Onolian Refugee Return Treaty
Sadly, some citizens of the Democratic People's Republic of Onolia feel the need to try and leave our great nation. In the past year 1,500 people have managed to leave against the will of the state. By signing this treaty you commit yourself to returning any Onolian refugees, to Onolia, for immediate execution. Only through these strict measures can we preserve the gains made during our revolution.
Yours truly
DPRO Justice Minister
"Would Onolia give compensation for the return of possible refugees?
Tortar's strength lies in the diversity of its working class, and there might perhaps be a few Onolian refugees in the mix."
Overseer of Foreign Relations - Grandmaster Thraan
Friend Overseer, Onolia would compensate you with $10,000 for every refugee, or may compensate you with missile components for every 100 refugees. Only 1,500 of these criminals have betrayed Onolia, so there are probably no more than 20 in your populace.
DPRO Justice Minister
"Tortar will sign the treaty then, but we cannot guarantee that refugees would come all the way to the Mongolia region. Our great Emperor St. Deimos wishes your country the best in finding these deserters."
Overseer of Foreign Relations - Grandmaster Thraan
03-09-2003, 20:58
I cannot sign anything knowing that people could be put to death if i did.
I could sign if i had a promise they wouldn't be put to death....
Unless i could be compensated $50,000 for every refugee :twisted:
After the banning of "harry potter" books and cars and ciggerettes the great Republic of Novistana has suffered an economical depression and am in need of funds.
Sorry but under our legal code treason to the revolution is punished by death. Firing squad, we're far too civilised for hangings.
04-09-2003, 16:34
As i said, if you could pay $50,000 for each refugee then i could be persuaded to sign and i could get your refugees out of my factories and back into your custody.
If not I will be happy to keep them in my factories.
Good labour is hard to come by.
"Any luck with the refugees?"
Grandmaster Thraan
The Imperial Navy
26-09-2003, 11:37
"Executing refugees?"
"Yes sir."
"Good job no-one of ours is in that country."
"Indeed sir."
"Oh well... la de da..."