Interest in a Space Transfer Vehicle
I want to know how many countries would be interested in a transfer vehicle for up to twelve people, or two people and a couple hundred or thousand pounds of cargo. This vehicle would launch vertically, with liquid fueled fly-back boosters and a fuel tank. This would be much like the United States Space Shuttle, but would be half the size and fufil a different mission. Please post your comments.
05-09-2003, 04:11
We already use a rather efficiant "transfer" vehicle called an ISSCV/ISSAPC (Intersteler Space Carrying Vehicle/Armoured Personal Carrier) Seen here:
The ISSCV is more like a "crane" and can carry cargo pods. The "pods" can be innerchanged to carry APC pods, (approx. 30 infantry). We are not much on the "solid/liqued" fuel supply, but I'm sure that someone out there will buy them.
05-09-2003, 04:26
I want to know how many countries would be interested in a transfer vehicle for up to twelve people, or two people and a couple hundred or thousand pounds of cargo. This vehicle would launch vertically, with liquid fueled fly-back boosters and a fuel tank. This would be much like the United States Space Shuttle, but would be half the size and fufil a different mission. Please post your comments.
We sell modified STS craft (space shuttles) of numerous varieties. Just check here (