M/AM reactions. The only downside is when they breach. You need to get your escape pods out of there fast :) .
02-10-2003, 03:15
I greatly intrested on how you discovered antimatter, SE.
OOC: It's antimatter... come on. We have made antimatter today in RL, just not in large quanities. It would be easy as pie for a future-tech nation to make an antimatter reactor.
I'll take:
1 Kolob class cruiser= 320 bill
3 Omni class Frigates= 285 bill
4 Reflex class corvette= 100 bill
30 ccf-16 "Starfalcon"= 25,500,000,000
30 ccf-7 "Senine"= 22,500,000,000
12 ccf-11 "trick fighters"= 6,500,000,000
20 Legolas's= 3,900,000,000
total of= 758,400,000,000 :shock:
money will be wired
I'll take:
1 Kolob class cruiser= 320 bill
3 Omni class Frigates= 285 bill
4 Reflex class corvette= 100 bill
30 ccf-16 "Starfalcon"= 25,500,000,000
30 ccf-7 "Senine"= 22,500,000,000
12 ccf-11 "trick fighters"= 6,500,000,000
20 Legolas's= 3,900,000,000
total of= 758,400,000,000 :shock:
money will be wired*Capsule Corporation confirms*
Bob the 3ed
02-10-2003, 04:26
are these ok? Or should I photoshop them a bit more.
good, good, but if all looked like that would be better
Lighter, how about that... or what needs to be changed?
Bob the 3ed
02-10-2003, 04:42
the others, more like
BTW, so you can see my fleet
BTW, borg nanoprobes
I really do not understand what you are asking kiddo.
Bob the 3ed
02-10-2003, 04:59
the others more like the Kryptonite, with the red lights(the glow), not blue
the lights are blue
Oh whoops, I see it, wrong texture, my bad. It's just on the reflex, right? I'll fix it and post it tonight
10 legolas class mechas please
thats around 1,950,000,000 right?
11-10-2003, 12:29
Wow. This must be one of the most classiest storefront's i've ever seen!
All pictures you made yourself? Wow. Here's 50 million USD just for that. *money wired*
We'd like to purchase two Kryptonite-Class Cruisers.
950 billion will be wired upon confirmation.
I would also like to purchase 50 samson class mechas
11-10-2003, 17:02
id like 4 kryptonite cruisers
and 2 kolob carriors
Do i get a price reduction for beinging in the gallactice allince?
Bob the 3ed
11-10-2003, 17:51
2 Kryptonite-Class Cruiser
4 Reflex-Class Corvette
72 CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighterorder Confirmed
and now... i'll have it agin but with "bob borg"
and again
BTW- i still need that pic
cc speaking:
tech - Holy cow, thanks man.
pwnica - order confirmed, on their way.
loxuis - order confirmed, they're on their way.
MW - not at the moment, still figuring out discounts... I might mail you a rebate soon ;) order confirmed, they'll be there by the end of next year for sure.
Bob - :shock: :evil: oops ;) i'll fix that today.
11-10-2003, 23:10
all right then Im just building my space fleat up bigger and bigger
Bob the 3ed
13-10-2003, 23:57
:shock: :evil: oops ;) i'll fix that today.
umm... no you won't... :evil:
2 Kryptonite-Class Cruiser
4 Reflex-Class Corvette
72 CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter
OOC: pic updated.
sorry for the delay... does that work?
IC: I'm dreadfully sorry, but our sales have been halted temporarily due to wartime preperations. You may reserve your order howver, or telegram us the order
Bob the 3ed
14-10-2003, 01:00
it works... "wartime preperations"?
Lord Bob The 3rd (
book keeper of the tri-alliance
Founder of the tri-alliance ( (
i can edit it if you want... and store closed due to:
Bob the 3ed
15-10-2003, 04:57
ok... it's to bright, and the lines of red can go... and can you do it to The Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette
K, we're back open now... might be a little slow to fulfill orders, so please no big orders.
order confirmed, bob
Bob the 3ed
17-10-2003, 23:56
thx. can i buy things for other nations that's not mine, and pay their money?
Umm, sure! BTW, please note this thread!:
Bob the 3ed
18-10-2003, 04:30
10 Moroni-Class BattleCruiser
20 Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvettes
360 TrickFighters
$ 4,134,000,000,000
BTW: how many TrickFighters can the Tachyon hold? and can you borgaliz the Tachyon?
order confirmed... and the tachyon borg mods costs about 150 Billion a piece (just to add the borg mods... not the total price).
Bob the 3ed
18-10-2003, 04:44
order confirmed... and the tachyon borg mods costs about 150 Billion a piece (just to add the borg mods... not the total price).
thx, but i'll add the borg myself...
BTW: how many TrickFighters can the Tachyon hold?
OOC all i need is the pic... but i'll pay 20,000,000,000 for it...
order confirmed... and the tachyon borg mods costs about 150 Billion a piece (just to add the borg mods... not the total price).
thx, but i'll add the borg myself...
OOC all i need is the pic... but i'll pay 20,000,000,000 for k
Umm... do the math (cuz I don't wanna) lol I gave the basic dimensions...
Bob the 3ed
18-10-2003, 05:29
i need...
1,186 TrickFighters
$ 770,900,000,000
i need...
1,186 TrickFighters
$ 770,900,000,000Whoa, big order... confirmed, expect it over the next 7 years.
Bob the 3ed
18-10-2003, 15:30
i'll send some of my people to help, i have psdo-plans
i'll send some of my people to help, i have psdo-plansOOC: Psdo plans?
IC: That won't be necessary, our facilities are already ouputting at nearly full power... there's just a few new systems we need to get working after the rennovation.
Your order may come sooner than we thought. Upon our latest figures... two years. The finished units ARE already on their way.
Bob the 3ed
18-10-2003, 20:23
i'll send some of my people to help, i have psdo-plansOOC: Psdo plans?fake, psdo(SP?) pod is fake foot, so psdo plans are fake plans... i tore one apart, and put it back together to get the plans so i could fix them
i'll send some of my people to help, i have psdo-plansOOC: Psdo plans?fake, psdo(SP?) pod is fake foot, so psdo plans are fake plans... i tore one apart, and put it back together to get the plans so i could fix themOOC: pseudo... try some vowels lol
Bob the 3ed
18-10-2003, 21:31
OOC: give me a break i got a 2% in english :evil: :!:
I'm planning an invasion on a region I used to be apart of and I have decided to use walkers for my landing to earth to do another beaches of norm thing, but I dont have any shuttles like drop pods that are big enough to carry my mechas and also carry supplies to my main base once I establish one, so...... I was wondering if you had any ships good enough for the invasion, and if you could rush delivery??? I have 110 walkers, 60 that bought from you, so I need you to set it up, and yeah. okay thanks.
Bob the 3ed
18-10-2003, 21:36
cc... you don't sell shuttles, do you... you need to make some
The tachyon-Class Corvettes can hold my walkers just fine... about 8 of them at least... but your walkers might be a little... ummm... bigger :)
CC doesn't like the whole "big" approach... as you can tell. ;)
cc... you don't sell shuttles, do you... you need to make someyeah... I know... I am working on it... The tachyon Corvette is not too bad... but i dunnoo... small things are harder to make :) don't worry.. one will come out shortly.
Bob the 3ed
19-10-2003, 00:42
8 Tachyon
176 TrickFighter
out of...
for him
I have walkers that are about the same size as yours so um yeah..... these ships would be alot easier to see if they were 3d? okay so um 20 drop pods, ( u know the corvette things) and are they good to go through atmoshpere of earth and out again?
The production rights and blueprints for the Moroni-Class BattleCruiser.
*Money wired*
King JWolf
Co-Founder of the Newbie Protection Agency
Member of the Extra Solar Union of Systems (ESUS) (
Wolf Kingdom Space Fleet (
all orders confirmed.
Lokas, I didn't want to clog up the first page with pics... I have all the ships rendered, just name one you want to see and I'll post the ship.
Oh, and I m almost done with my personal shuttle design... I'll post it soon.
Bob the 3ed
19-10-2003, 03:51
4 Kryptonites
144 TrickFighter
for Krono, pay by me(when i can)
We would like one Reflex class corvette, with the following systems removed:
Chlorophusion control chamber, Hyperdrive, Missile Hardpoints, Repeating Plasma-Bolt Cannons, Deflector Shield
OOC: In other words, we want to keep with our tech, but get that really, really cool Farad system. We'll replace that stuff with our own equivilents.
We would like to know the status of our order. As we said, we have antimatter reactors, so we do not need the Chlorophusion installed.
The Na Pali fleet commander would like to purchase 3 Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvettes.
The funds will be sent when the order is confirmed.
ALl orders confirmed and on their way...
S&E: Hmm... i thought I confirmed that order.. either way, It would take a lot of modifications to get an M/ARC into those ships.. but it could be done.
If you just want to buy the Farad system, the technology currently runs at 10 billion... you may find that much easier than wasting time with R&D and a ship.
Capsule Corporation has finished testing their new Celestial-Class personal shuttles. They are 15 meters long, have hyperdrives, and can hold up to 12 people. The ship also wields a single Rail Cannon, forward firing, fo defense.
More detailed stats to come later, you may buy these at 900 Million a piece.
THis all comes because of the recent increase in requests by consumers to see a personal shuttle model by CC... this is only the first, there will be more later.
Bob the 3ed
19-10-2003, 16:25
you need to put it on the frist page... nice though
yeah I would like to see the tachyon class corvette, and maybe you should start making transports for troop because they are neer to impossible to find on the forum, I dunno you might make a lot more money?
The Tachyon can be a troop Transport, could probably hold up to 2-300 troops. I just assumed you wanted to drop troops in already in vehicles or mecha... but yeah, you configure this for troops.
here's a 3d pic of the Tachyon... i rendered it a while ago, and the pic is from an RP... but oh well, maybe I'll render a better pic later:
This one is kinda dark, but oh well:
Bob the 3ed
22-10-2003, 05:28
OOC: CC i want to rp with you... now i'm not very good, but i want to try.
First off, I want to announce this technology... a new FTL Drive that will be installed on every new ship very soon.OOC: CC i want to rp with you... now i'm not very good, but i want to try.if you want toi do a Co-op RP with me, TRSN, and ,mercenary Soldiers and Krowomeh, go here:
Of course, it is well underway, but it is at a point where you could probably jump in. Read the threads linked at the beginning of the RP... or at least skim through them. Or I can try to summarize it for you over Telegram. Telegram me for the info.
We would like to purchase a Kryptonite Cruiser.
* Money Wired *
We would like to purchase a Kryptonite Cruiser.
* Money Wired *order confirmed
We would like to purchase 5 Legolas mechs. Also, could we get the shells and ammo that they use? *Wires the money*
We would like to purchase 5 Legolas mechs. Also, could we get the shells and ammo that they use? *Wires the money*yup, order confirmed. it's common ammo, but we'll throw some in with it.
Bob the 3ed
22-10-2003, 18:27
OOC: CC plz TG me the summay
OOC: CC plz TG me the summayOOC: K, i will later today
Bob the 3ed
22-10-2003, 19:51
Capsule Corporation has finished testing their new Celestial-Class personal shuttles. They are 15 meters long, have hyperdrives, and can hold up to 12 people. The ship also wields a single Rail Cannon, forward firing, fo defense.
More detailed stats to come later, you may buy these at 900 Million a piece.
THis all comes because of the recent increase in requests by consumers to see a personal shuttle model by CC... this is only the first, there will be more later.
you need to put it on the frist page... and i need 32
$28,800,000,000 sent
LOL allright, I will, need to fix a few things tho. order confirmed.
Bob the 3ed
23-10-2003, 03:15
you are forgitfol(SP?), you know
you are forgitfol(SP?), you knowI'm not forgetful, I am busy... it's only 8:00 here.
Bob the 3ed
23-10-2003, 17:18
it's 9:18AM here... i have school, and i get more done then you...
it's 9:18AM here... i have school, and i get more done then hey, I'll make sure you're in on the next one, ok? :P
Bob the 3ed
23-10-2003, 21:08
next one what? you still need to put the Celestial-Class shuttles on the frist page...
next one what? you still need to put the Celestial-Class shuttles on the frist page...I need to make images for them... hold on.. jeez. Plus I am still busy IRL, I only get on for a few minutes at a time.
Bob the 3ed
25-10-2003, 02:58
next one what? you still need to put the Celestial-Class shuttles on the frist page...I need to make images for them... hold on.. jeez. Plus I am still busy IRL, I only get on for a few minutes at a time.i... i... damn, i have nothing to say... sry... what do you do?
Can I purchase one CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter please, money wired on confirmation.
Due to enhanced Manufacturing abilities, prices have been SIGNIFICANTLY lowered! See for yourselves!
Bob the 3ed
26-10-2003, 22:37
and you did not put in the Celestial-Class personal shuttles
and you did not put in the Celestial-Class personal shuttlesThe blueprint pic is still screwed up, working ont rying to get it to work... lightwave is being gay.
We are interested in the Moroni-Class BattleCruiser, but would like to see a 3-D example, if possible.
Moroni-Class Battlecruiser
Moroni-Class Battlecruiser
Excellent. We'll take four.
Our men are in need of training on the systems and their capabilities. Will you provide that service for another $50M? (ooc: we're gonna need to know what everything on that ship does, and how it does it)
$650,000,000 transferred (with a hold on the last 50 until confirmed).
Order confirmed.
I'll telegram you soon with everything you need to know.
Order confirmed.
I'll telegram you soon with everything you need to know.
OOC: Just a reminder for that info on everything about the ships' systems.
Can you show me a 3d pic of The Reflex-Class Corvette?
Reflex Class:
Cav: Sorry man, been busy. What exactly do you need to know OOC'ly? Most of everything is covered in my essay topics... meh, whatever, I'll just post it all here, be prepared for a long post!
*next post*
All Capsule Corporation Unique Technology
[Cut and Pasted from several threeads, unedited, bear with me please]
Info on CC LiquidMetal^2 Armor [reference]
This is the armor used on all the Capsule Corporation Capital ships, and a close similarity of the armor on the Mecha and starfighters.
LiquidMetal^2 is an advancment of the 20th Century's "LiquidMetal," made the same way, but with stronger, Triton-mined alloys.
Usually, the armor is pretty much as diagramed in the picture above, using the outer hull to take light projectile fire, with the elasticity and strength of the LiquidMetal^2 able to bounce small arms and bullets etc. off the hull. To absorb high-velocity/high-mass projectiles, the LiquidMetal^2 can give way into the steel supports below it, into the next layer of armor, absorbinbg a good deal of the shock before it can hit the main titanium hull.
It's a simple design, but we find it to be effective.
OOC: I just wanted to post this in case anyone was curious.
Capsule's Farad Project
The Farad System, named after the measuring unit of capacity, turns a specially-designed twin-hulled ship into basically a large capacitor. It draws energy from the reactors, or whatever happens to be the main energy source of the ship, storing energy in between the hulls, taking about 15-30 seconds to charge, and then the energy can be expelled in one of 2 ways:
1. A powerful energy wave shooting forward that, depending on setting and ship size, can fire a beam strong enough to rip the flesh (hull) off a starship of equal size, vaporize a smaller ship, or burrow a hole through a large ship.
or 2. A powerful shield, Green in color, which can take a serious pounding for up to 15 seconds, from almost any weapon, even a LASER (due to it's heavy Green tint) or a Collision (Internal systems could be severely damaged, but not as much as full impact). However, a strong blast, such as a high-speed collision, or something like a superlaser, or a larger farad system, will cripple the Farad system after use, taking a while to repair, if not destroying it.
After normal use, the Farad system will will take a good 5-10 minutes to cool (depending on size), any less, and the gun will burn-out/overload.
More info coming soon... The project will be tested in 3 years, a corvette will be ready in 7, and a Flagship with this weapon will be completed in 12-15 years. (1 year=1 Day)
----CCNN Reporter: Today, Capsule Corporation completed testing of the Farad system. They expect to have the corvette-mounted version ready in a few years.
Test ship FARAD:
We apologize that we can't show you the actual test video... but we have created these crude images:
Chlorophusion Technology
OOC: This is classified information, meant only for OOC knowledge.
A recent mining accident on Triton, after the attack on our mining facilities by the gurlanai race, "opened the door" to a large cavern, filled with air, without the need of life support. A small spring was flowing in this large room about 2 miles beneath the surface of triton. To make a long story short, we discovered the place to be a semi-natural biosphere, sustaining itself with plantlife, water, and... electricity. It took us several days of studying the plantlife and the water to discover that over half the vegetation, and all the water, was artificially created. One type of plant was especially abundant... a purple flower, growing in groups of 3, that has properties of organic fusion at the cellular level. We were unable to explain it. Even at deeper scans of the cavern, we discovered a series of pumps, and life support systems, held active by these plants' electricity, which in turn, kept all the plants alive, in a sort of natural stasis... for possibly thousands of years.
We questioned the LGMs from the principality of Lord Claw, and they say they had heard stories about it, but thought it was long gone. Upon deeper research of their history and lore, ancient LGMs (Little green men) built the structure to hide it from other races while the flowers incubated, un fortunately, volcanic and seizmic activity on triton over the years burried it, and they were unable to find the biosphere.
Historical documents are being used in conjunction with our best scientists to find out how to harness this power, trying various tests on the cellular structure.
More info to come as more develops over the years.
OOC: This plant, when properly handled/exploited, will be able to power our smaller starships with the power generating capabilities of larger ships, allowing us to have space fold drives on our smaller capital ships. The plant also works as a drug, sort of. it gives mind-enhancing powers to users, raising to about 15-20% brain power, instead of the usual 10%. Another property to be discovered in a few years, is that when used to power computer AI systems, like on fighters and mecha, the drug-using pilot will be able to basically meld with the AI, and control the mecha with his/her mind.
----*Supliment to Classified report*
Our scientists, still boggled by this plant, have dubbed the energy-generating process "Chlorophusion." They managed to create a makeshift reaction chamber, using key cells from this plant as a sort of long-lasting battery. The chamber was actually just a glass of a solution of distilled water and copper minerals, and a few electrodes and wires hooked into the cluster of extracted cells floating in a small pill-shaped capsule. With that pill-sized amount of chlorophusion, they were able to power a 22 gHz home computer, the 27 inch widescreen plasma monitor, and a pretty decent Bose Sound system.
All testing thereafter was successful as well. Our scientists are rainstorming hundreds of ways to use this plant.
Earlier this year, Capsule Corporation, in secret, managed to duplicate the biosphere, and did so nearly perfectly. We now plan to install 2 to 4 of these biospheres on our flagship when it completed.
----*Classified report*
Supplimental. Chlorophusion has been up for sale for several years now... but the most interesting tech has come on the microscopic scale. We have been able to use chlorophusion cells to power blood-cell-sized nanites.
The Chief said it best.
"The body is a chaotic thing... often times thinking too slow for it's own good... have you ever noticed it takes way too long to figure out how to make an anti-body, or realise that it needs to heal a wound... there are many things that, if we manage to control them, we can speed up.
What you just swallowed are Chlorophusion-powered nanites.... blood-cell sized machines that work as traffic cops in your bloodstream. It will fight off a disease, virus or bacteria, in a matter of an hour, before you even feel the symptoms... plateletts will move in and clot your blood, stopping bleeding nearly instantly... your brain will even operate slightly more efficiently... and of course, headaches, will never really be a problem. "
No sideaffects have been discovered... save for a few immediate effects due to the "shock" of the new sensations one might feel. Users are able to connect with AI almost "telepathically," gaining all the sensor data and being able to control a mecha or a fighter or an AI as if it were an extension of their own body.
Tested multiple times, it has been proven... those who are born of a parent with Chlorophusion nanites in their bloodstream, are born genetically "perfect." No defects, and in factr, some have turned up with an IQ well over 200. Jared Capsule's 3-year old son is currently at a High-School reading level. He learns flawlessly.
However, the nanites can not replicate themselves, and each "pill" (one per user for a lifetime) costs about 100,000 credits.
We've begun to open relations with Phalanix, a strong ally, and have begun testing it on one of their elites. Seems to be working great.
-----OOC: First question: The unnatural part of the biosphere, was that it had pumps and stuff operating the water and regulating temperatures.
and this "fusion" between man and machine,. isn't fusion, it's a data link. Your brain takes electronic impulses and converts them into information you can udnerstand... your eyes, your ears, your nerves, your smell and taste... all operate on electrical impulses to the brain. with these guys hanging around your blood and generating electrical impulses, when you come into contact with a man AI of similar technology, contacts built into the interface can allow you to conduct the electrical impulses from the computer, into your body, into the nanites, going to the brain, sending the information toy our brain.
yes, i did think this out, no it's probably not very possible, but hey, it's sci fi, and the concept works.
Borg Technology
CCNN Report:
Currently, the Capsule Corporation is working on a project to incorperate Borg Technology, from the nation of Bob The 3ed, into their military fleets. They were somewhat suprised with the results, because the Capsule Corporation's Chlorophusion nanites were able to combat the borg technology on the cellular level... The Borg Tech has been converted and reprogrammed into controllable machinery, which does not require full drones, only nanite-enhanced crewmen. The adaptive equipment is still being grafted onto the existing test ships, but it seems to be doing most of the work itself.
Here are some of the test vehicles:
The CCSS Legacy, Omni Class
The CCSS Israel, Tachyon Class
A Trickfighter Class
As you can tell from the pictures, the tamed, Chloro-Borg nanites not only emit a different color than normal borg tech, but they have completely taken over the systems of the the ships, and enhancing the Tritanium-LiquidMetal alloyed armor with regenerative properties. The Nanite-constructs themselves are made of the same alloys the Armor on CC ships is made of, so it stays strong, along with its regenerativeness.
However, side-affects are still being looked for... a major one already found being that the nanites need a very large supply of Chlorophusion to multiply. While CC continues to grow more, it'll be hard to harvest enough to refit more than just a few of their ships. Already, the chlorophusion needed to adapt the Omni-Class Legacy was the same as enough to power 25 CC frigates of the same class.
More to come as this develops.
------------The new CEO, Jacen Capsule, gave Commander Thornton of the CCSS Kryptonite, one of the main gardenships of the fleet, and also the flagship, to be converted to Chloro-Borg Technology.
In a matter of hours the ship had been overrun with the nanites, and by the end of the month, the ship was fully converted. The crew is still adapting to the new systems.
-----They are cool looking. It makes them look evil and badder.That's basically what I was going for.
Besides, the Borg tech doesn't do too much other than make the shields adaptive and the hull regenerating... but it doesn't make it impossible to destroy.
Besides, it costs a buttload. The transformation of the CCSS Kryptonite docked us about 2 trillion dollars off our Harvest stock. The CC store will be down for a short bit.
-----Final Report:
One full Capsule Corporation Battle Group has been upgraded with Chloro-Borg Nanites. This means a total of:
1 Kryptonite Attacker Foldship: CCSS Kryptonite
1 Kolob Class Carrier Foldship: CCSS Kolob
6 Omni-Class Hyperships: CCSS Legacy, CCSS Aiwa, CCSS Skipper, CCSS Alto, CCSS Luna, CCSS Kershaw.
4 Tachyon-Class Hyperships: CCSS Tachyon [Attack configured], CCSS Comprasa [Dropship Configured], CCSS Israel [Scout Configured], CCSS Northgate [Explorer Configured]
The Following are not chloro-borg adapted, but are still part of the battlegroup:
36 CCF-7, 36 CCF-16, 36 CCF-11, 36 Legolas (Actually, 4 of each of these are Chloro-Borg modified)
FTL Technologies
Current Capsule Corporation FTL Technology:
All larger Capsule Corporation ships, also known as the FoldShips, are equipped with a Space-Fold Drive. This drive consumes a great amount of energy, one we've only been able to provide with the Chlorophusion Power Technology (, to pull two points in space together, allowing instant teleportation between two points. THis is called "Space-Fold" because it is much like the analogy of drawing two points on a piece of paper, then literally bringing the two points together by folding the paper rather than drawing a line between them. Obviously this ability grows significantly harder with distance, which is why our largest, most efficient Space-Fold Drive in existance is only able to reach a maximum of 500 light years.
For long range travel, all Capsule Corporation Ships (with the exception of the production short-range fighters) are equipped with Hyperdrives. Hyperspace ((this is the Star Wars type hyperspace I am speaking of)) is a plane of easy movement that exists slightly beneath normalspace. Propells you at high speeds through a "tunnel" of hyperspace you create with energy in your ship... the better the hyperdrive the faster it goes. Hyperdrive Multipliers is a scale relative to the average corvette... usually fighters can make a coefficient of 1, hot rods can make .5, and big capital ships can make around 6... Hyperdrive Multiplier=x1 = roughly 1,000,000c/1... as a simple rule, just divide 10^6c by the multiplier number.
And finally, for communication, Subspace Transceivers allow a ship to transmitt a message through subspace, an actual plane of existance completely beneath realspace. Lightspeed is almost instantaneous here, and thus, transmissions can be almost instantaneous. The average heavy Subspace Tranmsceiver has an active range of about 5,000 light years.
Recently out of the research ( stage is a mixture of the Hyperdrive and the Space Fold Drive, called the Cascading Hyperspace Fold Drive. This system is being installed on every FoldShip, and will allow mini fold jumps INSIDE hyperspace, allowing very rapid travel for FoldShips at about 10 Million C (1200 ly/hour) relative to realspace.
----------------------------------------------------------- (
CC Technology:
Vehicles and Vessels (
Farad Technology (
Chlorophusion Technology (
LiquidMetal^2 Armor Technology (
Chloro-Borg Technology (
FTL Technologies (
Thanks a lot CC. Can we see a 3-D pic of the Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette? We're interested in a few of those too. :D
Here's a 3d pic of the Tachyon... i rendered it a while ago, and the pic is from an RP... but oh well, maybe I'll render a better pic later:
This one is kinda dark, but oh well:
can I have 5 moroni's please, money wired on comfirmation.
30-10-2003, 03:41
we'll take 2000 Legolas Class Battlemecha for 70,000,000,000..*money wired upon delivery
Order confirmed, they will arrive over the next 5 years.
We'll take 10 Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvettes as well.
$150 billion wired.
Order confirmed, on their way.
3 Reflex
3 Tachyon
No Hyperdrives. I have no need for them as we are only concerned with the Sol System.
Money sent.
3 Reflex
3 Tachyon
No Hyperdrives. I have no need for them as we are only concerned with the Sol System.
Money sent.Hmm... ok. Order confimred, I'll deduct 50 Million from your entire order.
BUMP for new Item:
The Mahonri Moriancumer-Class Attack Dropship
"MC" for short
Role: Troop Transport, Mecha Transport, Anti-GravShip, Anti-Structure, Anti-Artillery, and MedEvac.
Length: 27 meters
Height: 7.5 meters
Wingspan: 17 meters
Crew: 1 Pilot, 2 Gunners, 1 Basic AI (Complementary)
Powerplant: Chlorophusion control chamber, 2 Plasma Engines under each wing (4 total) for forward movement, 2 Heavy Plasma Engines in wingtips (4 total) for Vertical thrust, Countless Ion-Drive Reaction-Control Trhusters, a basic repulsorlift drive for assist in landing and takeoff.
FTL Drives: None
Inertia Nullifiers: Yes
Docking Capabilities: Fits easily inside the bay of a Tachyon-Class Corvette.
Cargo Space: 17m x 5m x 6m, or configured to carry up to 50 Troops tightly packed.
Weapons: 2 Torpedo tubes, 6 Heavy Plasma-bolt cannons (forward-fire only, fire linked or fire alternate) for basic assault, and 4 Turret-Mounted Farad Beam Weapons for precision striking.
Defenses: A thick LiquidMetal^2 Armor, and a Xanthal Type III shield.
Atmosphere Capable: Yes. Landing Capable: Yes.
Re-Entry Capable: Yes.
Price: 210 million
bump! Someone buy something! :)
Bob the 3ed
06-11-2003, 07:03
Capsule Corporation has finished testing their new Celestial-Class personal shuttles. They are 15 meters long, have hyperdrives, and can hold up to 12 people. The ship also wields a single Rail Cannon, forward firing, fo defense.
More detailed stats to come later, you may buy these at 900 Million a piece.
THis all comes because of the recent increase in requests by consumers to see a personal shuttle model by CC... this is only the first, there will be more later.put it on the frist page
Capsule Corporation has finished testing their new Celestial-Class personal shuttles. They are 15 meters long, have hyperdrives, and can hold up to 12 people. The ship also wields a single Rail Cannon, forward firing, fo defense.
More detailed stats to come later, you may buy these at 900 Million a piece.
THis all comes because of the recent increase in requests by consumers to see a personal shuttle model by CC... this is only the first, there will be more later.put it on the frist pageBah, fine, even though I just made a better version :p
on second thought, screw that shuttle, the MC is far better, and only slightly bigger. If you REALLY want to see it on the storefront, fine.
imported_The UND
09-11-2003, 02:45
Judicator Lucius wishes to purchase the following:
200 CCF-11 "TRickfighter" Aero/space fighers=4billion
500 Samson Class Battlemechas=12.5billion
500 Legolas Class Battlemechas=17.5billion
money is being wired now
imported_The UND
09-11-2003, 02:47
total cost=34,000,000,000
imported_The UND
09-11-2003, 02:51
total cost=34,000,000,000
*Capsule Corporation confirms your order*
5 CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter
money will be wired on confirmation
5 CCF-11 "TrickFighter" Aero/space Fighter
money will be wired on confirmationorder confirmed, on their way.
The Moroni-Class BattleCruiser ... 3d Pic Please:)
Capsule Only:
Generic Version
Okay, whats the difference.. If there is none.. I'll take 5 for a price of 750 billion correct? Money wired. Waiting for confermation.
Okay, whats the difference.. If there is none.. I'll take 5 for a price of 750 billion correct? Money wired. Waiting for confermation.Order confirmed, they will be delivered within the month.
I'd like to purchase the blue prints for The Tachyon-Class Multi-Role Corvette, and the technology to produce their cells. please reply with the correct info and price.
The cost is 30 billion. The plans and technology blueprints will be sent to your nation as well as seeds for the Chlorophusion plants.
Money Wired. Please Post 3D Pics.
lol for pete's sakes... reposting:
Here's a 3d pic of the Tachyon... i rendered it a while ago, and the pic is from an RP... but oh well, maybe I'll render a better pic later:
This one is kinda dark, but oh well:
The Gulf States
12-11-2003, 07:06
Wow. This shit is expensive.
1.5 Trillion can buy me how much of a space military?
You could buy almost a full battlegroup... Give me a minute, maybe I can throw a package together for you.
And FYI, this is cheap :)
1 Kryptonite Class Cruiser - 190 billion
1 Kolob Class Carrier - 110 Billion
1 Moroni Class Battlecruiser - 150 Billion
9 Omni-Class Frigates - 405 Billion
6 Tachyon Class Corvettes - 90 Billion
6 Reflex Class Corvettes - 42 Billion
36 Mahonri Coriancumer Class Attack Dropships - 7.56 Billion
36 StarFalcons - 1.98 Billion
72 Senines - 3.24 Billion
36 TrickFighters - 1.44 Billion
72 Legolas Mecha - 2.52 Billion
36 Samson Mecha - .9 Billion
1,004,640,000,000 USD
That is designed to be 1 Capsule Corporation Battlegroup.
I'll round this whole battlegroup to 1 trillion even
The Gulf States
12-11-2003, 07:44
Oh, cool. Money transfered.
order confirmed, will arrive in less than a week.
Five Civilized Nations
20-11-2003, 16:56
The Five Civilized Nations would like to buy a Battlegroup to protect our exploration missions into the void against the increasing contacts with aliens...
US $1 trillion will be wired upon confirmation.
The Five Civilized Nations would like to buy a Battlegroup to protect our exploration missions into the void against the increasing contacts with aliens...
US $1 trillion will be wired upon confirmation.Order confirmed. It's on its way.
Sorry to say this, but the CC Storefront is now closed until further notice.